○ NY Halloween2014:The world's most fun // 世界最大ハロウィンパレード!真っただ中に!

2016-10-30 21:14:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



NY Halloween:The world's most fun 

2016-10-30 21:14:58 


2014-11-04 14:11:32 


(なんて、書いたら炎上しますよ、とスタッフに怒られたけど 笑)

世界最大級 200万人 ハロウィンパレード。の取材。その中枢へ-。


街全体がハロウィンパーティー。向かう地下鉄の中も全員仮装(笑)( ↑一般の方、ピザに挟まれちゃってるよ )

今年41年目を迎える(オレと同い年だ!)ハロウィーンイベント「 VILLAGE HALLOWEEN PARADE」は世界19カ国でもテレビ放送されます。 





( 六本木だっけ?エレキテル連合の“全員アケミちゃん”はアニメコンとかでやればいいのに、、)





こっちは 例えば、どっからどうみてもモデルさんみたいな女性が、大流血させてたり(笑) ( 顔見えねえよ!)






5分おきに 「おい!一緒に写真撮ってくれ!」 と声かけられてました。(悔)



( 来年は、セーラー服か、ナースか、フライトアテンダントだな。そう、密かに2015年の決意を固めました )





ちなみに 日本では非常に多かったらしい「アナ雪」(笑)

本場のこっちでは作品自体が、日本ほどのメガヒットではなかったため、(それに去年の公開だったため) ついぞ、誰ひとり見ませんでしたエルザ。




○ 携帯電話に関する使える英語15選 eigowithluke

2016-10-30 19:19:57 | ♪fuckin 英会話

 2016-10-30 19:19:57 eigowithluke








まず、携帯電話は英語で cell phone や mobile phone といい、現在は phone という人も多くいます。



イギリス人は mobile phone や mobile という英語をよく使い、アメリカ人は cell phone や cell という英語をよく使います。スマートフォンは英語でも smartphone なので覚えやすいですね。


Yesterday I bought a new mobile.


通話中に突然電話が切れてしまった場合、日本人がよく混同してしまうフレーズは I got cut got off. と My phone got cut off. です。

I got cut off. は「電話が切れてしまった」という意味ですが、My phone got cut off. は「料金を払わなかったので電話が止められてしまった」という意味になります。

My bad. I got cut off for some reason.

This month I didn’t have enough money, so my phone got cut off.



I’m having trouble hearing you.


電波は英語で reception といいます。

The reception is really bad.


The reception is bad, isn’t it? You’re breaking up.



圏外の場合は no service、園外の場所に行く場合には out of range という英語を使います。

I’m going hiking in the mountains today, so my cellphone is going to be out of range.

I guess you can’t get service in the underground, can you?

また、海外に行った際などに別料金で違う会社の電波を使うサービスは roaming charges といいます。


My phone batteries are about to die!

Do you have an iPhone charger?


  • Fan says:

    日本ではスマートフォンを「スマホ」と略しますが、つい最近、英語の略は?毎度フルスペルで書くのは面倒!…と調べたものの見つからず、英語話者(not a native but a fulent Italian)の友人に質問した所「Otherwise you just say “phone”, without specifying that it’s a “smart phone”. Nowadays almost everyone has a smart phone」との答え…
    私はcell loverなのに失礼しちゃう(-ε-;)
    特にin USAの友達は「You should get an iPhone. You will love smart phone. Just try it.」とpushするので困ります…(^_^;)
    PS.YouTubeでのLukeさんの目周りのクマが気になります  (^_^;)
    You should be busy, but take good care and try not push yourself!(^_-)-☆

  • Yumiko says:

    Hi Luke, I am a fun of your blog.
    There are two wrong conversions, 圏外→園外.

  • ★ Mika says:

    Does the phrase of ‘get cut off ‘ include strong meaning?

    For instance,

    ‘Domestic roaming is usually free.
    But,this incoming call is international roaming.
    So,I gonna get cut off this call.
    I’ll make a call you later.’

    The sentence includes meaning that it is not good time to talk now.

    On the other hand,when I’d like to say that I ‘ll end a call right now,I can say below.

    ‘Now,it’s a time to go back to my home work.I really enjoyed talking with you.
    I look forward to talking with you again soon.’

  • ★Mika says:

    Hello again Luke,

    I use a featurephone as the best business phone not only for use overseas,but for domestic use .
    In such a way,to make certain Roaming charges is important.

    Because,my phone is working with the sim card of the other country’s mobile network operator in both countries.
    Why do I think it is the best use for my needs?

    Many people in another countries don’t know how hard it is to use worldwide on Japanese mobile network operator’s phones.

    Their major phones do not work overseas.
    In addition,Japanese phone can’t be changed Japanese sim card to another country’s mobile network operator’s sim,even though I’m overseas.

    It is called ” Sim-lock ” function based in one-sided right to Japanese mobile network operator.They want to take expensive Roaming charges from all Japanese user for the mobile phones.

    It means I can’t become a business traveler overses with only Japanese phone make.

