

英国paper代写-A the history of Western ideology

2017-07-13 17:43:21 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-A the history of Western ideology讲了奥古斯丁是西方思想史上最重要的神学家之一,他最着名的是他的“神学三部曲”。除了“神学三部曲”外,还组建了许多其他伟大的杰作,包括“自白”,“三位一体”等。本篇paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Augustine is one of the most crucial theologians in the history of Western ideology and what he is most famous for is his “trilogy of theology”. Apart from “trilogy of theology”, he has also composed many other great masterpieces including “Confessions”, “On the Trinity” and so on. If we take a careful look at his works, a fair knowledge can be obtained that his works are mainly about people’s beautiful life and how people can achieve living such a beautiful life. And at the same time, it can be found that Augustine’s theology can only be understood with the precondition of faith and worship toward God and people’s beautiful life actually comes from their absolute belief in God. Therefore this paper is for exploring how Augustine criticized the conception of ancient Greek history, examined Roman Empire and refuted pagan from the perspective of theology. And the relationship between this topic and my broader interest Chinese culture and Christianity lies in that the importance of Christianity for Rome in the point of view of a Christian can be referred to.
This research is, on one hand, to understand Augustine’s sacred history system and theory of history via getting clear about his “Two Cities” and his double evaluation toward the Rome Empire. And on the other hand, this research is for mastering the historical theology through correctly knowing well toward Augustine’s perceptions toward God and his Christian beliefs and thoughts. And the terminal goal of this paper is to bring the eternal happiness and beautiful life to the great majority of people after making efforts to grasp what can really make people live a happy life from the theological perspective. Or maybe it can be put in another way that the research about Augustine’s theology of history aims to make contributions to the formation of people’s good life and happiness.
The research about Augustine’s theology of history will mainly be conducted via exploring how Augustine criticized the conception of ancient Greek history, examined Roman Empire and refuted pagan from the perspective of theology. During the process of introducing Augustine’s theology of history, the significance of Christianity for Rome from the perspective of Christians will be mentioned, which can be applied to compare with the significance of Christianity for Chinese in my broader interest about Chinese culture and Christianity.
Firstly, Augustine’s theology of history will be illustrated by talking something about how the Rome Empire looks like in the mind of the ordinary people. In this part, Augustine has examined the Rome Empire from its religious faith, but what he finds out is that there is one kind of idea prevails that is against Christianity. And the aforementioned idea that is against Christianity is that God and Christianity can not well protect Romans and the reason why the Romans suffer is because they believe in Christianity. There is no doubt that Augustine will refute pagan out of his being a faithful Christian. Also, Augustine has proposed the influence of Christianity toward Rome Empire in his point of view.
Moreover, Augustine’s theology of history will be illustrated by explaining Augustine’s “Two Cities” and human history. The so-called “Two Cities” means “City of God” and “City on the ground”. Concerning this part, Augustine focuses on the existing conflicts of these two cities in the first beginning and then how these two cities mix with each other. After describing the differences and similarities of those two cities, the relationship between those two cities and human history is discussed by Augustine.
Next, what follows is that Augustine’s criticism on the conception of ancient Greek history together with his own theology of history. Or maybe it can be put in another way that the conception of ancient Greek history can not fully demonstrate ancient Greek history so that his own theology of history has to be put forward to make up for such defect. Also, his theology of history concentrates on understanding history from the perspective of Christianity, which is the right way to interpret ancient Greek history.
Last but not the least comes that the influences of Augustine’s theology of history. And speaking of the influences of Augustine’s theology of history, four aspects have to be involved, which can primarily be divided into Augustine’s sacred history system, the fact that the historical truth comes from God, the general unified view of history as well as the view that God’s will can be embodied in history. From these four aspects, it can be easily found that Augustine’s theology of history can really help understand ancient Greek history better and it has really placed high emphasis on Christianity when understanding history. That is why Augustine’s theology of history has to be studied by people even in recent times and why Augustine’s theology of history can be gradually accepted by various scholars even now.


