Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (315)

2017-11-24 17:53:12 | 日記
24/11/2017, Friday, 18:06, cold, frosty morning ⇒ fine, during day

Miyuki found the first frost sticks on the surfice of the soild, and got astonished! Oh, Frost man came! And the stalk like icicle cticks are so so common in cold and frosty morning. SHIMO=BASHIRA, or Frost Poles, they are called in Japan.

So cold, and the plants were chilled, yes. And Miyuki learned that the celory's rotten parts should have been cut befor the frost arriving. The rotten leaves include abundant of water, thus, the leaves got freezed, and gave a big damage to other leaves. Thus, as much as possible, they should be cut. Thus, Miyuki, later, cut the parts by the knife.

Frosty and cold, however, she found that most of the plants were safe, generally speaking. And Miyuki found that KIWI patch should be saved in the warmer place, thus, she moved it from the south part of the south courtyard, yesterday, and the result was...Not so much suffered, they, good grief.

At the same time, some necessity of the special protection, she thought. And the BINGO answer is move to the first patch, ex-Aster patch, and after her breakfast, she decided to move the pots inside the north part of the first patch to the third patch.

Thus, she started to sow the soil of the third patch, and devided it into 6 parts, in the south part of the patch. She made 5 allies for her walking and working. She needed to avoid to stomp the fat soft soil, or, she would have turn the soft good soil to the hard concrete like surfice. Thus, she digged and digged, and could make 6 mountains, anyway.

And then, she put walnuts' seeds on the most west hill, and the hill beside it. And she found the marvelous scenes!!! Oh, foreign walnuts, you are shooting!!! Abocado like shooting, they showed, almost all!!! MArvelous! So so early then her calculation! Oh, foreigners, you are so reliable! Oh, Big Black Ship, rather, steam engine! Oh, I paid so much, and I had a big doubt on your living because of your light weight, however, Oh, you shoot!!!

And the more wonderful thing is, also, one Japanese wild mountain walnut seed are shooting now!!! Marvelous!! So hard, and necessary to absorb water for many days, however, he came to save us!!!

Walnut hills, they turned. The first west one is Wild Walnuts, and the second, Foreign Sweet Walnuts. OAK Walnuts, probably!!!

She put also almost 10 icorns in the Wild Walnuts Hill. She picked them in RYUUZOUJI ally along NENGUMACHI street. They would love Miyuki's patch, and soon, they will come!!!

Thus, she needs to pick so many oak icorns, yes!!!! Today, so few, because she did digging for the mountain tree seeds. Now the patch is prepare for their arrival, thus, she would collect icorns, and their relatives, as much as possible.

Gorrila Hill's wig, they would be. Even today, satans worked to dig the hill, unnecessarily.

And Japanese Marmelos or KARINs also welcome at the first hill. She put also Ging-Kong Tree seeds called Ginnan, the symbol of strength, the symbol of Tokyo Versity, the symbol of Tokyo Metropolitan Office, the symbol of Ghoethe House. Nasty symbols, including, yes, however, anyway, Ging-Kong Trees are strong, and so primitive type, and yes, the fruits are smelly, however, the reasonal smell, and after picking the fruits, the seeds turn to be delicious side ingredients in the various Japanese traditional food. Especially, Japanese salty pudding! Thus, fruits, also.

And Miyuki recognizes recently that ABE contracted with DADAmerdas to devastate all over Japan, as much as possible. He wanted to be the top intellectuality holder, and we are all superior to him, thus, he chose so wrongly! IQ 30, he had, and now, IQ -30. Ummm...the temperasure of Syberia, probably.

Thus, No Man's Land, and so cold even now. Today, Miyuki found snowy smoke like clouds on NASU Mountain range. It would snow, thus, we need to protect for forsty morning. And how?

Miyuki put a vinil sac made sheet on the third patch. And they, the vegitables, protected by themselves. They chose to be short. Shrunk type Lotus leaves, they chose, without turnips and onion tribes. Thus, Cerly also tried to be short type. Coliander also. Already, Madame Cresson did it, and she turned to be the model.

