


2010年04月30日 | 読書録

「芝生の復讐」 リチャード・ブローティガン著  藤本和子訳
新潮文庫 新潮社刊




2010年04月29日 | 消え行くもの





2010年04月27日 | レムリアの記憶



I yearned toward that vast beauty which was not hidden for in Nor it is considered impolite to conceal the body greatly, being an offense against art and friendship to take beauty out of life. I was impelled madly toward her until I fell on my knees before her, my hands outstretched to touch the gleaming, ultra-living flesh of her feet.
Beside me the other youths from center Mu were in the same condition of ecstatic desire.
As our hands touched her flesh, a terrific charge of body electric flowed into us. We fell face downward in unbearable pleasure on the floor.
She picked us up one by one and placed us on the desk before her. Waist-high now were our burning eyes. She bent to meet our gaze; and the mighty beauty of the eyes of the Elder princess of Nor flashed a question into our minds. As one man we chorused:
"Yes, it is true! Evil has the upper hand in center Mu; in Tean City itself!"
It was then that I realized how far ahead of Mother Mu's Titan and Atlan technicons were the Nortans and, I supposed, all other great ones of the dark worlds. For Vanue wasted no more time on us, but bending toward the banks of instruments before her throne, pulled a lever and through all the ship was heard the warning signal of departure. As if they were my own, I knew her thoughts! Quanto was to be evacuated.
The Nortans were certainly not the sun-spoiled sleepyheads our own race had proved to be. She understood the awful danger that could threaten a planet's multitudes' under the thumb of the dero madness.
At her willed command we all ran to seats that circled the throne. They were mounted on acceleration absorbers. The grand hand pressed the bar that lifted the now weightless ship up the force beam flowing out of the cavern.
Even through the thick walls of the ship we heard the huge airlocks scream shut behind us. Then we were out in space headed toward Nor, the vast cold planet where this Elder Goddess' daughter had been born centuries before. I realized that our precipitate departure was sure evidence that our news had meant much more than nothing to Vanue. She had enough Elder God sense in her to know that flight was imperative. There were misgivings in my breast as I wondered if any Atlan Elders or rodite had knowledge of mighty Vanue's presence in Quanto. It might make a great difference if they did!

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月25日 | レムリアの記憶



We left the building and presently were ascending a long, transparent boarding tube into the side of a space liner that lay like a sleeping monster in the launching cradles. This was one ship that could land directly on a planet! But then, Quanto was small. We passed through a series of airlocks, reached the inside of the ship.
It was a long way into the center of the ship. As we progressed, I noted that all the ro who passed were maidens; beautiful white Nor maidens with glittering white-yellow hair that floated about their heads in a cloud, so fine was it that it was air-borne.
Soon I became aware of an aura of complementary forces that I knew came from the Nor Chief Elder, Vanue, whom we were undoubtedly now nearing. Her force scent grew stronger as we approached a mighty door set across a corridor. In glowing letters of hammered metal above this door was the legend:

Elder Princess Of Van Of Nor
Chief Of Nor On Quanto

The great door, I discovered, was an airlock; to hold in the ionized and nutrient-saturated air of the chamber. These chambers the Elders seldom leave, since all evil is restrained from entering.
As we passed through the lock, the terrific stimulation of this conductive electrified medium seized us in a mighty ecstasy. We were drawn as by a powerful magnet toward a huge figure which was an intense concentration of all the vitally stimulating qualities that make beauty the sought-for thing that it is.
Within me I could feel the compass of my being swinging toward its new center of attraction. I was no longer myself. I was a part of that mighty being before me. My thought was her thought; I was her ro until she chose to release me.
Could she release me? I could not even wish it, nor ever would. Within me I knew that, and I felt no resentment, no regret--only joy.
All of eighty feet tall she must have been. She towered over our heads as she arose to greet us, a vast cloud of the glittering hair of the Nor women floating about her head, the sex aura a visible iridescence flashing about her form.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月23日 | 紫の雲

 そしてそれは、ぼくアダム・ジェファソンにに向けた、人類最後の言葉であった――それは最後の助言であり――究極の福音であり、メッセージ――であった――おお、神よ、!Drink Roboraか!(注:roborantで強壮剤という意味だから、精力剤か何かの広告か?)
 このあからさまに下品な、骸骨の哄笑のような言葉でかっとなり、ぼくは車から飛び降りると、投げつけようと石を探した。だが石はどこにも見当たらなかった。それでぼくは目に飛び込んでくる言葉にじっとたえながら、為す術も無く立っているしかなかったが、その言葉は誇らしげに――繰り返し、嘲るように文字を綴り続けた――D, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.と。


