Where is Bacalhau Seco or Dried Haddock?

2017-01-11 14:50:54 | 日記
10/01/2017 (afternoon) I grilled a handful of "Shishamo" smelt and ate them with boild potatoes, diced boiled egg and sliced black olives, drinking a bit of white Chile wine in a champaigne glass. A mediterranian style lunch.

"Shishamo" is a word which came from AINU language. AINU are indigenous people in Japan. They live northern part of the country. I think I have some AINU blood, because my body hair is a bit longer than others and mi skin is a bit brighter than others in winter. Unfortunately, my AINU blood isn't strong enough to fight against chilblains.

AINU are a kins of Inuit, Icelanders, Greenlanders,etc. The "Shishamo" I'd ate came from Iceland. We have same eating habit. We like eating fish and seashells.

Some people dislike fish smell. I my self, when I was pregnant of my first kid, I had been in morning sickness for one month. I couldn't enter in any foodstore, including supermarket and convenience store, because I felt nasty with the smell of fish.

During these period, I just wanted to eat smoked salmon, cream cheese and 100% rye bread. Only these 3 foods, I had eaten at that time.
In Japan, these foods are difficult to get in ordinary towns. I was living near Univ. of Tokyo and my mother went to buy these 3 species to IKEBBUKURO, which is located in north west of Tokyo.
Strange is, salmon is a kind of fish. I couldn't smell raw selmon. But I was eager to smoked salmon.

In fact, the dish above is made with Bacalhau Seco or dried haddock. I looked for the fish in the sparmarket, however, I couldn't find it. Therefore, I used Shishamo, instead of haddock.

When I was an infant, dried haddock were easily obtained in the store. I liked to eat it, in the way that I shreded it and spelt sesames on it, put them on a bowl of rice, pouring boiled water on them.
I don't see dried haddock here in Japan.

I've seen a mount of dried haddock in the stores in Portugal. It is indispensable to Portuguese kitchen.
I heard that Haddocks are caught in North Sea, not in the nearest area of sea arround Portugal.

Recently, the prices of fishes are considerably high. As I reported before, a squid costs US$4. I like to cook fishes, because there are variety of species of them. However, I am an economically reasonable person, so I refrain from buying them. Many customers stand in front of the shelves, looked at the prices and behave just like as me.

Nevertheless, the government says that consumers' pschology were upward and they were likely to buy more, because they expected for the next president Trump.
I don't understand the reason that Japanese consumers buy something more on behalf of American president elect.
Japanese journalism reported the announcement of the government without any critic. They just transmit the evasion of the government as usual.

Japanese government relies on psychology, because it's easy both to produce and to manage. Mass media is the best buffer to conceal the fact. Psychosoly is also not as much scientific as pshchiatry. Both are established on the bases of just BLA-BLA-BLA of so called experts.

Anyway, I've lost a chance to cook the traditional Portuguese dith today and invented another dish.
Where can I find Bacalhau seco near my house? Please tell me!

Comment: I've found Bacalhau seco rolled, but I prefer flat Bacalhau seco. give me information on this theme!
