○ i continue flying for TEN months ....10か月飛び続ける....

2016-10-29 10:26:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

 2016-10-29 10:26:50 AFPBb. Lund Univ.

A continuous flight record of the salangane and the fowl which keep flying for 10 months is renewed.

October 28, 2016 07:14 Sending place: Miami/USA.

Science and technology
A continuous flight record of the salangane and the fowl which keep flying for 1/210 months is renewed, European salangane. Biosphoto offer. (c)Biosphoto/Minden Pictures/Mike Danzenbaker/BIA
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A continuous flight record of the salangane and the fowl which keep flying for 10 months is renewed.
A continuous flight record of the salangane and the fowl which keep flying for 10 months is renewed.

[October 28 AFP] the small bird which did a dark brown feather "European salangane" ranges for 10 months, never, on the 27th, the research result which showed that it flies continuously was announced without landing. I say that it's longest in the bird learned about as time to have time in the air.

A British researcher Ron Leigh Locke (Ron Lockley) family was advocating the hypothesis that a European salangane flies and spends the most part of a life for the first time 46 years ago. This research result announced to a rice science magazine current biology (Current Biology) is something with which the hypothesis is lined.

A research team of Sweden Lund university (Lund University) installed extraordinarily small recorder console of weight only 1 gram in the back of 13 European salanganes and collected the flight situation, the acceleration and position information.

When a researcher of the Lund large and ANDESHU HEDENSUTOROMU (Anders Hedenstrom) leave the breeding area for a European salangane in August and move to a rain forest in the Central African Republic via the West Africa according to a family, I say that it's never landed until I return a breeding season next to 10 months later.

He's explaining "All night, a certain individual stops at a tree by a short time and the occasion in midwinter, this whole period never landed other individuals literally." I say that the individual who stopped actually flew and spent 99.5% for 10 months a little the period, too.

It isn't elucidated yet about the yes or no of sleep I'm moving and the way according to a research team, but I rise to the high location in daily dawn and evening, and says that there is a possibility that I have a nap while I descend slowly from there. Though a bird of a frigate bird also planes, it's found to sleep. A European salangane seems food is caught in flying and the daytime is to take an updraft of warm air and glide, and to be saving the energy.

Mr. HEDENSUTOROMU explains "A frame feels like having extensive knowledge about zoophysiology substantially by this discovery." "The flight period when I reach 10 months is longest in the bird learned about, and it's a record."




 2016-10-29 10:26:50 AFPBb. Lund Univ.


2016年10月28日 07:14 発信地:マイアミ/米国

1/210か月飛び続けるアマツバメ、鳥類の連続飛行記録を更新ヨーロッパアマツバメ。Biosphoto提供。(c)Biosphoto/Minden Pictures/Mike Danzenbaker/BIA


  • 10か月飛び続けるアマツバメ、鳥類の連続飛行記録を更新
  • 10か月飛び続けるアマツバメ、鳥類の連続飛行記録を更新

【10月28日 AFP】こげ茶色の羽毛をした小型の鳥「ヨーロッパアマツバメ」が、10か月間にわたり一度も着地することなく連続飛行することが分かったとの研究結果が27日、発表された。空中で過ごす時間としては、知られている鳥類の中で最長だという。

 ヨーロッパアマツバメが生涯の大半を飛行して過ごすとの仮説は、英国の研究者ロン・ロックリー(Ron Lockley)氏が46年前に初めて提唱していた。米科学誌カレント・バイオロジー(Current Biology)に発表された今回の研究結果は、その仮説を裏付けるものとなっている。

 スウェーデン・ルンド大学(Lund University)の研究チームは、ヨーロッパアマツバメ13羽の背部に、重さわずか1グラムの超小型データ記録装置を取り付け、飛行状況や加速度、位置情報などを収集した。

 ルンド大の研究者、アンデシュ・ヘデンストローム(Anders Hedenstrom)氏によると、ヨーロッパアマツバメは8月に繁殖地を出発して西アフリカ経由で中央アフリカの熱帯雨林まで移動する際、10か月後の次の繁殖期に戻ってくるまで一度も着地しないのだという。






○ Mig. Bird Flies with No Sleep/ 渡り鳥は飛びながら、マグロは泳ぎながら寝ると聞いたのですが...

