Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (307)

2017-11-20 18:17:24 | 日記
20/11/2017, Monday, 18:18 cold, cloudy, sometimes slight blue sky

-Irony got combined with satanic sales marketing:

OKINAWA is exempted. Thus, Family Mart itself is in satanic side. They can't recognize the difference between sarcastic joke and the sincire marketing. And the journalists, either.

Satanic world's flatness results this kind of "Oh, diriculous! They contempt themselves. Own goals, they perform!" sensation among us. Ummmm...They project, they perform, they advertise, they prove, all spontaneously. OMANKO autofagy of sheme collection...We just comment their activities, and it is enough. Easy and quick.

-HARUMI and YUKARI in the washing room colaboration job

at 18:30, YUKARI popped into the office room, and stands beside Alex for several minutes, doing nothing, saying nothing, and then, she took the tray with the dirty dishes. Today's dinner's menu: Curry with rice, and boiled soy bean sprauts called MOYASHI with mayonese. Easy quick job for us all, however, for YUKARI, so many hours' attmpts' result. Japanese Domestic wives serve such kind of easy dishes, despite of their so many spare time during day time.

Probably, she came to see Alex, and then, she forgot what she came to here, thus, she was waiting for Alex's order, as maid, and Alex didn't say anything, thus, she found the tray wigh dirty dishes, and took it to the main house.

She came back again to the office room, and Alex igonred her. YUKARI remained beside him, waiting for his response, and she didn't gain it, and she left the office, finally.

-HARUMI dashed after Alex's slight error of the oil heater

In the evening, Alex made a slight mistake on the oil heater, and it smoked a bit. Smelly! Thus, Alex opened the door between the office room and the corredor, and the window of the corredor. Miyuki, who was cooking the dinner in the micro wave oven, recognized the smell, thus, without any remark, she opened the window of the office room, and the window of the washing room, to clean up the air.

For her, erasing the smell and the smoke were priority, and she didn't want to accuse Alex at all. It happens, sometimes, like slight mistake. Alex learned from the failure, she thought. And for her, error is a good self education's ocasion.

  HARUMI, immediately, dashed into the office, in her intimate wears, and accused Miyuki, who was in the corredor, waiting for the accomplishing the heating job of the chicken leggs, saying, "Why you opened the windows and the door, you, stupid!", and Miyuki ignored HARUMI's remark at all. She is nasty satan, no duty to reply to her, nor, to communicate with her.

And HARUMI shut the door and the windows, with noise. "Oh, she doesn't smell at all, confirmed!" Miyuki thought, and she smiled by herself.

Who could smell, could recognize why the door and the windows were open. She asked why to others, thus, Alzheimer smell loss, HARUMI herself expressed.

After HARUMI's leaving the office, Miyuki reopened the windows and the door, and after several minutes, she shut all of them, and recognized that HARUMI's way of locking is semi-locked, not perfect locking.

Probably, HARUMI wanted to accuse Miyuki, and at the same time, HARUMI expected Miyuki to sell Alex, namely, the response like YUKARI: "Oh, not my fault! Alex did a big mistake, and I just assisted to clean the air!" in the panic, presumably.

For Miyuki, crazy old bitch, with evil mind, HARUMI is. And Miyuki of course, didn't sell Alex at all!!!

Thus, the end. Alex attempted to be naughty boy, and it ejected the smoke, and Miyuki felt the smoke, and tried to exchange the air, and participated to induce clean fresh air from the office room to wipe up the nasty smoke. HARUMI just disturbed the process, and she showed her real leggs, and she failed again.

Then, after 5 minutes, YUKARI came, unnecessarily, and remained beside Alex, without doing and saying, again. After several minutes, she left the office room, and entered into the washing room, and started to wash some dirty clothings in the basin, and she did her vacuum cleaning of basin, with some toilet stuck situation attacking tool. The sound was so similar to the vaccuum cleaning of the toilet basin. Thus, the end. YUKARI should choose the different sound, however, she wanted to make more troublesome situation. Thus, she pretened to wash the clothings manually, and then, she put it into the washing machine, and put the starting botton. And then, she popped into the office room, and she prolonged her stay beside Alex, with attempt to talk with Alex, and failed.

