Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (80)

2017-05-28 00:40:43 | 日記

  Anyway, with the condition, she accepted. You should manage! I will make my effort to get it better to be developed. I do my best, the rest, your responsibility!!! You pledged, already, thus, I chose it. Thus, despite of the pledge, if I couldn't be beautiful in soul and body, it would be the proof of....

  Thus, she should be developped in body and soul. And she is making her effort day by day, as possible.

  The lowest ranking speacies, they should be turning, anyway. And they assuered, "Anyway, amusing. Put it! We all assure at this point!"

  Thus, she put the skin bag, and she treats well it if she has spare time. And today, she forgot to put her skin care, because she was hash-hash mode to get out. Anyway, smelly, and started to feel a slight headache because of unintentional casual heroine particles inhaling. For her, some several particles cause fatal to her neuron system, and dorpamine related hormone starts to reduce the volume.

  The keyword was heroine. And DDMs use was allowed as a social defence against male workers????

   Thus, ABE was so popular among them, despite of so evident sutupidity. DDMs, he is a forever cute stupid boy like Alex to YUKARI.

   Miyuki went to Supermarkets, Benimaru-YOKOMACHI, BANIMARU-SHOWAMACHI, AEON, DAISO, KAWACHI, and found that almost no consumers were there, including faked ones. No Man's Land. Almost perfect empty situation, as she watched in OOMOYA and the center of TOKYO, and MITAKA.

  KAGUEROU days, the comic was called. Spooky type, however, junior high school pupils liked to watch the anime version, and bought some comics. Miyuki just presumed the story. Probably like 電脳コイル or Card Chapter SAKURA, or so. Some spooky, "No more future" type kids ANIME were broadcasted on TV in NHK, semi public one to gain vast tax from us. Probably, DDMic strange religion of "The End of the World" was its message.

  Why the kids liked such nasty spooky, negative uninteresting OTAKU type program?, Miyuki got in wonder. Clare was less interested, and Alex liked it. Why? Miyuki didn't know.

   The End for DDMs, and the starting for us all!!! Spooky, however, they would vanish, so soon, they signified to him. For him, always, I have seen it before, type situation. Only Miyuki didn't know the real situation. She is walking on cloud, everyday. Like Son-Gokuu 孫悟空 or Super Monky idol like Dragon Ball's hero.

   She always wants to play the role of heroes. And she did a real hero story in the animal farm above.

   When she entered into the provisional house for Intiryme and USAvich, she found an black male type umbrella and when she approached, a girl was beside Intiryme. Normal type. She ignored her existance, and tried to give GAMBO or OKURA to him, Intiryme, calling his name. However, today, he disliled the food. Oh, not your favorite. OK, I will provide it to your partner USAvich, saying, "Vanish! DDMs! They are the real powerholders. You shall die!!" And she moved to USAvich's space. He ate, however, he was nervous today. And warned her lots. And she recognized a man, faked challenged entered into Intiryme's chamber, and produced the same sound of iron bar attacking in Tokyo Bay Detention.

   Oh, violent type he is. And Alzheimer patient, yes. And the girl was already not there. Miyuki started to be ready to run, in case of his attaking, and chose some possible arm, in case of his abrupt attacking. however, she already decided what she would do. Just run away!!! Rabbit dashing, she imaged, in the worst case. Anyway, I am faster than him. Thus, just run is the right answer.

  He approached to her, and said something, and she ignored his saying at first, because she couldn't listen at all. Then, he said clearly, "Get away from here. We are closing." And remembering her harshed experience in JP tower,  she ran away from the house. Rabbit dashing was not necessary, she recognized, and walked a bit swifter than usual, wispering, "you shall die! You shall die! You are evil wrongdoers. You have no legitimacy at all! The two, our friends are legitimate power holders of here! Vanish! DDMs!!!"

  And he shut the door. For it, the girl was there. Two witness system, they adopted, and the wrongdoer himself was not deserved to be witness, even according to their evil criminal procedural law system.

