

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 16

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 16





When the King of Silla(新羅) heard about the Emperor's passing, he was shocked and deeply saddened. He sent many tribute ships filled with musicians. These ships stopped at Tsushima, where they mourned greatly. They then arrived in Tsukushi and mourned again. Upon reaching Naniwa, everyone wore white hemp clothes, brought various musical instruments, and offered many tributes. They wept and danced from Naniwa to the capital, and attended the mourning palace.

In November, the Silla envoys completed their mourning rituals and returned home. The people of Silla admired the nearby mountains of Miminashi and Unebi. When they reached the Koto-biki Hill, they looked back and said, "Uneme-haya, Mimi-haya." This was because they were not familiar with the local language, and mispronounced Unebi-yama as "Uneme" and Miminashi-yama as "Mimi." A horse keeper from Yamato, accompanying the Silla people, overheard this and mistakenly thought they were referring to court ladies (uneme). He reported this to Prince Ōhatsuse, who then interrogated the Silla envoys. The envoys clarified, "We did not commit any offense against the court ladies. We simply admired the two mountains near the capital." Realizing the mistake, they were forgiven. However, the Silla people harbored resentment and reduced the quantity of tribute items and ships.

On the 10th of October, the Emperor was buried in the Nagano-no-hara Mausoleum in Kawachi.





*【調】つき = 貢物 〔コトバンク〕

令和6年6月15日(土) 2024

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