Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (82)

2017-05-29 20:44:49 | 日記

29/05/2017 (Monday, evening) Miyuki came from her outside job for Today. It was a beautiful Monday with blue sky. She put on Tshirt with the design of Andy Wahol, a read heeled shoe in dark navy back ground, and tight leggins type Sax Blue Jeans and black short boots, and danced some training medrays in front of the squad of 6 males with 30 years old or so, who were in the parking lots of Public Library in Shirakawa. She amused so much, showing her nice flat belly or corpo salado by the reflexion of the mirror glass. Oh, my belly button!!! Oh, how cute, and vertical!!! Oh, our type!!!! Chinkoro liked her young body, and said to his dearest father, "Oh, she is beautiful at the part!!!" He is interested in her nakid body. And found that her belly botton is vertical. Oh, mine is not seen, anymore, however, he decided to choose it for him, also. And his Daddy liked the idea. Verticle botton is sexy, anyway, Miyuki really thought, when she was young in her versity dormitory. At that time, more plampy was her belly, and not so distinctively vertical. A bit vertical type. Now, distinctively, vertical!!! And liked her body, and is proud of it.

  And they liked her belly, and forgot who were their target. Before them, another squad was near, inside KOMINES, a culture center beside the public library. And when she appeared, they vanished, anyway. Thus, she started to train for her performance. Today, her theme was being an back stage dancer for Jacky Chen's movie. Thus, she played the role of Socialist Snyper who started to learn martial art under his lesson. And she was categorized, anyway, a bit promissive to do so. Non career dancer, she is. Criative type, with some comical performance. Thus, she would be a good dancer in this category. Comical scene only type. And her quartet agreed the contract immediately. Anyway, they like to amuse her life totally. Thus, the sooner, the better.

  She is now in the last stage of Shirakawa's watcher. How human figures could be the evilest and shameless, was her aim of study. And beyond the limit, was the right answer. They could sell the soul of their own family members. For her astonishing fact, however, for them, natural and traditional.

  They could do it, probably, to sell all our universe, at the exchange of the cheapest benefit, Miyuki realized. Anyway, they have no capacity. No legitimacy at all. Thus, who is capable stops their wrongdoing, anyway.

  And now, non stopper exists unfortunatelly. They tried, however, refraining from them is the best policy now, like Miyuki really feels so.

  They are laught at by others, however, they continue to do their wrongdoings nevertheless. And they collected the shames. And for them, nothing at all, because they forgot all of their memories. So forgetful they are.

  They are forgetful, even the cleverest type among them, we wispered Miyuki, and Miyuki tried some questions to them, and she confirmed that they didn't remember such important factors in their lives.

  Trifle things would be fine. However, for the pivot, not at all!!! They are forgetful, anyway, Miyuki really thought.

  One cough YUKARI is more softer, two coughs YUKARI is more harder, Miyuki found an inclination. And they are the same, Miyuki found. Softer is her mother, while harder, Mad Dog YUKARI.

  Today, Miyuki visited the animal farm again. And an old man with mad dog came to them, Miyuki and our representatives in the farm. And the man wanted to behave like the owner. However, they tried to give a piece of frilled letus to Inty. Oh, he doesn't know the horse's common food! Owner faked showed his horse legs!!!!

  She likes this expression, because she also did the horsed legged deligate in Tachikawa's Macdonald shop. Oh, he is? Inty? You are???

  At the last moment, he showed his own leggs a bit, and Miyuki confirmed that the suspetion against her moral sanity ended. And during his stay there, she just claimed for long time. 15 minutes or so. Only claimed and claimed. Oh, she is such a type. Thus, probably, she is not, she was categorized OK for us, at that time.

  For her, he would be a devil, with stylish appearance. however, she didn't see his face at all, because he could fake his fisiolonomy. And the mood should be kept. And the leggs. He showed only a bit, and impressive, the scene was.

  Today, she bahaved like "A owner's dearest daughter, who became a versity professor in some country, came back to see her dearest friends in the animal farm, and feeded the best friends by her own hands, and ate the same thing all together." A short play just for show to get the DDMic evil faked owner from our rightous animal farm.

  For them, animals are all under their level, and they should be domesticate by some human figures. And Miyuki has a human body, anyway, thus, according to them, we should tune up her role. And she played well the role, anyway, except some trifle errors.

