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Civilizations and Impressions

Civilizations and value 8 ( Toynbee and Spengler 's theory of civilization )

2024-01-28 05:50:48 | 論文

Weber's sensibilities include an ``ideal type'' way of thinking, a way of focusing on modernization theory, and a somewhat calculus-like perspective. The convenient genre divisions and classifications of economy, politics, administration, society, and culture are the same as in my theory of civilization, but they are nothing more than a methodology for analysis and synthesis. However, if we look at this categorization of economics, politics, administration, society, and culture from a different perspective, we can also think of it as a convenient classification of ``value space'' into categories. This can also be said to be related to the methodology for analysis and synthesis.


However, this so-called Toynbee-like theory of value formation may have a somewhat heteronomous feel to it . In addition to this , there may also be autonomous value formation theories that the civilization itself has. It refers to values that are formed in relation to the state of energy possessed by that ethnic group . These values also change over time. Also, among the things that make up these values are religion , art, and science , and Spengler was the person who intuitively understood that at the root of these are "common biological phenomena*." .


 *Common Life Phenomena

What has become clear is that a political problem cannot be understood from politics itself, and that the essential features operating deep within are often only found in the field of art... and even more so, This is what concretely manifests in the form of distant scientific thought and pure philosophical thought.


It can be said that Spengler wrote a number of things in ``The Decline of the West'' that were strange from the point of view of each expert .*1 However, in modern terms , AI It can be said that he was discussing the ` `common life phenomena'' that exist in all things, such as religion, art, and science, in a way that turned the so- called deep learning method  on its head. He called it morphology , and said it was the last science of European civilization .


*1 From the perspective of an expert, he wrote a number of strange things in ``The Decline of the West.''

Spengler's evaluations of culture, art, mathematics, and history do not necessarily evaluate each field from an expert standpoint, so it seems that his evaluations are strongly biased. This element of bias can be said to be the essence of morphological interpretation. However, checking each and every one of them may be quite difficult for non-Westerners. This is why it is not expected to be efficient to use the example presented by Spengler when explaining autonomous value formation.


We looked at Toynbee 's theory ( challenge and response), which can be an external factor for values, and Spengler 's theory (common lifephenomena), which can be an internal factor .


There will probably be many opinions as to why Toynbee and Spengler 's theory of civilization is being used now . In fact, in recent years, it has been Huntington's work ``The Clash of Civilizations'' that has continued to have a major influence on civilization theory . Although the clash of civilizations has successfully explained * the situation in the real world , it seems that it has also become a fuel for values and ideas in itself.


*Explain real world situations well.

The population growth of Islamic civilization and the economic development of Chinese civilization in Asia gradually brought about tension with Western civilization. In contrast, Huntington believed that close cooperation between Europe and the United States would be essential to sustaining the hegemony of Western civilization. He also predicted that by 2021, the population growth in Islamic civilization would have slowed down. On the other hand, tensions caused by Chinese civilization are still rising.


All rights reserved to M Ariake






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Civilizations and value 7 ( concept of values )

2024-01-21 06:38:16 | 論文

Chapter 2    Value 


1 what is value


In my previous two papers, ``Study on Civilization'' and ``Study on Quasi-Civilization,'' I have been thinking about the theme of civilization.


It focused on the `` life '' of civilization and quasi-civilization. I first tried to classify them based on their characteristics , and then looked at their life phenomena . However, simply looking at life phenomena in the past does not cover the conditions that constrain the present era . Classification and elucidation of life phenomena are extracted from past historical records. It is probably difficult to discover "value" in the present with just this , and it is also difficult to foresee the future .


The greatest benefit to be gained from knowing past records and history is to discover `` stable relationships among civilizations '' through classification and elucidation of life phenomena . However, it is difficult to discover where this civilization will head in the future just by discussing the various civilizations that have existed to date . What is attracting attention here is the concept of ``value,'' which can serve as an element and force that will define the future .


2 Value and time


In "Study of Civilization "“ Value is a function of time *”was defined as . This definition is too concise and can be confusing . This is mentioned in the section ``Civilization and Time'' in ``Study on Civilization .'' that explanation of what forms value was inspired by Toynbee's theory .


