

英国paper代写范文-The issue of fighting Child poverty

2017-07-22 17:58:03 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写范文-The issue of fighting Child poverty总结了在美国和英国解决儿童贫困问题。美国和英国对贫困儿童的政策不断变化,列出和提及,自2000年以来,英国政府显然有所不同,政府正努力减少贫困儿童人数。然而,在美国,儿童贫困率迅速上升,所以美国政府需要采取有效措施,帮助孩子摆脱贫困。本篇英国paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Master of Social Work
Dominican University
This article is designed to briefly sum up the issue of fighting Child poverty in the United States and United Kingdom. The changing policies in U.S. and in U.K towards child poverty are listed and mentioned, which apparently are different since 2000s as in U.K. the government worked hard to make sure the number of children who suffer from poverty can be cut down in half. However, in America, child poverty rate increased quickly so it needs the U.S. government to come up with effective measures to help the children get rid of poverty like that of U.K.
Keywords: Child Poverty, U.S. U.K. Policies
The problem of child poverty is different in U.K. and America because in U.K, the government came up with efficient policies for antipoverty and worked hard on improving the living standards of children while in America, it was the opposite because its econmy was in great recession.
In fact, for Uncle Sam, it tends to dedicate itself to move welfare recipient from solely receiving help to getting employed. This measure did make sure the problem of Child poverty did not get serious but its rate keeps going up while in Britain, a fewer number of children had to suffer from poverty.
However, in from the mid to the late 1990s, America government also did a good work like that of Britain because it helps the children to live in better conditions. However, since the twenty first century when flows of economic recession hit America, the child poverty rate started to rise up. In fact, the U. K. government successfully solved this problem because it aims at offering more protection to poor kids even when the nation’s economic development was slow and a good start helps the nation to decrease the rate of child poverty. Many effective measures had been taken such as offering help to low income families even though the parents are unemployed.
However, it does not mean the U.S did not make effort to help solving the problem because the U.S. government also spent a lot of funds in organizations like ARRA to provide services and education. They didn’t realize that ARRA might not work well when there are not enough jobs for adults, the parents of these children so when the parents are unemployed, it is likely that their children will be left without help and forced to grow up in terrible environment. Therefore, it is suggested that the American government also needs to come up with effective measures like that of U.K to help reduce child poverty as the U.K government had perfectly shown that it is possible to solve the issue if there are useful helpful policies.
Smeeding, T. M., & Waldfogel, J. (2010). Fighting child poverty in the United States and United Kingdom: An update. Institute for Research on Poverty. University of Wisconsin.


英国paper代写范文-“Sony” Case Study Journal

2017-07-22 17:54:07 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写范文-“Sony” Case Study Journal讨论了索尼在变革管理方面的案例。这表明,企业和组织结构的战略会随着市场竞争的转变,管理手段在改革中可能发挥重要作用。要推动改革革命,关键的手段就是加强限制力以外的驱动力。本篇英国paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


This journal aims to discuss the case of Sony in terms of change management. It demonstrates that the strategy of a corporation and organizational structure change in response to the market competition, where the means of change management may play important role in reform. To promote the reform and revolution, the key way is to enhance the driving forces beyond the restraining forces in very means.


As the Sony’ first western CEO – Stringer, he carried out a series of policies to turn around Sony.

Under the umbrella of Sony United, a substantial restructuring of the electronics division was imposed to eliminate the “Network Company” system and replace it with a more centralized Electronics Business Group.

It worked in some extent and the electronics segment achieved a 5.2% operating profit margin, which can be due to Stringer’s strategy.

As for the opportunity and difficulty for the Blu-ray, adding value to games and imaging products are the parts of growth strategy by Stringer. And according to Lewin’s theory, the driving force here is the trend of digital technology. The Blu-ray shows great advantage in the data storage, which is welcomed by market. However, the tough competitors such as Apple and Nintendo took powerful offensive in the game market nibbling a numbers of market shares from Sony.

Poor communication is one of the terrible at Sony.Undoubtedly, the network company structure makes contribution to the specialization and market reflection in a quick way. But its shortcoming is apparent and deadly.

He also went over budget for the development of PS3 without notifying String, and the European launch had to be postponed due to a shortage of some critical components.

CEO had extremely little information about the key divisions and they had considerable right of autonomy. It makes Stringer a mere figurehead in some way. What’s worse is that it is difficult to carry out cooperation between the divisions and implement feasible supervision of them. To improve this situation, Kutaragi resigned and passed the touch on to the next generation, which is able to strengthen the concentration of Sony.

The long history at Sony has pros and cons. Tremendous accumulation of technology and experiences give competitive edge, but the organizational structure becomes rigid, which is urgent to be changed. Amanda Edwards (2015) has stated that the dynamics and competitive landscape have changed. The pace of innovation across all the business in which we compete has changed. So Sony too must change. Obviously, Stringer has realized the old organizational structure at Sony, the network company style is not suitable for the innovation demands nowadays.

