Society Ruled by Atmosphare - No One Knows Where Japan Goes -

2016-12-31 16:01:05 | 日記
31/12/2016 (afternoon) "KY" is the most pejorative critic on personality. "KY" is an abbreviation of the frase "KUUKI YOMENAI", that is, "he can't feel the majority's preference." "KUUKI" is air, "YOMENAI" is "can't read". In other words, in every place, figures are required to feel the majority's preference and follow it.
Important is, the majority don't express their preference expressively. So, each figure should feel and presume which the majority choose.
We could say that the majority can't speak their opinion in public reasonablly grounded. As a matter of fact, they can't decide anything at all, because they are afraid of being responsible. Thus, they all rely on the situation, not their will. We call it "KUUKI" or air or atmosphare.
It's famous that Japanese politics depends on "phase". This description is the same of our point of view.
Even power holders don't know how would be the result of their IDIOCRACY. They continue to their ordinary activity protected by Legal Stability. They don't think, just do the same thing as their convention, each time in a worse way. We call it political deteriotation. But, they don't mind. They refuse any critics. They like to be a perfect rulers, against their reality. They behave like a lion, while they are a chikin in fact. They don't have any ability to rule the country or, even a small village of 100 figures of population.
"Que sera, sera, what it would be, would be!" is the theme song of Japanese politics. Let's sing the song with our healthy Diva, Doris Day!

We people, appreciate each person's sincere decision. Going on my way is our choice. Let's sing the song of Frank Sinatra, "My Way".
Today, in Japan, the music event called "Battle between female and male singers" (紅白歌合戦)will be broadcasted. My father Koji SATO is a master of KARAOKE. He, as a convention, will watch this program in the evening.
We would have another battle of American oldies, "Que Sera Sera" v.s. "My Way".

The battle will begin ar 19:30 in the evening. The program will finish at 23:00 almost. Then, we will listen 108 times of sound of the bell at Buddist Temple. In Japan, we have 108 of desires, that should be purified by the sound. In Cathoric, only 7 sins are punished. 15 times much more than cathoricism.
I think 6 of 7 catholic sins should be allowed. They are natural desires. Only one sin, that is "idolness" should be punished. My liberalism is much more tolerant than catholicism.