2016-10-29 07:54:24 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-10-29 07:54:24

 ○ Mig. Bird Flies with No Sleep/ 渡り鳥は飛びながら、マグロは泳ぎながら寝ると聞いたのですが...re-up versi.

2016-05-12 07:34:22

Yahoo! JAPAN

The top Education, study and science Uncooked food and animal.
The questions and answers which are already settled.


Mr. hisahere

2011/04/24 22:17:41
A migratory bird heard that tuna lay idle while swimming while flying, isn't it dangerous? That it may collide with somewhere, it's a question.

It's the biggest mystery today.

Someone solve a mystery to a name of JI, please.

But you don't need to sit down on a name particularly, so when it's good, please answer.
The number of answer: 2.

The number of reading: 722.

Fee: Wisdom coin 100

The best answer

Profile picture category master


2011/04/25 14:13:31
It's said that there isn't an animal which sleeps soundly like man....

As the pet kept by man and man, safety, oh, because it's guaranteed, I sleep soundly fairly.

If if a swan is a crane,... is elaborate half asleep while standing up at a sandbank on a river and a bank, when having been seized with a dog and a fox, an enemy attack is sensed by the footstep which bursts in no water, but it's the instinct of tame.

That chicken in case of the passage and school of fish besides the predation behavior time may move from half sleep in the half awakening state....
It's compared to man, doze driving and,....
By the translations which don't rather have much danger as I sleep soundly, A NMEE or,...?


Profile picture

Mr. kogelachan

2011/04/24 22:30:13
It can fly all night, it's said that the migratory bird which can fly can put a right brain and a left brain to sleep alternately.
A tuna is swimming the open sea, so I think it isn't assumed to hit a thing. When I strike, are they a ship and a whale?
So there is behavior which kills and sleeps like man with a dictionary of tuna or (Even if I died.) while opening an eye until I die vanity is doubtful after I'm born actually.
I'd like to know all together.

When does a migratory bird sleep? After the migratory bird which isn't a seabird flies over the sea.
Hemisphere sleep wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww of the fish which doesn't sleep and chicken.
You say that a shark dies when it's stopped to swim, right? Is it so?



2016-10-29 07:54:24

○ Mig. Bird Flies with No Sleep/ 渡り鳥は飛びながら、マグロは泳ぎながら寝ると聞いたのですが...
2016-05-12 07:34:22




2011/04/24 22:17:41



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2011/04/25 14:13:31






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    2011/04/24 22:30:13


○ Lie 🔜 to be Bold!!「うそをつくほど平気に」、不正直に脳が適応 研究

2016-10-29 07:07:18 | ♪ One Short Talk


2016-10-29 07:07:18 AFP. Nature.
"I'm so fine that I lie." a brain fits it dishonestly Study.

October 25, 2016 13:47 Sending place: Paris/France.

Science and technology

[October 25 AFP] when everything thrust at a small lie a chicanery of a tax and betrayal to a sweetheart, that was escalated, and on the 24th, the research result which becomes easy to develop was announced to a big lie.

The thesis which appeared on a British scientific magazine "nature neuro science (Nature Neuroscience)" will pile up a lie later as well as the emotional reaction which shows is turning a brain gradually weakly, it's lit up.

A biochemistry-like relation is repeated very hard and cerebral scan data of the person who has lain last time is just checked by the experiment about which I lie, and says that it can be predicted correctly next how long to try to thrust at a big lie.

Researcher's Neill Garrett (Neil Garret) family in the British London university university college (UCL) experimental psychology part stated "When dishonest behavior was repeated, this study was the positive evidence that it's first to increase in its degree." by a center writer of a thesis.

Though writers of a thesis have the prescriptive social norm and the morality they discourage from a dishonest act, we assume that I awaken to the interest which doesn't stop at a study of art and science to understand the mechanism until people come to talk big from a harmless lie.

TARI in London large university college and a shallot (Tali Sharot) family pointed out likewise "I knew a person with (If what was that?) deceiving a person to increase in the dishonest act in the snowman system infidelity, a sports doping, garble of scientific data and financial fraud." by a coauthor of a thesis, and if it "was the one by which they have committed a very big sin in unconscious inside", it was added.