英国paper代写-Professional sports organizations

2017-07-13 17:39:52 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-Professional sports organizations讲了组织文化融合了组织成员的集体价值观,信仰原则和行为,为组织的独特社会和心理环境做出贡献。传统上,组织文化在商业领域更广泛和适用,大量文献已经讨论了公司在企业中的关键作用,但对专业体育组织的研究却很少。本篇paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to Needle (2010), organizational culture incorporates collective values, beliefs principles and behaviors of organization members that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Traditionally, organizational culture is more widespread and applicable in the business field, and a large number of literatures had discussed the crucial role of it within companies, but little research has been done regarding to professional sports organizations.
However, sports teams, especially basketball teams, are the most typical organizations with the representative features of values, beliefs, which gradually form the unique identity of culture within a group of team players. Among the numerous basketball teams in the world, Chicago Bulls is one of the most successful teams without doubt. It had cultivated quite a lot of excellent players such as Michael Jordan, who was a legend in the sporting world. Besides, there were brilliant and visionary coaches such as Phil Jackson. Founded in 1966, Chicago Bulls has a long history in NBA and impressive records of victory, during which organizational culture plays a significant role for its countless success.
The first organizational culture of Chicago Bulls is a strong sense of sportsmanship. Though sportsmanship is a necessary condition to build a powerful team and win as much competitions as possible, whether it belongs to the category of organizational culture is still open to discussion. In fact, sportsmanship itself has a lot in common with the characteristics of an efficient organization. As for Chicago Bulls, on the one hand, most of the team players possess a high level of basketball skills and strong intentions to reach the same goal. On the other hand, they have fostered team spirit through long-term training and are able to cooperate with each other very well.
Furthermore, leadership and power of model also exert constructive effects on the development of Chicago Bulls. To some extent, organizational culture depends on the characters and behavioral style of the leader. A coach to a basketball team is like a leader to a company. Thanks to the guidance of Philip Jackson, Chicago Bulls had fostered a type of organizational culture that is supportive and encouraging, allows for the space for every team member to fully tap their potential and display their ability on the basketball court. What Philip Jackson was good at were not only basketball strategies and tactics, but also the art of getting along and building harmonious relationships with team players, regardless of his status as their respected coach. I cannot tell why a team with an organizational culture that pays attention to individual values and a leader who can unite them together would not stand out from its rivalries.
Another key figure who made exceptional contributions to organizational culture of Chicago Bulls is Michael Jordan, a legendary basketball superstar throughout the history of NBA. However, he acted the role of idol more than a leader. The existence of such an excellent player not only inspired the other members to learn from the best, but also made them assured that they could depend on someone reliable to win the games. From the view of Philip Jackson, Jordan was not a born a leader, but a born performer. Furthermore, he was a practical and cooperative player, though he was not very interested in Philip’s “triangle offense” at first, he did not refuse to have a try. In this sense, Jordan also played a part in forming the organizational culture that values and follows guidance from the leader in Chicago Bulls.
In addition, Chicago Bulls is motivated by which is described as “task culture” by Charles Handy (1976). In task culture, teams are organized to solve particular problems, and power is originated from the individuals with the expertise to implement a task. This culture adopts a small team approach, where people are highly skilled and specialized in their own field of expertise. For one thing, compared with large-scale organizations with multiple departments and objectives, a basketball team is a much smaller team with simpler target, to beat the opponents and win the championship. For another, the players in the Chicago Bulls are all highly professional in their specific roles, no matter as center, power forward, shooting guard or point guard, etc. As a result, these conditions enable Chicago Bulls to form an organization culture that achieving the tasks in the most efficient and effective way.
In general, the organizational cultures reflected from Chicago Bulls meet the standards of “constructive cultures” that put forward by Robert A. Cooke (1987), who defined culture as the behaviors that are required for members to fit in and meet expectations from their organization. In constructive cultures, people are encouraged to interact with other members and work as teams instead of merely as individuals. Moreover, they are able to complete tasks in ways that support them to meet higher-order satisfaction demands. That means in order to cultivate constructive cultures, it is necessary for an organization to play as a whole and give consideration to personal achievement at the same time.
When it comes to the case of Chicago Bulls, though the individual worth of Jordan had contributed a lot to the team, he himself alone could never achieve such a success without the assistance of his coach and teammates. To some extent, it is Chicago Bulls that makes Jordan and Jordan makes Chicago Bulls stronger. As for the team members, tight and close relationships were not established in one day, it also took a certain period of time for Chicago Bulls players to get along with each other. And only through hundreds of practices and battles together in the long term, can a basketball team coordinate very well and truly build their constructive cultures.
Specifically, there are four crucial elements of constructive organizational cultures. First is achievement, which involves fulfilling a task successfully by efforts, skills or courage. Driven by challenging goals or demanding results, it requires the organization to formulate strategies and make plans beforehand, as well as explore alternatives ahead and learn from their mistakes. In Chicago Bulls, it was Philip Jackson who took this significant responsibility, and it is acknowledged that he has done a great job to guide the ever victorious team.
Second is self-actualizing, which is self-fulfillment, personal growth, or realization of one's potential. This requires a suitable environment or platform for team members to learn and improve.
Third is humanistic-encouraging, which is about helping others to grow and develop. This requires devotion of time and energy to coach and counsel others. In this aspect, Philip Jackson is thoughtful and considerate, who provide every team member with support and encouragement.
Fourth is affiliative, which is reflected from acts of develop and sustain pleasant relationships. In this regard, Philip Jackson advocated sharing thoughts and feelings within teams as well as being friendly and cooperative.
When these essential elements to deliver an outstanding basketball team combined together, and eventually become a collective habit and belief of every team member, then it is the time that we witness the birth of a positive organizational culture of Chicago Bulls.
Cooke, R. A. (1987). The Organizational Culture Inventory. Plymouth, MI: Human Synergistics, Inc.
Needle, D. (2010). Business in context: an introduction to business and its environment. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Silva, M. D. C., & Gomes, C. F. S. (2015). Practices in project management according to Charles Handy's organizational culture typologies. Procedia Computer Science, 55, 678-687.


