Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (324)

2017-11-30 18:01:14 | 日記
30/11/2017, Thursday, warm & cloudy ⇒ cold & cloudy ⇒ cold & rainy, mist type

Miyuki did her first apple eating job in the courtyard of the second hut at Chestnut Hill, and also, planted seeds of Johanathan apples, Japanese YUZU lemons, and icorns. She put wooden spoons with the names of each species on the soil per each, and made a dicth also, and put the leftover of the fruits. New Patch making work, she did, today, for the first time.

And she continued to wipe up the floor. Almost half part of the floor was cleaned up. And Miyuki is now wonder to use slippers, or rag mat or fat socks...All of these, would be ideal. And she decisively thought not to buy new materials as much as possibles. She would gain much more prettier things soon. However, up to the suitable time, she wants to take advantage of already existing type objects, she had gained before.

She made an errand to search the price of TSURUHASHI or big beak shape desconstruction tool for her soil sowing. However, at CAINZ Home Center, she couldn't find any of them. At KOMERI, only a head part made of iron costs US$16. Thus, she is now using common shovel to her farming at Chestnut Hill.

Probably, she would borrow tools necessary for her farming from her father. He has variety of tools. Thus, some tools would be substitute. And Miyuki returns the tools, without exception, in the same day. Thus, no necessity to buy any of them.

She should be more responsible. yes, reliable. She is at least not liar, confirmed. However, to work more, more responsibility is necessity. Thus, more exactness would be required. Anyway, she would accomplish her log house or HUTTE making job up to Christmas period.

She found a cheap Lens beans boiled type cans at YAMAYA shop at Mega-STAGE area. Tomorrow is the first of December, already. Thus, she would start to prepare for Christmas event. A paper for gift would be fine to decorate the wall for the cheerful period. She made her own accecaries with ribbon with red, green and gold colours in HACHiOJI, to appreciate the seasonal atomosphare. No pay is the absolute principle. Just in case of necessity is our strict rule.

Alex is an indulged boy, thus he uses oil heater, acoording to Alzheimer ladies' advice, as his own cost. He should pay for it, because his stay in the office is useless and in vain, and Miyuki's working is precious for us all. He has no value guy, if he pays his own cost, yes. Without cost payment, he is harmful attacker, just it. Thus, minimum, he should pay. He didn't learn at all at school, was confirmed. So stupid boy, and he was brought up under the strict rules given by Alzheimer ladies against Miyuki's will. Even Miyuki's will, he would be degraded, would be decided now. However, Miyuki is free from his problem at all. Thus, she will concentrate on her job.

Alzheimer ladies attack him so many times, unnecessarily. Now, YUKARI came, and found that Miyuki was entering into the toilet, thus, she changed her mind, and entered into the office room, and told some preach toward Alex unnecessarily, and refrained from the office, without using the toilet. Why she came to the office, was forgotten by YUKARI.

No necessity, in short. She wanted to meet Alex, anyway. She was in good mood, thus, she wanted to something to Alex, anyway. No reason, no content. Just Alzheimer attacking only. And YUKARI loves Alex so much. She loves him only. Thus, the world is mine, according to her inner voice.

he is already my lover. I want to get married with him. Wedding would be fine. Thus, I bought a set of cosmetics. However, it didn't work at all. Thus, sexy dynamite strategy, she wants to try now. Just attack directly on Alex! As often as possible! Just meeting is also fine! Anyway, go to attack Alex, as much as possible!!!

YUKARI's GO!, GO! mode is so dangerous to others. Don't say anything on the matter. I am decisively loving him. It is enough. I love you, Alex, thus, you should show me how you love me!!!

She is so selfish. Thus, Miyuki got a big damage also today. This morning, in front of the fredge, Miyuki was heating up chicken legs for her lunch. And YUKARI, with a big green plastic basketful of washed wet clothings, hit Miyuki with the heavy big basket with wet clothings, with monstrous face with anger. So strong she hit, as Miyuki to faint, almost. "Monstrouns Cow!" or MOUGYUU or 猛牛, Miyuki felt from her violent attitude. She didn't refrain from the scene, nor wait the dish to be heated up, and just she dushed toward the entrance of the office.

Oh, for Alzheimers, refraining or waiting is so so difficult to choose, probably. Thus, the cows of Pamplona, they turned to be. Dangerous festival, however, so many males participated into it, annually.

