Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (265)

2017-10-28 08:18:41 | 日記
28/10/2017, Saturday, 8:19 morning, cloudy

Hi, Rightous Brothers! Miyuki got up at 7:00, and opened all the windows in the office, to clean the air inside.

And she did her patch works in the courtyard, during Alex's taking a bath, and found a big shocking fact. Another twigs were cut by satans! Some of them have pink fruits, now turning to more reddish colour! In the begining of their most beautiful period, they cut them. MISAEs did it!, Miyuki presumed. Kids should be killed like that!, is FUKUDAI graduated messy arrogant BUSU idiots' last remark.

FUKUDAI or FUKUSHIMA University or 福島大学, is the best versity in the world, they believe and they taught the pupils in this line. HARVERD Versity? Where it is? We don't know! It doesn't exist. Tokyo Versity? Oh, cheapish! Tokyo is degraded. Fukushima is the real capital of Japan, and we are graduates of the best versity in the world!

MISAEs were feeded by the bosses, kins, in short, and they were praised that they were soo bright and clever by them all, including MISAEs themselves! 自ぼめ or JI-BOME, is Self Praise, and they lived only with Self Apple Polishing, and required others to do the same.

HARUMI is such a type. Ugly, nasty, arrogant, unkind, cruel, stupid, slow, indiligent, BUSU old erotic satan, she is, however, "My cooking skill is superb!" "I am kind girl, you know!" "Oh, I am so causcious in every sense!" "I gained a big success, because I am so deligent and clever!" and so on.

Subjectively, probably, yes, however, we are obliged to apple polish her, because she threatens with some rumour making counterattacks or contemptious remarks. Miyuki is free from these anxieties, because she believes herself, and not the Alzheimer satans at all!

Thus, always it works. She is not afraid of being scolding, if it has no sunction at all. Any scolding would not effect, because she knows that she is superior to other human beings, and human bag wearers, near her. Thus, who scolds her just would be punished. Thus, she behaves indifferent from their scolding at all!!!

She thinks, thus she acts. She can explain why she acts like that, and why she thinks so. Different from Alzheimer groundless remarks. Thus, the end!

Alex just wanted to fake to take a bath. Anyway, cold! However, the Alzheimer ladies scolded him, and said him to take it. He resisted however, they started to yell in the contemptious words. Thus, he gave up, and decided to fake to take a bath. Miyuki is free from his anxiety, because he has right to decide to take a bath or not. As you like, Alex. Not my problem!

Alzheimer ladies threatens with their ugly face! Don't approach to us all! We yell, however, they come to attack us all! Snags' attacking. Thus, Miyuki can kill them. Nasty, yes, however, my obligation. Thus, the most less nasty way, it means to kill immediately after our recognition! The quickest and the shortest! The less harmful. Thus, it effects. Miyuki should be praised at this point!

Today is rather cold cloudy. On weekends, Miyuki expect beautiful blue sky sunshine days, as usual! Good for others, especially kids, who are looking forward some unusual event, anual, especially!

Alex got up early, however, he was chicken and he got concealed from the two ladies, and said to them clearly, "Don't come to my school festival, because you look so stupid!" Thus, the end. He was disliked, and got kicked away from his cozy chamber.

Oh, thus! Yesterday, Miyuki heard that some guy opened the rain protecting wooden windows in his chamber on the second floor. Earlier than 7:00, and Miyuki was in the courtyard. Sunshining blue sky was spreading at that moment. Alex or YUKARI or HARUMI, Miyuki was presuming. Too early for non user of the chamber, however, Alzheimers can do anything strange. Thus, she didn't decide who had done it.

Alex waking machine, YUKARI turned, thus, even in the early in the morning, she does, if she thinks to do so.

For Alzheimer ladies, a kind of priviledge to disturb others' sleeping mode, like MISAE in Crayon-Shinchan. For Miyuki, the last resort, however, for them, the morning begins with their cruel disturbance against our benefits.

Thus, Clare decided to get up earlier than them both. Better than being frustrated by the both. Clare advised this measure to Alex, however, he prefers going to bed in his own decided time. thus, as you like, both.

Frustration causing machinery, MISAEs are! And they are all the same evil existance. Bell Alien related, probably. And Miyuki remembered 本居宣長 or Norinaga MOTOORI, EDO era linguistic scholar in nathionalist line, and started 国学 or KOKUGAKU, nationalistic study, in short.