  She gave an apple for him, however, he couldn't hand it to him directly. "Oh, Inty! Your teeth are so big, and I am afraid of my fingers were biten by them!!!Sorry, I am so coward...Thus, I drop it here." And then, she decided to "feed" him by hand. Anyway, only a bit. Try, anyway. We should be brave, OK, Miyuki?

  She was so afraid, however, gradually, she could understand that Inty is cleverer thus, he doesn't hurt her finger at all. Cubic suger would be fine, according to her knowledge gained by kids' book. However, considering his leggs, brushing is so hard after suger taking. Thus, avoidable, anyway. Fruit, raw one would be fine. Thus, an apple.

   And an apple was not enough for them all. They eat lots of fruits. Thus, oh, I have 6 package of tiny rice crackers with some peanuts called KAKI-NO-TANE. And she started to put them on her hand, and Inty showed her his lips, instead of theeth. And she tried to give them by hand, and they could continue the play, anyway.

  "Inty! Intyrime!" she yelled. This is her favorite scene. Best shot for the both. And then, she tried to "feed" him from her hand, and the owner with a mad dog came. She kept ignoring their existance, even he tried to give a piece of frilled letus to him. He also ignored the evil team completely.

   And she spoke to him until they vanished. Nasty evil wrongdoers, they were! And the dog had eyes of hatred. So strong sparkling it showed them to her. And Miyuki didn't feel fear at all to the dog. Just felt their hatred, anyway. Yellow eyes. And they looked so vertical ones like cats' eyes.

   And she said in the middle to accuse DDMs all. And put in a soft voice, "Vanish! DDMs!! You have no legitimacy at all! We have already rightous power holders here. You are less than zero. Vanish! Immediately!!!"

  And she explained that we could get along with each other anyway, because we like the crackers....And Inty refused her kind offer. "I don't like your nasty crispy food. Just for faking. You should bring more precious vegitables! Stupid!!!" OK, Inty. however, I am thrifty, thus, I eat the residue of your food, anyway. Eatable. Like a same canned beer drinking in Brazil. Oh, don't worry, I am not so bad, the leftover.

  Thus, Inty liked her way of being thrifty. Efficient, in every meaning, at least. Slow, stupid, as our category, however, probably, better than other versity professors in the world, as she said.

  Versity professors are stupid and slow, Miyuki found the principle, and informed it as soon as possible to others. And for her astonishing, they didn't get astonished. Why? An important discovery for her. She believed that versity professors were some kind of object of admiration or respect, in the intellectual quality. Versity was for it, she believed, and failed, yes. however, at least, she made an effort in the field to be superior to others, academically.

  However, for them, nothing at all type indifference. Why? Versity professors were the target of contemtion???

  Any field was targetted from DDMs. For them, non-working type should be fine, or faking job also. The totary skewed world they lived, probably. Thus, we are superior now. We didn't work, nor don't work even now. You, worked, and want to work, thus, you are inferior to us two. Thus, you should contribute financially forever for us two????

  The DDMs are like that. For them, learning the technic of non-working is the way of their superior life. Thus, they just faked to work, and vanished, immediately.

  This morning, Miyuki found a pair of sandals in front of the office. Oh, someone is already here, Miyuki thought. And found a bunch of the keyes there. And she wanted to use the restroom, and heard some sound from the restroom, thus, she put up with her basic desire at her desk. Then, she heard someone turned on the switch of the washing machine. Oh, YUKARI is here, she thought. Thus, she waited for her getting out from there.

  However, the sound stopped, and Miyuki confirmed the sandals were yet there. However, when she opened the door to the washing machine's room, in which her actual fredge was located, no one was there. And she looked the bathroom through the glass door, and any shadow was there. Oh, YUKARI vanished already, and just she sometimes appeared to show up her existance. Oh, already transparent, probably. No colour could be put already now.

  Except YUKARI, she couldn't think of, because her mother uses a pair of blue transparent HAWAIANA type sandals only. And YUKARI could use any sandals of faked clocks. And Miyuki, Alex and Clare could use them as they like also. And Miyuki wants to have some cheerful coloured ones as hers, however, they changes often their sandals. Why they choose them so often? For Miyuki, too too difficult to understand.

  YUKARI could not remember her own sandals yes Miyuki knows well. However, for others, why? Intentionally, they kids changed, Miyuki thought. Why???