Values change , and first of all, ``challenges'' are presented depending on the conditions of each era . Some kind of value is formed because of this . In order to realize this value, a ``fight back'' will be held . In other words, value is a force that is given life and shaped by the challenges of the times. Each of these values influences ``technological efficiency'' and ``social structural strength . ''

In addition, in response to these forces , forces that repel are generated, and as they are synthesized, they form ``reaction forces'' and ``maintenance forces,'' and achieve self -actualization .


 *Value is a function of time

Let's define "value" as something that constitutes the reason for its existence, both soft and hard. This definition has nothing to do with the reason for human existence. First of all, it is better to think only about the software and hardware that surrounds human society. It is clear that the meaning of the existence of these software and hardware often changes over time, but on the other hand, it is also possible to consider situations in which they remain unchanged and maintain their original form, although they are washed away by the waves of change. . The proposition that value is a function of time may be thought of as another form of expression of the ``modernization theory.'' Modernization theory is the establishment of capitalism in the economy in Europe. Establishment of a democratic government in politics. Establishment of bureaucracy in public administration . The transition from Gemeinschaft to Geselfschaft in society. It is a shift towards rationalism in culture . This is typified by the ideas of Max Weber.


All rights reserved to M Ariake



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Civilizations and value 6 ( about the idea of civilization group )

2024-01-14 08:23:50 | 論文

 I have briefly touched on the life phenomena of quasi-civilizations other than the four civilizations in ``Research on quasi-civilizations'' . When we look at these classifications of civilizations and individual life phenomena, we can also look at the individuality of each civilization, but that is not all. This is because I also want to think about these " collections of civilizations ." For example, this will lead to the view that things formed by the coming together of various civilizations can be considered a single form of life, like clusters of galaxies in astronomy . This is the idea of the so-called civilization group (a complex of civilizations formed by the gathering and combining of multiple civilizations and quasi-civilizations). Whether humanity can govern itself peacefully and eliminate the causes of war seems to be deeply related to this way of thinking .


What is the ideal state between the four civilizations?


It can be said that the most important purpose of classifying civilizations and elucidating the life phenomena of various civilizations is to arrange them under the condition of peace . I briefly explained an example of a diagram of this arrangement in ``Research on Quasi-Civilizations'' , but it seems unlikely that the four civilizations with moral systems will continue to clash repeatedly in their struggle for supremacy . I also thought that whether or not it is a democratic system may have an impact.


Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary for many quasi-civilizations other than "civilization" to strengthen their economic ties , and it is also necessary to have a great balance between these four civilizations and their separation and conflicts. 


As an example of such an arrangement , TPP (Trans-Pacific Agreement)* was mentioned in the ``Study on Quasi-Civilizations .'' The classification of civilizations and the study of their biological phenomena will serve as a kind of framework when considering how to proceed with such a sequence map . Each of these quasi-civilizations is a piece of the puzzle.


 * TPP 

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is an economic partnership agreement signed between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. In terms of quasi-civilization classification, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are colonial-type quasi-civilizations, as well as Chile, Mexico, and Peru are colonial-type quasi-civilizations, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam are fusion-type quasi-civilizations, and Japan is frontier-type quasi-civilizations. This means that if Britain is added to this list, the number of frontier quasi-civilizations will increase.


In his ``Study on Quasi-Civilizations,'' I observed that the trend of multiculturalism was gradually moving northward from the southern hemisphere . The TPP is an agreement that encompasses Oceania, North America, South America, Southeast Asia, and the Far East , but in the future it is desirable that other quasi-civilizations such as Africa, the Far West, Eastern Europe, and Russia ( Eurasia ) be included and joined. Maybe. This encircles four civilizations that are divided , clashing, and only respecting their own moral systems and flaunting their influence . Then, such behavior will be regulated. How about thinking about the emergence of a ` `complex civilized organism,'' so to speak ? This means TPP plus other quasi-civilized alliances.


Regarding civilization, I came to something like a conclusion. Civilizations assert themselves and clash. For this reason, other quasi-civilizations cooperate to protect their own values, creating a form of encirclement around civilization. The idea is that by doing so, the actions of various civilizations will be restrained and peace will be maintained.

