

場所アフリカ ベナン 羅保派

2024年08月11日 | Weblog

場所ベナン In Benin, it is advised not to dispose of band-aids stained with blood, nails, or hair; they must be burned to avoid curses from those who harbor resentment. Animal carcasses for rituals are sold. Shopping history can be easily revealed, and welcome drinks may consist of well water or strong alcohol. Mold is prevalent, and scorpions are also present.

ベナンの人は日本人に言う People in Benin say, "Why do Japanese people smile politely? Why don't they contact us? Japanese people don't say what they're thinking. Why don't they share money? What does Japan have that Benin doesn't? We have everything here; even if there's no food, the children shine with joy.


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