That cursed street was all lighted up and gay! and three shimmering electric globes, not far apart, illuminated every feature of a ghastly battle-field of dead.
And there was a thing there, the grinning impression of which I shall carry to my grave: a thing which spelled and spelled at me, and ceased, and began again, and ceased, and spelled at me. For, above a shop which faced me was a flag, a red flag with white letters, fluttering on the gale the words: 'Metcalfe's Stores'; and beneath the flag, stretched right across the house, was the thing which spelled, letter by letter, in letters of light: and it spelled two words, deliberately, coming to the end, and going back to recommence:
And that was the last word of civilised Man to me, Adam Jeffson―its final counsel―its ultimate gospel and message―to me, my good God! Drink Roboral!
I was put into such a passion of rage by this blatant ribaldry, which affected me like the laughter of a skeleton, that I rushed from the car, with the intention, I believe, of seeking stones to stone it: but no stones were there: and I had to stand impotently enduring that rape of my eyes, its victoriously-dogged iteration, its taunting leer, its Drink Roboral―D, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.
It was one of those electrical spelling-advertisements, worked by a small motor commutator driven by a works-motor, and I had now set it going: for on some night before that Sabbath of doom the chemist must have set it to work, but finding the works abandoned, had not troubled to shut it down again. At any rate, this thing stopped my work for that day, for when I went to shut down the works it was night; and I drove to the place which I had made my home in sullen and weary mood: for I knew that Roboral would not cure the least of all my sores.

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月21日 | 読書録

「高丘親王航海記」 渋澤龍彦 著
文春文庫 文藝春秋社刊




2010年04月20日 | レムリアの記憶



 *24) ノータンは、アトランやティターンと同じように、宇宙の共通言語を話している。その言語は、遥か昔のティターン・エルダーの言語が母体である。その言語は、「マントン」と呼ばれている。三つの種族が一同に会して語り合ったため、それぞれの種族に固有の言語は使用されなかったのだ。これは「アメージング・ストーリーズ」の一九四四年一月号に載った言語一覧と同じものであり、この本にも付録として収録されている。――(編者)


The thought of the fear brought the need for haste once more home to me as we walked through the city toward the administrative buildings. It was better to continue our flight than to remain long even here, I knew. So, to improve time, I kept running over in my mind the desperate plight of center Mu; the delaying of the migration to a newborn sun; the fear of pursuit that was still with us; for I knew that in that administrative building toward which we were headed some watchful Elder of Nor was most certainly taking thought record of our minds, to see if there were harm in us.
So, when we reached our destination, it instantly became evident that we would have little explaining left to do. And at the same time, another thing became evident to me that filled me with terror. Fear, again, in the one place where I had thought I would not find it!
A young lady of the snowskinned Nortan race glided toward me, her hand outstretched in greeting, her voice a soft bell of welcome for all of us.
"We have read your thoughts and understand what brings you here. Follow me now to the Princess Vanue, chief Elder, for an oral check; and forget your fear, for soon you will be going to where fear is not. Your message spells danger to us, as well as to your poor, helpless fellows in Mu." [*24]
It had been the words "Princess , chief Elder" that had struck a new kind of fear into me. The chief Elders had been described to me in Tean City. They are the oldest of the race, and are given official power, according to the yalue of their achievements to the race. They are of both sexes, and have learned all there is to know of the secrets of growth; how to manufacture their own life-supporting essences, nutrients and beneficial vibrants. And on their ability to improve upon the standard nutrients of the people often depends their success. Thus, when a simple ro like myself comes near one of these Elders, his will becomes their will automatically; for it is overcome by the great, all-pervading force of the life within them. One hardly notices this when the Elder is of the same sex, but when that life force is of the opposite sex the attraction is so great as to be irresistible. So true is this that seldom is a ro of one sex allowed too near an Elder of the opposite sex; for never again would the poor ro free himself of love for the Elder.
My spirit trembled when I knew the Elder to which we were being taken was a woman; a woman who for unknown centuries had absorbed all the essences of growth-promoting substances. And too, Nor was a place where growth science must be far, far ahead of our own sun-baked sciencon's achievements. Never would I be able to free myself of the spell that: woman-force would cast upon me!
I looked desperately at Arl's sweet face. Never again would I love her if this thing were true. In Arl's eyes I read the same fear, and I know then that she surely loved me and I was torn by the approaching loss. However, I dimly understood that it must be necessary--for no man near an Elder woman can deny her the truth of love for her.


