今日は 四谷地域散策

2013年10月31日 07時27分56秒 | Weblog


    12~15キロ かな  最近街歩きが多い 意外と坂が多い

     皇居一周すると 高低差は23メートル だったかな? 


           山歩きしている方には 笑われることでしょう

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2013年10月31日 06時58分10秒 | Weblog


       訪問者 204

      閲覧数 538

                   順位 8,264/1,946,580

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2013年10月30日 18時55分49秒 | Weblog



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2013年10月30日 08時06分05秒 | Weblog


  訪問者   179

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             順位 11,082/1,946,196

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CHINA爆撃機などが4機が 沖縄ー宮古間を往復飛行

2013年10月29日 05時21分05秒 | Weblog









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2013年10月29日 03時47分42秒 | Weblog


     訪問者  176

  閲覧数  346

                      順位  9,014 / 1,945,693 

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2013年10月28日 19時34分58秒 | Weblog
ラ ス ク 書 簡


署名 49ヶ国
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your notes of July 19 and August 2, 1951 presenting certain requests for the consideration of the Government of the United States with regard to the draft treaty of peace with Japan.
With respect to request of the Korean Government that Article 2(a) of the draft be revised to provide that Japan "confirms that it renounced on August 9, 1945, all right, title and claim to Korea and the islands which were part of Korea prior to its annexation by Japan, including the islands Quelpart, Port Hamilton, Dagelet, Dokdo and Parangdo," the United States Government regrets that it is unable to concur in this proposed amendment. The United States Government does not feel that the Treaty should adopt the theory that Japan's acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration on August 9, 1945 constituted a formal or final renunciation of sovereignty by Japan over the areas dealt with in the Declaration.
As regards the island of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or Liancourt Rocks, this normally uninhabited rock formation was according to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The island does not appear ever before to have been claimed by Korea. It is understood that the Korean Government's request that "Parangdo" be included among the islands named in the treaty as having been renounced by Japan has been withdrawn.
The United States Government agrees that the terms of paragraph (a) of Article 4 of the draft treaty are subject to misunderstanding and accordingly proposes, in order to meet the view of the Korean Government, to insert at the beginning of paragraph (a) the phrase, "Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Article", and then to add a new paragraph (b) reading as follows:
  (b) "Japan recongnizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of United States Military Government in any ofthe areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3".
The present paragraph (b) of Article 4 becomes paragraph(c).
    国政府は草案4条(a) の文言が誤解を招きやすいことに同意し、従って韓国政府の見解と一致させるために、(a)の冒頭に「本条(b) の規定に従う事を条件として」という句を挿入し、次いで下記の如く新たに(b) を追加することを提案します。
      (b) 日本国は、第2条および第3条により規定される地域において、合衆国軍政府の指令によってなされた日本国及び日本国民の財産の処分の有効性を認める。
    現在の4条(b) は (c)になります。
The Government of the United States regrets that it is unable to accept the Korean Government's amendment to Article 9 of the draft treaty. In view of the many national interests involved, any attempt to include in the treaty provisions governing fishing in high seas areas would indefinitely delay the treaty's conclusion. It is desired to point out, however, that the so-called MacArthur line will stand until the treaty comes into force, and that Korea, which obtains the benefits of Article 9, will have the opportunity of negotiating a fishing agreement with Japan prior to that date.
With respect to the Korean Government's desire to obtain the benefits of Article 15(a) of the treaty, there would seem to be no necessity to oblige Japan to return the property of persons in Japan of Korean origin since such property was not sequestered or otherwise interfered with by the Japanese Government during the war. In view of the fact that such persons had the status of Japanese nationals it would not seem appropriate that they obtain compensation for damage to their property as a result of the war.
条約15条(a) の利益取得について韓国政府の希望に関しては、在日韓国人の財産が、戦時中に日本政府により没収されたりその他妨害されたりしていないことからすれば、日本に当該財産を返還するように義務付ける必要はないものと思われます。そのような人々が日本国民の地位を有していた事実からすれば、戦争の結果としてその者たちの財産への損害補償を得るものとすることは妥当とは思えません。
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

   For the Secretary of State:
        Dean Rusk

        ディーン・ラスク(Dean Rusk)
  ●  一方的な領海宣言(李承晩ライン)は違法である
    The United States Government has consistently taken the position that the unilateral proclamation of sovereignty over the seas is illegal and that the fisheries dispute between Japan and Korea should be settled on the basis of a fisheries conservation agreement that would protect the interests of both countries.
  ● 米国政府はサンフランシスコ講和条約において竹島は日本領土であると結論している
    When the Treaty of Peace with Japan was being drafted, the Republic of Korea asserted its claims to Dokto but the United States concluded that they remained under Japanese sovereignty and the Island was not included among the Islands that Japan released from its ownership under the Peace Treaty.
  ●  この領土問題は国際司法裁判所を通じて解決されることが望まれる
    Our position has been that the dispute might properly be referred to the International Court of Justice and this suggestion has been informally conveyed to the Republic of Korea.
      Report of Van Fleet mission to the Far East