英国paper代写-Studying in School Better than at Home

2017-07-13 17:34:18 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-Studying in School Better than at Home讲了当我第一次发现从互联网上可以得知很多信息时,我曾经告诉我的父母,我宁愿在家学习,而不是去上学。虽然我告诉我的父母,我也可以在互联网的帮助下在家学习,真正的原因是我早晨不能起床。我回想起这样的故事真的是一个耻辱,但是确实发生在这样的情况下。毫无疑问,这篇paper代写可以反映一个问题,无论是在学校还是家里学习,对学生来说都更好。本篇paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

When I firstly discover that there is much information as can be learned from the Internet, I have ever told my parents that I would rather study at home rather than go to school. Though I tell my parents that I can also study well at home with the help of the Internet, the true reason is that I can not get up early in the morning. It is really a shame for me to call back upon such a story, but it does happen in that way. And there is no doubt that this story can reflect a question whether studying in school or at home is better for students.
When it comes to whether studying in school or at home is better for students, opinions vary from person to person. Some people hold that to study at home is better for students because students can have more time on study with time spent on the way to school being saved. While others hold that studying in school is definitely better than studying at home out of a few reasons, like personality cultivation, teamwork spirit, etc. As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that I am in favor of the latter opinion that studying in school is definitely better than studying at home, which will be elaborated on in the following.
Studying in School Better than at Home
The rationale why I hold that studying in school is better than studying at home mainly lies in the below reasons: the cultivation of independence; the shaping of friendship; the improvement of teamwork and communication ability; to be a real social creature; to learn how to deal with peer pressure; to experience life like commuting to school on their own; the comprehensive curriculums set by the school; to reduce distractions as will be brought by studying at home; etc.
First and foremost comes that studying in school can help students cultivate their independence because students will leave their parents when studying in school (Esther Heish. 2014). It can be easy to understand in that once students stay away from their parents, they have no choice but to depend on themselves for whatever they may confront in school. In the opposite, if students live with their parents at home, they will naturally produce a sense of dependency upon their parents. Apart from that, Esther Heish also states that studying in school can help students create a natural support network with their peer classmates because they are experiencing the same life period (Esther Heish. 2014). From this, we can know that students are able to make friends during their process of learning in school, which can not be possible if they choose to study at home. The importance of friendship in one’s life is obvious to the great majority of people and it is the existence of friendship that makes students able to be sociable in this society. Besides, Esther Heish proposes that the improvement of teamwork and communication ability of those students can be conducive for their future careers while cooperating with others in a certain company (Esther Heish. 2014). It is a common sense to us that the interpersonal relationship in the school community does have something in common with that in the company community, which indicates the indispensability for those students to learn those skills in the due time.
Moreover, Grace Chen proposes that students should study in school in that they have to interact and work with their classmates face to face so that they can actually establish some crucial skills as are needed in the real world (Grace Chen. 2008). The reason why Grace Chen has put forward the necessity for students to interact with their classmates is that she holds that all human beings are social creatures and they have to be with others in one way or another; otherwise they may just seem to be isolated from the outside society. In addition, school learning can enable students to learn how to deal with peer pressure because there is competition among them within the same community (Grace Chen. 2008). A fair knowledge can be obtained that the competency to tackle pressure is crucial in various aspects, especially in their workplace when they graduate from school. Or maybe it can be put in another way that the competency to tackle pressure can really matter much as for whether a certain person can stand well in a certain environment. Suppose that there is one student that is with a rather strong ability to learn at home and he/she has mastered much out of daily learning, he/she may not be able to handle pressure in the real case so that he/she may fail in the competition with others.
Furthermore, Nick Hillman has as well stated that studying in school is better than studying at home after his examination on students’ education. The detailed idea that has been put forward by Nick Hillman is that studying in school can make students experience the process of commuting to school, during which students can know more about trifles in their daily life (Nick Hillman. 2015). Obviously speaking, students should be well educated in their school performance, but they have to learn how to live in the society as for a series of life details. Case has it that there are many students that can study quite wonderfully and they can get high score for their study while they just rely on their parents too much. As a result, they can not successfully adjust themselves once they are without the care from their parents. Based on this, we can say that these students are not real winners at all because they can not live individually by themselves, which is why students are required to experience life during the process of study.
Last but not the least comes that to study in school can enable those students to take more diversified curriculums than studying at home (Galit Ben-Zadok. 2010). The schools will consider the comprehensive development of students when they set up courses for students, contributing to students’ learning different things at the same time. While when studying at home, students may be more likely choose to learn what they are interested in but skip those courses that may seem boring to them, leading to their imbalanced course development in the end. What has to be pointed out at the same time is that studying at home will cause more distractions for those students, like playing the computer games, having something to drink or eat, sleeping, listening to the music and so on (Galit Ben-Zadok. 2010). Such distractions can be more or less avoided once students study in school under the supervision of teachers.
To sum up, it is better for students to choose to study in school than at home because it can be beneficial for shaping students to be a social creature in both personality aspects or in the life trifles. Only when students can deal well with issues both on study and in life can they really be a successful one to quickly adjust to the society after their graduation. After all, students have to step into the society when they grow up in the future so that the training for them in school can be seen as effective preparations for their future career. But what can not be denied is that students can learn at home as well to take advantage of the Internet, which can be seen as the ideal state for students’ learning.