Can you use that sticky material, really?, YUKARI asked to Alex, and he replied, yes, only.
Do you want it? , YUKARI asked, and, "No, because it is just water", Alex replied.
"I want to eat Bon Bon Egg Pudding", Alex asked to YUKARI, and YUKARI, "Oh, it? Are you kidding me?" said, and finally, YUKARI left the office.

Miyuki thought that YUKARI wanted to be heated by the oil heater, thus, she stayed in the office room, unnecessarily. Snag likes wamth,YUKARI's condition is actually. And she is alone, in the last stage. For Miyuki, YUKARI's night washing is out of tune, because it is so cold tonight.

Some kind of theatorical play, they wanted to perform, Miyuki thought.

In the morning, at 11:00, YUKARI and HARUMI, both came to the washing room, and they were doing washing job all together, there. This is unusual! Probably, mutual assistance, they are doing. Now, washing in the machine is too too difficult for both of them, thus, they try to assist their jobs, mutually. Colaboration, they are doing now. So easy quick job for us all, however, for Alzheimer twins, too too difficult, each task is.

Now, they are in refraining process, and yawning, they feel so much. Thus, they try to attack others, to get others' interest on them. Miyuki is out of mind, from both of them, yes, however, the others, not at all. Thus, each guy is attacked by the both of them.

They are incapable for their domestic jobs, yes. And they don't want to recognize the fact at all. And they both think that others believe that they were normal, even in this condition of whole forgetfulness.

Probably, they both think that the police and the hospital deligated the power to monitor Miyuki in the house. Thus, HARUMI ordered Miyuki to sleep in her own chamber, without bed, nor matress. For Miyuki, anyway, precarious sleeping space was enough at that moment, thus, she accepted the situation. And she started to cook in the kitchen, and her croquet making was praised so much. Some targetted dishes were praised, and the rest of the dishes were ignored. They wanted to have a cook for croquets only, probably.

And they both wanted to have a house in Tokyo, using the money which were earned by Miyuki. Miyuki was forced to buy some suitable place for the both, from the begining. Miyuki would be a slave for the two, according to their Alzheimer like plans.

Thus, they started to inform on Miyuki's nasty points all to their bosses. The police, as a kind of Administrative consultants, were good example. Miyuki was targetted of their claims, so often. And for them both, they were really good girls, in their DDMic world.

And for Miyuki, they should vanish, immediately!

Their night washing is absurd. They washed once in the morning. Why now? Nasty repetitive job, they started, again and again.

-TOUHOKU Electric Company's enquery attacks, in the exact version

This morning, Miyuki heard again the contents of TOUHOKU Electric Company's automatic enquery. More and more, selfish and nasty. They required to answer, in the worst way:
"In case of answerlyng the questions, push "1", while, in case of repeating to hear the questions, push "#" please!" only. No choice to avoid to answer the questions!!!

They called to us, and obliged to ask the questions, with decisive way, by way of automatic questioning system! Terrible requirement, and NTT supported the system, in short.

Just ignore, is our best answer. And now, No Man's Land, again.

-Miyuki got in rage at BUSU clerk and she yelled in the loudest voice at Beisia

Miyuki was doing her cashing job at Beisia Supermarket. In the middle, a BUSU bitch popped out and pushed the botton, despite of Miyuki's refusal, by her dirty fingers! Miyuki yelled to stop for her, however, she ignored Miyuki's denial, and behaved as she liked! Oh, she immitated Miyuki, the consumer!!! Terrible "Evenness" among satanix existance. Dr.Dull, she is now! The clerk is even to the consumer, thus, the nasty consumer ignores us, and she behaves as she does, thus, we do as she does, thus we are even, the BUSU clerk thought, presumably.

