Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (319)

2017-11-29 00:06:02 | 日記
And you would gain some reward from your halpful activity by satanic world. Too late, however, they expressed. Silicon vally is now all Alzheimer symptom showing period. Transmissive, and so swift, it turned to be Alzheimer in the last stage!!! For two days, yes! Thus, Miyuki, you should watch their last scenes!!! Oh, snag mozaic Startreck transportation scenes, twice????

Just the same. NISHIMO watched already. Miyuki watched a bit a bit type. Head, neck, bottom part, and so on. And the counterpart didn't change his facial expression at all!!! In a day care center, Miyuki watched, along the river side of YANTA-River. Now, in your house. They failed, and it was published already. No paper boxes at all, and no milk carton packages at all. SANKIN type, they are! And they failed already. However, they insist as if they exist...

Now, the price of IKKYO believers per each was revealed:

Thus, US$50 thousand in just. Cheap! Only one year's salary for youth. However, they prefer dying for this value. Their choice. Thus, MAGPIE mountain got in rage. They sold MIYUKI at the cost of so cheapish value. Nose muck like price, Miyuki laught at. And the reality is, they thought that Miyuki would pay for it????

Mumic like life, she prefered, they yelled. ??? Miyuki didn't know their project at all. Just stupid guys only type value putting, thus, for us, out of mind, in short. YUKARI would be fine to be calculated like that. No value at all, and useless, already. Skin bag holding only type, from the begining, and she changed a lot, and didn't move her position as Miyuki attacker for all her life.

They stole US$5 thousand already. And it was calculated as fee for Reality maneger. Thus, he accepted their wrongdoing already. And Miyuki sensed it, already, and she didn't claim at all her position. Miyuki would be protected by us all, in Chestnut Hill, and Miyuki gained the power so much.

They took advantage of her feeble physical condition, and she is always cleverer than others, yes. Thus, scholar, she is. And no other guys are sufficiently clean in Shirakawa. Thus, total vanishing, again.

Miyuki already monitored that NASU Mountain range moved and approached to her. Miyuki wants to visit there on foot, of course! Thus, sky wearing would be fine. Probably she would find such type wear in some places.

Miyuki felt so functional, when she used it. Not cold at all! Not so fat, however, sportive and warm. Good for excersize. And it costed US$150 or so as suits. Thus, probably, she would gain them less than zero price. Oh, thanks, previously!!!

Miyuki didn't remember the good point, and she had no chance to buy them at all, up to now. However, when she visited OFF HOUSE, a second house only store, she found that they are so effective. And she didn't want to pay for them at all. US$30 or so. However, spacy for her life, she categorized. Thus, other guys bought them, unnecessarily. They can provide to some suitable guys, rightous brothers. OK, it works so much.

Precariously, she is sufficient to live in her own fat clothings. However, if she has chance, she wants to try how warm the clothings are, in the near future, as working wear. Agricultural use, probably.

They want to explore the field by Miyuki's sweat, probably, however, she needs to protect her precious plants as much as possible. Selfish guys only world vanish, already. Thus, Alex, you are the loser, again, you know!!!

Vegitable gardens are here in YAOYA-chou, and tree planting would be fine in Chesnut hill, at first. Miyuki does know well on the gyography and the hut, with proper names. No chance for them to trap her. Thus, provide the keys for her, as soon as possible!

Thus, their reign ended up. No choice at all for them. MIYUKI gained so many prized from our team. Kiss from Rat KING CHINKORO!!! Oh, my sun shine!!! Chinkoro KING would appreciate Miyuki's suitable advice. For rightous brothers, just reward is enought. For wrongdoers, just punishing in short.

No excuse at all for your side, satans!!! We all do know well your trapping system! You want to conceal Miyuki inside the hut, yes! And Miyuki's choice is so stable. Thus she needs to gain the second hut, of course. She has plan already, and she expressed. She is farmer, in fact, already, and scolded faked agricultural pupil, namely, Alex in a loud voice. You have no value, in short. No learning type. Thus, no value to live, Alex!!!