  And Miyuki got to know that they, the horse and the rabbit themselves were inducing factors for infants or kids. They used them as attracting infants to their evil objects. Wrongdoers could use the others' skin bags, thus, the most accessible skin bags, they used. And the both were disliked by Miyuki. Just an ignorance to them, Miyuki's actual policy is. And said to our friends, "Don't be ashamed. You are free from any accusation. You are victims, also. They took advantage of your staying. Don't be nagative, OK?"

  USAvich was so thrilled by the possible punishment. He was chilled by the coldness of their behaviours. Iron Bars were used to kill the kids. And they were burried under the big stones. They were challenged wrongdoers, probably. 太陽の国 or Land of the Sun vanished because of it. Child abusers, they are!!!

  Probably, they were victims of this type of crimes, when they were kids, and turned to be pederasties, after. Their choice. No allowence at all. They decided to be so. Even challenged, there are lots of not skewed clever normal type exist. Challenged is just one category given by DDMs, and we know well that this category is camoflage of their wrongdoings sometimes. Think of YUKARI! Quartet MACH, however, wrongdoer, yes!!!

  He resembled Shibuki the female evil monitor 's son. And Miyuki kept her quiet attitude until the last. And she recognized also that they established a residencial zone inside the public facility, a vast meadow, and behave like owner of this era. Pederasty's paradise, because of it.

  They participated in the DDMic army in the final stage, and revealed the most kinkiest skewed world like "Art Blut" realized in a certain place type the real nightmare. Oh, beyond the limit, thus, Miyuki recognized.

  Their art was beyond the limit type, yes. however, only on the paper, it would be allowed as a species of art, yes. However, it should not be realized as non-fiction. They couldn't recognize the diffrence. Dead body would be an amusing toy for them. And their level transmited to all DDMs. Thus, they degraded so fast even in intellectual meaning.

  In 2015, and soon after Miyuki's turning to be a professor. In May, probably. They participated into the DDMic team, and probably, Shibuki family put him into the line of soldiers. And YUKARI also. Junky combined with idiots type MAD DOG situaty started at the moment, Miyuki could remember.

  Thus, they are so insistent to do 腹上死 or Death on a belly. For normal sense, it would be a big shame of the family. however, for them, a glory. And their desire was so strong to do so. Thus, Miyuki was heard the refrain of their voices, "切腹するより腹上死”, or Death on a Belly, rather than HARAKIRI or Belly cutting Death, like Yukio MISHIMA.

  And they named Intiryme MISHIMA or so. They wanted to do with him. Oh, thus, she was beside him. Intyrime got ashamed of her gazing. Dreaming eyes, she had.

  They used animals, instead of kids, to substitute their dream mate. And killed after doing it, with an iron bar. Thus, 馬頭観音 or Budda with a Horse Head was written in the kids park. For them, anyway, mates, they were.

   To avoid their repeated attacking, government allowed to use horses to do so. 獣姦 was raping done by kinkiest skewed human figures to animals, common type. Animals were the victims of their sexual abusing crime.

   And YUKARI does it as always, inhaling marifana, cocaine, and heroine, without stopping. Thus, she got upset, when someone intereferes during it. Thus, her face represented the proverb, "If monky learns to do it, it does it until to die". And she is free form any accusation, and she herself attacks others, saying, "You do it! You do it! how shameful you are!!!"

   Onanism, or Masturbation, she does, and she can't stop at all. Non stopping type. "If spare time is there, the indulged figure just does it", another proverb tells us.

   Don't interfere others. You can do your musturbation job as you like 24 hours. And don't disturb others' life at all, especially, privacy matters. She is always, "Don't ask me any service at all, because I am busy to do it!" And her mother also likes to do so, and thus, they monitor others not to do so. Terrible indulged chain of musturbation pair, they are!!!

   What they are doing during day?, was Miyuki's qustion. They don't do anything at all. Just separating trash, washing clothings, and eat some semi-prepared foods, and chatting, watching TV, and sometimes, cheapest errand in a short time. What is their pleasure? Why they are living?

   And the right answer is this. They would do it in public, soon. For them, no prohibittion at all is actual situation. They do it, and they should be punished for it. Ointment means they do it.

  OPPABU doers smells artificial cheapish colon or soap like flavour. For them, nothing at all, however, for others, it would be avoidable in public. No any alternative except doing it, probably.