^52:24 The Nortans, as did the Atlans and Titans, spoke the universal language of space; a language originated by a Titan Elder of the far past. The name of the language is Mantong. The original individual language of each race has fallen into disuse as the three races have intermingled through all space. This is the same language of which the alphabetical key was published in the January 1944 issue of Amazing Stories, and also as an appendix to this book.--Ed.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月19日 | レムリアの記憶






The Princess Vanue

We found the typical welcome that all the great ones accord to visitors. Our party was courteously received by the attendants, and we were directed to the administrative offices with swift efficiency.
For me, this first visit to a world people by other than Atlans or Titans was one of the most interesting of my life; but I did not find it half as exciting as my first glimpse of Tean City had been. The men from sunless Nor were of an amazing blondness, for no light but of their own making had ever struck their skins. Their size, as did that of Titans and Atlans, varied with their age and with the age of the parent. Thus, a son of a man of a hundred years age would be three times the size of a son of a man of thirty. [*23]
Further, the race from Nor, who are called Nortans, are a straight race of men. There had been no intermingling of races of other forms, not because it was forbidden, but because their technicons had not made the variform technique of breeding available to the public and without it all such intercourse is sterile. Perhaps they are right, although I see much beauty in variforms--especially in my own lovely and completely desirable Arl with her beautiful, expressive furry tail and her dainty, clicking hooves; certainly their race is beautiful and vital enough to please anyone.
All about the city of the Nortans it was evidenced by many wholly unfamiliar devices that the science of Nor had forged ahead of our own; and as I looked about, I knew why. Here was none of the fear that had pervaded Tean City; nor was there any of the sun-poison to be a detriment to constructive thinking in even the slight degree that evidently has long deterred the technicons of Mu from full scientific advancement.


# Footnotes #

#23) Proportionately this would not be true. A man of a hundred considering he did not stop growing at the usual age, would certainly not be three times as large as at thirty. A baby doubles its weight in six months, doubles it again in eighteen. Thus the rate decreases in proportion to total mass, although the actual poundage increase is the same for a similar period of time. Later, however, this poundage begins to lessen until maturity is reached, where growth ceases altogether. In the time of Mutan Mion, however, growth was a constant thing, ended only by death. And the rate of growth could even be increased, if desired. This is what Arl was referring to when she mentioned that it would be necessary to "grow" to be able better to perform their mission. The reader will see the methods of this stimulated growth demonstrated further on in this manuscript.--Ed.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月16日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海



  Three years have passed-three years in which the stern hand of sorrow has dealt with Willie's mother. Yet now she is by no means a sorrowful looking woman as she watches a lean, sunbrowned, healthy-looking boy come bounding across the beach to her. It is Willie-Willie whom at one time she had thought gone from her forever; but, by the grace of God, the shadow has passed from the child, and now he is winning back to all of that for which she prayed so despairingly in those first two years. More, with greater health, the boy has come to courage such as would have warmed her heart in the older days; but now though it does not fail to do so, the delight is ever rincmred by the memory of a certain night of terror, on which, for the first time, she met face to face the grim spectre-FEAR, and came to know something of the agony through which the child, her son, has passed.
  Tomorrow they return to Blakenhouse Hall; they have not been near it since that night when she found her son, a little mad thing, crouched beside the wash handstand. But there is a certain room of fear into which neither he nor she will ever enter again; for the masons have walled up the doorway. And terror may hold its grim reign there undisturbed and harmless.


