◯ "It is uneasy" is not dreadful! 「不安」は怖くない! 見えない不安への対処法とは

2014-09-17 08:03:34 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

2014-09-17 07:44:10. swissinfo.ch
"It is uneasy" is not dreadful!
The ways of coping to the uneasiness which is not in sight are Fumi Kashimada.
Science Health
2014-09-15 11:00

Although uneasiness is important feeling biologically, the uneasiness of a degree may bring trouble very much to everyday life (SIDSEL DE JONG). (Keystone)
The time of when also holds "it is uneasy" and people are alive.
Fear to a spider or a snake.
Panic in blockade space.
Uneasiness, such as a money side of insecurity and the future to a nuclear power plant and a family's worries, is not exhausted.
However, special exhibition of the Zurich University zoology museum explains humorously that you can associate with it being uneasy well if you understand structure (till December 14).
The face of a bewildered expression invites a visitor to the entrance of the special exhibition "Keine Panik (Don't Panic!)" on the theme of uneasiness happily.
If it sets foot in inside, the room where the black line which imagined the neural circuit was drawn on the whole surface will appear.
It is explained by the first room that uneasiness starts in the head.
(Olivier Zimmermann
I hear that uneasiness starts in the head primarily that the panel of this room explains.
So to speak, a part of brain and an amygdaloid body are uneasy commanders, are checked with old information and judge the current situation.
If it judges that it is dangerous, alarm will be sounded to bodily various parts through a neural circuit, and a chemical reaction with various bodies will be started according to it.
"Uneasiness is feeling important in order to survive biologically.
But, in our society, it is caught in the negative.
The Isabelle cross man of a neurobiology person explains by a sponsor, "Then, the concept of the plan thought that I would let you people understand uneasiness correctly."
Zurich University and Genevan Academy corporate-planning-finished holding in Geneva taking advantage of the world brain week, and this exhibition came to Zurich this time.
It is uneasy and a fart.
At a corner called the next "uneasy woods", the special lamp with which the illustration of the bodily part was drawn is hung in great numbers from a ceiling, and emits a light light.
It introduced which bodily portion reacts uneasy.
It is explained by "uneasy woods" which bodily part reacts uneasy (swissinfo.ch).
If it becomes uneasy, what will happen to the body?
The cortisol and adrenalin of stress hormone are emitted from the adrenal gland next to the kidney, and the body rushes into stressful situations.
Muscles stiffen, the heart carries out Baku Baku to much blood being sent into the muscles, and blood pressure goes up.
Furthermore, since a lung tries to take in more oxygen, breathing becomes rude.
In this way, the body makes the preparations which escape suddenly or it attacks to an enemy.
"Especially uneasiness is so important in the animal kingdom that it is concerned with life and death.
possibly in the case of people, the danger of now being killed by the foreign enemy decreased, but the primitive ages had to escape, when" seeing the snake and the spider -- the cross man.
If it is in such a situation, since it felt uneasy, although human beings were able to survive until now, they are not overstatements.
Moreover, by one side, the body receives uneasy and may sometimes show a mysterious reaction.
According to explanation of exhibition, when people feel uneasy [ strong ] for example, a phenomenon which is not related to avoiding dangerous situations -- a fart becomes taking out or holds the desire to have a bowel movement -- apparently may happen.
It has not been explained yet scientifically what kind of meaning such a phenomenon has biologically.
Uneasiness which changes in the time
Although inside can be edited, from outside, the hologram etc. of the box whose contents are not visible, and the small bridge where an alcove slab shakes unsteadily, so that it progresses previously and the spider of the comic style which looks three-dimensional are installed in the hall, and while a visitor enjoys himself, it can realize sensitive [ one's / uneasy ].
The box whose contents cannot be seen from outside is edited, and it is a liver trial.
To what kind of thing uneasiness is memorized varies with people.
Professor Michael Rufer (psychiatry) of Zurich University explains "A new phobia comes out in an interesting thing one after another."
"For example, the AIDS phobia came out, after the illness of AIDS was discovered.
Moreover, the siderodromophobia etc. which memorize uneasiness were in the speed of a train those days by which the railroad was invented."
There are this phobia, a computer phobia, pediophobia, etc. in some which are seldom known.
Although a phobic kind changes also with culture or countries, it is "always fixed [ the percentage of the persons of a phobia or aporinoneurosis ]" (Professor Rufer).
In Switzerland, 420,000 vague percentage of people to the future which is uneasy and interferes with everyday life is from about 280,000 people 4?6% of population, for example.
Heredity and stress
The hereditary factor is also greatly concerned with the uneasy method of touch, and Professor Rufer says, "It is in the tendency for parents and grandparents to be afraid and for the child to also feel uneasy strong with."
Moreover, the phobia which feels uneasy [ strong against a specific thing, a phenomenon, etc. ] occurs by the experience at the time of a child in many cases.
Furthermore, those who are holding a chronic stress by the type which becomes uneasy easily hereditarily say that it is easy to cause anxiety disorder, such as a panic disorder, by some chances.
"One important for stress is how to evaluate it.
A sense of powerlessness which can be done [ "by itself, it cannot do in any way", / "it is bound by others" ] what is held, and if it falls into feeling which is not understood when the situation finishes," medicine with which such an obstacle occurs easily will not become long-term solution.
Should there be uneasiness to conquer how?
In exhibition, various methods, such as a cognitive therapy and medicinal administration, are introduced.
Unless Professor Rufer "whom for example, a method loading with experience with sufficient not attacking a snake even if the one of those who memorize extreme uneasiness to a snake is in a side etc. is" (the cross man) asks himself for help positively, it is emphasized that uneasiness is unconquerable.
"Their it is not so realistic although there are many people who wait for fear of insecurity to disappear with nature."
For example, it is also referred to as effective to participate in the self-help group whom a specialist guides once.
"You should try the method of first of all not using medicine.
It settles in an uneasy cause and it is faced, and if information is acquired and an understanding is deepened, uneasiness disappears naturally in many cases.
In this way, it can be coped with, even when it could face each other uneasy, and become striking, it quarrels with a partner or there is a problem at work.
Even if it uses medicine, since it cannot learn, no new things become long-term solution."
Fumi Kashimada, swissinfo.ch