Attractive to gain the interest of the candidates of lovers, and they got interested in to be killed, also. Thus, some guys were put to be killed, sometimes. Unnecessarily, they put them, and as they predicted, these victims were killed under the name of popular enthusiasm. Mad Cow Disease, it would be said. And now, YUKARI is now in the real stage of this. Thus, mummal milk, I would like to provide you, Alex, like primitive sensation inside her. Thus, who disturbs my precious divine duty to control Alex would be killed, immediately, is her honest darest confession.

Everyday's yawning from INFERNO toward her bed side. Good Grief. At least, she wants to die. However, she can't do it. Why? Because she doesn't do it. Indifferent from her intention, she should be killed, as punishment.

Panty washing machine, manual type, was her nickname from the kids. Why you want to wash our intimate wears by your own precious hands?, was Clare's primitive question to HARUMI and YUKARI. And YUKARI hit her, directly, and said, "Clare, you stupid! Females were born for it! You should know the limit! You are female, and you should learn to do so for Alex, after my death!" Oh, YUKARI will die soon, Clare presumed. And the result...nothing happened, and she continues to attack us as always.

Monstrously selfish guys, the Alzheimer ladies. Panty washers, they are! They love to search others' sexual life, in short. Eros and violence, in the last stage. Thus, they both should refrain from our society!!!

They attack us so hard recently. Crazy guys, yes. And how we can avoid the worst disaster? We can trap them. They would go to picnic toward Tokyo, and they would never come back here any more!!! Sean, Don't come back to us, ever!!!

To Tokyo, you will go by car, HARUMI, won't you? You said so last week. Do you remember on it? ITABASHI, you said. You want to see the place to live in the near future. There, You, Alex and YUKARI would live forever. You said so clearly last week. Thus, we are waiting for your departure.

Alex suggested that they would be fine to go by two, because the seats are only two in the yellow car. He is now so busy to study hard, becase as you know, your dirty messy husband punishes me so lot. I am rather clever type, however, he categorized me as the worst indulged guy in the world, thus, at least, to meet you next time, I need to study harder. Thus, only you both will go to see the buildings, candidates of our new residence. After Miyuki's death, of course, we would live all together. Anyway, look arround the town before buying the house. Go directly to Itabashi. GTI, is our catch copy. Remember, GTI, OK?

Thus, they are going now. And Miyuki found a big advertisement plate on the death of KOISO family in Shin-SHIRAKAWA area. They were deciesing, anyway. However, the bottom of their inner mechanism was so dark and cold and dirty, as mad or fass of deep ocean...Thus, their image is Monstrous Deep Sea Creatures wandering here and there, popping out of their suitable place called Deep Sea or INFERNO or ITABASHI.

Inner satans creating project, they participated into, and they failed finally. Good grief. Always selfish, and so so unusually forgetful, and erroneous, and cruel. Rapists, they are!!! They should be killed in the highest level of shames!!!

Greece Teachers are also Idiots, some guy informed. They had a pride of their own history, yes. However, ancient type. After modern age, it was degrated. Past self confidence, Greeks kept, and couldn't get away from the erroneous self portrait. Just like HARUMI and YUKARI.

For them, their illusion is the real world. With any counter proof, they can't believe the fact at all. It is difficult to live with them. No guy would put up with their harsh attacking at all. So so nasty, and so so abruptly. Air raid type. And they should be killed immediately.

YUKARI is not young as Alzheimer patient, is shocking impressive fact for us all. Alzheimer patients suffer indifferent from their own ages. 48 years old Alzheimer patients are rather older, compared with other examples.

No reason to explain their abrupt mood change except Alzheimer disease or Amirodosis. By being killed by us all!!!

They want to live more! Oh, betrayal and blasfamia! They have no right to express their desire at all. They are already declared guilty, and they are practically prisonners. Thus, they can't put any moratorium on the period of execution, without saying!!!

Thus, they should be killed before Christmas! Oh, "Love Story"!

Abruptly, the young couple with promissive boy and promissive girl were split, in short. With the boy's family's intention. So so similar to the real story of Cris of Bolivia!!!

Exist some guys who want to give a damage our happiness, by their own hobby. Always, some rich family wants to choose rich counterpart for their younger members. MICCHIKU in Bolivia. In any countries, exist this inclination.