Thus, Miyuki yelled in the loud voice, "BUSU! BOKE! Aleheimer! Go Directly ot INFERNO!" with her total fury. SHINE! BUSU!, KUSOTAWAKE! TAGOSAKU! GOKUTSUBUSHI!

And all the clerks ignored her, thus, she, in her sarcastic way, got out, with smiling! Vanish, immediately, all in a body!, she yelled in the loud voice at the supermarket, and felt so good.

Silence came, when she got out from the supermarket. And she took a rest, in the same campus, eating Wang-Tong soup, at TSURUHA drug store's eating corner.

Anyway, she was ignored. Good grief. She can behave as she likes, confirmed.

Yesterday, Miyuki threw the bar of the gate rope of the parking of the south courtyard to the parking lots of KOJIMA side, and the KOJIMA male allowed her to do so. Thus, admission, Miyuki caught, and thus, in case of necessity, use this parking to make a turn, father! Not our south courtyard!

And today, Miyuki found a big mistake. Miyuki informed the living room of SHIBUKI family, and today, Miyuki recognized that it is bath room, and confirmed also that the window is left semi-open as yesterday.

Thus, just sometimes the old guy popped out to fake the existance. His only role is driving the light track for 5 minutes daily.

However, when Miyuki thought of using the wall between SHIBUKI and the south courtyard as her Forever Green Fort's wall, SHIBUKI put the two fat dirty bed clothings, on the exact place of the wall. Oh, how nasty.

At the same time, Miyuki now recognized that Oh, Evenness, they adopted, thus, they admitted for Miyuki's side to use the wall as the courtyard's Green Fort's wall. Thus, Good, they admitted.

And Miyuki found their strange total admission sign at Shin-Shirakawa area. Near Self Defense Force recruiting point, the sign is located. It says, "We are not responsible of any disaster during PM12:00 to PM10:00."

???, Miyuki thought at first. However, Oh, total admission! Oh, thus, they are irresponsible from 0:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Thus, From 10:00 PM to 12:00 PM, for two hours, they are all responsible for any wrongdoings done in our universe, and we live in this planet called the earth, and in the round earth, in some places are always from 10:00 PM to 12:00 PM. Thus, all wrongdoings were admitted by satans, without exception, in short! Total surrender, they did again!!!

A kind of IKKYUU-san or 一休さん, a kid preast of Buddist temple in MUROMACHI period, who is famous for his puzzle resolving ability. He was an emperor's kin, and despite of his disliking he was forced to study in the temple, and did so many naughty works.

Thus, Miyuki was called IKKYUU-san...Ummm...Baseball player 一球さん!

 HITOYASUMI, HITOYASUMI, or take a rest, anyway, was his catch frase, in ANIME.

This ANIME was broadcasted with the support of 笹川良一 or Ryouichi SASAGAWA, a nasty selfish rich guy in Japan, in 1970s. He did so wrong, and gained so much, and liked to show up his faked kindness so much.

Astonishingly, he advertised his own kindness by way of broadcasting TV commercial with the song:

戸締り用心、火の用心、戸締り用心、火の用心 ♫

 Watch out of the door closing, Watch out of the fire incidence ♫

And his film, with the appearance of his old mother on his back, was passed. "I am so kind to my mother. Ideal citizen! Look as me, the model of public morality!" was his message.

MORIKO disliked his showism, so much, and according to Miyuki, ridiculous advertisement, a kind of own goal type, thus, Oh, he did it! Stupidity's adivertisement by his own cost! Welcome to our sarcastic commentators' criticism! All Platinum Tribe disliked the advertisement! He was stepping up the stories on the pedestrian bridge on the scene. Thus, to throw her from the bridge, probably! Louvable guy, he is!!! DDMic mother was killed like that!!!

