◯ Louis XIV.(L'etat, c'est moi)「朕は国家なり」(ルイ14世)と「朕は憲法なり」(安倍首相)

2014-04-18 07:20:55 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

04/18/2014 Teruya Kantoku era Member of the House of Representatives
02/18/2014: Teruya Kantoku era Member of the House of Representatives
It is "I am the states" (Louis XIV) and "I am the constitution" (Prime Minister Abe) Louis " XIV. --the state -- "[ L'etat c'est moi
The phenomenon of both Houses is canceled and a reckless run towards the constitutional revision of Prime Minister Abe in which the huge governing party was formed is accelerating.
concrete -- "-- a reckless run which ranks second to a reckless run in the Diet deliberations of about 1 multi-weak" to the right-of-collective-self-defense use admission by change of a constitutional interpretation is repeated.
Use admission of the right of collective self-defense by change of a constitutional interpretation conflicts with constitutionalism, and has criticized with how often that it is what destroys the soul of Article 9 of the constitution in the meantime that there is nothing.
I enlarge voice -- "-- this side of the political power at the time -- it is not allowed to carry out use admission of the right of collective self-defense by a selfish constitutional interpretation -- " -- I would continue liking to cry
No, he plans to continue crying.
It is not allowed positively.
It opposes decisively.
On last February 12, Senator Democratic Party Hiroshi Ogushi is inquiring the use admission problem of the right of collective self-defense by change of a constitutional interpretation of Prime Minister Abe in Lower House Budget Committee.
Prime Minister Abe answered "I have responsibility" to question of the Ogushi member of the House of Representatives about the constitutional interpretation involving right-of-collective-self-defense use admission.
Although it becomes somewhat long, Prime Minister Abe's answer summary which mass media each paper reported is introduced.
"It is necessary to consider well once again in the view that a country cannot be protected only by one country in change of the international situation (constitutional interpretation).
If former keeps accumulated, there will be [ which builds an expert round-table conference ] that no it is required.
(Questioner) Although it is asking for the answer of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau from the point degree, the chief executive (government) is not a Chief of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau.
I have responsibility also to the answer of the government.
We receive a referee in an election on it.
It is not a Chief of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau that receives a referee.
Therefore, I am answering by doing like this now. "
To this Prime Minister Abe's bold and haughty answer, criticism has come out out of the opposition party and the Liberal Democratic Party.
It will be natural.
Former administrative reform Minister Seiichiro Murakami, "it can be understood that the prime minister's remark can give a broad interpretation of the constitution if it wins in an election.
It is indicated that that the occasional political power can change an interpretation has a problem."
Secretary-General Makoto Koga former Liberal Democratic Party will be another if Prime Minister "Abe era continues eternally by a TV program, but how is Japan seen, as for the world if the prime minister from whom a view is different judges that use of the right of collective self-defense is unconstitutionality?
It seems that it was criticized that you should become humbler."
By criticism with [ of Secretary-General Makoto Koga former Liberal Democratic Party / "although it will be another if Prime Minister Abe era continues eternally --" ], France king Louis XIV's words of the 3rd generation were remembered suddenly in the Bourbon morning.
Louis XIV is also called a "Sun King" -- reign -- he is the person who reached as the head of the state on and after medieval times in the 72 [ longest ] during the period.
Louis XIV has [ famous ] the word "I am the states."
Louis XIV is too famous for having promoted centralization of power and a mercantilism policy, having hung up the theory of the divine right of kings, and having established the absolute monarchy so that it may be expressed with the words.
As Louis XIV said me "I am the states", I think that Prime Minister Abe probably believes firmly "I am the constitution."
It is worried that it may be a bigoted delusion peculiarity about a kind of constitution.
According to the interpretation of all the past governments, the right of collective self-defense is "the right to prevent the armed attack to the foreign country which has a close relation with its own country with ability in spite of not carrying out the direct attack of its own country."
Having understood it as use of the right of self-defense permitted under Article 9 in the government being what should remain in the range of the minimum necessary in order to defend our country until now, and using the right of collective self-defense exceeds the range, and it came noting that it was not allowed on the constitution.
However, Prime Minister Abe's not only not saying, "We are the constitution" but he has forgotten that the constitution is "a chain with which a state is bound", to base the modern state on the constitutionalism which controls a state by the constitution and performs politics, etc., and he considers that a constitutional interpretation has and decides responsibility.
Probably, I think that the constitution and a constitutional interpretation will be made as for me to thinking anything like Louis XIV's theory of the divine right of kings in Prime Minister Abe if a Prime Minister barrel them decides.
Ryukyu Shimpo dated February 15 punched the second page of the special feature article entitled "interpretation change of the focal right of collective self-defense" considered to be a distribution report of Kyodo News, and came out, and it has reported it greatly.
It is introducing criticizing "If the government which should be restrained by the constitution changes a constitutional interpretation 180 degrees, a country ruled by law will not be realized", Professor Setsu Kobayashi of Keio Univ., constitutional revisionists, emphasizing the role of the constitution by which national power is restrained in the special feature article.
Professor Kobayashi, constitutional revisionists, "it is unconstitutionality that performs it (right-of-collective-self-defense use) in the name of "interpretation change" simply and clearly.
It is judged that the constitution belongs to the people who are sovereigns and is excessive". [ of putting the cart before the horse -- the government is going to control by interpretation -- ]
If Professor Kobayashi who is opposed to "96-article precedence constitutional revision" wants to admit right-of-collective-self-defense use, he expresses a view as "You should propose constitutional revision to people dignifiedly."
It is a reasonable fair argument.
Mr. Masahiro Sakata who served as the Director General of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau is telling as follows in the above-mentioned special feature article for two years after 2004.
Why isn't ?? right of collective self-defense accepted?
"The Self-Defense Forces are allowed the necessary minimum use of force for protecting people under Article 9 of the constitution.
If you go abroad and use of force is possible although danger is not approaching the people of our country, it is the same as a foreign army."
How is the use admission by interpretation change considered?
"The constitution has expressed as not making a state war freely.
Interpreting freely conflicts with constitutionalism just because the political power at the time is not pleasing.
If a time is not suited, the royal road revises the constitution."
It is the voice to Prime Minister Abe.
Follow the royal road, without saying having played a trick saying "I am the constitution"!
(February 18, 2014 Social Democratic Party member-of-the-House-of-Representatives Hironori Teruya)
[Photograph] http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg

04/18/2014 照屋寛徳 衆議院議員

02/18/2014:照屋寛徳 衆議院議員

Louis XIV.「朕は国家なり」(L'etat, c'est moi)

















 2月15日付の琉球新報は、共同通信の配信記事と思われる「焦点 集団的自衛権の解釈変更」と題する特集記事を二面ぶち抜きで大きく報道している。









(2014年2月18日 社民党衆議院議員 照屋寛徳)