Works Cited
1.Esther Heish. October 21, 2014. Stay home or go away to school?
2.Galit Ben-Zadok. 2010. Comparison of Online Learning Behaviors in School vs. at Home in Terms of Age and Gender Based on Log File Analysis. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects. Volume 6.
3.Grace Chen. April 30, 2008. Public School vs. Home School.
4.Nick Hillman. July 23, 2015. Why do students study so far from home?


英国paper代写-A Critical Analysis about Nike’s Sport Marketing

2017-07-13 17:31:36 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-A Critical Analysis about Nike’s Sport Marketing讲了比尔•鲍尔曼和菲尔骑士毕业于俄勒冈大学,于1963年创立了蓝丝带运动,1972年改名为耐克,经历了许多艰辛,两位同学在世界六大洲进行了生产和管理活动,赢得了大量的客户心中。这样辉煌的成就从体育营销中获利。本篇paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Introduction: Bill Bowerman and Phil knight graduating from University of Oregon founded Blue Ribbon Sports in 1963 before changing into the name of Nike in 1972. Going through many hardships, the two schoolmates made the production and management activities over six continents in the world and had won a large amount of customers’ hearts. Such glorious achievements profit from its sport marketing. The definition of sport marketing is that all activities designed to meet the needs and wants of consumers through exchange processes. What interests me most is that Nike not only uses its products (shoes, clothes, equipment and so on) and services directly to meet the customers’ needs, but also the way of sponsorship which combines the sport events and its profit to sell its products and services. Besides, the name of the brand also has its advantages. Nike is on behalf of the Goddess of Victory in Greece which is lucky and easy to remember. The trademark of Nike is a little hook let standing for the speed like the goddess’ wings. What’s more, there are many other sport marketing strategies as well, such as price, market positioning, marketing channels, advertisement and so on. My essay will make a critical analysis about Nike’s sport marketing following the above factors.
The most efficient sport marketing strategy is product assortment which can be called the core of Nike. “Marketing, broadly conceived as the activities, processes and practices of markets, influences lives and values in immediate ways. (Chris Hackley (2002). Marketing: a critical introduction, pp.2-3)”As the marketing competition becomes more and more fierce; the marketing strategies are tending to be alike. As a result, it makes Nike creates its special way to stand out. Let’s see some combinations of Nike’s products and the most famous mix of its running shoes. The products of Nike firm mainly include Nike brand and other brands, whose products contain sport shoes, clothes, and equipment and so on. Under Nike’s brand, shoes have many kinds, for example, running shoes, basketball shoes, children shoes, and the most popular lady fitness shoes. At the same time, Nike also actively explored the shoes of outdoor sports like tennis, golf, baseball, rugby, volleyball, bicycle, wrestling, water sports, hiking and so forth. Various types of products can meet different needs of the customers. Nike also produces clothes and bags which match its other products affiliated. The equipments made by Nike are diversified. They include all kinds of equipments of sport balls, glasses, skiing, racket, gloves, etc. Nike sells other brand by its name as well, like selling clothes, shoes and other accessories of Cole Haan, g Series and Bragano by Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated belonging to Nike’s branch. Bauer NIKE Hockey Inc belonging to Nike’s branch sells skating shoes, sleds, roller skates, protective devices, hockey sticks, hockey shoes and the other equipments of “Bauer”and“Nike” brands. Besides, Nike also sells section of surfboards, skateboards, snowboards and the relating devices of “Hurley ”brand design. From the above marketing sales’ strategies, Nike has broaden its selling approaches and made its selling channels more various. Nike purchased Converse Inc in Sept. 2003, which enhances its strength and is in the line with market rules.”There are resonant calls for Marketing practice to serve the world better, for example, by developing more environmentally friendly products and services; by using resources more effectively and efficiently; by working for sustainable and socially positive forms of consumption; and by generally incorporating a stronger sense of ethics and social responsibility within the theories, the practice and the educational programs of Marketing. Within the Marketing field, there is a crisis of confidence as regards the power of its ideas to influence markets and fulfill the strategic objectives for organizations” (Hackley-3831-Ch-01: Hackley Sample.qxp 12/10/2008 5:20 PM Page 2).
As we can see, Nike has developed its sport marketing by using resources high effectively and efficiently. Nike not only uses the traditional strategies, but also created its own style that forecasts the future markets and gets ready for the future changes. Additionally, its brand, trademark and slogan interest me a lot. Nike is on behalf of the Goddess of Victory in Greece which is lucky and easy to remember. The trademark of Nike is a little hook let standing for the speed like the goddess’ wings. The core value of Nike is that human sports spirits of challenging ourselves, whose slogan “Just do it”, expresses the same value. According to the different culture of different countries, Nike consistently insists on broadcasting its core value. Nike has been the symbol of the materialization of sports spirits or conquering the nature and going beyond us. And the products’ function has been integrated with the symbol and emotion implied meaning of the brand. That’s the main reason why Nike can be so successful. Excellent creativity endows the products with the value that can meet customers’ psychology, vision and emotion. Combination with the fabulous quality of Nike has built the international image all over the world.