Thus, Alex tried to trap Miyuki again and again, using his rumour making skill, anyway. And he failed again and again. He used Clare, and Clare was independent to express her opinion. Moving is necessity for both side, yes, and the priority is office use. And the pathes moving is the sedondary. And the latter is more and more difficult, thinking of plants' character. Clare understood it. Thus, she was qualified OK type. And she tried to tame Alex, saying, "Be individualist! Don't think her your parent! Thus you failed so many times!" And Miyuki praised individualist approach. And at the same time, Miyuki punished Alex in her worst remarks, "Oh, Alex, I gave a birth to you, however, I calculated erroneously! I think that you were rightous brogher, however, according to your conducts, you are just DDM, in short. You should not have been born type, at all!!! Thus, total vanishing type, you are!!!" He got chilled, and refrained from her illegal attacking. So nasty, he wanted to show up his appearance, and failed, and just wants to gain affection type, he was categorized. Wet stupid indulged guy, as YUKARI, Miyuki categorized him. Nasty, however, the reality!!!

Thus, he got upset, and he wanted to attack her, taking advantage of aproximity to Clare. And Miyuki disliked his sly way, "Clare, take care! If you get along with sly nasty bitch like Alex, you would fail, soon!" Thus, Clare understood the message, and refrained from the scene, saying, "Tomorrow, I will have an exam!", thus, Miyuki, "Oh, do your best, Clare, and don'T do so too much!"

For us all, don't fight in thier nasty battle called exam war. Thus, it effects. Nasty bitch type guy, my mother is, however, too too cool, and too too harsh for us both!!! You should refrain from the society, bitch!, should not be said by my own mother, Alex felt so much. Nasty, however,...the fact, we all feel so.

Your choice, Alex. You should be killed, if you learn to be objective. Just eco-centric world, you live, now. And now, your world ended up. Thus, no choice for you, Alex. Thus, if you continue to live like that, total vanishing deserves to you. Thus, no chance for you!!!

Puppet-Mappet on the back of Clare, he started to play. Under Clare's authority, he wanted to inform that he wants to continue in this way, and Miyuki perceived his sly way, and warned to Clare. "Just stupid indulged guy, Alex is! Take care of your own spirit not to be erased, Clare!" was Miyuki's yelling. Alex failed, entirely.

Stupid guy, she should be, however, she is so clever, up to the tip toes!!! Thus...No remarks at all even in Alex's mouth. No chance for Clare's side, Alex thought. Miyuki should have moved soon, Alex yelled, however, it's difficult, considering the reality. Thus, Alex should refrain from the society, in case.

Plants should be considered in the best way, Miyuki said clearly, and Clare undestood so well. And Alex not at all. Thus, even in the agricultural course, this stupid guy didn't learn at all, Miyuki declared so so coldly. Superficial way of study he does, and no chance for his side.

Affection beggin machine, he turned to be, and now, they attacked him to be nasty to Miyuki.

And Clare is in the middle, of course. She should learn her limit, yet. Affection should be cut in the phase of legal fenomenum. She can't do it yet. For Miyuki, dry approach is so common, and for her, just "Time consuming, thus, I don't lose my precious time with your nasty "maybe" type remarks" in short.

Wetty, they are. Thus, Miyuki is so cruel and nasty for all of them. Thus, they dislike her so much. She is right, yes, however, why she is so nasty? Because she is clever, is Miyuki's reply. Thus, clever girl, Miyuki is now. Authority should resolve the problem type approach they learned up to now. And thus, they informed so many times on the suspective guys. And now, as Miyuki declared, the informants would be killed by their own wrongdoings!!!

I am a kind of "trapping" against wrong guys. Thus, who informed me to the police would be killed, immediately. They lost the spirit already, and then, confirmation is done. Thus, I want to sing in a loud voice, especially in front of your CHUO junior high, Clare! I sand "From The hotel of the north country" of Harumi MIYAKO in loud voice, despite of my disliking!" and Clare got chilled...Oh, she would erase Chuo junior high, before my graduation! Please not! Up to the graduation, anyway, I want to frequent to the school, you know!!!, Clare yelled.

