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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、13

2016-07-09 04:51:19 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、13

Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

マザーマリアナの投獄 苦しみについてのご出現







Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

Imprisonment of Mother Mariana; Visions Amid Sufferings

 Shortly after this vision, the community, influenced by the non-observant sisters who wanted a relaxation of the rigor of monastic life, elected Mother Magdalena de Jesus Valenzuela as prioress. Soon afterward, just as Out Lady had predicted to Mother Mariana, the convent was released from its obedience to the Franciscans and became subject to the Ordinary. The observance of the rule was relaxed and strict silence disappeared, to the great sorrow of Mother Mariana, who tried to convince the new prioress to curb these excesses. In retaliation, La Capitana and the non-observant sisters spread lies and complaints about the disobedience of Mother Mariana and managed to get orders from the Vicar General for the imprisonment of Mother Mariana, who was deprived of her veil and sent to the convent prison.

 The other Spanish mothers, inconsolable and unable to contain their grief at this injustice, soon were ordered to accompany Mother Mariana in her sentence. The Spanish founding mothers were joined by observant native religious who had been educated and formed by Mother Mariana and did not want to be deprived of her virtuous company. Gradually, the number of imprisoned observant sisters increased to 25. Thus united, their prayer, songs and spirit of recollection transformed the prison into an antechamber of heaven, where the strict observance of the rule shone resplendently within its dark walls.

 On night during the first imprisonment in this blessed place of suffering (for Mother Mariana and the founding mothers would be imprisoned four times during this difficult period of internal strife in the Royal Convent), all the founding mothers received special visions corresponding to their particular vocations.

 Mother Mariana saw Our Lord crucified, agonizing at Golgotha amid blasphemies and insults. Mother Francisca of the Angels saw her seraphic father, St. Francis. Angry at the convent, he carried a bow and walked through its halls, shooting arrow left and right. One arrow pierced the heart of a sister, who in fact died at that moment without anyone knowing the natural cause. St. Francis told Mother Francisca: “This sister was one of the main causes for the separation of the Friars Minor and the relaxation in the convent.”

 Mother Anne of the Conception saw the Virgin Mary extinguishing the vigil lamp of the Tabernacle in the convent. She explained that the observant spirit of some of her daughters would be extinguished, but that it would soon be lit again, and that this light would burn throughout the centuries because one reason this Convent of the Immaculate Conception had been founded was to appease Divine Justice for the sins committed in that city. When the non-observant sisters went to Mass the next day, they saw that the sanctuary lamp was extinguished and could not be lit no matter how much they tried, until the next day when it mysteriously re-lit itself.

 Mother Lucia of the Cross was given to see and admire the mystery of love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She saw the precious Blood pouring forth from His Heart and heard the voice of Christ say: “In this ocean of Blood, My Heart wants to wash all those who are guilty and who come to Me with a contrite heart.”

 Mother Magdalena of St. John saw the beloved Apostle, St. John the Evangelist, who told her that among the sublime secrets revealed to him when he reclined his head on the Heart of his Master, were all the sacrileges that would be committed in the world against the Holy Eucharist. He predicted to her the horrible crime that would take place in the city of Riobamba (central Ecuador). This prophecy was fulfilled more than two centuries alter when soldiers entered St. Philip’s Church and impiously murdered the Jesuit priest Father Moscoso. They opened the Tabernacle, emptied the Hosts on the ground and trampled them underfoot. Mother Magdalena saw the soul of Father Moscoso, a martyr of the Holy Eucharist, fly to heaven even before the soldiers finished their profanation of his body.