    Just recently,they are starting to sell ” sim-lock-free phone ” as like the latest phone.
    But,they are selling us expensive charges
    against ” cancellation of sim-lock-free phone ” at the same time,even though it works with
    the prepaid type sim card.
    It does not make sense.Where is ” sim-lock-free “?

    On the other hand,the other country’s provider offer me a IDD prefix.
    Moreover,I can get worldwide SMS in Japan for free,too.


🌞🌞 NASAは、Nibiru惑星Xが地球もたらす壊滅的な結果.地球をアイスボールに変換

2016-10-30 08:49:06 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-10-30 08:47:27

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NASA Confirms Nibiru Planet X Is Headed Toward Earth and Bring Catastrophic Consequences – Will Convert Earth to an Iceball!

Thursday, October 6, 2016 3:55

 🌞🌞 NASAは、Nibiru惑星Xが地球もたらす壊滅的な結果.地球をアイスボールに変換












NASA確認NIBIRU PLANET Xは地球に向けられて、もたらす壊滅的な結果は、地球をICEBALLに変換する!

あなたとして、すべては、別の名前が、私達の地球に来る惑星XであるNibru惑星を知っている。今や、nasaは地球へのこのoctober nibru効果においてそれを確認する。それゆえ そのより大きさ than 結果が私達の地球であるそのカバーすべての太陽がアイスボールに変ることによるjupiter惑星 。

数ヶ月前、NASAは、実際南極大陸が、それが負けるより多い氷を得ていることを示している研究を出版した。彼らは、領域の氷床の高さを調査するために衛星を使用した後に、発表をした。発見は、しかし、実際、南極大陸がこの研究の作者を縮ませているというより優勢理論を否定し NASAのゴダード宇宙飛行センターからである 、この氷利益の原因は完全に知られているわけではないけれども、多くの理論は紙において言及される。







最も最近の氷河時代は約300万年前始まり、たとえ地球が、約1万1000年前始まる暖かな相互氷河期にどのように入っても、終わることに対してまわりにありこの日に続く。「人の文明は約1万年の間存在するだけである」と、Bosconovitch博士は言う。「それは、まわりのために45億4000万年であった私達の惑星についてのピン落下である。その時間に、地球の気候は両方の方向に大幅に変動し、私達が測深することさえできないスケールの氷河時代、洪水、および絶滅を起こす。それは、惑星 地球 を作るライフの自然なサイクルのすべての部分である。ここの私達の存在はリアルを全然持っていない いずれにしろ影響する 。」

グローバルな平均温度変則。氷河時代はどのように始まるか?地球の軌道原因の変化 夏の間の北の半球での落下への少ない日光(日光浴) 。北の氷床は夏の間に少なく溶けて、上で数千年を徐々に育てる。これは、氷床をより遠くに広げて、冷却を拡大する地球のアルベドを増大させる。このプロセスは約10,000年から20,000年まで続き、惑星を氷河時代に至らせる。

あなたを、熟練した生き残りに紹介するためのA方法として、私達は、私達の『家族1番目』 食物設計ガイド を授与する。あなたのコピーを得るためにここをクリックしなさい。



カナダおよび北の米国は、 北のヨーロッパおよび北のアジアの全体であった それとしての氷により完全にカバーされた。








































🌞🌞 NASA Confirms Nibiru Planet X Will Convert Earth to an Iceball!

2016-10-30 08:47:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

 2016-10-30 08:47:27

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NASA Confirms Nibiru Planet X Is Headed Toward Earth and Bring Catastrophic Consequences – Will Convert Earth to an Iceball!

Thursday, October 6, 2016 3:55

(Before It's News)


NASA Confirm NIBIRU PLANET X Is Headed Toward Earth And Bring Catastrophic Consequences , Will Convert Earth To An ICEBALL!

As you all know Nibru planet another name is Planet X which is coming towards our earth . Now nasa confirms that in this october nibru effect on earth . Because its bigger than jupiter planet so its covered all sun which result is our earth turns to iceball.

A few months ago, NASA published a study showing that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing. They made the announcement after using satellites to examine the heights of the region’s ice sheet. The findings contradict the prevailing theory that Antarctica has actually been shrinking, however, the authors of this study are from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and the cause of this ice gain isn’t entirely known, but a number of theories are mentioned in the paper. 

It is worth mentioning, however that NASA was blasted by dozens of their own scientists regarding their global warming stance, even though a number of the world’s top scientists have questioned just how much an impact greenhouse gases have on climate change.

RELATED : Dr. Michio Kaku Warning – Nibiru Planet X The Universe Solar Flame – Now Willing to Alert the Public About Planet X To Hit Earth Any Day Now – How it Will Affect This Planet

The most recent Ice Age began approximately three million years ago and continues to this day, however the earth entered a warm inter-glacial period beginning about eleven thousand years ago, which is about to end. “Human civilization has only existed for about ten thousand years,” Dr Bosconovitch says. “That’s a pin drop in terms of our planet, which has been around for 4.54 billion years. In that time the earth’s climate has fluctuated drastically in both directions, causing ice ages, floods, and extinctions on a scale we can’t even fathom. It’s all part of the natural cycle of life that makes up planet Earth. Our existence here has no real affect one way or another.”

