
2010年04月04日 01時11分25秒 | 話者数中国語10億5100万人




4.その存在が医学的に認められる(証明できる、説明できる)もので、 かつ、


逸失利益 後遺障害を負ったことにより、労働能力が低下し、将来に渡って失う利益のことです。
後遺障害慰謝料 後遺障害を負うことによる肉体的・精神的負担に対する慰謝料です。



Work of the flash you can make the purpose which gives a global wave motion, too

The earth in the time now when a wave motion rises rapidly.
The form of the world is connected with you as "ko".
The form of the life that that you're healed to the prosperity and that the world is healed occurs to the same simultaneousness.

So the easy work we can do was just gathered.

If fear springs if it's seized anxiously if I worry, I'll start "warm heart" in you easy. The gentle creation from which pain can be untied starts.

[It concentrates on the value, not anxiety and fear.]

The wave motion to which I say "Thank you very much." is light.

I'll notice the value so that a chest may become warm. It's away, but my parents are at home. I'm thankful.

Are you fine, whether you have a cold, the person who can wish for prosperity enters himself, I'm thankful.

Thankfulness the person who stops suddenly in voice in the home where I say "Is it being done vigorously? Is work neat? When are you returning this time?" and turns a heart conversely is.

There is a friend who can have a meal and laugh each other, I'm thankful. There is a friend who has the family, there is a person who can exchange the greeting the person who helps needs.

It's a favorite phrase in being a person who loves, thank you very much, I'll notice the value so that a chest may become warm.
I'll put the temperature to which I pray for prosperity in and think of the value. Thank you very much, for, it's light.
Warmth, thank you very much, your chest is filled, a degree, light is transmitted from its connection, and Ai expands light of defence while reporting prosperity to the people who love. Please try it. A heart is satisfied and is reborn refreshing every day.

I'm thankful for a place.

With the house where I return, I'm thankful.
It's defended against a wind, I'm thankful.
It's defended against rain and strong wind, I'm thankful. I'm thankful for the place you can make rest slowly. With the place it can also be able to disturb the day when I worried where, I'm thankful.
I'm thankful for the prosperity which can pass this way.
I'm thankful to be able to use this station.
Your house, room, wall, office, the car which moves, train, the station, town and the way I walk.

Because you meet me, it's possible.

Some time when I turn a heart to the benefit and notice easy suddenly. That I'm thankful so that a chest may become warm, a heart is heated up deeply. Thank you very much, for, Ko.
Warmth of the chest is light.
Then everyone sympathizes with the warmth, and flashes your house, a room, a wall, a car, a town and the way. Ko appears.
When does its gentle Ko protect a house, protect the way and make the town happy..?
Warmth which springs from our spirituality keeps a wonderful possibility. Doesn't your Ko begin to use it from that