“The customer-focused and market-oriented organization will succeed.”(text) Before production, Nike will do market analysis, strategic planning, implementation and control. At first, Nike’s market positioning is reasonable. Market positioning is not what the company does to the products themselves, but what the company does to the potential customers' minds. The essence of the Market positioning of the company is that shows the distinguish from the other companies and make customers obviously feel and recognize the difference so that make the brand have special position in customers' hearts. Why the Market positioning is so important? Because it decides your company's level, what're the products, which mean you can take and compete with who. Only is the market positioning distinct, you can make the company's direction clear. For example, Nike chooses teenagers as its market positioning. American teenagers and other countries teenagers regard Jordan as their idol in the basketball field. As a slang says "Love me, love my dog." The teenagers love all the things relating to Jordan. When Jordan is wearing Nike's shoes and clothes running at full speed like wind, Nike's lightning hook let becomes the worshipful totem. And the excellent performance during the match and great basketball skills make people feel that the success of Jordan has some connection with Nike's products. Therefore, we can see that Nike makes teenagers as the sally port, which is customer-focused and market-oriented. According to a market survey of Nike, it divided people into several categories based on their age. The result is that 17-25years old takes up 26%,26-35 years old is 30%, 36-45 is 14% and the age under16years old and the age above45 years old is totally 10%. It’s obvious to see that 17-35-year-old people are target customers of Nike. Besides, Nike has done a lot of market survey and analysis. As to the price of Nike, it’s acceptable to most people, such as the sports shoes, whose price range is from expensive to cheap. As a result, Nike has sold around six continents around the world and deeply favored by the customers, especially by the teenagers.
The selling channels of Nike are various, including the direct ways such as physical stores, online shops and so on and the indirect measures to make customers buy its products and services like advertisements, sponsorships and so forth. However, when we go shopping in the physical stores or online stores, we can find there is few shoes, clothes and other devices of children. In my opinion, Nike can exploit the market of children. Always we can watch the advertisements of Nike on TV, on the Internet, on the street and other places. Most of the advertisements show the spirits of Nike-Just do it. This challenging ourselves value has immersed into people’s mind and has combined with sports. The advertisements are often filmed by the famous sports star like James, Jordon, Kobe, etc, which attracted a great number of loyal fans. In addition, Nike's advertisements are creative and have a deep impression on people from "all-powerful Ben" to "flying Jordan", and then to “street dancing in fashion". Almost every advertisement has its unforgettable theme which is included in the products of Nike and attracts customers' curiosity and desire. That's also called the highlight in the success of Nike. On the other hand, Nike takes advantage of sponsorship by investing in the activities relating to sport in order to enhance the awareness of its brand, support its overall goals and objectives. Nike's sponsorship patterns and objects are tending to be more and more diversified. Nike pays much attention to its image's preservation. Even during the economy crisis in European countries, Nike still invested large amount of money in public service announcement, donated to running study group so as to organize long-distance race once a year, sponsored Jordan's camp, etc. When the marketing talent talk about Nike's market strategies, most of them agree that Nick not only sell its products and services, but sells emotion as well.
As price is not only the edge tool, but also the approach to win the customers and build the brand image. Price has an influence on firms' income and profit and price is the main way for companies to take part in the market competitions. If a company would like to enlarge sales, increase market share and strength the market competitiveness, all of these can't leave reasonable price strategies. As the high-end brand Nike mainly takes the skim pricing strategies. " Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time."(Wikipedia,, Price Skimming) However, Nike depends on its most advanced products design and market broadcast ensuring its high price. Although when the products are sold for the public, the price is also expensive. So lots of people like to buy Nike's product during the reduction in price. Besides, Nike takes discount pricing strategies. Such as the products out of season or the older model products, Nike usually discount, which makes the prices of products have strata-splitting.
In conclusion, the essay focuses on Nike's sport marketing and makes a critical analysis about it. Analyze product assortment strategies that make the use of resource more effectively and efficiently, its brand, trademark and slogan that are really special and meet the customers' needs, the accurate market positioning, the diversified selling channels and the reasonable price strategies. There're two suggestions I want to give Nike: first, it should position its market in a more wide range, including children, teenagers, a middle-aged person, and the old. The other is that it can take more various price strategies, to some people, the price of Nike is too expensive and Nike can create some lower price products to meet the lower income stage.
Chris Hackley (2002). Marketing: a critical introduction, pp.2-3
Guo Shanshan, Brand Strategies of Nike, Modern Commercial Industry,2008(1):167-168


