

优秀英国paper代写精选-Meet the Challenges and Keep My Head Up

2017-07-05 15:15:37 | 日記
本篇优秀英国paper代写精选-Meet the Challenges and Keep My Head Up讲了每个人都有自己的优势,每个人都有自己的优势。我们必须抓住自己的优势来处理事情或与他人相处。在学习,恢复,包容,智慧和语境方面,导致我进入一个捷径,我可以尽快赶上他人。 在生活中,恢复性,包容性和个性化促使我与他人友善有效沟通。我们要发挥自己的优势,然后我们努力实现美好生活!本篇paper代写由51due英国代写机构整理,供大家参考阅读。

All of us have our own obstacles in life which influence us a lot during our growth. By the strengths quest online, I learn about my five top strengths well. Thus, I would like to discuss what roles they play in my life here. According to the quest report, my five top strengths respectively are context, individualization, includer, intellection and restorative. Here, my strengths are divided into three different categories— executing, relationship building and strategic thinking. Relationship building includes individualization and includer, while strategic thinking includes context and intellection. And the restorative belongs to executing(Lisa G. Aspinwall, Ursula M. Staudinger, 2003). In the following essay, I will select three aspects of my life to discuss their influence — a language learner, a university student and an adapter to a new culture. At the end of the essay I will give a conclusion.
For a foreigner, a Chinese, to learning a second language, is not an easy job. When I just arrived in America, it is difficult for me to catch local speakers’ speed, intonation and etc. And includer, intellection, context and restorative play positive roles when I learn English. Includer is a strength that allows me to include others regardless of race, sex, nationality, personality or faith. By this way, I made friends with many foreigners and most of them are from English-speaking countries. A person who is inclusive with different things or people would be likely to accept them, which makes him magnanimous for learning different kind of knowledge(P. Alex Linley, Stephen Joseph, Martin E. P. Seligman, 2004). And I am the one who is doing myself while I can include other culture! Besides, I want to draw them into one unity so that they can feel the warmth of the group, and they also very enjoy getting along with me. During getting along with them, my spoken English is improved a lot. What’s more, I have learned much about the culture of English-speaking countries which also deepens my understanding of English. Intellection is a strength that advantages all learners. Because, no knowledge can be learned without thinking. Intellection asks students be of an independent mind when learning(P. Alex Linley, Stephen Joseph, Martin E. P. Seligman, 2004). Only when students can think independently and critically can they tell right from wrong instead of listening to others all the way. So when I am learning English, I always think about that why or how the words, sentences or their formations work as things exist with their reasons, and I won’t let them slip away from my head, which makes me study English with its law than memorizing mechanically. And context as well as intellection are both significant approaches for learning, when people have learned something they must review what they learned and neaten their train of thought to commit them to memory and strive for a further study because when people do some reviewing they can figure out what the insufficiency is at present. When we are doing context, we find out what the problem is and how to fix it(Lisa G. Aspinwall, Ursula M. Staudinger, 2003). As an English leaner, it is necessary to look back what I have learned to make a deeper understanding. For example, when I try to remember a new word used infrequently but usefully, I can’t keep it in mind once only. I must repeatedly read it, write it and make a full sentence by using it day by day. After a period of time, though I stop doing the review, I cannot erase the word from my head. So review is an important part of the learning process, it not only systematizes the knowledge, but also strengthens, consolidates and improves the understanding of knowledge while checking defects of knowledge to fulfill a proficiency of it. Then I am going to talk about a strength, restorative when learning English. In the early days of living here, speed of English talked by locals is so fast and sometimes they are talking so many slang that I am with no idea to understand what they are talking about! Even so, I push aside all obstacles and difficulties with help from others, with effort from reading local materials and listening to tape on internet. And now I can finally become more adaptable to local English!(C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, 2001)
In my imagination, campus life is yearned by everyone where people make many friends, build up a relationship with someone and learn something from professors etc. But, when I was abroad as a college student alone, I found every satisfactory result comes not easy. To look back to previous time in the university abroad, I find the strengths of includer, intellection and especially restorative make me stronger to encounter all kinds of difficulties. Here, students in college have no much time for entertainment, they spend much of their time studying in the library finishing various researches, essays or other assignments. When I was fresh, I was too hard to adapt myself to such high-pressed school life. And strength of restorative dose me a good favor. For instance, for a freshman it is difficult to locate the materials I need in such a big library and I don’t want to disturb others for help then I must learn how to find a book, which sounds ridiculous. Otherwise, every day I have little time for lunch while canteen is not so close to my department and I must try to take my lunch which is ready early in the morning to school in order to waste no time. As for I am not a student of arts, strength of intellection is necessary to think rationally. In usual classes or in some academic discussion, critical thinking asks me consider more to explore new territory, to create new things and to research in a new way that’s why intellection is an advantage for me. When it comes to making friends in university, includer is an essential strength to enlarge my friends circle. Regardless of race, sex, and nationality, there are conflicts among people when they live or work together because of different characteristic, habit, belief and so on. But how can they live in friendly terms with each other? That’s how includer works. When I feel no good with somebody, I always tell myself, he is not doing that on purpose and tolerance is a virtue, therefore, I let go of the dissatisfaction and classmates or schoolmates can also feel good with me, which makes me not so lonely in university.
In communicating with Americans as a new adapter to the US, there are some jokes made by me because of cultural difference. For example, one day, I was going to play volleyball with others which was my first time to play volleyball. When a person said, “let’s get the ball rolling!” and I was so confused about that, why did she shout to me to roll the ball and I just let it roll on the floor then everyone laughed except me. Slang exists in every country, especially in the US, with different races and beliefs, slang appears everywhere. So strength of includer is very helpful for an alien to acquire new expressions used by locals. If I perform unwillingly or refuse to accept exotic conditions and custom I will never know what they are talking about. On the other hand, individualization leads me to be intrigued by the unique qualities of each person that I can behave well in participating or even organizing many kinds of activities in society or university. In organizing an activity of students association, to recognize the characteristics of personality and distinction of each member is effective to assign different arrangement to them. Only in the way of clear division of labor, can activities be carried out efficiently and orderly. To take the hierarchy of bee for an example, there are different positions in a swarm of bees such as the queen, the worker, and the drone which are respectively playing different roles to make the family more stable and stronger. For a community, it is the same, people need to find their suitable position so the individualization is orienting a right direction for them.
All in all, every person has his own strengths, and each of those strengths has its own advantage. We must grasp our own strengths to handle things or get along with others. In study, restorative, includer, intellectionr and context in a way lead me into a shortcut where I could catch up with others as soon as possible. In life, restorative, includer, and individualization urge me to communicate with others friendly and effectively. What’s more, individualization in particular in a foreign country always reminds me of how to cooperate with others in a high-effective way. In a word, we play to our strengths then we strive for achieving a wonderful life(Andrea Bonior PhD, 2016)!
Andrea Bonior PhD, 2016, Psychology: Essential Thinkers, Classic Theories, and How They Inform Your World, Zephyros Press;
C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, 2001, Handbook of Positive Psychology, Oxford University Press;
Lisa G. Aspinwall, Ursula M. Staudinger, 2003, Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology, American Psychological Association (APA); 1 edition;
P. Alex Linley, Stephen Joseph, Martin E. P. Seligman, 2004, Positive Psychology in Practice, Wiley; 1 edition