  For them, each one should wash its own clothings is fine, they, including Miyuki, thought. however, according to Miyuki's mother, the kids could not work in the field of domestic tasks. ????

  And the both, YUKARI and her mother called to the police accusing Miyuki as an abuser of the kids.????

  For them, it was a good way to earn money. Anyway, the police paid them a bit, and it was sufficient for them both. And they passed the limit. Someone wispered, "How about Medical hospital hospitalization for her, Miyuki? And Miyuki is a professor of the versity which has a hospital. Ideal for you two!!"

  And they failed. Why they are so nasty??? Because they lost the chance to earn some small amount of money forever, because of Miyuki. Miyuki broke the system, accusing them for their messy treatment and evilest wrongdoings. For the two, nothing at all type medical treatment, it was. And Miyuki thought, that they were all degraded.

  Our families are not kind to Miyuki, she really thought. And sighed like Charlie Brown. They wanted to make a squad, and her mother would be the team leader. And they all failed. She is vanishing now. Miyuki should know the system at all. how evil they are!

   Anyway, main room is the target of attaking, Miyuki really thought of. They should be thrown away in the ditch of the old toilet, it was for it!!!

  The ideal place for their own tumbs. Thus they opened the window of the old toilet, to call attention of others.

  Laughing, however, too smelly. For Miyuki, why they wanted to use the old toilet was a big mistery. And Miyuki was their victim, probably. For them, casual ceremony, probably. however, for Miyuki, life or death like ordial. Fatus eaters, they are!!! Not promissive, it means. They lost their future long time ago. They had no future at all. Just paracites, they were.

  They were thrifty, by some meaning, yes. However, they couldn't calculate the benefit and the loss at all. Just checked the price, and the date of production. Just it. No important value at all. Cheapest is the best for them both. And Miyuki's choice was not understandable for them both at all. And always, they faked as if they were MIYUKI, the professor????

  They just wanted to play the role of the professor of the versity, and thus, they wanted Miyuki to put on the suitable clothings for her last stage. For them, just in the funeral party Miyuki should appear????

  Miyuki is the past for us both, they really said to others. She was killed by the squad, and now, sometimes, in the night, her ghost appears. Oh, now, again, the skill to fake DDM? For broken robots type, it would work. Thus, Miyuki's mother stopped to talk to Miyuki. Just a nasy ghost. Soon she would pass. Just a moment's pacience, she really thought.

  For Miyuki, Alzheimer patients are like that type laughing ending, yes. And Miyuki's laugh transmits amusing mode to others. Just Alzheimer patients, combined with illegal medicine abusing. In short, they really thought.

  Not so problematic, until they passed the limit. however, even life should be sold by them two? They got astonished at their cruelity. It is called crime, homiside, they tried to persuade them two. however, they couldn't stop to inform to the squad, and then, they forgot.

  One day after, already other personalities they gained, they really sighed. And harsher and harsher, they turned. No laughing mode, now. When they laugh, Miyuki gets thrilled by ther evilness. Their smile was so nasty, cruel and ugly, Miyuki deeply thought so.

  YUKARI's way of sly laughing, Miyuki could remember. With total satisfaction, she declared the reason of attacking Miyuki, "Because your belly is so white and soft, and you looked so relaxed." with a big smile.

  Coldness, Miyuki felt. And they smiled when they attacked us. For them, some pleasure, and for us, loss of life.

  Always so subjective, was their catch frase. Any reasonable explanation they both couldn't at all. Always, "I beleive that..." and they accused others according to their own belief of rumours. Rumors always have reason for them both, like Masato NINOMIYA.

  Alzheimer patients could behave like magalomaniacs. And they both wanted to be female popes, probably. And they reached the position inside the family, and failed immediately. Any legitimacy at all, we all yelled. Just incapables, they are, Miyuki suggested to them all. It was enough to push them away from the house.

  They are leaving, anyway. Ghorem, YUKARI identified herself, however, she didn't move well. Broken robot, Miyuki named her, and then, mad dog. how she degraded, was an example for us all.

  Amirodosis, they were diagnosed. And then, they started to abuse the medicines. And finally, they got caught immediately. They lost power, anyway.