The way was learned by lotus like weeds in the second and the third patches. Some whitish green type weeds, and for Miyuki, as you like, weeds. You are not edible, probably, however, we have plenty of the soil. Thus, please produce chlorelas for us all!

Thus, they taught hot to pass winter to the plants. Alex is in doubt of Miyuki's ability as farmer. Too too rough to pass time with others. So so laughings, she did. Why she is so cheerful in these ridiculously wild days? Because she has so many ridiculous team mates. Thus, always laughing, she does.

She told the story of Tokyo, especially on her Tokyo, the center, version. Snyper experience, included. Brother Tom, she immitated at IINO Hall, and she was aimed by the rifle of a snyper, and she thought that "What is the guy was doing with the long iron bar like thing? Anyway, I like to take the photo!", and he refrained from the scene forever!

Always. So many snypers came to attack her, and she was caught by the faked police, and then, she passed 3 weeks in Tokyo Bay Detention, and then, in custody in HASEGAWA Hospital for 3 months. Terrible, however, anyway, she could survive.

And now, she is independent worker, and investing on the project, so so valuable for us all!!! Nature Regaining Project, called Lost Paradise should be reestablished by ourselves!!!

Thus, she is so in doubt of the article of the project to produce beer in Mars. Ambev tried to put several wheats in the rocket, yes, however, why they need to produce Beer in Mars? No place in out planet???

OManko journalists can't recognize the difference between the dream in the distant future and the meaning of the experiment. Fiction and non-fiction, in short. Thus, all Alzheimers, they are, confirmed again and again.

Miyuki got shocked when she found a big snag beside tiny kiwi collective pot! Long fat grey type with 8cm at length!!! Unusually big, and Miyuki took it to the public execution site in Shirakawa III primary school, and killed, completely! And then, she found a tiny baby snag, also, and killed it, by the chopstick. The end. Two generations, consecutively.

They slyly tried to be shorter, when they were recognized by us all. They shrank, when they felt that they were discovered as satans. Thus, HARUMI is so tiny now!!!

She had 158cm at hight, in her hay day. Now, almost 140cm! What happened?, Miyuki got in wonder. YUKARI was also 156cm at hight, and now, almost 150cm, presumably. Why they shrank drastically?, was Miyuki's primitive question.

Abocado Twins are healthy as Symbol in the second pyramid Khufu. She confirmed. And Olive, the first pyramid Gize, also. Lemons are nice, yes. However, now, she is a bit wonder how to provide water to pots. Too too cold in the morning. Thus, probably, after melting the frost, only a bit, MIYUKI should provide water into each pot. When it is dark and cold, not good for them. They are thirsty, yes, Miyuki presumed. However, not now. Thus, she refrained from provide it. In the morning, probably, at 8:00 almost.

Thus, early riser, she should be. OK, anyway, cold frosty morning, thus, she would check it, so often, doing her monitoring job in the courtyard.

She planted tiny kiwis now in the first west Wild Walnuts hill, and they are now in drunken mode. Miyuki took them from the pot, and shaked to be taken. She needed to check the existance of the snag, and snags were all eaten by others, especially, birdies...Good Grief!!!

Squids, they are. Nasty, however, we should dispose them all. Thus, Birdies did their job, so beautifully, and gained the rewards. Nasty, however, rather delicious. A kind of SAZAE problem. After passing the stage, you can do it!!!, they yelled.

Thus, so many mountain guys would appear in the third patch hills, per each. Ging-Kong Trees were so so common among us all, and now, so rare!!! They turn to be so big, thus, temple's symbol tree, for us. However, they cut, and they forgot. Terrible blasfamia, satanic side did. Forgetful, even in the most memorial events.

Delicious to attack others, including Miyuki, HARUMI and YUKARI confessed. We are power holders, in reality. Thus, you shall die, the kids! They declared, and they failed. They have no right to declare it, and they confessed their wrongdoings.

So so many trappings they did, recently. Thus, No Man's Land, for it. Kids were in danger. Snypers, they were. Now, just Alzheimers, yes. HARUMI shrank, because she lost her spirit so many years ago.