   Better than raping others, as an outlet of their skewed desire. Do it, as you like, all three. And vanish, as DDMs. Indulged workers, they are!!!

   For Miyuki, working is priority, and doing it, including the real sex, is a kind of luxury to cheer up the life. however, old bitches, no other alternatives, at all. Anyway, we don't work, and working is for others, not our type. They should earn money for us. We kindly spend their money, instead of the workers. They should work as much as possible, like a horse in a carriot. And we, aristcrats, just stay in house, and enjoy our special pleasure.

  And they have no limit at this point. Thus, they started to kill others to maintain their financial stability. Thus, family communism they adopted, because it would benefit for the two. Just free rider would gain under this rule. And they insist that they were the real power holders. Just for their ego-centric sexual desire, we were forced to waste a lot of precious time, during our lives.

  OMANKO life, the DDMic life is. And they are the wrongdoers, all!!!

  Just for their musturbation, we should stay here in this godamnit evil rural non-industrial anti-humanistic village called SHIRAKAWA? The three exclaimed!!! Too too nasty!!!!

  This is the end of DDMic world. Idiocracy total, yes. No alternative except vanishing. Too too messy and ungly and nasty for us all.

   Miyuki started to sleep a bit. They ordered Miyuki to work from 10:00 to 24:00, and set her mode. And Miyuki works for us all, amusing her own lives.

  She found that many DDMs, rural agricultural farmer type, have their own street block with almost 20 buildings. She found one example near 小田倉小学校 or ODAKURA Primary school.

  They are already illegible. Just faking to read, anyway. In ODAKURA school, the two plates on the metal fence outside the courtyard, said, "Paking lots for guests only". For them, any vast emply flat space is parking lots. Emptiness should be avoidable for DDMs, thus, they put used broken cars to the place, indifferent from their own use.

  No car was there. And the main gate was open, and in the entrance, there was a small room, with light on. No event at all. Some inducing setting for kids. "Oh, teacher, you are here?" Kids easily entered into the room, when they recognized someone. And it caught them, and punished, in case of its hatred type, and praised, in case of its favorite one. All depended on their own judgement on like or dislike type inclination.

  Dicsretion, they understood like that. 依怙贔屓, or EKO-HIIKI, in Japanese. Against equality under law.

  Miyuki remembered the singing way of ODAKURA primary school's chorus group. They were singing with their smiling, archaic, unnatural one. For us, laughing gesture, however, they did, and sang well. yes, to gain a prize. however, so unnatural for Miyuki and her mates. Like idiot dolls, they all thought, and laught at the way.

  Spontaneous, laugh should be. Prepared laugh was the most stupid way to gain the others favour. however, DDMs liked artificial smile, Miyuki really thought so.

  When she turns to be CHIGURIN, a idiot flamboyant forgetful version, she always put the smile on her face. And gained a great success. CHIGURIN is popular among DDMs. So cute she is! And she sang well!!! how low, her real voice is!!! Like a male!!!!

  And when she turns to be KAMARIN, she likes to fake Linda YAMAMOTO, with teating style of OBATA. "Oh, stupid boys, why you don't understand this important difference at all? Oh, ugliness is different from beauty, you should now, idiots!" in her soft way of saying, like Mineko FUJI or Norika FUJIWARA.

  Why kinky old short type came to induce us two, KAMARIN?, CHIGURIN asked her mate, KAMARIN. CHIGURIN is always so curious to anything. And KAMARIN tells her the right answer, "Oh, feeble-minded girl, you should learn that you look so short, distant from them. I know well you are so tall, however, at more than 3 meters' distance, you look so short like 10 years old girl, CHIGURIN!", Oh, KAMARIN, you are right, as always!!! My son Alex is the same type!!!

  For her, her moviment is a kind of thin metal doll or some robot, and for others, including DDMs, the same impression it is. A kind of soldier doll in an old fantastic story. Toy story type unusual movement, she does.

  According to her, she read an interview of Duke SARAIE, and started to be conscious to walk with the legs with her kees straight like bars. And put some hands movement, just a toy wooden doll. Ready!!!

  Thus, 木偶 or DEKU, namely, stupid. And when she approaches, she is fairly taller then them. Almost all of male DDMs are shorter than she.