"The Room of Fear"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki

 二十世紀初頭のイギリスの作家、ウィリアム・ホープ・ホジスンの未発表作品「The Room of Fear」の全訳です。底本として使用したのは、「The Collected Fiction Of William Hope Hodgson Volume 5: The Dream Of X & Other Fantastic Visions」(Night Shade Books刊)。


2010年04月15日 | レムリアの記憶

 *21) ミュータン・ミオンは、明らかに光の「限界速度」など信じていない。あるいは光の速さが究極の速度であることを信じていない。シェーバー氏の手紙にはこうある。「光の速度は、太陽の表面からの『脱出速度』であるため、大きくはない。この速度は我々の測定では一定であるが、それは宇宙の隅々にまで満ちているエクシドの摩擦のせいで、さらなる推進力が与えられない場合には、加速が抑制されるのだ。我々の太陽よりも巨大な太陽からの光の脱出速度はさらに速いが、やはりエクシドによる絶え間ない摩擦で速度は遅くなり、それゆえ我々のもとに届く頃には、はっきりとした違いが見られなくなっているのだ。物体は、例えばロケット噴射のような、付加された推進力を使うことによって、エクシド定数の何倍もの速さで旅をすることができる。船の重量は、反重力ビームによって限りなく小さくなるから、小さなロケットでも大きな速度を得ることが可能だ。いったん物質の重力が消滅する限界点を超えてしまうと、船は無重力となる。エクシド定数を超えるには絶えず推進力を与え続けなければならないが、それは摩擦がすぐにその速度を弱めてしまうからで、それは特に固体の場合には顕著である。例えば、音は空気中を一定の速度で伝わるが――その速さは明らかに、それぞれの条件で異なっているのだ!唯一の結論としては、空気それ自体が、常に同じように残される、音の速さを支配する要因であるということだ。光も同じことである。どちらも、最初の推進力の速度に左右されるのだ。どちらにも一定の速度が残っているのは、確かな速さのもとでは摩擦は消滅するからだ」
 22) クアントは、この小さな世界を除く全ての太陽系の惑星に影響を持つ、《ムー》の政府の司法権を超えて存在している。クヮントは、ノールの影響下の最外縁にあって、監視所として利用されている。なぜなら小さいからで、《ムー》の政府には重要な場所ではないのだ。――(編者)




^47:21 Mutan Mion, apparently, holds no brief for the 'limit velocity" of light; or that the speed of light is the ultimate speed. According to Mr. Shaver's letters on the subject: "Light speed is due to 'escape velocity' on the sun, which is not large. This speed is a constant to our measurement because the friction of exd, which fills all space, holds down any increase unless there is more impetus. The escape velocity of light from a vaster sun than ours is higher, but once again exd slows the light speed down to its constant by friction, so that when it reaches the vicinity of our sun, no appreciable difference is to be noted. A body can travel at many times the exd constant, under additional impetus, such as rocket explosions. A ship whose weight is reduced to a very little by reverse gravity beam can attain a great speed with a very small rocket. Once beyond the limits of matter gravity ceases and the ship becomes weightless. Speeds over that of exd constant must be under constant impetus, for the friction slows them down quickly again, especially so in the case of solids. Sound, as an example, travels through air at a constant speed--and yet the impetus is obviously different in each case! The only conclusion is that the air itself is the governing factor in the speed of sound, which always remains appreciably the same. So it is with light. Both depend for their velocity on an initial impetus. Both remain constant because below a cerfain speed, friction disappears."
Your editors have been constantly amazed at the interchangeability of Mr. Shaver's (Mutan Mion's?) physical phenomena, or rather, their adaptability to one great physical law which we have as yet hardly begun to comprehend in its entirety. However, at this point a brief definition might aid the reader in understanding many things he has already read and will read in the following pages.
Matter in all the cosmos is constantly disintegrating and integrating. There is the natural parallel as to whether the hen or the egg came first--did the integration come first, or the disintegration? But that is the one and only unanswerable question in the whole theory. Exd is the ash (matter so finely divided as to become energy rather than matter) of disintegrating suns. It spreads out and fills all space. Then, perhaps because of the presence of an actual bit of matter (as in the case of the salt grain in the salt solution that commences precipitation which does not end until all the salt is once more in its original form), or under the influence of a magnetic field which draws the exd
On Quanto, we knew, a group of Elder technicons from sunless Nor, a group of sunless planets 0.16 light years away, had lately established an observatory for the study of our planetary system. [*22] It was these Elders I wished to contact in my effort to enlist aid for our cause.
Our trip to Quanto consumed slightly over twenty-four hours, the hunger of which we could easily endure; and on the landing station we switched to a shuttle ship.
As we settled into the cradles of the great cavern's entrance on Tiny Quanto, liquid air glistened over the view panes. The ship rocked as the cradle connected with its conveyor and was drawn by it into the cave through the together, integration commences and the exd once more becomes matter. This fall of exd and its condensation is what causes gravity. When Newton was hit on the head by an apple, it was by an apple that was pushed down upon his head, rather than pulled down; since gravity is the friction caused by the fall through matter already existent of condensing exd. Obviously a condensation is a falling together of a finely divided element into a grosser state.
There are many finer points, staggering in their implications, concerning this theory which are not necessary to the reader's understanding of this manuscript; but they are being prepared in a monograph which is to be submitted to scientific circles.--Ed.