英国paper代写-A Psychological Perspective on Sleep Insufficiency

2017-07-13 17:27:59 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-A Psychological Perspective on Sleep Insufficiency讲了睡眠不足是普通人群中常见的现象,对身体健康造成伤害的心理健康。目前的研究提出了心理视角下睡眠不足和睡前拖延的关系。睡前拖延是拖延的新领域,意味着人们在预期的时间没有任何其他外部环境因素睡觉。数据来自Deakin大学的心理学生的代表性样本。本篇paper代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Insufficient sleep is a common phenomenon among general population which do harm to humans well-being on physical health an psychological health. The current study proposes the relationship between getting insufficient sleep and bedtime procrastination in terms of psychological perspective. Bedtime procrastination is an new area of procrastination meaning people fails to sleep at intended time without any other external environmental factor. The data comes from a representative sample of psychological students of Deakin University. That showed the significant proportion of general population existed bedtime procrastination phenomenon. Moreover, the recent study has explored the relation between the insufficient sleep and self-regulation skills. The bedtime procrastination plays a role to mediate them.
Key Words :Bedtime procrastination, self-regulation, insufficient sleep, big five personality factors, physical and psychological health
In recent years, experts claimed that sufficient sleep, balanced diet and proper physical exercise were three basements of healthy life (Ozaki, 2009). Sleep insufficiency does harm to physical as well as mental resulting in declined elaborative faculty, impaired awareness and judgment, imbalanced immune function, etc.
For all lots of researches have been explained reasons of insufficient sleep which were attributed to sleeping disorders (e.g.Swanbson et al., 2011) or external factors (e.g. Working nightshifts, Ohyon et al., 2010). Swanbson in his study put forward a common sleep problem among workers called chronic sleep deprivation. This phenomenon caused low productivity, occupational accidents, absenteeism and other negative performance at work. Basing on the 2008 Sleep in America poll, Swanbson drew a conclusion that sleep disorders including Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and insomnia was the significant reasons of chronic sleep deprivation, which were associated with workers performance (Swanbson et al., 2011). Ohyon in his study investigated the representative sample of general population in the state of New York. In the study, he examined the influence of work schedule on sleep attacks, excessive sleepiness, sleep duration, driving and domestic/ professional accidents. He found that shift workers on rotating schedules, particularly nighttime workers were associated with a variety of harmful effects on their health due to the night and shift arrangements. In addition, he hold the view that nigh and shift work as the external environmental factors begot the phenomenon of sleep insufficiency, sleep duration, excessive sleepiness and other sleep problems among working population (Ohyon et al., 2010).
Putting off bedtime is consciously while not because of external circumstances, which performs at bedtime in terms of psychological phenomenon called bedtime procrastination (Kroese et al., 2014). Previous studies are seldom to concentrate on insufficient sleep caused by putting off planning bedtime was a kind of procrastination. The prior authors like Swanbson (2010), Grigsby-Toussaint (2015) and etc. just simply regarded insufficient sleep was caused by external environment including panic illness, temperature, and pressure, noisy and so forth (e.g.Turi et al., 2015). Although recent findings began to notice the self-regulation as a new breakthrough on studying sleep insufficiency of psychological perspective, the effect of self-control seems to roughly and study stayed on this stage and not to move forward. The current study tried to put forward another view different from the previous studies that people fail to sleep at intended time is result of the procrastination.
