Reality Show: SATO Family Version

2017-02-03 10:50:31 | 日記
02/02/2017 (morning) I took a cafe latte at first, because the kitchen was ocupied by the broken robot in our house.

After writing an e-mail to my friend, I started to cook turmeric rice with raisins, pistacio nuts, olives and a hard boiled egg in my dear skilet.

My first turmeric rice in my life! The color is golden yellow, which means "upward" for me. The result is complitely perfect! Delicious! Maybe, I could be a cook in an Indian-Middle Eastern-Spanish kichens! My possibity enhanced like that.

I needed to speed up my cooking process, because the Broken Robot was waiting for her turn behind me, watching my back, saying in her mind, "Get away! Get away! Leave us, I, Alex and my mother, alone! We are living in one world. You are rubbish, harmful trash, get away, right now!"

I think that in Japan, many fathers feel sympathy to my situation. They are also victims of DoDoMerdas. Even their wives are good natured, many of them are protectionists like my mother.

Yesterday, Alex and I had another battle. Alex required me to sign up to his application forms, one for KOUNAN and another for Business School.
He explained me that he wanted to check the compiting percentage of the applicants. After the checking the result, he would like to have an exam of one of them.
I asked why he wanted to go to KOUNAN so much. He said that he wanted to participate in the activity of Tea Ceremony Club, which doesn't exist in Business School.
And a group of 5 girls are going to Business School, whom he hates. Thus, he does want to avoid to go to Business School.

Presumably, the last one is his main reason to run away from Business School. Tea Ceremony can be learned in any place in Shirakawa. Why he has to go to KOUNAN for the trivial reason?

Thus, I got a success to get to know the principal reason of Alex's irrational choice. He wants to avoid common personal relationship and to live in his conforting world, just like his robot aunt called YUKARI.

In any place in the real world, there lots of unwelcome persons. Just like me in SATO family. However, we are people. We should get along with others, even we don't like him or her, as far as he or she is a human being. She or he is different from us, however, we have common values as biological existance. We may be get in trouble sometimes. However, seeking the resolutions is a process of personal development. YUKARI chose the way to cut the relationship with outside and to hide in the house. Her choice was allowed by my parents.

I don't want Alex to be a hermit. Alex has much possibilities to be a human being, escaping from DoDoMerdic values. He is burdened lots, spoiled by his families.
I would not allow Alex to be a hermit. He should work outside. It would be difficult for him, however, it's his burden. At that time, he should resolve the problem by himself. He chooses the way not to go to high school. I gives a enough chance to him. I would be free from his burden. I make all my efforts as his parent. He should resolve his problem as his own. It's not I that should be accused.

Alex said to me that he wouldn't work in blue colar and in white colar, eather in the future, because he doesn't like them. What a nansense! It means that he doesn't work at all! He would like to be just a hermit!

People, DoDoMerdas influence is so powerful. Watch out YUKARI the robot in your house. She should be a life model of your dearing sons.

I refused Alex's requiment to sigh up the paper. He got upset and left my office.

He doesn't want to work. He steals. He lies. Who would want to hire him? No one. However, he should resolve the problem. I wouldn't be burdened any more.

The problem is, he threatened my father to sigh up the form as his protector responsible. My father seemed to agree to do so. He is physically feeble to resist his robust Big grand son.

This is why Kyorin University got his sign one day before my forced hospitalization in October, 2015. He sighed on the paper, without knowing the reason. He just wanted to run away from the evil versity hospital and its staff.
This is his instinctive choice. He should not owe the burded. Probably Miyuki would put up with the burden.

I could realize the theory. Survival game in SATO family. We should survive in any way. The robot and her mother are totall irresponsible socially. They are harmful. They do their kind(?) job, wrondgoing us.
Clare is a powerful clever girl. She knows how to treat the feeble-minded members of our family. Clare can decide by herself. And Clare is my father's favorite, despite her brutal declararions. She did wrong, however, she is responsible for the result. If the result causes bad effect on her, she should owe it. As least, she knows that liberty acompanies responsibility.