He had special inclination to bell sound. he did collection of bells, and he, sometimes made a sound of bells, shaking them, near his ears. Oh, Bell sounds mean SELF APPLE POLISHING! Thus, nationalist, he was! Good sound to hear, is the correct answer in his case.

Only praise, please, no criticism at all. Pimps, Kyorin staff, Alzheimer Twins, MISAEs, all adopted the Self Apple Polishing. Thus, local praise only, Fukushima versity had! Thus, the graduates were contemted by us all!!!

As a matter of fact, kids love Miyuki's idea. and her craftmanship! Why she is working here, despite of her high ranking semi-genus abilities?, they asked to MISAEs, and the answer was, "She graduated from Tokyo Veristy. We, from FUKUDAI." Thus, low level, their intellectuality is!

Miyuki loves to sing parody songs, with her quick replacement ability! Stupid, however, difficult to stop laughing! And MISAEs scolded them all! Stupid guy is singing outside! She is mentally illed. Thus, she sings like that! They explained. She graduated from Tokyo Versity, thus, she sings like that. Thus, kids thought, "Oh, Todai is the key frase to behave in naughty line!"

Oh, Platinum Tribe would praise Miyuki's performance! Todai gained the big good reputation because of her! Saver MIYUKI! Naugty Boy Creating machine, the versity is considered now! This is the education. In this line, the real suitable hit type try to pass the exam!

and Miyuki? How about you? Again to Todai? No! Never! I prefer writing, farming, doing various jobs, in our world, without any disturbance from Satans. Paradise creating jobs, Miyuki is absorbed into. Thus, no school education for her, any more. Social education, nature education, and so on, only by her own learning process. Thus, no schools any more, she insists!

As some good use, in case of necessity, school buildings would be kept. Just it. For hotel use, also good. For artists' village, also good. The movement was already existing. Collective use would be fine, however for some guys, who want to use effectively, also good facilities, they turn to be.

For Miyuki's sake, probably, the south side near window places are recommendable for her shoots and tiny soldiers in the next season. Fetus love to live there. Miyuki agrees, of course! Rather, warm than patches. Now, with soil, good. However, soon, they will entounter with cold winter. Thus, Shirakawa III's buildings would be fine for her criative effective productive jobs.

Why MISAEs occupy all of the facilities to give tortures on the pupils, including faked kids? Terrible. No necessity. Erroneous. Repetitive. Dull pupil establishing machinery, schools turned to be already. DUMBS ONLY. The schools should be put the advertisement.

For Miyuki, "Welcome strange stupid kids to our IGNOLANDIA training center. However, you should be quick. DUMBS should vanish, immediately! No Dumbs, please!", was correct advertisement for the usage of public schools' facilities. SLOW is also OK. It all depends. By themselves, they should learn. We advice, if they require our assiatance. Thus it works. Just adviser of life. Oh, Life Style Producers, 叶姉妹 or KANOU SHIMAI, MORIKO and OKINO!

"What does it mean, Life Style Producers, Miyuki?" Moriko asked on the KANOU sisters' profission name. Miyuki's reply was so impressive. "B class artists' profission, and it means, "we have lot of spare time. Give me some jobs!"". The reality happened on them both!

Better than Alzheimer Twins. KANOU Sisters, the two turned. Glamorous male camps, in short! Anyway, attractive, especially by their body shape. At least, not Bulky Cow Bust holders. Rather muscled vast bust, they have!

Milk producing factories, the MISAE type was. HIMAWARI was the symbol of nipple sucking creature. Too early to think of her sexual inclination, in her case. ZERO age girl has hobby to watch male BIKINI handsome models catalog books, is HIMAWARI's catch copy. Nasty for Miyuki's side. Miyuki didn't recognize the beauty up to enter the primary school. Anyway adults, big creatures, was Miyuki's undertanding on adults.

Faces existed just to classify them correctly. Identification sake, in short. This period, we call it, "No beauty Age" and all faces are the same value for the infants. Miyuki remembers the existance of the age.

And when she was at 10 or so, the word BUSU entered into our world. Face only value, it symbolizes. However, we were accustomed to say the word and to be yelled with the word. A kind of "You, stupid!" like contemptious word. Just it. Not so important for our real life. "We hate you!" it means, indifferent from the real facial beauty.

Facial only value, in Tokyo, Miyuki passed. Up to her entrance to the versity, she was away from the world of BUSU value effecting.
For Miyuki, BUSU is minus value, yes, however, as her preference, rather body shape, she recognized, and idolness causes nasty body shape so much. Quick movement combined with lean body, is our ideal body shape. Functional, we think. However, just "Oh, you are so lean! You should eat more!" from DDMis side, so many times!