  Why a red bicycle was no in the suitable place? Miyuki thought. Probably, someone left it in some place, because the day before yesterday was rainy. And they admitted that they sold it, because they have one for Alex. Why two? They said each other. Double means unefficient. Thus, they sold. And they didn't remember why they bought the new one for Alex. They insisted to buy the new one especially for Alex, because he goes to school by bicycle. And Alex said, her grand mother paid for it. And Miyuki didn't want to pay at all. Miyuki was not requested to pay for it at all. And uniform? Not at all! And someone bought or rent for Alex, and he used it.

  They did it all under the all cost of Miyuki. And they got caught, because they did forgery, as usual. Alex was used for their wrongdoings sometimes. They put some white powder to induce him to fight against his evil mother. And they both failed. Just a bit, they explained.

  They should vanish immediately. Miyuki is now so cool to say so. Child abusers, they were. They both deserve to be pusnished so hard.

  Always for the sake of Miyuki, they said, without any accordance of Miyuki herself. Miyuki already explained that using other's name is the real serious crime, and they accused Miyuki to attack them harshly to saying such nasty words!!! Crimes???!!! Not at all!!! And they were explained by Miyuki that it is the legal wrongdoing, punisheable by Gods of Justice.

  however, they didn't stop their wrongdoings at all. Always, "Miyuki ordered us to do so" was their both's explanation to others. And others did believe it. They are just junky Alzheimer patients, Miyuki said the fact so clarely, and they sighed. They were trapped so many times, and they wanted that they were not so evil. However, after Miyuki's exclamation, they took a lot of attention for two both, and found that they were the real Alzheimer patients, typical ones.

  Clare took advantage of her distance from the mail house. She claimed thier wrongdoings in the school, and she failed. They informed it to the superior, and she got in custody in several times. Prison, she was put into. Oh, Shirakawa Detention???

  Miyuki could laught at the system, however, terrible system, they adopted. Too too cruel to others, and they themselves wanted to be in custody. In case of them, hospitalization, yes.

  Both for us, just a custody. And Miyuki doesn't want to see them anymore. Thus they failed. No excuse at all type. No for class mates type. Apple polishing type. Forgiveness beggers they are, combined with arrogance. Funeral goers, probably. Spooky nasty ugly feeble-minded idiots, they are.

  Thus, they should know the limit. They would attack, even Miyuki was sick in bed probably. for them, the best chance to kill Miyuki, and just would say, "Oh, she looked so bad, and now, she is cold. We found that she was dead this morning. She wanted to commit suicide. Probably, it was the reason of her death."

  Thus, they rented her mother's chamber. Easy to climb up for their mates, and near the stairs. And now, more easier, because the sliding door should be used to bring her out of the main house. Not at all type choice, they already did. They planned Miyuki's catch, and someone wispered them both, "Today's not the day. Next chance we should wait for a while." However, they hired squad already, thus, they came to Miyuki. She met some different squads today. In front of the riverside, also, there was a squad composed by faked construction workers. They sometimes spoke in a short Portugues frase.

  thus, she sang some Brazilian music in Portugues. However, they didn't respond at all. She narrated how the situation was so nasty to us all in this goddamnit rural village called Shirakawa. She thought as if she were the two roles of a narrator idiot faked boy and a audience writer combined into one personality.

  And reeds listened to her voice. Oh, wheat is resembles reeds, she remembered. She talked on some amusing experience in Gran Via in Madrid in Spain. She wispered a bit, and a man, behind her, started to wisper, and she got terrified, and dashed into the hostel like room, she rented only US$20 for the night.

  and later, she got to know, "Oh, bitch, I was understood by him! Oh, no, I am not such a type!!! I wispered just for cheer up myself. Not for doing it!!! I am a-sexual, not such a type at all!!!"

  She didn't know the system, and got to realize, and stopped wispering again in the road at night, in downtown. Bitch's way to induce clients, probably.

  Chattering is like a wispering for DDMs, probably. And they induce others to be trapped. And any trifle BLA-BLA-BLA is suitable for them all, and some laughing. For them, OK, however, the effect, others decide.

  She remembered that in the bus to Kyorin Versity in Hachioji, some challenged were there also. And one was so good at speaking. Fluently, and he could speak so clealy. Just he made a repetition to inform to others. 3 times for the same frase. However, he was a speed talker, thus, in total, the contents of the talking were the same of others. His expression was so gramatically and materially correct. Even the competition of BLA-BLA-BLA, he would gain good points, probably. vocabulary, also good. And his mates were silent type. however, they could get along with each other. Some samples of special abilities.