Mr.Slump family, also. IVANNA is also the victim???

She is a kind of common designer, not so promissive type, however, she wanted to be independent, however, she can't, because she is supported from her father. Oh, she came with Mr.Slump with her father to Japan. And they split, anyway. Financial supporter would turn to be terrible attackers, sometimes. Yes. Thus, need to clear up before the contract. Of course.

And Miyuki's case? Miyuki goes in the minimum approach. Beyond the necessity, she needs to pay as luxuary for who paied for her. Thus, so easy to know to be paid or not. Thus, yes, unwritten contract type. Not abuser type, in short. In case of necessity, who have the resource, we should provide, as much as possible, of course. Thus, for Miyuki, Alex is a kind of abuser. Why he doesn't want to put more fat clothings on? With them, he doesn't need to consume any petroreum in vain.

Thus, luxuary, for our side, yes. He should wear correctly, is Miyuki's advice. Why he wears so few in winter? Recently, he has been inclined to do so. T-shirt wearing in winter is absurd for us, at all! However, he does so. Why? Kinkiest costive habit, thus, his own choice without necessity. Thus, he should pay.

According to his former adviser, he is totally normal, and American should do it. Oh, it is the real idiot. Thus, the two Alzheimer ladies, in short. American way, they adviced, and Alex followed. Thus, Alex also should be punished.

Yes. Why American style was not asked by any of these threes. "Just like American, you can live!" was HARUMI's stupidest adivice. Monstrous Deep Sea Creature's stupid advice would not be accepted by any common guys. Thus, Alex is stupid guy, of course!!!

From the top of Thunderbolt Mountain, no car on the route 294 from the south end toward ONNA-ISHI or 女石, however, when Miyuki walks along the road in this area, so many cars pass beside her. Always, without any exception.

In any narrow ally, it happens. Today, HEBIISHI area, it happened in. KATSUMI's site is so near. Why this unpopulous area suddenly turned to be busy street in Tokyo, abruptly?, Miyuki got in wonder, even today.

So nasty, however, satans can't put up with the sensation to pop our from their space called INFERNO. Why they attack us even after their death?

Post death Trauma, it is called. Even after the lost war, they fight, and attack us, and some of us suffer so much. Clare is one example. They attack her every day. Thus, going to school is one chance to be away from the attacker. Terrible Ciao-Ribbon League, they induce her to participate in. Thus, itself, the wrongdoing is!

HARUMI is earger to make her to be SHIRAKAWA high school's pupil now. Oh, just she wants Clare's unhappiness. Yes, of course! Thus, everyday, she preaches Clare, decisively. You would be a good pupil to gain some affection from the teachers, OK? And Miyuki's response is?

Clare's matter, she decides. However, to say my opinion, the contrary of my own belief. Thinking of gaining affection is the last resort, and sub-effect. Not main purpose. Who does it would fail, complitely, in its life, confirmed. Thus, Testacles Pets adviser, HARUMI was categorized.

Thus, Clare is in the middle. She is not good at point getting. However, she wants to go forever away from the house. Near Shin-Shirakawa, it is located. Thus, it would be fine for her. Oh, Shirakawa station is near from our house. one train passes per hour to connect to Shin-Shirakawa. Too too tiny factor to decide your high school.

Miyuki's advice is...Don't go to high school, Clare. All public schools here are rotten. Thus, go to work, as you like. Trainee type jobs would be find to do. And find some suitable inclination to your future. Animal trainer, she wants to be. Then, try to approach to them. Some suitable guys would tell the clues to realize your dream. Animal farms would be fine to attack to work. MINAMIGAOKA or 南ヶ丘 is one of attempts, I think of.

Miyuki remembered that the staff wore red simple wind breaker, and black jeans. Males and females. Part timers, probably. However, at least, they didn't require entrance, and their prices were relatively reasonable.

And not so "OPPABU BABAA likes it!" type. A kind of "As you like!" type semi-abandoned type. Sufficient to enjoy with the animals.

Like that. Anyway, attack! Miyuki attacked to enter into Todai, and made an extreme effort to do so, and gained the result. Without any purpose and effort, any dream would be realized. Thus, think of what you want to do, in reality, from the bottom of your heart, and think well of it, pragmatically.