^48:22 Quanto lies beyond the jurisdiction of Mu's government, which holds sway over all the planets of the solar system except this tiny world. Quanto is on the rim of Nor influence and is used by them as an observation station. Because of its small size, it is unimportant to the government of Mu.--Ed.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月14日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海




  Downstairs in the big dining room SirJohn and his lady are finishing dinner. Doctor Lubbock is at the table with them, and he is listening attentively to the lady. She has asked him to come to dinner, because she is wishful to have a littie talk about Willie; for she has felt a little uneasy about the child's pallor and look of ffl-health in the morning.Lady John ceases to explain, and the Doctor commences to speak:
  "I shouldn't trouble about him. He's a nervous child and will grow out of it; but I should be inclined to let him go back to the night nursery. Plenty of time, you know; plenty of time. I will slip in tomorrow and have a look at the young man. You say . . ." At this instant he is interrupted by a loud scream in the room overhead, and then the noise of something striking the floor with a distinct soft thud. Sir John starts to his feet, but his lady is before him, and is at the door, her face somewhat pale. There are running footsteps on the front stairs, and nurse bursts in upon them, her hair flying, her eyes wild and bright in the lamplight.
  "In-in Mas-ter Willie's roo-om!" she gasps, and then the mother has flung her to one side, and is racing for the stairs, her husband behind. The Doctor follows, without a word. He catches them at the door of Willie's room. Lady John has got the corridor lamp. She turns the handle and enters. The bed is empty, the bedclothes thrown all on one side. They stand and stare around; then the mother gives out a cry of "Willie!" and runs forward to the wash-hand stand. Crouched beside it, cowering back in the corner, is a little white-robed figure, shivering and silent. The light from the lamp shines on uncomprehending eyes.

"The Room of Fear"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月13日 | 読書録

 「エペペ」 カリンティ・フェレンツ著 池田雅之訳






2010年04月12日 | レムリアの記憶



I looked at Arl, to see if she listened, and she wagged her tail roguishly. Not only was she listening; she was thinking in tempo with me. At my glance her voice chimed in, doing things to my spine.
"Yes, and we ourselves must devote ourselves to the task, and go to a place where the growth rate is unlimited by law, so that we can become more equal to the job. It will take great power to displace the mad rodite. On Quanto we must find some mighty and old and wise technicon to go along and assure us of a hearing; otherwise the power will not be given us. We need the very mightiest power the Elders of space can give us to save the people of Mu."
"If you but wag that tail of yours at them, Arl, they will give it to us!" I laughed because I could see in all those around me the same conviction and devotion to my plan that was in her. The youthful company laughed too. "Of that there can be no doubt," they agreed, whereupon Arl swished her tail before them and pirouetted about on her clicking hooves.
In that instant the fear was gone from our minds. Instead we were filled with gaiety and hope, and great determination to do all that lay in our power to end all fear.
We circled Mercury, straightening out on a direct path for Quanto, constantly accelerating until it was unnecessary to explain why lack of food did not worry me. The young Titan remarked: "We will be at Quanto within twenty-four hours. Already our speed is approaching that of light. [*21] air locks. At last we were in the home of the kindly men from sunless Nor!
I leaned back with a sigh of thankfulness, feeling that I had saved at least some of the good life seed of ancient Atlan from the madness that was overtaking all of its races under the aging sun. To save still more would be a collossal effort; but as Arl's arms drew about my shoulders, I knew that such effort was worthwhile.
The purpose of life was plainer now. Such beauty and tenderness did not live in words or in paintings. Only in understanding and caring for the life seed, the bearers of future race growth, could a man find the true meaning of life. And in the mighty job that lay ahead in enlisting aid for the saving of our people from the black death of the mad rodite I knew I would become a man or die.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki


2010年04月11日 | 映画



2010年04月10日 | 消え行くもの