Miyuki told the story of the reality of Insurance oriented society. Any company could pay for the future insurance money, which would be gained by the death of the employees, without the employees' recognition. It was established by jurisprudence. Miyuki read it, and got shocked. Oh, company would gain by the death of their own 社畜 or SHACHIKU, Company type Domestic Animals. Thus, the end.

奴婢訓 or Instruction for Slaves, was written by Swift, the author of Gulliver's Journal of adventures. And for Miyuki, 社婢訓 or SHAHIKUN, the Cooperation Slave version. Thus, OK, we write the miserable stories of Slaves in each Company!!! Kyorin versity is one of them. Thus, Miyuki avoid to buy apricot products now. The Chinese character 杏 means Apricot, thus, she is alergetic to the letter.

Thus, sometimes, she avoids the chance to eat apricot...she liked so much. Delicious, and flavoury. However, so so nasty experience at the versity with the name of apricot. Thus, she spontaneously avoids apricot...

杏仁豆腐, 杏ジャム、巴旦杏、and so on...Too too nasty! All, she loved, however, it is difficult accepting these apricot related foods now!!!

She is in wonder which is better to buy Almond or to avoid, and she wants to buy Almond trees, yes, however, oh, no, ANNIN is Almond...Terrible!!!

Beautiful colour, apricot has. And so so delicious sour jelly, they would be. Oh, Miyuki hates Kyorin's name, entirely!!!

She quitted to walk distantly today, because she found snowy cloud over NASU Mountain Range. Weather predict lies a lot, and the weather itself changes so often. How to protect the plants now. She thought of protect them by paper boxes, however, thinking of the possibility of rain or snow, the wetness causes coldest disaster on them. Thus, how about you, plants? Now, only one piece of venil sheets on the west side of the third patch. Do you need more venil sheets? Reed curtain, OK? Heavy, thus, it would cause a damage, also. Which do you prefer?

They prefer heavy reed curtain. OK, thus, we will put it now!

Miyuki put broken blue sheets and two small reed curtains on the patch. Probably it would be fine for tomorrow morning. Her aspiration was already turning to be white fog. Too cold at 20:30, already. So cold, tomorrow morning. Thus, be prepare for the coldness! And it is so calm and no wind, now.

And weather report predicts snow from 0:00 up to 6:00 in the morning. Thus, Miyuki tries to be awaken during night. First snowy night, thus, she tries, anyway, to protect her plants. Sheets would be fine for the protection, however, not so many, and she would use her super reed curtain in the office!!!

Thus, she can sleep tonight. She does her best thus, she believes that the plants could survive, even with this super coldness caused by snowy clouds.

And she remembered now to inform another proof of SHIBUKI's stealing jobs. Last night, when SHIBUKI's 24 hours bath started to be on, Miyuki dashed into the north courtyard, and touched the oil tank of Sato family, and she felt shaking. The bath water boiling lamp in the side of Sato family was all off. However, it shaked at the same time of SHIBUKI's switch on. Thus, the oil tank combined with water boiling system is connected with Shibuki family's hot water usage. They stole again, confirmed, easily!!!

NISHIMAKI did the job, in favour of SHIBUKI family. Rough, and no talent to do business at all. Just threatening type, they were. And now, Oh, pee doing showers, they are!!!

They love to put pee done wet bed clothings on the Japanese big raddishes, hung on the bar near the wall between SHIBUKI and the south courtyard of Sato family. Showism, in this sphare!, Miyuki got astonished, however, they like to do so.

and in the morning, SHIBUKI family's female member sweeped the tiny north courtyard of them, with rake. Oh, mack raking, they are doing! "ODEKAKE-Desuka? Re-Re-Re-no-Re!" ♫ Miyuki sang cheerfully toward her, and said, "Go directly to INFERNO, Alzheimer Bitch! Smelly! Worse than the guy of Re-Re-Re!" clearly!!!

They can't catch Miyuki's voice at all. For them, she is just an existance. They talk, yes, however, for them, sound producing function only, no sense they eject at all. The same to them, Miyuki's voice is. Thus, too too amusing to contempt all of them!!!

For them, all declaration, because of it. They can't hear because of syphilis. Thus, just making sound is their best effort to attack us all!!!