Alex is spoiled by these irresponsible females. Now he can power to threaten only one male member of his family except him physically. That is the reason that the female protectionalists indulge him. He would be their SALVADOR!, they expect.

I am away from this romantic "maternal" illusion. I decided to live free from this family. I am too liberal to the conventional rural family.
I am not happy here. I need to work abroad. This is not my place.

In these circumstances, I shouldn't rely on my father's cooperation at the Alex's entrance exam problem. He is enough to protect himself. I understand his position.

My mother is an extreme protectionalist as you know and protectionalists are likely to intrude to other's territory. Everyday, our office is invaded by them day by day. They want more space to their future SALVADOR ALEX.
Alex has already his BIG own room. Even though, he invides to our office. Why, in his room, he can't watch TV nor use PC. His private room is more than 20㎡.

I know that Alex asked my mother to allow him to watch his favorite TV probram. However, she refused it, because she wanted to watch onother. In this case, my mother ordered Alex to watch TV on the other rooms.
Indulged boy insists as he likes and his inferiors serve for it.
Alex is a petit power holder in our family. He is dull, idol, flamboyant, discretional. Another DoDoMerda in our house.

Thus, the Broken Robot and Mr.Flabby would be a complete pair in our family.
The burden should be beyond my imagination. I will not put up with the situation. The situation would deteriorate near the future.

YUKARI has influenced on Alex for her survival. In Japan, Justice doesn't work at all. We can't rely on judiciary. Administrative powers, of course not! Now, DoDoMerdas can do everything as they like. Their "maternal instinct" weighs all, according to them.

This is why I have to get out of Japan and of my family. I want to pursue my happiness, my future, in the countries under the protection of Jstice.

This is not my place. When I leave, I feel so always. It's time for me to depart from here. I'm prepared for it, in soul and mind.

Anyway, I asked Mr.OOKOSHI, the teacher responsible of ALEX to refuse any form for KOUNAN. Even if my father sign-up, it would be ineffect, in its nature. Who have authority on the matter, namely, the decision making power, is I. Only I can sigh-up on the form. Other members of my family can't do it agains my will.
Thus, I transmitted my sincere will to Mr.OOKOSHI. It's most important and the best policy in this case.
Mr.OOKOSHI is a public servant and should accept my parental decision in any way, as far as it isn't inhuman. I rely on his common sense as a human being.
He knows that KOUNAN isn't a good choice for Alex. Every one with common sense says the same thing.
If Alex insists to do as he likes, he should do so with his own risk. I want to free from his flamboyant feeling. I have to and must do my best as a parent. I am doing now. However, if he himself chooses the bad way intentionally, it's not my problem. He should owe by himself. He would rely on his protectionists. However, he would get to know that they have no power to save him. In the opposite, they would rely on him. This is the reality. He would learn at the highest expense.

If Mr.OOKOSHI betrays my reliance, this time, he would be responsible for Alex's choice to bad road. If Alex fails, I am free from my responsibility, however, Mr.OOKOSHI would be responsible for it. He is a public servant, thus, municipality would be responsible to him. Thus, Shirakawa should be punished in this case.

In any meanse, I have already prepared for the result of this matter. In every case, I will win.
If Alex goes to Business School with his own will, this is a good chance for him and I will appreciate his success.
If Alex is forced to Business School by my will, and goes to it, he will study lots in his most suitable school, and get the chace to get away from his DoDoMerdic illusion.
If Alex doesn't go to Business School, this time, he should owe all the result of his choice, because he does so despite of my decison making paternal right. If he goes to KOUNAN or becomes a worker or jobless, in any case, I'm free from the duty of his choice.
Who should owe the risk? Who assists him against my will.

However, I will wait Alex to decide by his common sense until 14th, Feburary.
If he can't decide correctly by the day, I would exercise my right as a parent. I've already said it to Mr.OOKOSHI directly.
Thus, I feel free from the risk. Just Alex should take his life choice seriously. 11 days leaves for him. Alex could behave rightly or not?
We people watch him out!
