

霧氷と草紅葉の燧ケ岳 ハードな百名山還暦登山

2009-09-27 | 山歩き

 長年の懸案だった燧ケ岳に10月の3連休を利用し思い切って出かけました。燧ケ岳(ひうちだけ)は日帰りだと距離が遠いため今まで話だけでなかなか行けなかった。今回は御池の駐車場に前泊したのでアプローチの無理は解消できた。しかし翌朝は寒くてぐずぐずしていたら出発は6時になってしまった。駐車場は車中泊の人たちが多く、明け方は今年一番の冷え込みだったとのことで皆一様に寒かったと言っていました。’08.10.12 同行者1人 晴

 尾瀬ヶ原より望む 燧ケ岳 ’07年10月撮影










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紅葉の尾瀬ヶ原 日帰りハイキング

2009-09-27 | 山歩き













 山の鼻の気温は12.5度。カメラマンに言われた言葉が気になるので、ビジターセンターで『草紅葉は何時ごろが見頃ですか』と聞いたところ、『今が見頃』と言う返事が帰って来た (2時) 。今年はいつまでも暑かったし紅葉情報も見頃は14日と出ていたので尾瀬の紅葉は未だかと思っていたが遅れてしまったのだろうか?。同行者が疲れたので研究見本園には行かず。










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手軽に3千m級登山、乗鞍岳 3,026m

2009-09-27 | 山歩き

 毎年のメインイベント、夏休み登山は白馬大雪渓を登る予定だった。しかし台風が来てしまい天気予報が絶望的なのですっかり諦め忘れていると、行くとの電話がかかってきた。大急ぎで支度をしながら出てくる、何か忘れたような気がする。2006年8月16日、天候:晴、交通手段:車 同行者:2人





 乗鞍エコーラインをシャトルバスで登っていくと、自転車で登っている強者を見かける。苦しいとは思うけれど車は少ないし、景色を一人占めできるので気持ち良さそう。何より日本の道路最高点まで自転車でいける、若い時に一度やっておくと良いだろう。”乗鞍岳 自転車”で検索すると凄い人がいるものだ。








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Secret to climb Mt. Fuji easily and economically.

2009-09-27 | 旅行

 How to climb Japan’s highest and beautiful mountain Mt. Fuji "富士山" . It is the opening of the mountaineering season of Mt. Fuji on July 1. Snow seems to be still left, but it will be a chance adversely. I climbed Mt. Fuji after my starting mountain climbing in the second year. Because I examined how to climb beforehand, I was able to climb it easily, but most people are affected by the mountain sickness when I hear it later to the various people, and there seem to be many failing people. Therefore I introduce the secret, a method to be able to climb economically and easily. 無料カウンター

 At first, it is economically and comfortable by a deep-discount bus tour (+α period extra for 8,800, http://www.clubgets.com/fuji/index.html). It leaves the “Shinjuku"("新宿駅")Station "Nishiguchi"("西口"west exit) in the morning. For two days and two meals are with it in one day. The bus sends you to the parking lot of the “Go-Goume”("五合目",fifth stage,"河口湖口"Kawaguchikoguchi") via “Chuo” Expressway and “FujiSubaru”-line. The guide does not get on a bus, but the person of the inn guides you from the parking lot to an inn. If you work as a wagon master you will become popular. There was an active girl employee at an inn and collected popularity on oneself. The balance of the “Nana-Goume”(seventh stage) and the “Hachi-Goume”(eighth stage, more higher than “Nana-Goume”) did not leave it, but all the people who paid it and did not pay it, were taken to the “Hachi-Goume”.However, I do not know whether English is usable by this tour.

 I think that there are many people who are affected by the mountain sickness because they cannot adapt highly when they go in a night travel forced march personally.

 Because it is a deep-discount bus tour, in addition these time is the summer vacation and Japanese traditional religion event “Obonn”. It will be very crowded. Therefor you had better avoid between August 13 to 15 and high charge days.

 The supper was the curry and rice which was served in a styrene tray, and I think to have got two ricebolls as a breakfast.