Probably the first snow in Shirakawa this year. Coincidently, one year ago, it happened in Tokyo. It was 24th of November, and unusually heavy snow, it fell. Thus, Tokyo turned to be Shirakawa, at that season. And one day after, Miyuki came back to Shirakawa to reside. Thus, coldness, she brought with. And now, even satans feel coldness among them, and they try to warm up the chambers.

Satanic change. They were admiror of coldness, however, degraded so much. Thus, now, they love to stay in the warm chamber. Thus, they would melt so easily. Thus, they shrank. No special reason to be short. However, they turned to be shorter and shorter. It's strange, Alex and Clare felt. For Miyuki, satanic change as usual. However, according to them both, to be hugged by the kids...BRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Thus, they thew them both off, easily! They wanted to attack the kids, so many times, and they were disliked so much. Smelly BUSU bitches like old tales. Dirty indulged life, they chose, and they attacked Miyuki, yelling, "She is so dirty!" in every preach. They are just BUSU bitches for the kids now. Hatred, only. DADAmerdas, they are!!!

Miyuki is now editating a collection of key frases of satanic sound producing machine. Special edition for it. The reason of each frase to be expressed for us, is really unknown even now. However, in the near future, it would be revealed. Thus, Miyuki would put it under another title. Please check it up, also, and inform your hypothesis on why they made such sound effects on us all.

  For Miyuki, they are some samples of their last words. In case of vanishing, they can put the last remark or 辞世の句 or JISEI-no-KU, in Japanese, and they are so collective mass productive existance, thus, sterotypical remarks were ejected even in the last moment. No creative. So so plain cliches, only. No brain type, they were confirmed.

Miyuki remembers that under the name of TAKAHARA, on 31 of October, in 2015, they wrote 4 lines message toward Miyuki's iPad. The way is so similar to these ramarks. Thus, for her, last messages, in the collective way.

Each tribe could eject some nasty sound, and it was translated by IT skill users, and the result was these frases, probably. No sense at all for us all, however, they ejected some last message. Probably, the translation ability is also limited. Thus, so strange residue of cliches, we can caught now.

Yawning from INFERNO, they thought. And for DADAmerdas, yes, yawning. So many "Suicide inducing remarks" and Love affair related remarks. Death and Eros, in short. Thus, nasty for us. However, fass, they are, thus, the same, and it effected so much.

The mistery of their existance, was revealed. KAOS, Miyuki said clearly. Thus, "You should not have been born, satans!" is the correct answer. Magical HOMI story, they yelled, and we caught some of the pieces. For DDMs, some story in their whole life. They live for it. Some illusion, they caught. "I am superior boss" in case of P type, while "I am prettier than she!", in case of H type. Thus, their strange fass illusion made IDIOCRACY in the world.

Failure of KOSMOS, in short. Thus, we need to clean up all, as Alex, Clare, ADACHI and we all decided. Miyuki cleans up the toilet, continuously, because she wants to repair it not to be smelly. Some ideas she has also in her mind, however, at least, she wants to errase the smell, as much as possible, thus, she opens the window of the toilet, as much as possible, and wipes the floor, also, as much as possible.

However, the Alzheimer Twins move on the contrary. Nasty repetition, forever, they want. And we, of course, not!!!

Materials are faked so often, even in case of armed forces' usage. Not functional, however, they did it. And just superficial bow, they do, as a kind of cumpliment, and it is called appology, however, they are totally irresponsible for the disasters. Just bow is enough in Japan. Thus, Bow-Bow society, we call. Testacles pets only world, we are in even now!:

And OMANKO journalists only thought of the possibility for MITTCHIKU to suffer in their company performance, not of influence in the society. Terribly MICCHIKU inclined OMANKO journalim, confirmed.

KOUBE Steel did the same wrongdoing, however, already OMANKO journalists forgot the matter. Thus, No Man's Jounrnalim, in short. Loop Mode, with OPPABU BABAAs.

Just fass supporting done by ABE skin holder:

Japanese agriculture ended up already, and satans stole the hervest, and put the price tags on the stolen products. Thus, 故買 or KOBAI, not agriculture, they are doing. And ABE the stupid supports them under the name of tax. Double Stupid State, as if they were in IDIOCRACY, even now!!!

Dead Kyorin is refered as the promissive Versity! Rotten and non existing type. Shame!:

3 times more candidates came to the versity! Ridiculous! Check up the HP, how this versity is not attractive! Just on the news type OMANKO writers' lie, in short. Probably, they want to do plastic surgery for free, thus, DADAmerda's pupils, they are! And remember, no guy, who could survive after their surgery, including plastic surgery, OK?

So so unusually attaractive, and three times more is BIG HIT class development, however, no sufficient explanation except, "They moved from HACHIOUJI to MITAKA". Thus, oh, HACHIOUJI, you are the goddamnit site no.1 in the world. Spooky monsters ate the pupils and they were killed immediately there. Thus, now, the pupils' candidates' number is increasing!!!

In Lybia, slave selling is common, while in Japan, sprit selling is so common:

In Lybia, US$1 thousand, per one slave, while in Japan, oh, for free! Company can gain slaves for free, and by their own wage, Company enters into life insurance contract with Insurance company, and just Company gains after the death of this Japanese slave. Less costive, thus, companies fake to exist to gain spirit of the candidates of the slaves. Spirit of the dead guys, by Gougory, Russian writer in 19th century.

The machinery could increase the skin's quantity? They said yes!:

Another Twin suffered only small part, the head and the back, and the machinery enhanced. Oh, synthetics were used, already! Thus, Ms.Responsible fanomenum. Humanoid like impression, Miyuki caught. So so unusually flexible smooth cosmetics put skin, she had. Almost 60 years old BUSU bitch, she was. And she was smelly FEMI-LES, evidently!!! She was maniac to touch females' body, especially, the bottom part and the bust. Terrible! Why Tokyo Metropolitan Office allows FEMI-LES to take care of prisonners??? We were in danger of being raped by these violent hog bitches!!!

She was so conscious of our skin...She asked the datailed data of our skin, and wrote so many discriptions on our skin type, and each slight injuries, checking it for so many minutes. Terrible! Spooky, and even now, nausia, Miyuki could feel with the memory.

Yawning from INFERNO, Miyuki caught at the place. BEM-BELA-BELO, Miyuki felt there, yes. They are not human beings, just human skin holders, Miyuki thought at that moment, however, even not human skin bag holders, they are!!! Synthetics, they used. Strange confession on their 3D printer, confirmed!!!

Oh, Fire Work type MEGA DEATH! Armed Forces, thus, they chose correctly!:

At least, explosion, they could perform!!! Argentine Submaline, there, why? OMANKO journalist didn't feel strange on the matter at all. Senseless Alzheimer journalist, he is!!!

Mr.Slump is racist. How degraded USA are:

Already public discription on his racism. Thus, he has no choice except DEATH. Family Suicide is recommendable. Die with all of your families, Mr.Slump! You are rich, you can hire special family clinic for it!!!Michael Jackson knows good medical doctor for the purpose!!!

Always beside the air planes, the temperature of the atomosphare is almost -40 degree cercius. It is not called KAMPA or Cold Wave. Common temperature. Why this journalist depicts like that?:

No knowledge on natural science, this OMANKO journalist holds. MICCHIKU BUSU-BAKA-BOKE, it would be. Shame!

Koreans, the matter is not "Female-Family" type. Victims of WWII. You should be warned!:

Yes, Koreans, you should accuse Japanese government harshly. We support your opinion, yes! However, not famale ex-bitch salvation army, you are! Don't confuse the matter with your own prostitution problem! Female-Family Ministry?!!! Oh, FEMI-LES country, Korea turned to be already. Thus, Korean Males vanished, probably with their Ps...Sigh...

Oh, kincide, and monopoly of the wealth by Mr. Muhammad. Dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, again! At least, the number of the target of our snypers would reduce so much. North Korean type, they chose, thus, so many snypers would be concentrated on the job, precarious way. Attack No.1!!!:

Oh, bottom part only Chinese DaDamerdas got interested in:

They came to Japan to buy diapers and ass washing machines. So directly, they expressed their inclination. Chinse, you are!