At 20:00, YUKARI popped into the office room, and yelled toward Alex, "Get out of here!" abruptly, in her loud threatening voice. Alex, in his softest voice, "Oh, no! Auntie!", so slowly. Thus, YUKARI, said, "Get out, you stupid!" and said, "My work is so precious! I am tired of your idolness, you, stupid!" in her grotesquely manish voice. "Kocchikoso!" she said, strangely.

Kocchikoso, is a responding word, which is used to mean "You said so, however, the same to you for us!" Thus, in this case, it is not suitable. Alex didn't resist at all, however, YUKARI presumed his resistance, and accused the supposed resistance done by him...So illusional, in this stage.

What happened? YUKARI left the curtain in the sliding door semi-open, and it caused coldness of the office room. Thus, Miyuki went to shut the cartain, on the way to take a package of yogurt to the fredge, and found a pair of the green sport Uniform of Alex was hunged on the back of the oil heater. Oh, YUKARI washed the clothings manually, unnecessarily, and disliked the job so much, and thus, she is now targetting Alex as her hatred no.1 guy!

Thus, by impulse, to punish him with the coldness, YUKARI left the curtain semi-open. Not by consciousness, she attacks abruptly. In this condition, it would be fine to ignore all of her strange conducts entirely.

Alex is accustomed with her attitude, and for him, anyway, servant faking strange Alzheimer Auntie, she is. Her culinary skill is less than zero, and she is selfish and shameless attacker, yes. Thus, good to remember her attacker mode.

-Miyuki bought the new plastic sticks, 10 pieces, 11mm diameter and 1.8m at hight

Today, Miyuki compared the price of plastic sticks for her Green Fort, and bought 10 pieces at Cainz Home Center. She paid US$10.8 and thinks of enlarging the vinil cartains for putiing on the east and south sides, as much as possible.

Probably, the blue sheets would be used for the wall or West side of the Green Fort, both, and now, she thinks of buying several plastic papers at US$2 each as roofs at KOMERI Home Center, probably.

Almost 10 meters x 6 meters, the total of the three patches are, in the scale. And she chose 1.8 meter sticks at hight. Probably, not so high, however, for the first bit tent making, it would be suitable, Miyuki thought. She would dig the holes in the three directions, North, East and West, and put the vinil cartain wall on the each side, and then, plastic paper roof for the tap of the big tent. The roof would be sustained by the vinil ropes, thus, long vinil rope would be sufficient for the role, probably. Anyway, long long rope would be fine, thus, the cheapy one would be sufficient. Oh, good to just put on the wall between Shibuki and the south courtyard! Miyuki put the long roof just on the tops of the sticks, she thought of, and she found...Oh, the wall would not be suitable for the rope tie. Thus, she needs to put the sticks on the holes of the west side, also.

Probably, the nasty SHIBUKI guy would break the roof so easily, without saying anything at all. Ignorant just staying type like HARUMI and YUKARI, KOJIMA and so on.

YUKARI is now warming up beside Alex, faking to drying up the sport uniform for him. Just hanging near the oil heater is enough, however, she tries to put it on the oil heater, as if she were so so kind domestic servant, who is really taking care of her master's wears in the politest way. Just she wants to be near the heater, is the correct answer, watching his ANIME program.

Now, HARUMI dashed into the office, to use the toilet. Today, he appears so many times to use the toilet, unnecessarily. She yelled toward Alex, "Oh, did she come back, didn't she, Alex? Good!" Alex didn't respond as all, and HARUMI already prepared the answer for herself.

Before it, Alex dashed into the main house, and in the kitchen, he asked to HARUMI, "Where is YUKARI?" and HARUMI responded to him, "YUKARI got out to do your errand, you know", as if saying YUKARI were really kind guy.

Oh, YUKARI got out at night for Alex? Probably, HARUMI didn't know where YUKARI was. However, HARUMI wanted to show up her Mad Dog's precious contribution toward Alex, thus, in this coldest weather, YUKARI, his kind Auntie, went to make an errand for him, with total sincerity.

Thus, Alex came back to the office room, and then, soon, YUKARI came to the office, and started to stay beside the heater.

YUKARI popped out to the place where the heaters were lit, is Miyuki's observation. YUKARI would be prohibitted to use the stove now, because of her total careless conducts. Thus, she appears in the kids' place so often. Sometimes, "to keep the wamth for you, I was in the room for more than 10 hours", like absurd remarks were ejected by YUKARI, strangely to say.

For us, absurd, yes, however, for YUKARI and other DDMs, so natural, these selfish faked kind atticudes. Thus, just pretending not to recognize the existance, is the correct answer.

-JA stores' counterpart of NISHIGOU version popped out near SHIN-SHIRAKAWA area:NISHIGONE's Farming products selling place

Miyuki, beside TSUTAYA in front of Fire Department, an empty space was used for agricultural market of NISHIGOU village. And she bought four types of beans for her future Forever Green Fort. Beans would be good for her principle eating, and also for her Japanese sweets cooking jobs. She recognizes that she is so good at Japanese sweets making. Sensitive at tongue, and season catching feeling. Wild Hares would like her sweet making result!!! Just brushing the teeth after eating! Chinkoro would instruct how to brush them, in the correct way.

Wild Hare praising sweets also would be fine! So cute pretty white sticky rice type Japanese sweet exists, already. Just put red eyes, and some brown burning as line. The simplest way, like Miyuki's copy of Pokemon like Rabbit design. She immitated some guy's "Back of the rabbit" as symbol of the flag. Not original. She liked the stable back and she really thought "Oh, Poke Mon's PIKA-CHUU!" in traditional Japanese mode.

Sufficiently high Green House for this winter. And each winter, the green fort would be reformed, yes. In case of necessity, double, triple protection, of course! And even in winter, she would work diligently, without any chilbrain problem, and with variety of vegitables and in the near future, fruits!

-High Way Center Green's killer role

Also near NISHIGOU area, Miyuki got chilled. The green belt in the center of the road of Route 4, has purpose of concealing the danger of appearing the hish speed vehicles of another side. Concealing the sight of the targetted guys, especially, short kids. Thus, so near to the two public schools, the green center zone exists.

And the transparent glass show-window type car rental shops are located on the road, for the reason. Witness for satanic side, was the correct answer.

How evil, satanic team jobs were, under Idiocracy.

And to kill the targetted guy would be DDMic house wives' job, in Japan. Thus, unhappiness inducing guys they are. Thus, Miyuki disliked the DDMs, from her infant period. "I don't want to be house wife, at all! I am a kind of male guy, thus, I want to be a worker, only. Wife, not at all!!!" Miyuki disliked domestic jobs, yes, from the earliest period, and now, necessity, and up to the domestic jobs, Miyuki wants to enjoy whole!

Inneffective domestic skills, HARUMI tried to teach Miyuki, and Miyuki disliked her way so much. For HARUMI, OK, as her inclination, while for Miyuki, reasonable domestic tasks only type, HARUMI's preach was in vain, and time consuming.

Thus, No Man's Land. Alex did know well that YUKARI was in the main house, and HARUMI said, based on her presumption..."Oh, YUKARI is now in the errand" was for day time version response. It was 20:00 over, thus, HARUMI should respond differently, however, HARUMI responded in her most faking mode. "YUKARI is so kind to make an errand even in the evening", HARUMI wanted to express, however, YUKARI can't make an errand at all now. Prohibittion, she was ordered. She can't use any money now. Too too costive her errand is. She can't compare the price of the targetted product with the counterpart at all. Thus, always, at the highest cost, she bought, and she evased that she made the best effort for others.

She has never learned to apporogize at all, and she is so erroneous, even now. Incapable, yes. And she tried to fake to be a good worker, to prolong the suicide period.

she should commit suicide, immediately. However, she remains even now in this world, to attack others. Mad Dog disease holder she is, and she attacks as her inclination.