Salary is one factor, however, so small part of the decision, it includes. What you desire in your life?, is more important. Abract way, also OK, you should clear up your desire. Direct desire on your near future is most important. Immage, what kind of adult you want to be!

Thus, she gave up to be a pupil of high schools...No sufficient intelligence she has, she recognized. Public schools are all difficult for her, in fact. Yes, good reason to giving up them all!!!

Thus, she chose to be rightous brothers, and starts to work outside, like Miyuki. Your choice. Don't be dumb, is enough. How is you should know later.

Dull workers, they are!, Clare recognized. Thus, she stopped thinking in their line. Thus, they attacked. And they attacked without knowing. "I don't go to high school", she said, and HARUMI said, "Oh, you, stupid guy! You should go there, because you should enter into one of the renoun versity for us all!"

Thus, "You, stupid, Alzheimer HARUMI! My life! You have no right to say so! BUSU Monster in the deep ocean!" would be fine to reply toward her!!!

Thus, HARUMI got upset, and wanted to kill both of us. Oh, homicide attempter, she is. Criminal. Thus, No Man's Land. They don't understand how they are wrong at all, and continue to be criminals.

And the police protected them all. Thus, no judicial order was reigned here in Shirakawa, rural village. Thus, the police should vanish, immediately, with these Alzheimer ladies!!!

Justice would have been kept at least in the judicial branch, namely, courts. However, not at all.Thus, Japan had sunken. And now, Alzheimer ladies forgot what happened during Miyuki's junior high days.

Plain guy, she was. Thus, she didn't do anything at all, was HARUMI's remarks on Miyuki, and YUKARI agreed. Probably, they constructed the image of junior high Miyuki from actual nasty Miyuki. They are so forgetful, it means. Thus, Clare gave up to talk the fact with them. They can't understand it at all. Thus, just ignorance would be fine for them both.

Already Miyuki cut the line with them like that. They attack Miyuki, even now. However, better than communication with them. Thus, they are lonely inside each chamber, of course!!!

Stupid guys who attack their own families, was their reputation. Without necessity, just to believe as if they were superior to other members of the family. Illusion turned to be the dreadful attacking tool under IDIOCRACY, because they sold our information easily to unreliable police. For free, to feel superior to us all, in short.

Thus, No Man's Land fenomenum happened. Japanese families existed just for money, in short, Miyuki described, and Animals got shocked...Really?, they asked. Yes, really, unfortunately. Human beings were so degraded. Out of mind type, thus, we ourselved didn't imagine such a situation...we believed the idealized version on Japanese society.

Sunken Japanese, we are watching now. And satans took advantage of it. Nasty BUSU bitch world, we are in now. And how we kill them? Don't give any charity to them. In short, be cruel to them. We should punish them. They should be killed immediately. Thus, being nasty toward them all is obligation for us all. Torture is also good for them. Don't be trapped by them. In Miyuki's case, ignorance only toward them both.

And others could kill them, by any way. Don't give any food to them is also good. Snags, they are! Their libing causes our damage. Thus, they should commit suicide, right now. However, they exist, and attack us. Thus, on the contrary to their intention, we order them everyday. Any "impossible" mission would be fine to put. "You should clean up whole the floor all during today!" would be fine.

They start, and fail. Again and again. They should cook marvelous Japanese dishes without using any frozen or semi-prepaid dishes, OK?, is another torturous order.

Don't disturb us all!, is the effective order. In case of disturbance, you should pay US$100 for us, in case, immediately!, would be fine. When some guy would know the fact of disturbance, the wrondgoer should pay immediately to the guy, who insists on the matter.

Thus, Alex wants to gain so many rewards from them. YUKARI is targetted from him. "Duck with leeks", YUKARI is. Thus, MIKU, Alex nicknamed. And YUKARI took differently. "I am pretty for him. Probably,Yuuji KOISO thinks so also. He loves me, because of my pretty face. He met with me at some supermarkets, and wispered to others that he fell in love with me. Thus, he wants to get married with me. How should I do?", in YUKARI's mind. Thus, she is so brave, because she feels superiority to Miyuki, dirty nasty unpopular guy no.1 in Shirakawa.

Thus, "Oh, Yuuji KOISO! Our kin! Miyuki knows him! He is 55 years old, and he wants to have a new wife now, yes. Oh, he! Not so bad. Probably he would be your suitable mate!!! Congratulations, previously!", would be fine toward her and her mother.