I showed a high-resolution picture of the glass bottle different in the amount of the inside coin respectively to about 80 volunteer subjects separately and made them judge the price of the inside by this experiment.

Next I had the partner seeing a low resolution picture of the same glass bottle at the place left notify of the price of which degree is in the bottle through a computer.

This partner was the actor who cooperates with a research team actually, but subjects weren't informing of the thing.



The bounty to decide not to lie was given to subjects by the experiment performed first. Mr. Garrett explains "He told subjects and others that the bounty both of them can receive increases so that the estimated amount of the partner was correcter." by a press conference. This was the standard to the different experimental scenario which gives the bounty about which I lie to subjects.

An intentional lie made the profit for both of the examinee on the side who tells information and a partner on the told side consequently also a selfish lie sacrificed a partner by a different experiment, and was concluded by other experiments.

■ "Be accustomed to a lie more" than it's learned.

When a lie is useful for people for itself and a partner, Mr. shallot "lies about an experimental result most", and, I spoke and pointed out "A lie was useful for only itself and when causing a damage to a partner, a lie became little."

Which degree deviates from fact, if buying it, dishonesty was different in the escalated degree depending on subjects big. When the degree of the unreserve was low by a preliminary questionnaire, a specified subject also had a high possibility that he lies during an experiment.

But almost all of subject came to fall the pattern of the chicanery easily and thrust at an increasingly bold lie with time.

Cerebral scan by a functional magnetic resonance fault photography way (fMRI) is put into effect during an experiment to 25 subjects by a study. The "body which is the cerebral part which deals with feeling I ask about a side indicated a strong reaction at the time of occurrence of the act about which I lie. The beginning was so at least.

But a reaction of the body I ask about a side is falling gradually so that a lie becomes bold. A research team called this process "feeling adaptation".

Mr. shallot explains "For example the time when a tax is cheated for the first time may be felt shamefully considerably. This antipathy puts the brakes on dishonest behavior." "The negative reaction to discourage from behavior becomes weak because it fits it already when doing a chicanery but and next." and, it was continued.

It's while its being still unclear about or simply whether its tendency is only reflected whether an active decline of the part which controls cerebral feeling is the cause which promotes the tendency which becomes dishonest.

But ── from which one conclusion which isn't put aside from this study is derived, it's said that a lie is brought along so that that thrusts at a lie much. Mr. shallot points out "When restraining awaking of feeling, a person has a possibility that the probability found out goes down a lie." AFP/Marlowe HOOD



2016-10-29 07:07:18 AFP. Nature.

「うそをつくほど平気に」、不正直に脳が適応 研究

2016年10月25日 13:47 発信地:パリ/フランス


【10月25日 AFP】税金のごまかしや、恋人への裏切りなど何であれ、小さなうそをつくと、それがエスカレートして大きなうそに発展しやすくなるとの研究結果が24日、発表された。

 英科学誌「ネイチャー・ニューロサイエンス(Nature Neuroscience)」に掲載された論文はまた、うそを重ねるとともに、脳に表れる感情的な反応が徐々に弱くなるともしている。


 論文の主執筆者で、英ロンドン大学ユニバーシティー・カレッジ(UCL)実験心理学部の研究者のニール・ギャレット(Neil Garret)氏は「今回の研究は、不正直な行動が繰り返されると、その程度が増大することの初の実証的な証拠となっている」と述べた。


 論文の共同執筆者で、同じくロンドン大ユニバーシティー・カレッジのタリ・シャロット(Tali Sharot)氏は「不貞、スポーツのドーピング、科学データの改ざん、金融詐欺など(それが何であろうと)、人を欺いたことのある人は、その不正直な行為が雪だるま式に増大することを知っている」と指摘し、「彼らは知らず知らずのうちに、極めて大きな罪を犯してしまったのだ」と付け加えた。
















 だが、今回の研究からは避けられない結論が一つ導き出される──それは、うそを多くつくほど、うそが上達するということだ。シャロット氏は「感情の喚起を抑制すれば、人にうそを見破られる確率が下がる可能性がある」と指摘している。AFP/Marlowe HOOD