Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (284)

2017-09-27 07:51:20 | 日記
27/09/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki got up at 5:30, and made her village monitoring job. She recognized that SHIBUKI turned the ceiling light of the living room on, despite of being absence, and no other houses in YAoya-cho, except Shibuki and ITAMI, both so near to Miyuki's house. In ITAMI's case, in the ceiling lights of the shop, which just cooks and sells potatoe croquets only. Ideal for HARUMI, however, HARUMI refused to buy there, saying, "Their croquet is expensive, and no meat at all!" She wants to maintain her superiority conception against her own satanic team. If she appears in the shop, they perceive how she is stupid, and she wants to avoid her stupidity in front of them, presumably.

Thus, ideal situation turned to be agony for the both. Meat eaters, they turned now. In the morning, Miyuki found the light of the living room was lit, and a shadow of human figure moved slightly. And smelled ginger and soybeans, preparing meat dish. Strange. No smell of meat itself at all.

Probably YUKARI wants to eat meat, however, no money for buying it. And she is afraid of being revealed as Alzheimer patient at each supermarket, thus, she has no choice to eat meat.

Just preparation, and she did it in the living room, probably, there are several Miyuki's foldable white desks intalled. The shadow was standin pose. At first, no moving at all, just stuck, and then, after Miyuki's recognition, the shadow moved a bit.

So unusual, the light of living room was lit. In the kitchen, no light at all. And Miyuki remembered that yesterday, HARUMI told to YUKARI something unusual happened on the light. Oh, they got confused the kitchen and the living room. Lighting is the order from INFERNO, and they put the light of the living room. Targetted place for their attacking. And SHIBUKI lost, and ITAMI already. They should not lut the light to protect themselves, however, YUKARI lit, forgetting the prohibittion done from her superior HARUMI.

Miyuki locked the door of the office, and left her house to do her monitoring job. Already it was light this morning. And Miyuki found a curved corner to kill infants and kids, in front of ex-weather observatory. The name is 上遠野 or KADOUNO, the corner meatshop's related. The same technich was used for the trapping. Artificially skewed curve, in the middle, attraction for kids, a dwarf theater. Miyuki got chilled that in this theater three banches of plowers for diceised guys were also put.

And then, SANKIN car was parked on the house beside the KADOUNO killer house, Miyuki recognized. Already the house, MARUTA or so, existed, yes, however, this time, no name of the property management shop. As if common residential house, it is located, and SANKIN parked it as if their common position.

And before seeing it, Miyuki watched that the parking lot in front of Shirakawa III primary school's east gate, a big long car was parked, their tail was ejected on the public road. they killed the kids like that! On the public road, for them, waiging for the kids, and killed by their big van.

In the north gate, the scene is repeated even now. Miyuki monitored this morning, at 7:15, already three car came to bring their kids, and the kids and faked mothers popped out of the cars. One of them, drove by famale bitch, dashed from the parking lot, and entered into the KOJIMA's lot, to change the direction. Sato Family's courtyard should have been the best target to do this wrongdoing, and they would put the dirty name to one of Sato families. The gate rope was put to avoid the situation, according to HARUMI's strong intention, and now, HARUMI, is rather welcomed the usage of this kind. Unhappiness inducers, HARUMI and YUKARI are now. Thus, they smile to the wrongdoers, "Please use this place to your dirty job, por favor!" with their full smiling. At the cost of this participation, they gain just complement from the wrongdoers. They want to be loved by some guys, only. Yawning from INFERNO, they receives now.

There in INFERNO, you would be happy, HARUMI and YUKARI! Thus they recognized that Miyuki already did know well that they are Alzheimer snail satans. Thus, the end.

Miyuki, near the ex-weather observation, encountered with an old female bug, whose back appearace was similar to HARUMI's. Of course, she is not HARUMI, Miyuki recognized yes, however, the way of walking, the apron, were so similar. Representative of this snail tribe, Miyuki caught correctly. Astonishingly, she wore innner house only slippers, and wandered with her vague gazing, and couldn't remember where she was, and turned so many times, in several allies. Alzheimer wondering, Miyuki recognized.

