

CHD今週のメアリー&ポリー 1月13日と20日 コロナワクチンの問題の進展

2021年01月29日 12時06分20秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

CHD今週のメアリー&ポリー 1月13日と20日 コロナワクチンの問題の進展






‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: You Can’t Sweep Deaths Under the Rug + Free Pot With Your COVID Shot? + More

メアリー+ポリーとの「今週」:カーペットと無料のマリファナでCOVID注射による死を一掃することはできません? +その他

In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense vice chair and general counsel, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly discuss the growing reports of injuries and deaths from COVID vaccines … and more.


By Children's Health Defense Team 著者 子供の健康防衛


The Week’s Headlines-at-a-Glance:「今週」のヘッドライン


・Mainstream news is covering reports of deaths and injuries from COVID vaccines, including in Norway, Germany and California.



・As The Defender reported, in the U.S., 66 deaths have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).


These haven’t been fully investigated yet, but clearly many people, mostly the frail elderly but also some younger (as in the 56-year-old Florida doctor) are reporting serious injuries, even death. “People are dying from these vaccines. That can’t be swept under the rug by mainstream media.”



China called for the suspension of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and California’s head epidemiologist called for the suspension of one batch of Moderna vaccines.


“That’s a big deal. Remember, the Moderna vaccine is a joint venture between Moderna and the U.S. government.”



Adverse reactions to COVID vaccines that are being reported “are similar to those we’ve seen from HPV vaccines, only worse.”



・Some “fantastic” news: Massachusetts rescinded its flu vaccine mandate. “This is the power of the courts.”



・More exciting news: A group of scientists convinced the National Institutes of Health to no longer recommend against the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID.


“It’s very exciting that this cheap, effective treatment is no longer being withheld from patients.”



・A new peer-reviewed study from Stanford University says there’s no benefit to COVID lockdowns.


“There are lawsuits against these in virtually every state.”



・Despite a big push to get nursing home workers to get the COVID vaccine, some are pushing back.


Wisconsin nursing home said it will lay off employees who refuse the vaccine.


“We believe any attempt for an employer to mandate a vaccine that hasn’t been licensed by the FDA is illegal.


Under federal and state law, no one can be forced to participate in this experiment.”



The Telegraph reported that Germany’s eastern state of Saxony says it could put people who violate COVID quarantine rules in detention centers.


“Human rights lawyers say this won’t fly, but we have to be very concerned about these detention centers.”



Forbes reported this week that a group calling itself “Joints for Jabs” is offering free marijuana as an incentive to get the COVID vaccine.

フォーブスは今週、「Joints for Jabs」と名乗るグループが、COVIDワクチンを接種するインセンティブとして無料のマリファナを提供していると報告しました。

“What I find most disturbing about this article is this quote:


‘If you believe in the science that supports medical cannabis, you should believe the science that supports the efficacy of the vaccine.’


Science isn’t something you ‘believe,’ it’s something that’s proven.”



If you see something disturbing, as in evidence of “quarantine camps” or attempts to bully people into getting the vaccine, or if you or someone you know experiences an adverse reaction, please contact CHD@childrenshealth.org.

「検疫キャンプ」の証拠や、人々をいじめてワクチンを接種しようとするなど、何か気になることがあった場合、またはあなたやあなたの知っている人が副作用を経験した場合は、CHD @ childrenshealth.orgに連絡してください。

“These messages don’t go into a black hole, we react to all of them.”







‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: The Pope’s ‘Stunning’ Hard Sell on COVID Vaccines + More

メアリー+ポリーとの「今週」:教皇の「見事な」COVIDワクチンの販売促進 +その他

In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense vice chair and general counsel, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly talk about the death of a Florida doctor after getting the Pfizer vaccine, how vaccine propaganda is being revved up … and more.


By Children's Health Defense Team 著者 子供の健康防衛


The Week’s Headlines-at-a-Glance: 「今週」のヘッドライン


Children’s Health Defense is being increasingly censored, so please share our content widely and sign up for The Defender, where all of our videos will be posted.

Children’s Health Defenseはますます検閲されているので、コンテンツを広く共有し、すべての動画が投稿されるThe Defenderに登録してください。


The Defender and other news outlets reported on the death of a “perfectly healthy” Florida doctor 15 days after he got the Pfizer COVID vaccine from acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) a rare autoimmune disorder.


“Pfizer said it didn’t see this adverse event in its clinical trials, but those of us who have been tracking vaccine injuries for decades know this can occur.


We’ve seen it in young people who get the HPV vaccine, as Mary pointed out in her book, “The HPV Vaccine on Trial.”



・Norway is probing the death of two nursing home residents who received Pfizer’s vaccine.


“We’re going to hear this a lot. Are they dying directly from the vaccine?


Or are they vaccinated, then exposed to COVID?


We just don’t know, but this is what you’d expect from a poorly tested vaccine being put out into the general population.”



・The New York Times reported on the Pope’s statement that everyone has an “ethical obligation” to get the COVID vaccine.


“This was stunning, a real hard sell.


He’s saying take the vaccine, if you don’t, you might die — it’s part of the media strategy to use leaders that people look up to to push the vaccine.”



・As lockdowns take a toll on young people, a UK radio personality said young people may have to stay in lockdown until vaccinated, suggesting the public should be “completely safe” before restrictions are lifted.


Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the vaccination “will be your route to liberty.”



・The superintendent of the LA public schools told the media that once COVID vaccines are available to kids, all students will have to be vaccinated in order to return to school.


“This is the beginning of the propaganda push to vaccinate all children — the infrastructure for compulsory vaccination is the school system.


People need to know their rights.


These vaccines have been approved for emergency use only, so the government cannot mandate them, at least not yet.


But we are going to see a big push for this in 2022 and 2023.”



・The world’s first COVID vaccine patch is being developed in the UK.


“I’m not advocating for vaccines, but for people who choose to get vaccinated, this is a better option than an injection.


The immune system is better prepared to deal with something that enters the body via the skin.


But definitely don’t approve of a patch that links human data to the Great Mr. Global.”

しかし、人間のデータをGreat Mr. Globalにリンクするパッチを絶対に承認しないでください。」


・The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is preparing a massive, $250 million ad campaign to convince people to take the COVID vaccine.


“If they succeed in monopolizing the media and censoring people like us, they may convince a lot of people to get the vaccine.


I just hope people will ask why, if the vaccine is so good, do they have to push so hard?”



・Peter Doshi, associate editor at the BMJ and someone who’s studied vaccine science for more than a decade, questioned the efficacy rates publicized by Pfizer and Moderna and called for the drugmakers to release their raw data.

・(英国医学会雑誌) BMJの副編集長でワクチン科学を10年以上研究しているPeter Doshiは、ファイザーとモデルナが公表している有効率に疑問を呈し、製薬会社に生データの公開を求めました。

Based on data buried in 400 pages of information released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the clinical trials, Doshi came up with efficacy rates closer to 19% – 29%, not 95% as claimed by the vaccine makers.



・Doshi also co-authored an article in the New York Times urging an end to the hassling and demonizing of the so-called “vaccine-hesitant.”





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