Procrastination, as a kind of physical obstacle, is a popular and problematic psychological phenomenon existing in general population (Steel, 2007). In the domain of psychological behavior, a great deal of authors has been studied in this area. Bedtime procrastination is a new area of procrastination; it can bring about some negative consequences to individual well-being as well as other typical procrastination. According to the definition of bedtime procrastination (Kroese et al., 2014), it means that a person fails to go to sleep at the intended time whereas no external factors to stop him from doing so. In 2016, the author Kroese put forward the latest findings about the bedtime procrastination. The author asked sample of participants on MTurk (N=154, 58 percent men) to think back to the last time they went bed late and indicate why they went to bed late in order to better understand bedtime procrastinators and their motivations (Nauts & Kroese, 2015). He found that participants delay their intended bedtime without external factors. Hence, he drew the conclusion that bedtime procrastination was on of causes of insufficient sleep. More importantly, he also found that bedtime procrastination owned the same character with general procrastination. They would be a common underlying personality trait of having low self-regulation. Moreover, people who were generally easily distracted from their long-term goals were also more likely to delay their bedtime (Kroese, 2016).
In terms of the Kroese latest findings, the current study posited that self-control has a relation with insufficient sleep and other internal psychological factors including conscientiousness, impulsivity and action control also can make influence to bedtime procrastination.

Participants were most of the Deakin University HPS307/ HPS 791 psychology students, which is a representative sample of general individuals who voluntarily took part in the Personality unit of the Internet survey. In addition, any person 18 years older can share and complete the link. There were 598 participants (aged 18-64) including 570 women and 58 men (N=330, M=27.67, SD=9.98 years). All students were received the questionnaire on the internet and they finished before July, 24.
The questionnaire included 84 questions covered participants’ personality traits, self-regulation skills, time management ability, life style and chronotype. The Bedtime Procrastination Scale, (Kroese, Evers, Adriaanse, & de Ridder, 2016) included 9 items in total. The scale used 5-point Like items to grade the degree, among which the minimum value 1 represents (almost) never and the maximum value 5 represents (almost) always. Items 2, 3, 7 and 9 are reverse-coded. Higher scores accordingly reflect the high level of procrastination. The Composite Scale of Moringness, (Amith, Reilly & Midkiff, 1989) consisted 13 items in total. Each item has a unique set of Likert-type response options. Every item has a distinctive set of Likert-type respectively reflect options. The score is gained through collecting and summing the items and owns a possible range, among which the maximum value 13 means extreme eveningness and the maximum value is 55 means extreme morningness. Neo-FFI, (Costa, & McCrae, 2010) included 60 items in total. The sub-scales numbers is equal to 5 with 12 per trait scale (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism). The scale used 5-point Like items to grade the degree, among which the 0 represents strongly disagree, and the 1 represents disagree, the 2 represents neutral, the 3 represents agree and the 4 represents strongly agree. Each of the five factors are gathered by summing the response of participants on every of 12 relevant items. The possible range of scores for each factor is 0 to 48. The higher scores indicate higher levels of the named trait.
The collection and integration of obtained data are by unit team. The designed questionnaire on the internet consisted of questions on time management, self- regulation, bedtime procrastination, personality traits and other typical procrastination.
Following screening to ensure the assumptions of the analyses were met, correlational analyses were conducted to evaluate the main predictions regarding the relation s between the Big Five personality factors and Bedtime procrastination and the relation between the Chornotype and Bedtime procrastination. Means and standard deviations of the variables included in the analyses are detailed in Table 1 below. As can be see below, participants, on average, were relatively high in openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness, and were somewhat lower in neuroticism and extraversion. In addition, means and deviations was relatively high in chronotype.