You ate too much, and you should refrain from eating. Snags love eating so much rice, Miyuki found. Only YUKARI's special ability, Miyuki thought. However, in HASEGAWA hospital, all of patients, except so few, were big rice eaters, astonishingly! One big rice bowlful of steamd nasty rice, they ate at lunch and dinner times. They don't move, however, they kept their body shape, in the same condition, despite of their remarks.

They said, "Oh, I gained 8 kilograms here in the hospital during one month full of staying!" or "I reduced 6 kilograms in two months." in the common bath, just made for a big horse. So causcious only they were taking a bath. And at dinning room, they praise the messy dirty nasty meals, so many times, and they had no topics any more except on the meals!

Alzheimer topicless conditions, they suffered. And they were not exceptional sample of the society. Just the same level, other DDMs were at, there, already. Just some guys were put into the hospital as the seeds of insurance gaining. Samples of typical DDMs, not so different non hospitalized errand doing Alzheimer patients. Thus, sound producing machinery, they turned. Or rather, noise makers, they are. Thus, YUKARI and HARUMI attack us by their threatening voice, scolding, BLA-BLA-BLA and so on.

Piihyara voice, they love, Miyuki recognized. With up tempo high and low waving voice, YUKARI accused Clare, so harshly. And this was Toshio NAITOU, the SNAG leader of Kyorin Staff, clerk type, and ABE, the prime minister. Ms.Responsible KOBA-SACHI also. MISAE's voice actress is an good example.

All of her performences even as different characters have the same tone. Illogical, non persuasive, however, requiring decisively to be followed, and refusal against diffrent opinion, and so selfish, arrogant, declaration mode, always. Abrupt change of mood, is also included. She is BELL alien, probably. Voice Trainers, they are called, and induced satans to behave like that.

Piihyara voice, Miyuki hated. ANIME voice, in short, and the nurses used the voice, in case of showing up their power, or escaping from the accusation previously. Charming faking voice, it was!

KARAOKE lovers are also targetted. Voice represents declaration. Superficiality is important, thus, no contents are important. Just threatening with scolding effects for chickens, BELL Aliens thought, and they acted in this line.

Bell ringing symbolized "They did it!", in the shocking scene of Shogunate bed sex. The last Keiki TOKUGAWA's sexual behavours were monitored by an expert of this peeping job called 芥子坊主 or Keshi-Bouzu, and the writer 芥川龍之介 or Ryuunosuke AKUTAGAWA's families hereditary profession.

Beside the Shougun Couple's bed room, the BONZUs were sitting, and listening to the sound of doing it of the couple, and one making love causes one bell ring...Chiriricca...

They informed the numbers and frequencies of the sex of Shougun couples to the controling responsibles, who were taking care of reproduction process. This is Japanese tradition. Imperial monitoring system was so common in foreign countries. No exception. And Bell aliens are peeping Toms, who can't stop their peeping activities at all!

For them, watching AV fucking scenes is amusement. Only fucking effests. Thus, BUSU or not, they don't care. And the voices are so important. Thus, voice actors producing business was so popular in Tokyo, when Miyuki was at Kyorin versity.

Noise effects only, Bell aliens were responsible for. DADA aliens, facial appearance. And they got combined. However, exist some tribe, who were really influenced by these two main streams of satanic aliens.

Thus, don't cut our life line, was their dying messages. The Alzheimer Twins rented their skin bags to these two aliens, and gained some money from it, and they were killed immediately after their recognition of their failures.

For them, gaining money by way of selling others' information is trifle and easy job, rather. And they should be punished more and more by their erroneous choice.

Shirakawans chose like that. They wanted not to be targetted guys, and Miyuki was recommeded to be the targetted guy by the Alzheimer twins, as always.

By impulse, Miyuki is nasty. We hate her. We can kill her easily. Non stopping mode, they are in again.

Oh, I almost slipped informing this:

MICCHIKU's CHEMICAL producing company works in the field of agriculture, and they put excessive CHEMICAL products and the fact was revealed, and got scolded. Ridiculous joke!

Big Company in figure, and KANAGAWA prefecture allowed it to behave as it liked, and it did it, in reality, as it liked. Both should be punished harshly.

For us, CHEMICAL production is already declared by the name of the company, and they should not have dealt with farming. As they like world is called IDIOCRACY, and U2, KANAGAWA!, just it.

Now, vanishing the witness is in the boom:

