YUKARI's End (72)

2017-03-16 15:32:49 | 日記

16/03/2017 (Thursday, afternoon) I took a walk arround the town.  I found that the parking area in the nearest supermarket is the site of drug trading. Today, the number of the vehicles was relatively much more than last weekend. Why?

  It is a spooky day. Blue sky sometimes, bright sunshine sometimes, at the same time, cold wind and spooky clouds sometimes. Even several snow flakes fell in the head of me. I was amusing watching goods in the supermarket. Coffee, freazed dry type, tea bags, and portry were my objects. However, I avoided to buy them at the time. I thought, "OK, just cheking the price. On the way back home, I would buy them here."

  I watched the earth from which the houses were taken are increasing, even in the main commercial streets in the backward.

  As the form of parking lots they appeared with the appearance of "no building earth". Better than nothing.

  However, at the same time, probably by Alzheimer plannners, even now construction process is proceeding. The contradictional scene I could watch now in the town.

  Transitional confusion, caused by Alzheimer non recognitive types. They think that we were in the 1970s, in the era of Big Industrialization. Almost 45 years ago, they were living. Thus, they want to construct something new. They can't recognize the fact. Now, they are minority, thus we can manage the situation. However, too too confusional episodes here and there.

  Mr.OOTAKE's behavour is one of these. And today, I discovered that in SHIRAKAWA, a funeral event company called AOKI wanted to take advantage of the situation. Kazuo AOKI was the leader, he wanted to rule SHIRAKAWA, and failed. He took advantage of their fact concealing job, thus, "all death is accidental, not intentional" theory. They themselves killed others, and concealed the fact. They changed public cemetery parks, as many times as they could, without get people noticed.

  All of them were participants. They knew the fact. Only foreigners didn't know it. And Miyuki was surprised at the extreme coldness. They were too too cold to death. Miyuki feels the sadness and loneliness, when she lose some precious things. And Miyuki is too too thrifty, so she feels a lot of sadness, when she lost some materials, including stationarry and foods and money!!!!

  However, when I encounter with DDMic death, feel nothing. Something an ivent, without any serious feeling. Just ceremony type. Oh, the gourgeous dream making process for the family of the decieased. They want money, the family. And AOKI kept silent. And he built a complex of the funeral company related business. Highly near of the central station. A big big ceremony hall for the great number of people. SUZUKI would be an Alzheimer patient. And he forgot that in Shirakawa there is no people to die naturally as a body, because DDMic death is only vanishing. And always no business for AOKI.

  They were spooky to catch some canditates of the use of funeral facilities. Crazy! Like a SAKI's short novel!!! They did the job quick, and failed. They wanted Miyuki to die immediately for the big event. Public death should be good for her. In the middle of the ceremony. Thus, Miyuki was called to do her job, as usual. By her own will. Good! Point getter! Oh, cloudy, spooky, probably, would be a spooky day. However, I should give an instruction to pupils. I should be a hero, today. And I looked the corner of TAMURA. And pledged the revenge again. Thus, as a representative of the abused kids, I participated in the ceremony.

  I wanted to bring the present box to Mr.OOKOSHI, anyway. I said, and he refused. It was much more effective that I would give hime a present following my words. At least, I am not an Alzheimer patient, like my sister.

  I felt our team's winning, and thus, I smiled to the himmel. I asked to protect ny kids as usual to them, our angels' army. And left, feeling the squad establishing in a dash mood.

  They can do as they like, in a certain sense. Because, they lost compretely the reason. YUKARI is only one example. Now she can be addicted in every things. Cocain, Cafein, Marifana, cemedain, sinner, almost all of addictional materials, she wants to try. Oh, the manual of poisons. I bought the book for me, and she liked so much. Oh, she is doing as she likes, because there is no governmental execution system.

   Sugar addictied. PC addicted, already passed. Sometimes, picking maniac. What a miserable life she sent.

  Miyuki was so dissapointed to see the frozen and ready made easy foods in the fredge. And decided to do domestic jobs, as much as she could. Gradually, she put a burden to get storonger. And it worked.

  Miyuki found the spooky cloudy atomosphare is beyond the human beings' work. And discovered the enourmous solar power generator in the middle of the mountains called RAKAN-YAMA park.

  And today, she found a name of the company who managed the solar energy generating system called SHIRAKAWA Enegy. A small simple building in front of AOKI and found that AOKI is run buy Kazuo SUZUKI.

  On the same day of the graduation ceremony, She found a lot of political posters on the SUZUKI family. 

  Today, on the crossing road of ATAGO machi, she found a archtectural company called SUZUKI, also. In front of them, AOYAMA gakuin type informant, smoking a cigarette. Thus, took a picture of him. He dissapeared immediately, and appeared from the back of the pole. Good to know. They don't want to be know as vanishing type. However, Miyuki watched many times their vanishing. Only upper body type in Feburary, 2016 in TACHIKAWA Mac Cafe. An old man, like an old judge, vanished reading some Chinese text book. Miyuki imaged that he was called by her daughter, who lived in China.

  Some one did by way of her family's death. And some one should be alloweded. Harusan got neurvous at YUKARI's inhaling custom. However, no one could help, she thought. Only Miyuki is her side,she thought. And she got to know, "liberalism is totally different from libertine. " Oh, RAKUGO world.... Platinum Tribe like tragedic comedy, again.

  Ambiphobos, we are. Intellectual and vulgar, at the same time. I could manage the situation. We should protect our lives, anyway. The suggestion; her cousins are also the same type. And she got anger!!! Why YUKARI didn't get to know them...Oh, comical anachromisms...I got to know it now and after I confirmed I informed. And at the same day, she met them, and probably she felt as like as I did. Hermits addicted type. Two. Both. Not so bad. We have two grand kids, normal anyway.

  And she checked her body and found various types of medicines. She said, "I am now addicted. However, before, not at all, thus...." OK, she admitted. She admitted even she was addicted. And incapable, she insisted already. Incapable should be under the total control of the superior, directly to Harusan, indirectly to My father. And now, he took the decision. Vanishment. Miyuki thought the same thing already and he thanked Miyuki's suggestion. Only vanishment could resolve the problem. And she registered as an individual worker.??? In her story, she was an individual worker with two beautiful kids, boy and girl called Homild and Homilda...Oh, is it? I thought that they were the names of my supposed ex-lovers.

  Too too confusion for you. You didn't think that they were your kids? ....Probably not. Always some lover like things, they were. So nasty figures. I refused, however, they tried to catch me as their paying lovers!!! Too too spooky. Bokuzen HIDARO type runaway for Miyuki. "They are hell, they are hell, Help me, Help me, Pa-Pa-Ya!!!"🎶

  Oh, my gods!!!! I were thought that I created the world???? Too too crazy! I said, I want to be a human being. I want to do my best within the limit. No, no, no, Alzheimer patient!!!! KAMINARI, not at all!!!!

  And YUKARI failed. She was only an indulged child, and turned to be a monster. Now, inhaling habit. Miyuki only thought of Alzheimer. And got in wonder why she was dashing so rapid like a jumping machine. Miyuki's imagination was too too spooky for her. Beyond her imagination. And good suggestion for us. Miyuki is a good fellow type, not so domestic type. Comedian, a monky. IZUMI-san is more stable and reliable. Miyuki knows that she is a point-getter. And IZUMI-san was domestic skileful type. More perfectionist. Makiko is more resembling me, rather than IZUMI-san, at this point. Always most stupid ideas. Mikiko is always in favour of Miyuki's kinky idea. At least one vote type. It's important for two. Without each other, only just kinky type. In Makiko's case, she is more physical type. So, she would be a respectful figure. However, Miyuki, just full of kinky ideas. Idea man, Miyuki thought. And should be, Miyuki thought.

  Thus, IZUMI-san is good for ruling in a normal scene. Clare type. Reliable. OK, Clare is more flamboyant and more surperficial, because of the experience of Hachioji.

   Amusing, anyway. MAKIKO would like to be a governor, however, she changed her mind. A good boy like OJI-OBA dancer!!! Good! Me too!!! Can-can, French type!!! Miyuki would train the kicking and now I restarted to do the exercise.

  We are so comdians. good. Every wants to laugh. Bad figure type good fellow Miyuki is so so popular among the real world. Who is the MacArther net stocking lady? Who? Miyuki SATO? She said, "I am a professor of law, graduated from Tokyo University, doctoral degree holder, anyway. Nice to see you!!"

  terrible nightmare. Any figure wanted the situation. Miyuki would play the role of the comedian like that? Oh, she? She should take part in our team? Why she did't? Why?....thus DDMs vanished.