Let's stop thinking about civilization for a moment and start thinking about the other theme of this paper: value.


All rights reserved to M Ariake

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Civilizations and value 5 ( civilization and hegemony )

2024-01-08 09:43:10 | 論文

3  Civilization as it is


First, let's classify them by ideological type . By doing so , we will be able to pay attention to the various forms of life that exist in various civilizations. I have been thinking that I will be able to reflect on the state of existence . However, these civilizations are beings whose lives have been observed through formal classification . In a different sense from this , they are themselves subjects that act as life phenomena . Therefore, research that captures the true state of civilization is also necessary .


The classification of civilizations may be rather static . However, unlike the classification of plants and insects, civilization has  thick layers of time. Just as geological formations have a history and stories, civilizations also have a history and stories. In other words, in the case of civilization, even though it is called classification, it cannot be simply a formal or completely static science. Research that captures such biological phenomena will have aspects of dynamic research .


The four civilizations are formally classified as ``local civilization'' and ``cosmopolitan civilization .' ' Local civilizations are controlled and concentrated (or bandwagoning *when viewed externally) , and Chinese and Indian civilizations fall under this category . In ``Study of Civilization,'' I wrote that China had integrated through politics, and India had integrated through religion and culture .


In contrast, cosmopolitan civilization is decentralized and expansive, and European civilization and Islamic civilization have been considered to fall under this category . I assumed that chemical changes occurred due to contact between these cosmopolitan civilizations . In other words , Western civilization became the strongest due to the history and results of conflicts (war) and exchanges (peace) between European civilization and Islamic civilization . Capital accumulation and military commercialization occurred in European civilization . I believed that the strongest civilization, Western civilization, was born by combining these two elements . At the same time, these are the cancerous cells that are currently eroding peace and are a major issue on Earth.



Nations follow emerging powers, adapt to them, take a secondary or subordinate position to emerging powers, and expect their fundamental interests to be protected.


For a while after that , Western civilization was dominated by hegemonic struggles within itself *1. This has now turned into a struggle for supremacy , not just within civilizations, but between civilizations (the West and China) . In addition to the traditional struggle for economic hegemony, the United States and China are now beginning to recognize that there is a struggle for supremacy .


But will this situation continue? Will Chinese civilization be followed by Indian civilization, followed by Islamic civilization, and so on ? *2 Is the struggle for supremacy an inevitable form of life phenomena between civilizations ? If capital accumulation and military commercialization are the characteristics of Western civilization, which is rooted in a sense of scarcity, then a world dominated by Chinese, Indian, and Islamic civilizations may become a different world. Or perhaps these civilizations have learned capital accumulation and military commercialization from Western civilization. If that is the case, the struggle for supremacy will not be revised in the future . Nor will there be an end to proxy wars or civil wars in developing countries . Weapons will continue to be manufactured and sold . Is civilization as it is a world where the fittest survives, just like the animal kingdom? MacNeil used the concepts of micro-parasitism and macro-parasitism as tools to explain the transformation of civilization, but is that the whole world?


*1  It was all about hegemony struggles within civilization.

Hegemonic control refers to the control of products, distribution, and finance, and the focus has shifted to Venice, Umbel, Genoa, Amsterdam, London, and New York. At one point, there was a momentum that Tokyo seemed to be taking over the hegemony, but unlike China, Japan did not step into the path of hegemony and put the brakes on it.


*2  Will this situation continue , with Chinese civilization followed by Indian civilization, followed by Islamic civilization ?

Japan did not set out on the path to hegemony. Democracy had already pervaded Japan, and there was no intention at all of militarily to confront the United States. However, China seems to be different. Party rule is used to govern the country, but since it is not a democracy, it is impossible to let off steam and has no choice but to make external enemies. Compared to that, India is a democracy, so it may be less likely to move toward hegemony like China. Democracy has not yet fully penetrated Islamic civilization. It may be the Chinese civilization and the Islamic civilization that are most likely to be in conflict over a change in hegemony . However, Islamic civilization is still fragmented and may never emerge as a unified civilization like Chinese civilization. This is because Islamic civilization was a cosmopolitan civilization, just as it had always been.


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