2014-09-17 07:44:10. swissinfo.ch

「不安」は怖くない! 見えない不安への対処法とは

科学 健康

2014-09-15 11:00

✳️ 不安は生物学的に大事な感情だが、極度の不安は日常生活に支障をもたらすこともある
(Keystone)(SIDSEL DE JONG)

 不安をテーマにした特別展示「Keine Panik!(Don’t Panic!)」の入り口には、きょとんとした表情の顔が来場者を楽しく迎える。中に一歩足を踏み入れると、神経回路をイメージした黒い線が全面に描かれた部屋が現れる。

(Olivier Zimmermann)

✳️ 不安でおなら


✳️ 時代によって変わる不安

✳️ 遺伝とストレス
✳️ 薬は長期的な解決策にならず
鹿島田芙美, swissinfo.ch

◯The Temp. of the earth has not changed for here 15 yrs. やっと温暖化問題が学問に・海が熱を吸収する

2014-09-17 07:33:16 | ♪ One Short Talk

2014-09-17 07:21:31 Kunihiko Takeda (Chubu University)
The Global Warming problem became learning at last... The sea absorbs heat.
(August 23, Heisei 26)
"watanabesensei201408161058.mp3" is downloaded.

The temperature of the earth has not changed for here 15 years.

This was often taken out also with this blog.
Therefore, although an about 20-year-old person should not have the feelings "the earth is carrying out warming" now, since NHK brainwashed too much, there are many young people who have an illusion that warming is carried out.
By the way, Mr. Watabe of the University of Tokyo had the paper "stagnation of global warming in recent years" taken out.
Although readers taught this, according to this paper, the temperature of the earth not having changed from El Nino which started in 1997 to the present, and its cause are that the sea is absorbing heat.
Although physics explains briefly [ those who are not so elated ], water differs from air in "The power of holding heat ... specific heat or calorific capacity" also 3000 times.
That is, 1 cc of slight water and the heat in which 3 liters of air is almost the same can be held.
therefore, a bath -- boiling (the temperature of water is raised) -- the air of a bathroom will also get warm (if the lid is opened) -- it will say.
The earth is said roughly and the sea has 2/3 [ of area ] of about 4000 meters in the sea.
On the other hand, air of the sky is thin although there is about 10,000 meters of air.
Therefore, it can be said to be the thickness of the almost same about.
If it becomes so, even if 10℃ of air will get warm, then if it is going to warm the sea, temperature will go up only by only 0.003℃.
Although there are a problem of heat conduction and a problem of a heat convection in fact and it does not immediately understand, since there is such the vast, sea anyway like this and it has become a buffer (big thing which cannot change easily) of the temperature change, usually it is thought that it will not change easily.
When I am in Nagoya University and calculation of global warming is considered by specialists, it has pointed out that the heat conduction of the ocean put into a presenter's equation, a convection, etc. are hardly calculated.
If the parameter etc. which an equation understands and it puts in there can be seen and it will be an ordinary scholar, it is noticing also by whom.
By the way, it is that there is a teacher who likes spirited learning, and bolting of the research cost of a country (unless it was warming support until now, a research cost did not come out.) that such an announcement comes out from the University of Tokyo.
the Nazis -- it is the same -- it is that having become weak may be shown.
But the scholar by whom it is a certain program and the former president of a university of the University of Tokyo (not said to be a very academic person) inserts a question into warming even now [ "] is in Japan just these days.
It introduced that the scholar of Japan also already said, "He had to be set to a world level."
There is no such ugly thing like this.
This utterance infringes the following three principles.
1) It has the way of speaking "the president of a university of the University of Tokyo", without saying one's idea.
This is as the same as "the foreigner has called it the world 3 major corruption cases" at the time of STAP.
2) 3 which takes out those whom the world regards as authority (the University of Tokyo president of a university and foreigner), and it makes into dialog uselessness -- in fact, while the scholar in the world knows that it is separated from warming, Japanese people know what is not known -- the Damas す.
Probably, Japan has backwardness still more.
Although the flood damage of Hiroshima is severe, it has said about the latest rain, "By saying from a weather chart, although it is the ordinary phenomenon ", there is no fine elephant agency director general in the "it is abnormal weather" "past."
The administration which makes responsibility the cause of the weather made problems, such as this "unsuitable residential land development", "a shelter being suffering a calamity", and "an evacuation directive being 5 hours after a mudslide."
(August 23, Heisei 26 ,2014)
Kunihiko Takeda

2014-09-17 07:21:31 武田邦彦 (中部大学)




1) 自分の考えを言わずに、「東大の総長が」という言い方をする。これはSTAPの時に「外人が世界三大不正事件と言っている」というのと同じだ。