 The inn was bundling and hot, we had to be slept bundling together. I took a sleeping drug but I did not slept because it was too hot. I took a sleeping drug one more tablet and slept soundly, but, as for my companion, it seems not to have been slept by heat and the damage of my snoring. You had better to bringthe earplugs and the eye mask to be necessities. I hear that the sleeping medicine was not good for the altitude sickness. In the bed you can turn over on your back, but there are not sufficient space, and the bed of the bottom becomes hot because there is not a window. You had better sleep early without putting on "Futon"(a quilt)..

 In the cold and dark outside, a foreign parent and child were sitting on the bench, there were many foreigners in outside, and there seems to be the person sleeping in rock shade when I go to the restroom once at midnight. However, the outside is very cold. When you used normal means of transportation or a car, you must pay expensive fare or gasoline charges and a highway rate. Because it include with an inn fare and a pacemaker and a bath, using bus trip of 10,000 is more advantageous than outside. Probably your foreigners will not know this bus tour. In our tour, there was only a pair of foreigner.

 The person of the inn waked us up aloud at late-night half past 1am. We attach a head lamp and leave it at 2am. The neighborhood of top was considerably congested, but was in time for the sunrise seen from the top of a high mountain somehow. You had better depart early. Otherwise you cannot look at the sunrise from the top .

 I supply water enough from the day before (it said 3L or 4Litter within 24 hours). The person of the inn guides the up to an inn in ultra slow pace for high place conformity. It is a method of the breathing to be important here. When you vomit breath, quantity of breathing increases just to vomit three times and can take in enough oxygen with "huhuhuu" you are conscious, and climb of " huhuhuu " and continue it. You cannot but climb the up from an inn in super snail's pace the next day to be crowded.

 The example which failed in mountain climbing when useful homepage ("huhuhuu" was introduced in old days) http://www.3776.jp/taiken/taiken04-5.html reads this homepage some other time, a success example are useful in many things very much. This is a story of success and the failure. You can translate it in this site like me. http://honyaku.yahoo.co.jp/transtext 日:Japanese→英: English

 The distant view of Mt. Fuji was not provided by the Fuji mountain climbing and understood the form of Mt. Fuji in the shadow of Mt. Fuji.

 When you go for visiting the “Ohachi-Meguri”(meaning is rice tubs, round crater wall), you had better take a course in counterclockwise. You seem to enter by mistake on a scary cliff when you are clockwise and go. If you go in counterclockwise, you do not go to there. And you must never make a mistake in an exit.

 May it was an empty show of courage when I gave it to my companion tablets ” oxygen to eat “ he looked became slightly cheerful from mountain sickness ?. I ate, too, and the visiting "Ohachi-Meguri" did not have any problem. I brought 2.5L water and 3 jelly drinks. We came down on the run after having made a tour of the crater wall of Mt. Fuji , I felt to be able to climb it again. By the way, the water of 500ml is 200 at the “Go-Goume” and 500 at the “Hachi-Goume” and the top. It’s too expensive for me.

 My weight increased 2kg when I measured it in the bath of the return, probably because I supplied water and a calorie with jelly drink. I didn’t feel the fatigue probably because preparation was perfect. In fact, there were many things which I examined it on the Internet in various ways, but did not almost use it. The advice is only "huhuhuu". My companion who suffered from mountain sickness does not seem to have done it. It seems to be wisdom of the Grandmother, but thinks that I meet it enough even if the reason thinks in common-sense terms. But individual difference may be big. The weather was good, but the top needs a sweater or one piece of fleece under a rain outfit because it was cold. Day : August 11, 12 2004, Companion: 2men, Traffic : tour bus use.

 I bear no responsibility about this article. The situation of the mountain path will be changed. You must be careful enough, and please enjoy the mountain path by a self-responsibility.



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涼しく登れる甲武信ヶ岳日帰り登山千曲川源流コース往復  2,475m

2009-09-27 | 山歩き





 私にはかなりハイピッチで同行者にしごかれた、ほぼコースタイム通りでしたが抜いていったグループも多かった。いつものことだが朝が早く長距離の強行軍の為か疲れた。水は2L持って行きましたが涼しかったので1L程度の消費で済む。健康対策として良い運動を十分味わえ、ストレス解放も出来る。夏でも涼しいのでこれからの時期はお勧めです。2004年7月18日 天候:晴 同行者:1人 交通手段:車





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