And a couple of old guys, popped out across the river. Yawning from INFERNO, probably. A male gazed her intensively, and she turned the way toward Miyuki, and she gazed Miyuki vaguely. Thus, Miyuki changed the position, and they repeated these movement, and the end, the Alzheimer lady stood near the first position, however, in front of the different house, with intensive gazing toward Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki turned the way, and she started to walk on the conrtary. In the middle, soon, Miyuki found a snail's residue, stomped already. Semi-dried up at the bottom part, however, yet wet, the upper part. In this case, Miyuki took a piece of used newspaper, and cut a bit, and put the cut piece on the snail, and then, she stomp with her precious right foot! My adorable right foot used for the dirty confirmation of disposal job. Stomped more than three times, and took the photographs of before and after.

Snails on the road! Out of mind! However, some guy already stmped on it. Clare liked to stomp it now. Terrible, however, with her bravery, they were killed at once. Rapid than candle torture including. Clare gained some prizes at this discovery!!! Applause!!! Miyuki, with reluctance, did it. In Clare's case, rather, amusement including. For Miyuki, OK, however, for others, not at all. Alzheimer candidates they are. Thus, they don't want to be killed by AOKI funeral organizer.

Invitation card from AOKI, was sent, for more than 15 years. And HARUMI said as if it were some respect given by the AOKI company. For Miyuki and out team mates, "Spooky! I don't want to receive such invitation at all!"

And Miyuki gained so many medals at this point. She never responded to AOKI of course!

Funeral goers, they are. And Miyuki? Deus me livre!!! Terrible habit, cruel so much, and beurocratic, and so sly. MATSU-BOKO mood, in short. He would be funeralist, rather than so called scholar of Japanese history only related ancient Imperial family problems.

Then, Miyuki found that at the corner near KANA-YAMA-YA confectionary, many kids were trapped and killed. Why so near, two confectionaries exist, was Clare's question. Probably, kids compare the price, and did go and flo, and the vehicles hit them easily. In Shirakawa, confectionaries exist for killing infants and kids. Thus, so many confectionaries are even now run by evil unkind ugly snail bitches!!!

Fatus killing, baby killing, infant killing, pupil killing, schools are contributors of these dirty works!!!

Kids also contributed to the dirty process. Betrayers among the kids. They were hired to conceal the fact. The real kids claimed to say the fact, however, they were oppressed by other kids. Betrayers are here and there, and yellers also include betrayers inside.

Thus, selective guys only system worked. Yellers are not completely ours, Miyuki felt so much. Dull, repetitive, spooky voices, Miyuki heard among yellers. Thus, they should be killed harshly!!! Just voice training, they said, and they did wrong. Mesmarizing, and raping, and killing. For kids, enough to inform to others, and others splitted to assist them, and infromed to the enemy's side.

Thus, betrayers, they are!!! Miyuki didn't imagine that KATSUMI was betrayers at all. Of couse, he was targetted as hatred no.1 naughty boy among the mates. Why victim turned to be his own killer????

Miyuki laught at the scenario. However, they wanted to trap Miyuki like that. Oh, melancholic Miyuki?

Selective, because they are all victims. No betrayers at all. If ADACHI betrays me...Oh, ADACHI, even in actual situation, you chose to be Alzheimer intentionally? Ridiculous! He can't calculate the gain and the loss. Oh, the real Alzheimer itself!!! Like so so only Alzheimer chose it type gag, ADACHI gets involved into. Thus, yes, he was Kyorin Versity student, however, not so so much stupid!!! At least, he is victim of the evil versity, and hated the versity so much. No reason to contribute to the enemy. No gain at all...Why he would be satanic angel? Charlie's?