  Long long way up to here. Soon, silent world. And all vanishing. Including KAOS!!!!

  We expect the real end of this nightmare like terrible real world. Thus, SUZUKI family vanished. Suzuki was highly common name all over Japan and wanted to be the last one. Dreamt nightmare. Spooky one.

  Miyuki remembered that "Sen and Chihiro's hide and seek." The same dream I dreamt several times!!! And Makiko rememberd that "I had a too too nasty dream" like talking. Not so usual. However, when Miyuki saw the image of too too nasty nightmare, to kick off the nightmare. Nasty. Just being caught by some evil figures type.

  Runway dreams, MAKIKO also had. And Makiko was good at PAKU. They were playing anyway. MAKIKO didn't want to introduce me to him, however, we knew each other. Oh, PAKU, you too?

  Miyuki was so popular among animals. Always welcomed type. Because of my body smell. I don't wash my body so well, thus, ntural flavour, presumably. Natural soap was for the consumption??? Oh, thus the Eastern Timor soap reduced so rapid??? Miyuki didn't know that YUKARI was cooking ...oh, medicines??? In the morning? Poison? With her feeble-headed??? Oh, oh, oh, creative, in some meaning!!!

  Astonished and dangerous, however, the past. She is leaving. I was worried about her dangerous attitude. Recognitive problem. And addicted. Yes, I handed US$30 thousand to her to get rid of the communication. However, she wanted me to surrender her. So so arrogant and nasty. Kinky, ugly. And didn't think of the hypothesis of being addicted at all!!!!

  She continued to make a package of intimate wears and pajamas as their bath preparation. Only one left job for her, as if.

  Miyuki disliked it. Why she did so??? Like a her habit, bey her own favouor.

  Towels for kitchen use were always lacking, why? She washed a Japanese Towel in the basin in front of the changing room. for the first time I watched that she did so.

  And the gloves when she used the washing machine. She draw the letters on the chopsticks, not to get rid of, in her letter, looked like Alex's. Shaking hand letters. And Miyuki found the name of Alex on the peeler in the kitchen. Why? For the use of class workshop in some school not to confuse with other's belongings???

  Miyuki foung names here and there, now. Why? Alex asked her to work for him. Miyuki asked him to put away his precious holdings into the box until Saturday.  And Alex oreded her to do it. The dirty job. Her trial. "Auntie, you wanted to inhale marifana and so on. Why now? Miyuki said that now the police was fake and the executive power doesn't function at all. I believe that it is now. Then, why do you need to ask me to buy the material? Why you don't do now? Are you chicken type? Miyuki did so already, and you are more chicken than she?"

  Oh, oh, Alex. I smoked marifana only once in Costa Rica. And I didn't purches at all. I said, "I would like to try!" And they gave me a cigarette like thing. I tried and they tried to check if it functioned or so. And I was declared that "Oh, Miyuki is the type? I don't need marifana, because my dorpamin level was not so low like as usual Japanese, type. A bit more. Never, marifana needed type. " Thus, I did my thrifty job. No marifana. I don't need it. Alchool, a bit. Not addicted type. I tried to drink more than 25ml, however, it caused nasty feeling after taking. Thus, today, I just try Camanberg Cheese, only. With some more vegitables or so.

  Good to know it!!! Miyuki got a prize more!!!! Oh, Ig,ig,ig??? Igwana???? They like to play with you!!! Oh, no no no chowing, please. And we could play aotoghether!!! I don't hunt you. Croco-like leagher you wear. Something like fine. Some nuanced coloured leather. In Summer, we should meet in Can-Cun beach!!!!

  Saboten eating!!! Fresh stake!!!! We made a plan to serve cactus stake in owr reataurant. Miyuki didn't eat it. A custus, a bit. however, stake, not. Fry it and eat it. Oh, I would do it. Found a relatively big cactus to do so. In a art material house. Fan Cacutas like, in a comic of Cow boy story!!!

  She is a part-time professor of Tsuda Univ. and we ate lunch always. And she was declared "uncurable unusual disease" by some reliable medical doctor. Reiko OOHARA's Guillan Ballet symptom. ??? She looked good. However, she was declared like that.

