


2024年09月15日 | Weblog
The activities and teachings of Rissho Kosei-kai are considered "left behind by the times" due to several factors. 

The organization has experienced a significant decline in membership over the past 30 years, with its number of followers dropping from 6.54 million in 1993 to about 2.07 million today. This decline is attributed to societal changes such as the increase in nuclear families and dual-income households, which have reduced the time and inclination for religious involvement. Additionally, while Rissho Kosei-kai is known for its sincere faith and lack of aggressive recruitment or donation practices, it still faces challenges in adapting its teachings and activities to contemporary societal needs. Despite its commitment to interfaith dialogue and peace activities, some believe its traditional approach does not resonate with modern values and lifestyles. The organization continues to engage in various social and peace activities, such as the "One Meal Movement," which supports global issues like poverty and hunger, but these efforts may not be enough to counteract the broader trend of declining religious affiliation.

The One Meal Movement, also known as the Donate-a-Meal Movement, is an initiative by Risshō Kōsei Kai, a Japanese new religious movement. Established in 1974, the movement encourages participants to skip a meal twice a month and donate the money saved to support humanitarian efforts. 
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