ADACHI wanted to split his belly...How shame! Accumulated shames, yes! Once, as hunged, and then, now HARAKIRI???

Painful joke, for us all. Dry only!!! ADACHI lookes so wetty, thus, he turned to be snail??

Slow ADACHI? Wetness caused him to be snail????

And now, Miyuki recognized another harmful creature tribe. Fat tiny worms inside the bone buried field.

yesterday, there, Miyuki found a snail, only, and splitted it at once. Today, in the field, she found that no bones at all, and at the same time, found a tiny worm, rather slender one, which Miyuki took a gaze in the pot in the south side. Miyuki said to it, "Work productively, anyway. You look in the middle for me. Thus, I deligate you in the hands of Gods of the universe. If you were evil satan, vanish, immediately!"

Miyuki found the same guy, and without knowing, she cut it in the middle. And, astonishingly, one part, rather tail part, started to move as head part, in the shape of small snail! Antenas, it had!!!

Thus, Miyuki cut it into tiny particles. And then, four or so fat egg cocoon like worms, she encountered. Thus, she put them on the shavel and brought them on the flat cement concrete floor, the residue of the house of old Auntie like lady called Mrs.ONOZAKI, and stomped them so many times to vanish!!! Flattening, in short.

Miyuki remembered that ONOZAKI-san was living alone, and so many friends visited her house. Who?, Miyuki didn't know. However, good place to take a rest between commercial area and their rural residence. Old type small house. And Miyuki thought to use it as their families residence, if others allow. However, when Miyuki came back to say so, the house was already taken, and just flat field for parking lots. And Miyuki thought. OK, for me, because for me, just a second house. I want to live in Tokyo, not here.

Thus, it turned to be parking lot, in short. They attacked Mrs.ONOZAKI, and vanished the house completely, and said, her son came and moved her to his newly established house in NISHIGOU, where he decided to move from Tokyo's public assisted apartment as Tokyo Versity's clerk called NINOMIYA.

Strange story, however, HARUMI told like that. And after 1 years of her vanishing, HARUMI said, that she met Mrs.ONOZAKI in Shin-Shirakawa. Miyuki believed, and oh good, she is fine, Miyuki really thought.

With HARUMI and YUKARI, all happy stories turn to be nasty frustrated episode, because they were team members of satanic army. And probably, the meat eating fat tiny worms were representative of YUKARI's tribe.

Dirty, nasty job, yes, however, some of guys should accept it, and ADACHI recommended Miyuki only. He dislikes them of course, and Miyuki, perceived that they were evil existance, non-working, and want to eat meat, delicious product, with expensive value. And she killed them, immediately, including brave showup against satans. In the fronteer of satanic territory called Shirakawa III primary school, Miyuki killed them all, with so many stompings. IKKYO kids also included.

PErsistent, and nasty. Snails, however, they can fake as cocoons. Thus, just stomping is enough to kill them all!!!

They replaced the place, anyway. Why? And the bones were cleaned up, as if being washied up!!!

Meat was eaten by our team mates Carnibolos. It's fine to know it. And they liked to eat bones, also! Better! Miyuki wants H2SHO4 and calcium in the soil. Thus, Hit Shows, on parade! Mari YOSHIMURA!

Westernized mood, and not so domestic, she was, even she was one of the main presentator the show for domestic wives only "三時のあなた”or Meet you at 15:00, which was broadcasted for long time since 1970s.

Time consuming non interesting variety program, Miyuki categrized, and she refused to watch it.

Variety is mish-mash, and Miyuki disliked these programs. We mix the contents, thus, more reliable informations please, was our attitude. OMANKO journalists played the role of just DDMs, themselves. Thus, no space for them at all. Just "I hope so!" only, like Mr.KURODA, of Japan Central Bank. "We want to increase the parcentage of inflation up to 2%!" and "I hope the averege plice of stocks would be over US$200 per unit!"