And Miyuki replied, "Oh, you said so. I will remember it". Just it. Thus, no chance for her faked friends. They will vanish soon, Clare felt so much. So many times, her result of exam performance changed. Upward only. Now, she is thinking of entering into SHIRAKAWA High School, and Miyuki said clearly...Oh, the uniform design for girls of ths high school looks so bitch only type!!! The folded part of the skirt is so shallow, thus, only for once type!!!

Yes, you have chance, and the night type for four years is also good for her. The same site of Shirakawa School. Thus, two years later than Alex, she would graduate the high school, and during the day, she can learn as she likes.

for Miyuki, OK, anyway, and she dared to say that some of her class mates are just junior high graduates and work normally as honest workers. Thus, no reason to go to high school. Just a kind of luxurity, they go to high school, and my case is poor jobless dirty uncle like single parent only. Thus, no money to go to high school, teacher...Thus, I want to give up to go to high school, unforrtunately. My uncle like parent agreed not to go there. "As you like" he said...he wanted us all to be good citizen, and minimum is just junior high, thus, no reason for high school, thus, I decided not to go...

Thus, no reason for any high school except Business School. Alex was targetted last year, and this year, only Clare. Thus, they praised her audacious play. "Oh, you can't stop your dream to go to high school!" was her expectation from adults. However, Miyuki agreed, "I can manage my situation, anyway, I have a stock of my money, and I am so thrifty. The problem is meat and dairy foods. Thus, I would like to get along with some guys who run the animal farms!", thus, no reason to have learned so much in the versity...for Miyuki. Not at all, however, she wanted to attempt to be somebody in the field of academism, and she thought that she turned to be, however, under their reign, no use at all type, pragmatically. Thus, now, Miyuki's age, yes!!!

YUKARI popped out during Miyuki and Clare's conversation. This happened almost half year ago, and YUKARI cut the communication by any meaning. Jealous nasty bitch, she is, and her mother also!!!

They move as if they were in the old age, was the kids' impression. Too too old guys only type thinking they do, and YUKARI says, "I am 48 years old, younger than Miyuki!" However, her spirit was lost so many years ago! Thus, no time for them all!!!

HIROSHI would pop up like that. No reason, just to disturb Miyuki's first appearance in the hut, yes. When Miyuki was shutting the window, Miyuki perceived his appearance in Magpie Mountain. Thus, Miyuki tood the picture. Why, he came here? And now, SEIKO, why she?

For Miyuki, nasty, however, they want to kill Miyuki in reality. Because they were just wrongdoers league's members. MICCHIKU in short. Thus, no choice at all. For Miyuki, better than this place, is so impressive. The both wanted Miyuki to get out of here, and they tried to do so???

Miyuki said just in precarious way, and she herself wants to go to other place. New Zealand, she tried, and failed. Thus, never again for several periods. However, Clare said, "Why don't you try to move to NZ?" Thus, Miyuki replied, quickly, "I did already, and I failed, thus, I came back." No choice, in her case. Thus, as much as possible, she wants to work, singing, speaking in English, as she likes. Why we need to be dumbs? If she feels dull, she chages the task and does another one, to avoid to be dull. Too too reasonable. Just continuing to do the same makes a guy a dull one. Thus, Clare doesn't want to be these dull guys. Thus, she tries to be good. Thus, she failed. As soon as possible, I want to erase your CHUO junior high, because I hate any teachers!!! The most degraded part of IKKYO believers!!! Thus, probably Clare's digree would be primary school only, she presumed...and she smiled. Probably, no choice for them at all...

Miyuki is so bad not to take care of the kids, the both said so often, and Miyuki's way of education is so so different. Stupid way of education, they chose. Just dull making machines, they are! Thus, they laught at Miyuki's audacious play against teachers. They are all dumbs, in short. Thus, no affection at all! Miyuki sand ENKA in front of them, in the dark, and some guys popped out to inform her to the police, and they would be killed immediately.

Soon or later, they would vanish. Thus, precarious existance. Already, they are ghorems. No spirit at all type. Thus, not class mates at all. Thus, junior high degree holders are better than high school degree holders, comparatively, and much more better than versity degree holders, and much much more and more than Graduate School degree holders, in short. For 30 years, Miyuki leaned Legal Studies, and now, she preaches it for free. And she herself needs to work as farmer, borrowing earth type. KOSAKU in short. And no regret at all, yes.

