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FIVBとしても厳しい対応をしづらいんだろうけど(Oct 11, 2014)

2014-10-11 22:06:32 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・Iran bans women fans from volleyball matches(2014年6月22日 aljazeera.com)

以下、2014年6月22日分 aljazeera.com『Iran bans women~』から前半部分を(略)

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Iran has banned female fans and even women journalists from attending World League volleyball matches in Tehran, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Women were reportedly turned away from the Azadi Stadium when Iran played Italy in the first leg on Friday, while female reporters inside the complex were ordered to leave.

"Female journalists are banned from entering the stadium for the next three matches in Tehran," IRNA reported, without giving details.

National police chief General Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam said it was "not yet in the public interest" for men and women to attend such events together.

"We cannot allow the presence of women in stadia. The police are applying the law," he said in comments carried by Fars news agency.
According to the Khabaronline news website, authorities had confronted female journalists holding proper press credentials issued by Iran's National Volleyball Federation on Friday, and ordered them out.
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・Authorities Clamp Down on Women Sports Fans(2014年6月17日 en.iranwire.com)

以下、2014年6月17日 en.iranwire.com『Authorities Clamp Down~』からその部分を(略)

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New Bans, New Protests

Sometimes the moves to ban are subtle: the Iranian Volleyball Federation had said nothing about women spectators not being allowed in to stadiums.
But once tickets went on sale for top league matches, the news was out: women would not be allowed to attend.
Fans buying tickets online were asked to provide national identification numbers as part of the purchasing process.
If an ID number was identified as belonging to a woman, online customers encountered the on-screen message “women cannot enter the stadium” and their application to purchase tickets was rejected.

Yet many women found ways to buy tickets anyway, according to Sara[引用者注].
They used the ID numbers of their husbands, brothers and fathers. “Some of them got tickets through the black market,” she says.
But when they arrived, the stadium’s security official explicitly said that women were not allowed in.”

Women asked security guards at the stadiums why they were banned.
“They gave an interesting reason,” says Sara.
“They said the last time that women came to the stadium they got over-excited, but since they were women [security staff] could not restrain them.” But a woman who heard this explanation apparently said in response, “We have been attacked by male security agents many times. We have experienced their fists and their kicks in the streets. If they don’t want to beat women in the stadium, then they should hire female security guards.’”

Before the games, the head of the Iranian Volleyball Federation told the ILNA news agency that the federation believed that “volleyball is a family game” and they could not accept the decision that women were banned from attending.”
The organization has warned Iran about this issue before, stating that if the problem continued, the Iranian National Team could be eliminated from the World Games.

The argument between the security guard and the women continued, and was still going on when Brazilian women arrived in vans, ready to support their team.
The women entered the stadium without any problems.

Sahar, another protester, says, “This was perhaps the most humiliating part of it. When we asked why these ladies were able to enter the stadium if women are banned from entry, the security guard answered that it was because they had brought their passports. We answered back: ‘well, we have our passports, too’”.
According to Sahar, the guard replied that it was different, because these women held Brazilian passports.

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実は、この騒動で拘束(直後に釈放)された女性の1人ことゴーンチェヘ・ガーバミ(Ghoncheh Ghavami)さん(英国籍とイラン国籍を持っている)は、数日後に警察署に荷物を取りに行った際に逮捕→収容所に送られていた。
・UK Foreign Office tackles Iranian government over woman imprisoned for watching volleyball(2014年9月18日 telegraph.co.uk)

以下、2014年9月18日分 telegraph.co.uk『UK Foreign Office~』から中盤部分を(略)

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Miss Ghavami was arrested immediately after the volleyball match but was then released.
It was when she went to collect her belongings from the police station a few days later that she began being questioned about her dual nationality and was then detained without charge or notice.

Her brother, who is currently campaigning for her release from London, said the police also came to his parents’ home and seized all of the family’s phones, laptops and iPads.
They then faced a nerve-wracking wait until they finally heard from their daughter by phone a few weeks later.

“She was finally allowed to call them but couldn’t speak about anything that was happening to her or the conditions she was in. Then my parents asked her if she was in solitary confinement. She said ‘yes’ and the line went dead,” he explained.

After approximately 50 days in solitary, during which the family spoke to her just three times, they were allowed to see Miss Ghavami, once she was finally moved in with another cell mate.
They have visited her four times in the last 80 days.

The infamous Evin prison, in North Tehran, known for detaining political prisoners and journalists, is one of the “most intimidating places” in the country according to Mr Ghavami.

The prison is notorious. Ghoncheh is in the worst part of it and has been interrogated repeatedly [without a lawyer being present]. It’s the worst place you can be. It’s like something you see in the movies. The psychological conditions are awful. I’ve only seen one photo of it but my parents visited her yesterday [Wednesday] and they are at breaking point,” Mr Ghavami said.
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イラン当局にしてみれば、敵対している英国の国籍を持ちながらイラン国籍を持っている Ghavamiさんの存在が邪魔だったかもしれんが・・・。。

・Exclusive: FIVB urges Iranian President to “reconsider” jailing of woman for attending volleyball match(2014年10月10日 insidethegames.biz)

以下、2014年10月10日分insidethegames.biz『FIVB urges Iranian President to~』からその部分を(略)

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When asked by insidethegames whether the ban on women attending matches should prevent Iran from hosting the sport's flagship event, the FIVB claimed steps are being taken to remedy the situation.

"The FIVB has the utmost respect for the independence of the laws of all nations," a spokeswoman told insidethegames.

"However, the most important requirement for any country, not only for Iran, to host the FIVB Volleyball World Championships is to meet and reflect the FIVB values.

"In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the FIVB is committed to inclusivity and the right of women to participate in sport on an equal basis.

"The FIVB has sent a letter directly to his Excellency Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to urge him to reconsider the decision to keep Ghoncheh Ghavami under arrest and is taking the overall situation very seriously, and is doing everything in its power to help find a way for women to attend and support the Iranian men's future volleyball matches."
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