  Miyuki knows that they took off near SOUKA versity to wait for another bus to go to their working place. She presumes that they were the producers of the sweets sold in Hachioji municpality hall. Good ingredients, commercialized ones, nace flavour, tasty, good in package, and anyway, cheap. Only US$1.35 per package, Miyuki paid. How they could earn money with this cheapest value? For me, yes, good to my wallet. However, for them???

  Fair Trading system, Miyuki knows well. To express yell to others, we buy their products at the higher price rather than the common products. However, the case is contrary. Why they could earn money, with such three times cheaper than other products??? Good quality they had. Delicious, anyway, with good smells. Contrary to the spirit of fair trading. Why???

  And their appearance valied. Some of them were nicer than averege of us, human beings. Challenged, they were called, however, probably, their way of moving was in some cases a bit different. however, totally normal movement had type existed also. Challenged, they were categorized yes, probably. And after the categorization, they were forced to be challenged, probably.

  and Miyuki's situation is like that. Kyorin Versity's hospital put her the name, "mentally illed", in october, 2015. And then, she was treated like an idiot. And she is superior to any of the residents in Shirakawa. Thus, they should vanish immediately. Faked residents included, of course!!!

  Hermits are wrongdoers. They did some crimes already, and their own family concealed the fact from the society, and the wrongdoers enhanced their territory and kinkiness as they liked, according to her report, probably.

  And Miyuki remembered the case which occured in Niigata. An hermit kidnapped a girl, and concealed her for 19 years in his chamber, and feeded her during the day. He was an indulged boy of a rich family, and they lived in a big house, and he used the second floor.

  After the case was revealed, his mother said, "Oh, I didn't know anything at all, because he lived in the second floor, and we lived in the first one. I don't know what happened on the second floor."

  Probably, she suffered from Alzheimer disease already, and her body also. Double Alzheimer could do it.

  Thus, YUKARI is a wrongdoer, consealed by her owner, namely, her mother. For her, being violent is so common, and sometimes, she would kill others, because of her abrupt explosion of hatred.

  She explained to Miyuki that she was almost getting married with her collegue in the fundation located in UENO. However, he refused her, and she lost her love forever.

  She was denied by the DDMic society at that time. Life time loser, she turned, Miyuki understood. however, she would kill him, if she had a chance.  She got in rage in the foundation, and she was forced to return to the home town, her mother explained to Miyuki.

  And YUKARI did another explanation. YUKADI did wanted to be a writer of illustrated book of kids, thus, to concentrate on the job, she retired from the fundation.

  Why YUKARI is always so downword pose?, was Miyuki's question.  She avoids others, as always, yes. however, year by year, she got downward more and more. Nastier, uglier and spookier. She did something wrong already, probably in Tokyo.

  Refusal was their way to priceup their own value. They refused any request by other members of their family. When they agreed, it costed so much. Thus, we avoided to ask them to do someting. the result, she both are useless main house occupiers. They both don't know the rule of the universe. They refused to know it already. For us all, illegal, they are, while, for them both, just their rightous rights, like other DDMs' saying.

  Shirakawa was more rural villege, when she was a kid. She remembered that national road 289 was only a dusty rural earth road, only twice an hour the bus passed. No vehicles at all at that time. Now, less populous, and less industrialized, why so many cars are passing on the road???

  And one answer is that some clinics or used car shops provede illegal drugs for smart car users, anyway. Thus, Miyuki's mother used her yellow car to appear in the evil clinic. This yellow car is for two figures thus, at the day, she, YUKARI and Alex could not come all together. Thus, YUKARI came after their going to the evil clinic.

  And YUKARI moved so fast. Miyuki heard her sound in the second floor, when Miyuki changed clothings in the corredor of the second floor in the main room. And after putting on the suitable clothings, Miyuki left there. YUKARI moved so swiftly at the day.

  And why her mother was monitoring in the parking lots. She was standing there alone, and signed only by her slightest movement. Thus, sometimes she was omni - appearin.

  Miyuki is now so sleely.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! you are so ugly!!

  See you tomorrow, for us all!

   From Quarted MARC, with big lOVE!

