2018年07月29日 13時30分53秒 | (047)360-9203バンデリアン松戸FAX03-5668-1717
      Tel:0463-71-0300 Fax:0463-71-2939

湘南台駅西口バス ①番のりば湘24 慶応大学行(小田急線・相鉄線・横浜市営地下鉄中央公論

Healingroom Fraris





GRACEホテルサンルート徳山 別館3階 『 銀河 』



To the yesterday's talking society,

All of you whom I always come over to,

I would think that there would be it not to mention today.

Routinely (笑)
I came.

Very thankful.

Of course I did not ignore the movement of the typhoon in event holding when I said in this way all the time,

While, for the ensuring safety of all of you, gathering information properly,

While talking with Mr. Ami,

I hold it.

While considering the realistic aspect properly,

But the light of Grace wants to send it as much as possible.

In the area of the talking society holding time, it has already rained yesterday and,

I think that it was not comfortable at all that everybody comes,

All of you who always come,

Many of you who had you apply,

I came a lot.

It was hard to be true.

Of the step thank you very much while was not good.

The talking society was bound together safely.

What I want to tell everybody about here

Real "thanks" (thanks to affect a heart) is a lucky charm.

Everybody who did "thanks Festival" together on that day,

Did you experience "thanks" to affect heart realistically?

For the genuine thanks, the Holy Mother becomes the passing of noble people.

Therefore, please do not forget it.

In thanks, the warmth of the heart,

There is the Holy Mother together.

As for all of land affected by the typhoon now,

Then as for all of land where a typhoon does not come to,

Living at a warmhearted place thing is looked after.

Having us in living at a warmhearted place immediately clearly,


In this typhoon,