   Report of Van Fleet mission to the Far East, 26 April - 7 August , 1954
                                  by Ambassador James A. Van Fleet
             ヴァン・フリート特命報告書 1954年 4月26日~8月7日
                                   特使 ジェームス・ヴァン・フリート
A. Japan
1. Fisheries

Of the several problems at issue between Japan and Korea, the fisheries problem is by far the most important, not only because it is of vital concern to the Japanese (a nation that lives on fish) but because the Republic of Korea Government has taken overt action against Japanese fishermen apprehended fishing in the Sea of Japan (or Eastern Sea, as the Koreans call it) approximately 60 miles from Korean shores. The Japanese have eagerly sought a settlement with the Republic of Korea. As for the Koreans, they are genuinely concerned over the possible depletion of their fisheries resources by the superior Japanese fishing fleet. This is particularly acute for the Koreans because they do not have adequate vessels and equipment and trained personnel to fish in waters that are not closely adjacent of Korea. This problem involves the enforcement of the so-called "Rhee Line" or "Peace Line" in the Eastern Sea.

    A. 日本
1. 漁業

The essential facts are that the Republic of Korea Government has unilaterally proclaimed its sovereignty over a large area of the high seas bordering Korea and by the use of the Republic of Korea Navy has attempted to exclude Japanese fishermen from operations within the area. At times, the Republic of Korea Navy has fired upon Japanese vessels; some of the vessels have been apprehended and taken to Korean ports. After the crews have been tried and sentenced, most of the captured fishermen have been released, but the vessels usually have been detained and are now being reportedly operated by the Republic of Korea. It is believed that the Japanese Government is willing to enter into a reasonable fisheries conservation agreement that would guarantee the preservation of the fisheries and restrict Japanese operation in the area.


According to President Rhee, the "Peace Line" serves a three-fold purpose:
a. Conservation of valuable marine resources in Korea's coastal waters;
b. Elimination of future friction between Korea and Japan with respect to fisheries resources; and
c. Sea defence against Communist infiltration.

   a. 韓国沿岸水域の貴重な海洋資源の保護
   b. 漁業資源の韓国と日本におけるの将来の摩擦の排除
   c. 共産党員の浸透に対する海域での防御

The position of the Republic of Korea Government has been to insist on the recognition of the so-called "Peace Line." The United States Government has consistently taken the position that the unilateral proclamation of sovereignty over the seas is illegal and that the fisheries dispute between Japan and Korea should be settled on the basis of a fisheries conservation agreement that would protect the interests of both countries. The chronology and other aspects of the fisheries is discussed in more detail in Enclosure No. 1.

4. Ownership of Dokto Island

The Island of Dokto (otherwise called Liancourt and Take Shima) is in the Sea of Japan approximately midway between Korea and Honshu (131.80E, 36.20N). This Island is, in fact, only a group of barren, uninhabited rocks. When the Treaty of Peace with Japan was being drafted, the Republic of Korea asserted its claims to Dokto but the United States concluded that they remained under Japanese sovereignty and the Island was not included among the Islands that Japan released from its ownership under the Peace Treaty. The Republic of Korea has been confidentially informed of the United States position regarding the islands but our position has not been made public. Though the United States considers that the islands are Japanese territory, we have declined to interfere in the dispute. Our position has been that the dispute might properly be referred to the International Court of Justice and this suggestion has been informally conveyed to the Republic of Korea.
    4. 獨島の領有権
 獨島(別名:リアンクールロック、竹島)は、日本海の日本の本州と韓国のほぼ中間地点にある(東経131°80” 北緯36°20”)。この島は、実際、不毛な無人の岩である。日本との平和条約が起草された時、韓国は獨島の権利を主張したが、合衆国は日本の主権の下に残すことを決定し、平和条約の日本が所有権を放棄する島々には含めなかった。韓国は合衆国の獨島に関する意向を内々に知っていたが、合衆国はその意向を公表しなかった。合衆国は獨島を日本の領土であると考えるが、紛争への介入は拒否した。紛争を国際司法裁判所に適切に付託すべきであるという我々の意向は非公式に韓国に伝えられた。

The Mission was advised by Republic of Korea that:

"What is still worse is that Japan now claims the possession of the little islet of Dokto known Liancourt Rocks near the Woolnungdo known as Dagelet. Japanese officials are making frequent visits to the islet with armed vessels molesting Korean fishermen there. They set up posts here and there in the islet with description declaring as if it were Japanese territory. Throughout our history and knowledge up to the very moment of the declaration of sovereignty over adjacent seas (Rhee Line), Korea's sovereignty over it has never been contended by any country, as it has long been an immovably established fact that the islet, Dokto, has been historically as well as legally a part of Woolnungdo (Dagelet) Korean territory."