Even in the middle of Bubbles, it was under US$200. Now, under the residue of idiocrasy, over US$200 was reached. How degraded, Japanese OMANKO journalism, and OMANKO financial field. Miyuki gained good success to predict the result. Over US$200 was prohibittion, even under IDIOCRACY, however, it passed. Thus, the top of the stockmarket. Thus, now the time to change. Alex and Clare dashed into the stock market, and they could sell whole of their stock holdings. Now, they are rich at figure. And no problem for financial matter. However, in the real world, terribly tortured situation continued.

Kids can buy stocks? Alex asked, and they said yes. Thus, they bought, and gained so much. Abrupt incleasing of the price, and over US$200, and the attitude showed by OMANKO financial related journalists was so indistincitive. Strange fenomenum. Just the trigger, to drowal from the stock market. Should maintain the stocks forever, even after the failure of the big renoun companies, was the policy done by Japanese government. Thus, the end of the story. Be quick, was Miyuki's choice. Don't lose the chance. Thus, Alex bit on the stocks, and gained so much, and retired from his stock dealer's life. Retired rich boy, he is now. Don't be Bill Gates! He was revealed as Alzheimer!!!

Thus, the end. Appearantly dull, he looked, in short. The reason was "I want to concentrate on our contribution for society, and for family." However, at the photo, Oh, he, early Alzheimer, probably, Miyuki felt. Facial expression lookes so dumb.

Thus, to avoid the nasty dull life, they started to cultivate another field. To avoid being dull, new job creation, they established, and now, all new job world. Attending to clients, is the best policy. Without attendents, it turned to be hobby. Thus, Miyuki's dream to be "Somebody in Scholary job" was a kind of hobby now. Thus, OK, for Miyuki. Anyway, scholar, confirmed.

No attacking tools for Kyorin side, however, continuously, the salary index came to the house in Shirakawa. They wrote directly to the address in Shirakawa, instead of Hachioji's. Already before her custody, it happened. Why?

For them, all OK. Family is OK, snails type. Miyuki is different from us, the kids insisted, however, they provided Miyuki's information, trapped by Kyorin Versity. Now, they were revealed as snails, they, Kyorin, and HARUMI and YUKARI. Clare's grand father should be included soon. Thus, Clare confirmed at this point, and he agreed. In case of necessity of lack of money, you sell us? Clare asked, and he agreed in the slightest way.

Thus, Clare got upset. "I don't want to be killed by you, Grand Father!" And the end. The third snail, he was. Thus, he should vanish, immediately!!!

Miyuki is fine with her hut, however, No Man's Land, already. Just want to have space to work, often. Thus, day time only space, and Miyuki, so cautious at this point, "Oh, I will frequent to the office. I will sleep in the office, because it is not safe yet now." Always so cautious, because she doesn't rely on any human figures.

Chinkoro deeply sighed. Don't worry, Miyuki. You should be brave, as you like. You are not betrayer, confirmed. It's enough for us all. And Miyuki is independent KOSAKU, as usual. Cossack?

Soldier including job, Emperor is. Commander of its own empire. Thus, top soldier, it should be. Brave, at minimum. Thus, be brave like Chicken Emperor Miyuki! Even in her level, she killed the nasty ugly dirty enemy! Thus, we should go forward!!!

Alzheimers, they are! Thus, they are so changeable, and so attackers. And they dislike to be yelled as their reality as Alzheimer disease holders.

Mad dogs, they are!!! No chance to live. In the sly pussy version, HARUMI tried to catch Miyuki's attention, and she failed. And YUKARI, as always Mad Dog, with primitive impulse only. Jasons, they were.

And Miyuki found several cats near the house. Some of them were sticking mode. early Bird cats?, too strange! Miyuki yelled. And Miyuki found a pussy in Shibuki's courtyard's connected Miyuki's house' counterparts. And Miyuki pushed her away. And it turned to be sleeping mode. With the tatoos of "Devil Man", the two verticle lines on the closed eyes. And her face was flatter than other pussy cats.

