

@DalaiLama 2021年8月20日~10月15日·Twitter Web App

2023年08月30日 09時29分19秒 | DalaiLama
No matter how well you speak, the past represents that person. What do you think of the monks who have abandoned the temple and Believers and fled? Do you think it can't be helped if the wishes of the believers at that time are shattered?
どんなにうまく語っていても、過去は、その人物を表わします。寺とBelieversを棄てて逃げてしまった僧侶を皆はどう思いますか? 皆も、その時の信徒の希望が打ち砕かれたとしても仕方がないと思うのでしょうか?

Dalai Lama
What’s past is past, nothing can change that. But the future can be different if we choose to make it so. We have to cultivate a vision of a happier, more peaceful future and make the effort now to bring it about. This is no time for complacency, hope lies in the action we take.
午後6:30 · 2021年10月15日·Twitter Web App

Human life and death are decisive and do not occur without any causal relationship. What we can do is to acknowledge that we are diverse rather than common.

Dalai Lama
I don’t like formality. There’s no formality when we’re born and none when we die. In between we should treat each other as brothers and sisters because we all want to live a happy life. This is our common purpose and our right.
午後6:30 · 2021年10月13日·Twitter Web App

The world can only achieve peace through a balance of power-why did it happen? Unfortunately, pacifists are useless because when threatened, they even throw away their followers and temples and run away.
世界は力のバランスでしか平和を獲得できない――そうなったのは、なぜか? 残念ながら平和主義者は、脅されるると、信者や寺までも捨てて逃げてしまうから役に立たない。

Dalai Lama
In my experience, what we need is a calm mind and warm-heartedness provides a basis for that. That's how we make ourselves happy as individuals in families, local communities and nations. If we can train those who are young today in these qualities we’ll create a happier world.
午後6:30 · 2021年10月1日·Twitter Web App

Communistism has not been realized even in the 21st century.

Dalai Lama
When affectionate relations exist between members of a family, each one is confident of being able to call on the others for support. In a similar way, we must constantly remind ourselves of the oneness of humanity.
午後6:30 · 2021年9月27日·Twitter Web App

"The only way to solve human problems and preserve the peace is to meet, talk and engage in dialogue. "――So why did you have to abandon the temples and the believers and run away? You are not practicing your own enlightenment / teaching.
では、なぜ、あなたは寺や信徒たちを棄て逃げる必要があったのだ? あなたは、あなた独自の悟り・教えを実践してない。
Didn't you go into exile in India without doing that and abandon the temples and believers?

Dalai Lama
Creating a more peaceful world requires a peaceful mind and a peaceful heart. As human brothers and sisters we must live together with affection and respect. The only way to solve human problems and preserve the peace is to meet, talk and engage in dialogue. #PeaceDayChallenge
午後6:30 · 2021年9月21日·Twitter Web App

You have lost an important temple that has continued for generations, and you have separated from such a large number of believers. You are just wearing a kasaya.

Dalai Lama
Everyone wants to live in a peaceful world, but it’s necessary to understand that what destroys peace is anger and hatred. This is why the long term goal is to create inner peace within individuals, so contributing to a more compassionate humanity.
午後6:32 · 2021年9月13日·Twitter Web App

What is a good heart and healthier behavior? Is it love for your hometown or neighbors? However, you abandoned the temple and the believers and ran away. There is a difference between heaven and earth in what you say and what you actually do.
良い心やより健全な行動とは、なんですか? 郷土や隣人への愛ですか? しかしあなたは寺や信者を棄てて逃げてしまった。あなたが自分で言っていることと、現実にやっていることには、天と地の差があります。

Dalai Lama
Even though our society doesn’t emphasize it, the most crucial use of knowledge and education is to understand the importance of more wholesome action and disciplining the mind—essentially the development of a good heart.
午後6:30 · 2021年9月3日·Twitter Web App

The direction of our lives needs to be positive. If so, you don't have to run away from anything. Being detained by the Communist Party was better than abandoning temples and Believers and running away.

Dalai Lama
The direction of our lives needs to be positive. We weren’t born to cause trouble or do harm to others. For our life to be of value, I think we must develop good human qualities – warmth, kindness, compassion. Then our life will become meaningful and more peaceful – happier.
午後6:34 · 2021年8月30日·Twitter Web App

In Japan, monks who criticized killing during the war were arrested and imprisoned. However, no monk abandoned the temples and believers and fled. Why did you abandon the temples and the believers and run away?

Dalai Lama
As soon as I wake up, I think about altruism. I reflect on the verse that says, "So long as space remains, I will remain in order to serve sentient beings." This gives me inner strength and determination, so there’s no longer any danger of destructive emotions arising.
目を覚ますとすぐに利他主義について考えます。 「空間が残っている限り、私は衆生に仕えるためにとどまります」と書かれている節を振り返ります。これは私に内なる強さと決意を与えるので、破壊的な感情が生じる危険はもうありません。
午後6:30 · 2021年8月23日·Twitter Web App

Dalai Lama
Helping others brings deep satisfaction. No matter how powerful we may seem to be, our survival depends on the community. Clearly the community is crucial to individual happiness, so if we make others happy, we too derive benefit.
午後6:30 · 2021年8月20日·Twitter Web App

