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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、10

2016-07-09 05:33:37 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、10

Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times" p.27-











Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times" p.27-

Mother Mariana’s Mysterious Death and Restoration

 Mother Mariana had indeed died and stood before the judgment seat of God, Who found no fault in her and invited her to receive the crown prepared for her since the beginning of the world. At the same time, her distraught sisters implored heaven to restore the life of this exemplary religious. Our Lord presented Mother Mariana with two crowns: one of immortal glory of indescribable beauty, the other of white lilies surrounded by thorns. Mother Mariana understood that is she would choose the former, she would remain in celestial glory. With the other, she would return to suffer in the world. Her first desire was to remain in heaven to be assured of her salvation and to enjoy the unsurpassable happiness of the Beatific Vision. During her difficult struggle, Our Lady approached her and said, “My daughter, I left the glories of heaven and descended to earth to protect my children. I desire that you also imitate me in this and return to life, for your life is most necessary for the Order of my Concptionists.

 “Woe to the Colony in the 20th century! If, in Ecuador, already so guilty, there are not souls who by their lives of immolation as sacrifice appease the Divine Justice, fire will rain from heaven, consuming its inhabitants and purifying the soil of Quito. Until the end of time, one of these sacrificial souls will inhabit this convent and, imitating you, will appease Divine Justice.”

 Trembling yet consoled by the promise of her Divine Mother that one faithful religious would always remain in her convent, Mother Mariana chose the crown of lilies surrounded with thorns and returned to the world to suffer, to the great rejoicing of the sisters and Friars Minor who had not ceased their prayers and refused to leave her bedside.

 After returning to the world, she dedicated herself with greater zeal to the practice of the monastic life, carrying out the offices of bursar, choirmaster and novice mistress. Because of God had given her the discernment of souls, Mother Mariana was able to guide the sisters under her care according to the spirit of each one. When one of the novices would conceal a fault, she would call her aside to remind her, for nothing could be hidden from her. Although she was always a model of goodness and sweetness, she demanded strict observation of even the smallest rules and insisted that her novices rise at 4 a.m. to recite The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin. She warned the sisters that bitter times for the convent should come should the Little Office be put aside, and that the demon would work relentlessly to prevent its recitation. During this time as novice mistress, Mother Mariana was imprinted interiorly with the Most Sacred Wounds of Our Lord. After this mysterious wounding, her body became stiff and immovable as a rock; only her eyes and mouth could more. At the same time, all sensible consolations were removed, and she entered the dark night of tribulation, suffering an intense interior desolation. The devil appeared to her in the form of a serpent that tried to tempt her to despair by telling her that everything in her life had been illusions, deceits and lies. Forsaken by heaven and earth, she suffered without relief, feeling herself abandoned even by the Holy Virgin. On the Feast of the Purification, February 2, 1558, after more than a year of this severe abandonment, Our Lady appeared to her to dissipate the darkness of the night of her soul. The Queen of Heaven once again dispelled the infernal serpent, who gave a horrible scream of despair and hurled himself into hell with such a great roar that it caused the earth to tremble throughout the city and convent.

 After a few weeks respite, the mysterious sickness returned, although Mother Mariana no longer suffered the interior pain of abandonment. At noon on Good Friday of that year, death appeared imminent. At 3:30 p.m., surrounded by her praying and weeping sisters, Mother Mariana raised her eyes to heaven, gazed at her crucifix, pressed it against her heart and, heaving a last sigh, died.

 At the order of the mother abbess, her body was taken to the lower choir so that for three days it might be viewed by the people of Quito, who crowded into the church to pray to her as their protecting angel. The funeral Mass and burial was set for Monday. However, on Easter Sunday morning when the grieving nuns entered the upper choir to recite the 4 a.m. Little Office, they found Mother Mariana praying as normal. The sisters screamed and ran in horror, certain that they were seeing a ghost. Mother Mariana had resurrected a second time! This time, she would continue her life of hard penance and continual prayer for 47 more years until her final death in 1635.

 Interrogated by her confessor and the abbess, Mother Mariana explained that upon this, her second death, Our Lady had placed her soul in another state of purification and she had suffered a mystical purgatory that lasted until 3 a.m. Sunday morning, the same hour Christ had resurrected. He then placed her soul back in her body, restoring it to full strength and vigor. Mother Mariana understood that God had restored her to life so that she could experience in her own person how sweet and meritorious it is to suffer and endure pain in imitation of Christ, becoming one with Him in the holocaust for the future of the Church.

 Thus was the soul of this humble virgin prepared and purified to receive the apparition of the three Archangels and the Sovereign Empress under the invocation of Our Lady of Good Success, as well as for the great trials and mission reserved for her.