Stringer is the tour guide in the change management at Sony. According to Kotter, the steps to change management is to establish a sense of urgency, develop a vision and strategy, communicate the change vision, generate “short term wins”, anchor the new approaches in the culture and so on. To be honest, Stringer really made it. As it can see, he known the necessary of change beyond all the people among the company because he realized the dynamics and competitive landscape have changed. Besides, he has made great progress in the communications among the divisions and made Sony become centralization. In addition, the profit margin of company has increased after a series of policies. Last but not least, he never gave up the legacy at Sony trying to integrate and reinvent it so as to fit in the information age. However, though Sony got certain achievement by the end of FY2007, it remained some troubles during the process. One of it is the ideas of change are different, which places barriers on the way of reform.

Insisting to advance the reform is the main task for Stringer and Sony. “Stringer further reorganized the electronics division into two major groups – the Consumer Products Group and the Network Products and Services Group.” In this way, Sony can have a better knowledge of customer’s demand and cater them appropriately. Besides, to strengthen its technology, Sony promote the relationship with Toshiba cooperating in the high-tech area.


Sony struggled for many years. The more than 60 years legacy at Sony once supported it development but it is urgent to change management style now. Stringer carried out lots of policies in order to restructure Sony, which made some progress in some extent. However, the reform is still on the way.


Atsushi Sumi and Marcus Schuetz, 2011. Is Sony turning around?. The university of HONG KONG.

Amanda Edwards, 2015. New sony ceo may signal strategy change. The Associated Press.



2017-07-22 17:49:12 | 日記

第一段:阐明研究泡沫经济的意义。首先简要陈述了泡沫经济的基本概念和相关表现,然后通过相应的泡沫事件"South Sea Bubble corporate events"、"Tulip Event"、"John Law Event"表明泡沫经济由来已久,同时通过列举现代经济背景下所发生的Japan's bubble economy of the 1980s, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the US Internet bubble economy in 2000, and the 2007United States views Credit crisis说明当前泡沫经济的形势更为严峻,正如该段最后的主旨句所说:the bubble economy occursmore frequently, the affecting range is wider, the extent of harmfulnessis more serious, and the treatment measures is more complex。
第二段:分析泡沫经济出现的原因。首句“The emergence and deteriorationof the bubble economy is the result of the combined effects of many factors.”为主旨句,接着陈述了三大原因:作为“economic man”的经济主体、free market economic system以及inadequate financial supervision等。
第三段:泡沫经济对社会经济的影响。为了体现文章的辩证思维,从“the bright side”和“negative effects”两面来阐述泡沫经济的影响。主次分明,正面影响是次要的,负面影响才是核心,进而顺承到下一段的政策建议。
第四段:提出新时期缓解泡沫经济的政策建议。由于泡沫经济从产生、膨胀到破裂是一个漫长的过程,各时期的经济表现也不相同,因此该段从泡沫破裂前和泡沫破裂后两种情形下提出相应的政策建议,以使文章的内容更全面更丰满。首句“The trend of Bubble economy from expansionto burstis inevitable, but we can still take appropriate measures before and after the bubble economy burst so as to reduce its negative impact on the economy.”为该段的主旨句,接下来按照层次分别罗列了相关的政策建议。



2017-07-22 17:45:37 | 日記



英国留学:Term paper和research-paper是什么?

2017-07-22 17:36:27 | 日記
对于许多初到美国的留学生而言,我们会陆续的接触到Essay、Paper、Assignment等各种类型作业的写作,其中Paper也是较为常见的类型之一,Paper也能够分为许多种,我们接触最多的可能就是Term Paper(学期论文)和Research Paper(研究论文)这两种,那么Term paper是什么意思?research-paper又是什么呢?今天,我们51due英国代写平台将为大家讲解英国留学:Term paper和research-paper是什么?

留学,Term paper是什么,research-paper是什么?留学生作业代写,paper代写
一、什么是Term Paper (学期论文)?
通过对整个高等教育的教学过程组织分析后,我们发现,学期论文(Term Paper)的写作有明确的目的:考察学生对所接受的培训知识概括,并对具体专业问题开展复杂决策和应用的能力。学期论文(Term Paper)的选题一般会限定回答某一个专业与实际问题紧密相关的问题。
学期论文(Term Paper)帮助学生系统化的梳理、组织和应用所学的理论知识,并帮助老师检查学生掌握相关知识的程度和质量。
二、什么是Research Paper (研究论文)?
研究论文(Research Paper)一般会出现在某一个学习阶段结束后,用于考察大学或学院学生进行某项科学研究而书写的探索性论文。
写作研究论文(Research Paper)的基本要求:
1. 论文主题有一定的研究紧迫性,符合现代科学理念并在相应领域拥有一定的发展前景;
2. 针对主题进行专题研究并进行批判性的分析;
3. 所研究主题的近年研究状况,及其相应领域的最佳实践情况;
4. 研究主题的准确特点,研究的目的和研究过程描述、分析和试验情况;
5. 研究结果的归纳总结,证据、结论和实际应用建议。
学生写作研究论文(Research Paper)应该充分阅读理解课程内容,并在写作过程中边写作边实践,写作研究论文应该以积极开展实践研究为基础。
看完了以上对于Term paper与research-paper的详细介绍后,Term paper是和research-paper分别对应着学期论文与研究论文的意思各位留学生们是否也都清楚了呢?其中Term paper会有明确的写作要求,旨在帮助学生们更好地去梳理和了解课堂上所学的知识,而research-paper对于学术和专业知识要求会比较的高。

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