Thus, they need to prepare for her wedding. Thus, they need to make an errand in Tokyo. Bridal wear, she wants, thus, happy ending in Alex's line.

Oh, happy Christmas, you two would spend with KOISO family, probably. So good! KOISO family would have a funeral party today and tomorrow. Thus, you can participate in it to see his face. Probably, he daredly would declare his love to you, YUKARI! Love and passion, he has! YUKARI is liked him so much, because she is polite calm decisive intelligent beautiful Japanese obedient lady, according to him. So so obedient, she looks, he praised. Thus, just obedience would work for this couple!

He believes that male is superior to female, thus, famales should be obedient, he says as always. YUKARI would be ideal for him. Pretty and obedient. No speaking type, he wants. Any claim should not be allowed for him. Thus, he wants to get married with YUKARI, as soon as possible!!!

Thus, wedding party would be held so soon. For the first time, the kids would participate in the party. They are expecting to participate in the party. Clare wants to dance with other boys...Oh, in your uniform???

No. She wants to have one pretty wears. The cheapy type. As you like, and it is luxury, thus, at your cost. Thus, no chance for the two.

Just a participation would be fine, and dancing is not, was YUKARI'S order. No dance hall type. Just a small ceremony, because we are so modest couple already. Thus, YUKARI is working as his wife, already. Thus, hush-hush mode today. I am busy to get married with Yuuji KOISO. Get away from my way, you, stupid!, was YUKARI's reason to hit Miyuki.

Just a name strategy worked. KOISO was not so common family name, and now, Yukari KOISO, she started to write in the papers. Thus, soon, she would move to the new house with her adorable mother. Good grief.

torture, they both put on our shoulders, and now, we should survive, anyway. Miyuki liked the place, and YUKARI started to claim, because she feels nasty. Always. When Miyuki gains something, always YUKARI claims, without any reason. Individuals, you both are. You are different from Miyuki.

However, YUKARI always yells, "I am suffering on behalf of Miyuki. She is just abuser of our precious time. How we are diligent to work for the two kids!", as usual, they start to claim.

Repetition, thus, Miyuki cut the line. Alzheimer repetition, they do, and Miyuki hates it. Thus, ignorance only. Clare did know well this situation. She tried to do it, as much as possible, however, she couldn't. She needs minimum protection, and they attack even on the point.

Thus, inform to our side, saying the fact. We would push them out. They are criminals. They should be killed immediately!!!

Alex the Xth project, they planned, and they failed. No reason to be the Xth, Alex refused. Indulged stupid guy, all of us yelled to him, and he accepted. The both said that it would be fine, and boys are different from girls, they declared, so many times. Against equality. So anti-scientific, and anti-constitutional, and feudalistic. Grotesquely old monstrous creatures, they are!!!

Thus, they should refrain from our society. They are illegal!!! Attakers! Rapists! Should die type! Vanish, immediately! Go to INFERNO, GTI! And now, No Man's Land, again and again!!!

Syberian coldness, today is. Thus, Miyuki warmed up with her counterattacking tools...long Italian Male coat, in short. Box type, thus...Oh, Robot like, Miyuki thought, when she watched the appearance in the mirror.

Anyway, it can be worn after wearing fat clothings. And so so big knit caps on her heads. A SNOW MAN is going...Not Dead Man's walking...Good Grief...

HARUO MINAMI or 三波春夫 was the real professional, Miyuki thought. He put cosmetics, yes. A kind of KABUKI tradition, Miyuki thought. Evident, and any guy criticised it, at that period. Valentino, also.

However, according to the standard of later period, male cosmetics is laughing, sometimes. However, in Tokyo, during almost 30 years, Miyuki watched so many cosmetics putting guys.

NHK announcers, also. Kazuaki TEZUKA, yes, and so many pupils also, and the guys in Regional Court of Tokyo. Why so many male public servants put cosmetics on their faces, was Miyuki's impression.

Probably, shyphilis is a big factor. To conceal a big nasty black dot in their face would be the nearest answer. And the effect....Grotesque!!!

Yes, they have right to show up their body including face as they like, however, we have right to feel as we like. Objectivity and subjectivity. Thus, they failed, in short.

Male cosmetics would be fine for some guys, yes. However, generally speaking, so many guys fail, is sad result.