  And she changed the days to work for Tsuda and cotinued to work as a part-time professor at the same versity.

  ??? However, the spanish professors said that they met her after the leaving, several times. I not. I wanted to ask on her health, however I couldn't. Thus, I requested to others to say my hello to her to show my yell to her.

  She was a member of an upper middle class family in Japan, and her father was a teacher. And they moved to Mexico. And she got married with a Japanese.

  She was able to speak Japanese, English and Spanish. And some Mexican boys wanted to get married with her. A wonderful tradition of "Mariatte" she had from her admirar. Oh, romantic!!! I want to hear the serenade played under the window of my chamber. Mexican hat, cape with colours, guitars, singer, like that. Quartet. They sang for the lady that some her admirer had requested for. Miyuki wanted to play the role of them all! Lady, of course, boy admirer, of course, and Mariate team, also!!!

  And in the house, the Japanse husband wanted her to be her good wife. He was an owner of estancia or big meadow with cattles. She wanted to go to study at university. thus, she tried to persuade him to allow her to go to the versity, because she could enter into the UNAM, the best national versity in Mexico.

  And he lost his ascienda all. and they moved to Japan. She is Japanese nationality holder. And she got a part-time job, in several remoun universities in Tokyo. He was shoked at his falling and couldn't get the job after. Alzheimer???

  Thus, she should work anyway. And Tshuda university had a strange rule.  Foreigner teachers should be more previleged than Japanse ones. Then, she should gain less than foreigners. ??? She got upset and  informed me.

  At first, I was confused. In this case, she should be treated as foreigner, because she spoke Spanish perfectly as her language. Then, Tsuda should show the reason of the less benefitted treatment on her. Trilingual should be excluded by the same merits because of their language merit in the labour condition????

  Racial, I felt a bit. Tsuda prefered western type foreigners, thus, Japanese face was not attracted for the young girls?  Appearance as a requisite???

  Nationality. Not easy to change. And nationality doesn't represent any language ability. My both kids were Anna TSUCHIYA type. They can't speak English at all, against their appearance and the expectation by DDMic others.

  Thus, they failed. Tsuda was suied by hers! Oh, you did? And they wanted her to commit suicide and she went to dissapear????

  She was??? She was strong enough. Probably, her rich relative would be DDMs, I think, and her husband, maybe. However, she looked vivid, as much as I know.

  She wanted to sue the versity, however, couldn't. Because she failed to be sane????? Mental health ??? Guillan Ballet like symptom is a bit related with neuron, however???? Actress Reiko OOKAWA was mentally ill? She was a MADONNA for age of 60 males or so. ???

  She was caught a bit, and escaped from the hospital. Her life was harsh, like ours. Rich, educated, good girl type, got to married with a erroneous one, and she almost failed and got saved anyway. Good boy like impression, and don't work type.

 Oh, HIMO! Dependend Husbands are called like that in Japan. It means "a cotton belt to prend his wife to work for him."

 And I was in wonder, why she was with him, this old and not attractive, non working husband.

  And Mizue. She came after the lady left. And her husband retired eariler than usual and didn't work anymore. Only she worked to earn money.

  And they had two boy kids. They graduated from Versities, relatively good ones. however, the younger son was difficult to find a job, and finally got a job in a public agency of SAITAKA prefecture.

  And another. An old DDMic lady, who taught geography in Tshuda, as a part-time professor. Her husband was the professor of Versity of Tokyo Metropolitan Area, and his major is physics. Acording to her, his mandatory of being hired

 should be prolonged, because his position is special. ??? I have heard that Tokyo Metropolitan Versity is famous for the 5 years tenure. Why he is exempted from the strict rule??? Does he exist???

  And the couple had two boy kids and she devoted to their education to make them to enter into OUKIN, renoun girls school under the national women's university called OHCANOMIZU, according to her.

  By her, the girls school had special class for promissive kids, including boys. And the boys graduated from some plain versities near Tokyo and the younger got a job in SAITAMA prefecture, at the department of Constraction. He worked in an isolated agency, where he only managed the situation.???

  Promissive kids turned to be a sloppy idol public servant like impression. Why she devoted her precious enegy to make a dull boy???

  HIMOs. Dependent on their female families. Why they exist???