North Korean Tribe, Phong Yang symbol, and lined eyes, she showed, and then, some typical pussy poses, including China in Ladies' chamber mode. Queen's chair, she was in, probably. And now, no chance for her tribe at all.

Flamboyant no brain facial expression, they showed up. Thus, Go to INFERNO only for them!!!

Probably, with machinery, they lost chance to use brain. Miyuki watched so many guys with dead expression in their face. Automatic, it means. For Miyuki's generation, driving is a kind of show up their ability to others, especially to whom want to appeal, to gain some love affair expectation. Thus, driving should be coolish. Dumb face driving should be prohibitted!!!

All Alzheimer drivers, now in Shirakawa. Flamboyant, anyway. they easily do back, for more than 10 meters, without wathing back! Crash, sometimes, and soundless mode. Thus, they creem toward Miyuki, and approach to her to kill. By Impulse, they drive. Thus, with intention to kill others, killer drivers, they turn to be easily.

Instead of Miyuki, they cut plants in short. We hate you, Miyuki! Sacrifice for you! You should be blamed! Your choice! yelled they, and they admitted the wrongdoings all. They did it intentionally, in short.

Takafumi looked like white small rabbit. Miyuki metaphored. Domestic type, rather. Small face, a bit ronger with the shape of football, and he was always small. Balanced body shape, however, always small. And always sweater in winter, with the same knitting design line, and always trimmed hair, in short, so called Sprots Cut, or clue cut.

Not bad at physical movement, however, all subject of study related were gained so bad point. Low point getting TAKAFUMI, was Miyuki's impression. Non attacker, rather, because of his small body, a kind of object of amusement among boys. Not torturous, however, a kind of being attacked only.

Never attacker he was, at all. No frustrated, even with such bad points, at all!!! Advertiser of TAKAFUMI's illusional desire to be "Bigger in the not explored field", namely, "Don't trace Miyuki's way" project, or, "I want to get married with some rightous guy, any rightous OK. No information on this matter???"

He really yawns to have at least one, however, not yet!!! Oh, u2? He changed his mind to be Second YONOSUKE, because with this line, Miyuki was revealed that she has no chance at all with human beings. Thus, TAKAFUMI, who prefers only human beings, chose to get married with some rightous guy. However, no man's land, no candidate at all even now.

Miyuki thought that TAKAFUMI is kind type like MARAO in Creyon Shin-chan, thus, more popular among girls. However, without insurance of US$900 thousand, he is nothing for any of them.

Thus, Oh, TAKAFUMI, I am OK, don't you dance with me? Drink with me? And then, anyway, try???

And TAKAFUMI got into contradiction. Too late, too late, too late to do so. I entered into Pledge world...Thus, only for pledge type. Thus, not with Miyuki, however, just drinking and dancing would be fine! OK, all agreed!!!

Pledged, in the worst moment, and he started to regret...Stupid...No chance, even with pledge. And he lost almost last chance to do it. With Miyuki, both easy goers, can, TOMOCHI yelled from Portugal, with her mate!!!

Portugal sweets are not so varied, however, delicious!! Miyuki felt deeply. Egg york type, so many. And Morotoff, you should try! Anyway big!!! And you can eat all in a body, Miyuki confirms!!!

TOMOCHI tried and liked and easy to make in her house!!! Good choice to stay there, and find some friends there!!

Kikoko SUZUKI , and Ayano would be your good mates. And their kids, and their relatives and familes also. Coimpra would be fine to live yes!!! A bit distant from Lisbon, however the same situation as Shirakawa, from Tokyo. One and half hour riding on Alpha Pendlar. Good to get to know the information!!!

Takafumi was refused from the both fields. Thus, just drinking alone. Always, big dream, and always failed. TOHOHO, genuine TOHOHO...What is my life? Cultivation or Cattle Feeding, would be recomendable. Thus, both! Good choice, probably he has some field already, thus, better than Miyuki's experimental patches.