写出优秀英国Essay的技巧 ?

2017-07-05 15:02:33 | 日記
在论文开始之前,需要找一个适合自己思考的时间段, 并找出最适合论文写作地点! 有些人在晚上写Essay会比较有灵感, 有些人喜欢在学校图书馆进行论文写作, 无论如何, 找出最适合你的方式, 开始你的论文写作.今天我们51due英国代写将为大家讲解。

1. 第一步先完成你论文的First Draft
在收集整理完笔记后, 着手先描绘出你的论文的Outline, 并决定哪个部分应该要写出Examples. 现在你需要做的是完成一份初稿, 不用担心它不够完美, 因为接下来你会有很多机会修改和improve它. 你现在要做的就是, 在First Draft里, 尽可能展现你的idea.
2. 提高Essay论文的三个部分
• Introduction 介绍 : 用一个段落来解释这篇Essay, 字数不要太多.一般100-200字之间.
• Main Body 论文正文 : 需要多个段落来回答Essay的相关问题, 并结合Examples来展示你的Idea.
• Conclusion 结论 : 使用一个段落来总结这篇文章, 给出相符的论文结论, 避免和Introduction重复.
3. 让你的Essay更有针对性
思考Essay的问题, 与自己的想法结合, 找出一个特定的角度和观点, 并确保你写的所有内容都在支持这个观点, 同时给出相应的学术支持和引用来support它.
4. 寻找一个创造性的角度
你可能不热爱写作, 但是你必须大量阅读你的论文的相关文章和书籍, 并寻求不同的立场, 同时用大量论点来支持和论证它, 尽量不要和以往的论文相同, 你也可以与你的导师进行讨论获得更多意见.
5. 寻求反馈 Get Feedback
可以把你的Draft给同学, 老师看, 并得到不同的feedback, 结合feedback做出适当的修改和提高. 但是, 记住要保持你自己的观点, 不要轻易让别人动摇你的观点.
6. 校对并做出修改 Proofreading
仔细检查你的Essay是否有语法, 书写, 语句方面的错误. 最好让同学帮忙一起检查, 有些错误自己很难发现.



2017-07-05 14:44:19 | 日記

2. PS个人陈述的写作内容上
3. PS个人陈述的写作风格上
很多申请人在写个人陈述的过程中,希望“语不惊人死不休”,力求将申请文书写的完美,这一点本身没错,一篇优美的个人陈述,是能够给自己申请结果加上很多分数的。不过,英语有一句话叫做“Substance over form“,意思是内容重于形式,在阅读申请材料过程中,录取委员会其实也更注重申请人的实质性东西,希望看到申请人的专业水平和研究工作经历。而很多申请人却将大量的精力放到了如何使语言更优美的方向上去,用的单词生僻,读起来不能朗朗上口,这实际上是本末倒置,无法得到录取委员会的青睐。