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2013年10月28日 19時06分57秒 | Weblog

   アラスカハイウエイの起点          CB400の二人乗りは途中で引き返す

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技術大国を造った天才 !田中久重

2013年10月28日 17時04分56秒 | Weblog


  技術大国を造った天才!田中久重 http://youtu.be/rc93r0onyZg


万年時計は貼り付けられませんでした 興味のある方はご自分で クリックください

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2013年10月28日 15時17分48秒 | Weblog


    靖国秋季例大祭 http://youtu.be/Y9bKuv7n61o

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飛松五男氏と見る 西成地区の生活保護

2013年10月28日 14時28分27秒 | Weblog

  生活保護の実態 http://youtu.be/Doapbqh3sIU

 大阪市の場合① http://youtu.be/X2JfcqTgvq4

          ② http://youtu.be/dkyDucZxasA

          ③ http://youtu.be/nHZ2p8UNRig

          ④ http://youtu.be/YOCxxv1NY7s

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2013年10月28日 12時32分53秒 | Weblog

 中国経済犯罪被害の実態 ① http://youtu.be/YKU2lgT8aJw

                  ② http://youtu.be/TTTcIsRR7mk

                  ③ http://youtu.be/7SgIdOJ9dlI

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2013年10月28日 11時45分07秒 | Weblog



20頭まで激減アムールトラを守れ 中国に2千平方キロ保護区 地元は抵抗か










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2013年10月28日 07時50分43秒 | Weblog


  中国の南京虫に気をつけろ http://youtu.be/aZm4rqT5o1w

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2013年10月28日 07時25分56秒 | Weblog
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中国機4機、3日連続飛行  沖縄沖、太平洋と往復

中国機4機、3日連続飛行  沖縄沖、太平洋と往復

2013年10月27日 中国機4機、3日連続飛行  沖縄沖、太平洋と往復  防衛省統合幕僚監部は27日、中国軍のY8早期警戒機2機とH6爆撃機2機が同日、沖縄本島と ...

中国機、3日連続で往復飛行 沖縄本島-宮古島間

中国機、3日連続で往復飛行 沖縄本島-宮古島間

 防衛省統合幕僚監部は27日、沖縄県の沖縄本島-宮古島間の上空を同日昼ごろ、中国の爆撃機など計4機が相次ぎ通過し、太平洋と東シナ海を往復飛行したと発表した。同型の4機は25、26両日も同じルートを往復 ...

中国軍4機、2日連続で沖縄本島-宮古島間上空を往復飛行 空自スクランブル

中国軍4機、2日連続で沖縄本島-宮古島間上空を往復飛行 空自スクランブル

 防衛省統合幕僚監部は26日、中国軍の爆撃機など4機が同日昼から夜にかけ、沖縄本島-宮古島間の上空を通過し、太平洋との間を往復飛行したと発表した。25日にも同型4機が似たルートで往復飛行しており、2日 ...

日本が無人機撃墜すれば「戦争行為」 中国軍が強調

 領空侵犯した無人機が警告に従わない場合、撃墜を含めた強制措置を取る方針を日本政府が固めたことについて、中国国防省の耿雁生報道官は26日、同措置が中国機に取られた場合、「一種の戦争行為であり、われわれ ...

中韓相次ぎ軍事演習 西太平洋と竹島 対日牽制狙う

 一方、防衛省は25日、沖縄県の沖縄本島-宮古島間の上空を同日午後、中国軍の爆撃機など計4機が相次ぎ通過し、太平洋との間を往復飛行したと発表した。空自の戦闘機などが緊急発進(スクランブル)して対応、領 ...



 防衛省は25日、沖縄県の沖縄本島-宮古島間の上空を同日午後、中国軍の爆撃機など計4機が相次ぎ通過し、太平洋との間を往復飛行したと発表した。空自の戦闘機などが緊急発進(スクランブル)して対応、領空侵犯 ...

「断固対応」と反発 日本政府の無人機撃墜方針に中国


 領空侵犯した無人機が警告に従わない場合に撃墜を含めた強制措置を取る方針を日本政府が固めたことについて、中国外務省の華春瑩報道官は22日の記者会見で、「外来勢力によるいかなる挑発行為のエスカレートにも ...

中国機への緊急発進80回 7~9月、四半期ベースで過去3番目

 航空自衛隊の戦闘機が中国機に対し、領空侵犯のおそれがあるとして緊急発進(スクランブル)した回数は、今年7~9月で計80回にのぼったことが9日、防衛省統合幕僚監部のまとめで分かった。3カ月ごとの発進回 ...

中国機が尖閣に接近飛行 8月26日以来の確認

中国機が尖閣に接近飛行 8月26日以来の確認

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中国の無人機を「撃墜すれば戦闘行動」、日本の無人機対策を警戒 中国軍

中国の無人機を「撃墜すれば戦闘行動」、日本の無人機対策を警戒 中国軍

 国籍不明の無人機が領空侵犯した際の対処方針策定を日本政府が進めていることを受け、中国軍のシンクタンク、軍事科学院の杜文竜研究員(大佐)は「日本が中国軍の無人機を撃墜すれば戦闘行動とみなす」との見解を ...



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