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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、18

2016-07-09 04:48:17 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、18
Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"




Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

Our Lady Commands That a Statue Be Made

 It was the year 1610, and Mother Mariana was again wisely governing the Royal Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito. But Our Lady complained to this predilect daughter that she should no longer delay in ordering her statue to be made and place on the abbess’ chair, where she, as absolute mistress, mother and prioress of the convent, would govern her community until the end of time.

 In the early morning of January 20 at her customary prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, Mother Mariana received a visit from three messengers from heaven, St. Michael, St. Gabriela and St. Raphael, who came to strengthen her heart and mind in preparation for a visit from their Heavenly Queen. Shortly after, Our Lady appeared carrying her Son in her left arm, and in her right hand, the beautiful jeweled crosier. Our Lady first prophetically showed Mother Mariana all the faithful and unfaithful religious who would live in her convent, from the first to the last, until the end of time. At Mother Mariana’s great sorrow to see that some of her daughters would lose their souls, Our Lady consoled her by reminding her of the enormous number of faithful souls “who here in my beloved convent will live and die in self-abnegation and isolation, practicing the solid virtues in heroism and hidden sanctity. Through them in the future centuries, as well as through you in these times, Divine Justice will be stayed.”