If she did know the system well, she would not have been doctral degree holder, of course! However, she believed that would exist judicial order in Japan, thus, she bit, and failed. Thus, the proof of big failure of educational system and legal system in Japan. No excuse at all. Thus, don't repeat my failure, thus, as you like, you should choose your future, of course!!!

Clare informed to Miyuki that in Shirakawa, satans inform just guys singing outside to the police as "suspicious guys". It's so common in this region. Thus, no chance for any guys in Shirakawa. Who informed the guys to the police should be punished harshly, including total vanishing. Any guys, including Alex, you!

YUKARI did it, and several amount of money, thus, she yelled like above. "I can kill you by my one call to the police. The police would kill you immediately by one shooting, you stupid! You are inferior to me, you stupid! You yell that we are Alzheimers, however, you are so stupid not to understand our stable system of information!"

All Alzheimer system, they adopted, and they believe that it were necessity for their lives. Thus, the system should vanish immediately!!!

Trash like lives, they spent, and no regret for their side, probably. They did their best, and failed. Thus, no regret, of course!!!

And they thought that they were superior to us all. They were superior, thus, they had right to inform the stupidest guys like Miyuki. No system was informed at all for her side, and she sang, spoke in English, yelled as she liked, and no punish she gained at all!!!

The sytem changed, and the guys who continued to do the wrongdoings failed. Thus, no choice at all for the both sides. For our side, yes, we should survive. Miyuki protected the plants as much as possible, and ALEX was so ego-centric, was revealed. Just to abandoned' role, he was born, probably. Thus, desqualified, as we thought already. Thus, no choice for him at all.

Miyuki warned so many times not to attack on our side, however, he did, in his most selfish way, and with sly easure. Puppet Mappet on the back of Clare. Miyuki yelled him, "Stupid! Total Vanishing only type!" and Alex learned that he is nothing for her life. Just it, Alex. You are non vulable guy now for her. Thus, he got dissapointed. Thus, he needs to be independent, if he wants to live, anyway. No any step from her side, it means. Supporter, she doesn't want to be on behalf of Alex, at all!!!

Faked study in the business school. Agriculture course, he belongs to, however, any observation at all on the plants. Just stupid cramschool study he did, and always he pretends to do so, just to use the office, unnecessairly. He is abuser of the office, and he should be pushed out from the office, because he has a chamber, a big type in the main house. Why he enhances his place so much? Just like HARUMI and YUKARI! Thus, SATO X, he was expected.

Thus, messy nothing, he is now. And for him, nothing would be welcome rather to be wrondgoers. Nothing, and so enhancing, and disturbing nasty guy, Alex is. And no choice for him at all. Thus, just punishing, he should suffer, of course!!!

BUSU-BAKA-BOKE, BUSU-BAKA-BOKE, BUSU-BAKA-BOKE, he is!!! Alzheimer crisis, is reasonable, He is just a dumb, degraded type. Thus, YUKARI the II, he is now!!!

Thus, for Miyuki living in another place would be fine, anyway!!!!

BUSU-BAKA-BOKE boy, he is now. For Miyuki, just nasty stupid idiot, he is now. Thus, independent, free from his existance. He has no value at all. Too too selfish Japanese indulged boy, he turned to be.

Thus, the end of his life, decisively. Thus, he was dislike by Miyuki and Clare both. No choice for him at all.

Stupid guys only machine, high schools are. Clare sighed. Alex was in the middle, and now, he is DDM, in short. Thus, no chance for him. He passed illusional time with YUKARI and HARUMI, and the result, just OBASAN world's resident, he is!! Thus, nasty stupid idiot, liked by OBAN, in short.

Thus, he was free from Miyuki's anxiety. He would vanish so soon. And it would be fine for us all! He would be just an informant, in the near future, on behalf of his succession. No chance for him at all.

Iligitimatized son, he is now. Thus, independent, and he chose wrong. As you like, Alex. Your choice. You chose so many times wrongly, and today is your final ordial. Bye for now, Alex! You came from DDMic world. Thus, bye for now!!!

Their song