Getting sufficient sleep is very crucial for human well-being not only on physical aspect but also psychological aspect in terms of study. The current study aims to explore the relations between the bedtime procrastination and insufficient sleep from psychological perspective. Importantly, the current study wanted to learn about how the self-regulation as a psychological cause of bedtime procrastination to affect sleep insufficiency among general population. The current research proposed that self-control has a relation with insufficient sleep and other internal psychological factors including conscientiousness, impulsivity and action control also can make influence to bedtime procrastination based on the Kroese (2016) latest findings. In terms of the result, chronotype and big five personal traits were also the causes of bedtime procrastination, which were not considered into the hypotheses. On the other hand, the results also reflected that self-regulation (i.e. self-control conscientiousness, impulsivity and action control ) was the significant reason to why people appeared bedtime procrastination. In conclusion, the hypotheses was not comprehensive. Bedtime procrastination was one of causes of sleep insufficiency.
Bedtime procrastination as a new area of procrastination owns the similar character with the general procrastination. Bedtime procrastination would be a common underlying the personality trait of having low self-regulation as the general procrastination. Bedtime procrastination is one of the insufficient sleep. Previous authors such as Swanbson, Ohyon, etc. they drew the conclusion that insufficient sleep caused by sleep disorder or external factors. That was one of the reasons of sleep insufficiency in terms of physical or external perspective. The recent study based on the initial findings and combined with the new character of times and modern society, finding that bedtime procrastination is one of causes of insufficient sleep in terms of psychological perspective. Self- regulation is also the psychological aspect to explain why people appear bedtime procrastination.
The limitations of the current study were obvious. Although this study put self-regulation as a psychological perspective to explain the relations between bedtime procrastination and insufficient sleep, it is hard to identify the accurate relations between self-regulation and insufficient sleep. As a matter of fact, the casual relationships and associations are more subtle and more complicated. This study just preliminary and roughly put forward the relationships between self-regulation and insufficient sleep. Self-regulation is able to cause bedtime procrastination. However, the study could not distinguish the bedtime procrastination caused by self-regulation to affect getting sufficient sleep or the self-regulation cause another procrastination or other psychological obstacles to make people delayed their time to do something including failing to go to bed.
Finally, the current study anticipates that new interesting opportunities for future research that investigates possible strategies for helping to overcome bedtime procrastination to go to bed at time they planned to. Aiming at deal with the relationship between getting insufficient sleep and self-regulation strategies would be innovative and interesting approach, as most previous studies have concentrated on, for instance, sleep-disorders. The further study on bedtime procrastination would become more subtle and comprehensive due to use more variables and more representative samples along with the raising of problems caused by insufficient sleep. The self-control not only can cause bedtime procrastination but also help people toget rid of disturbance from external environmental factors.
The recent study was much honored to learn from the findings and contributions of previous researches. The study of Swanbson (2011) provided that people are the sleep disorder made worker performance negatively and other occupational accidents. Sleep disorder was the cause of sleep insufficiency and poor performance at work.
Ohyon (2010) also offered that night and work night shift could begot sleep duration, sleepiness and sleep attacks. Korese (2016) latest findings made great contributed to the recent study to learn about the self-regulation as psychological perspective of bedtime procrastination to make influence to the insufficient sleep.
In conclusion, the current study addresses a significant but still understudy matter through showing the great extent to which people in the general population are suffering insufficient sleep, and putting this insight into self-regulation perspective. This study just the way or stepping tone to help latter researchers to explore the bedtime procrastination and sleep insufficient.

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