Global mean temperature anomalies. How do ice ages begin? Changes in the earth’s orbit cause less sunlight (insolation) to fall on the northern hemisphere during summer. Northern ice sheets melt less during summer and gradually grow over thousands of years. This increases the Earth’s albedo which amplifies the cooling, spreading the ice sheets farther. This process lasts around 10,000 to 20,000 years, bringing the planet into an ice age.

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An ice age is a time where a significant amount of the Earth’s water is locked up on land in continental glaciers.

During the last ice age, which finished about 12,000 years ago, enormous ice masses covered huge swathes of land now inhabited by millions of people.

Canada and the northern USA were completely covered in ice, as was the whole of northern Europe and northern Asia.

At the moment the Earth is in an interglacial period – a short warmer period between glacial (or ice age) periods.

The Earth has been alternating between long ice ages and shorter interglacial periods for around 2.6 million years.

For the last million years or so these have been happening roughly every 100,000 years – around 90,000 years of ice age followed by a roughly 10,000 year interglacial warm period.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/txODuoTaJl0?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="middle" width="640" height="400"></iframe>

We may have delayed the onset of the next ice age for now, but if another one came it would have pretty big consequences for human civilization.

Besides the fact it would be an awful lot colder, huge regions where hundreds of millions of people live would become completely uninhabitable. They’d be covered in thick ice sheets and subject to an inhospitable climate.

“Assuming it was similar to the last one, then north America would be covered in ice, the whole of northern Europe, the whole of northern Asia would be covered in ice,” Dr Phipps said.

There would be a lot less agricultural land available, so it would be very difficult to support the human population, Dr Phipps warned.

And the physical shape of the continents would look completely different across the whole planet.
When water freezes, it increases in volume (about 9% for freshwater). The effect of expansion during freezing can be dramatic, and ice expansion is a basic cause of freeze-thaw weathering of rock in nature and damage to building foundations and roadways from frost heaving. It is also a common cause of the flooding of houses when water pipes burst due to the pressure of expanding water when it freezes.

For glaciers, ice thickness datasets are sparse . While we have a good estimate of global glacier ice surface area from satellite measurements, direct observations of glacier ice thickness are available for only around 1100 glaciers [. These include radar measurements (both airbourne and from the ice surface) and seismic measurements. Unfortunately, these methods are time consuming and costly, and glaciers are often remote and difficult to access.

NASA Confirm

Yet glacier volume and ice thickness data are essential parameters required for understanding sea level rise, water resource management and assessment of future glacier changes. Glaciers and small ice caps are also contributing rapidly to present-day sea level rise. Ice thickness data and bed topography are essential data required for numerical modelling of glaciers. 

Other methods employed to calculate glacier volume include volume-area scaling, and calculations of ice thickness based on ice surface slope that assume a given basal shear stress. These methods, when correctly applied, do well against direct observations of ice thickness.

A huge drop in sea level of up to 120 metres would close down marine channels – the Mediterranean Sea, Torres Strait, Bass Strait and Bering Strait – and create new areas of land that could be used for habitation or agriculture.

Ocean ports would no longer be on the ocean, and anyone wanting water views would need to relocate large distances.

RELATED : Michio Kaku Warning – Killer Asteroids – Devastating Solar Storms, Planetary Change, Wake Up All – How Unprepared We Actually Are

Parts of the Midwest and the eastern United States have seen record lows this winter with temperatures reaching well below freezing as far south as Florida. Meanwhile the city of Boston has become virtually incapacitated, having already received nearly a hundred inches of snow this year with no signs of a break in sight.


NASA confirms: The planet Nibiru, is headed toward Earth and bring catastrophic consequences.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KHV8AZsqhto?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="middle" width="640" height="400"></iframe>


Are you worried about your future? Are you worried by the many disasters that you face in your everyday life? Worry no more. The Lost Ways comes in to solve your woes. This program was created by Davis Claude and its major role is to prepare and teach you how to handle worst-case scenarios using the least independence. This program will therefore motivate you to protect your family and friends during the worst period without the help of the modern technology.

Remember, calamities are everywhere: at work, home, school and many other places. These calamities cause tension and leads to a decrease in productivity. This may finally lead to a reduction in life. Fortunately, the lost ways review will provide solutions to these situations. It will give you the tips for preparing yourself when nothing seems to go as expected.

Generally, most people are optimistic. This makes them unprepared for failure. However, the best thing is to prepare for worst times. It is important to tell your kids about earthquakes, fire outbreaks, extreme weather conditions and other calamities. Tell them how to deal with these calamities in case they occur.


SOURCE : http://www.prepperfortress.com/nasa-confirm-nibiru-planet-x-is-headed-toward-earth-and-bring-catastrophic-consequences-will-convert-earth-to-an-iceball/