  Thus, she is a kid in the giants' only world. Kid Gulliver, yes!!!

  Today, even on weekend, the Bullet Train Station was almost empty. She passed there at 6:00 oclock in the evening. And just the moment, the tourist bereau shut, exactly. Oh, punctuality the clerk has. It means that he is in the early stage yet. However, soon, he would lose it. And he put Shiro KOMINE, a counterpart of Miku HATSUME, in a school girl costume inside the light off room, and left her in Golf playing version outside. Shirakawa means concealed Golf Player's paradise for Public Servants only.

  Idiocray, in the extremest version. One is sufficient for it. However, they made almost 10!!! Just like other unnecessary public facilities.

  There were several public servants in the station. They wore thin SARUSHI suits as always. SARUSHI meant MICCHIKU related for others, and casual wears was IKKYO believers. Thus, Miyuki's mother decrared to wear only SARUSHI suits to gain some supriority in the rural village, in August 2016.

  Miyuki should be punished because her preference to wear casual childish wears, she thought, and she called the police. however, she was already leaving, and she was caught in Tokyo. And she was punished harshly, againt all of our rightous rules. For the three, Miyuki's resistent attitude would be the object of attacking of others.

  Thus they failed. And Miyuki should sleep now well, as always.

   VANISH! DDMs!!! We should live in our own role. No other role is necessary. Miyuki, as a professional perpormer, uses some personality, however, her personality is only one. Just a costume play as a professional comedienne.

  Don't worry, we are alive!!! We should gain our own living cost, rightous ones. And we should protect you all, belonging to our army!!!

   We love you, Gods of Justice! Thank you for your participation!!! We should make more and more effort to be big!!!! She should recover her hight anyway. Good nurtrishing is the best way, and exercise should be!!! Being big is possible!!! Try to be kind to others!!! And develop all of your skills, and try to gain other skills, yes!!!!

  Avoid to be nasty!!! Good to know it!!! We should be free from all DDMs, soon!!! They are so evil, and felt so nasty to know the real fact all over Japan. Japan is an evilest example, and we should create new rightous order, anyway!!! We have already won, however, they try to disturb out pursue for happiness!!!

  We should be fine, anyway, and tomorrow, we should gain a lot!!!

   OKURA or GAMBO is for USAvich, not for Intyrime? Try again. He was in the middle at the situation. Younger is better for him, however, DDM, not at all!!! Thus, he kicked off her. Where she is? Probably in Inferno!!!

  Go directly to inferno, in front of them all!!! How audacious, she is!!! Please allow me to call you TEACHER!!!!

  No. Master! No, Doctor!!!! "Doctor, Doctor!" by "Common Irine's duo. Why we can't put kids wears??? Some are so nice to wear. Especially, with a lean body!!!! Japan is at this point, too too strong!!!! Miyuki is yelled among us all!!! Oh, only 54!!! She is 80!!! Miyuki got astonished at her beautiful appearance. Powerful black body builder!!! Oh, muscle type!!! And she looked so young, in her natural way!!! Oh, muscle diva type!!!

  She was introduced by TARZAN, and she adored her broad shoulder and skin. Silky brilliant smooth skin with dark colour. Thus, she should try to do exercise to aim her beautiful body. Type is different, however, well exercised black beauty should be adomired by anybody. Not only because of her superfisial beauty, but because of the depth until to build the body to the point. Strong type, and her words were clear!!!!

  Why Miyuki didn't know her until then? Because no information at all at this point, and she is suspicious on any OMANKO journalism. Already well know type, probably. However, for her, first impression. She used Mascara, black type. Why not? Fits her so much. Just an age, she got astonished? Not at all!!! Age, yes, anyway, she has beautiful appearance. Thus, muscle beauty, she aimed. Not so, just mustle type. Suitable beaufitul slender muscle, she wants to have.

  Skin is better now, with no fundation situation. And she wants to put accessories on. however, some donditions don't allow me to do so. In the near future, we will!!!

  See you, next time!!!

   VANISH! DDMs!!! We are the survivors, anyway!! You should die!!!!

   From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE♡ to us all, and with Big KICK to DDMs!!!!  
