YUKARI's End (27)

2017-03-01 01:36:13 | 日記

1973 decision of the unconstitutionality. First case in Japan. Too too poor family? Not at all. In DDMis family, they are allowed as they like. Oh, insest is one kind of way. On the belly moded and their modified version. Nephew and Auntie. Miyuki didn't know the amusement of faking lovers. Or, then do it!!! Miyuki liked to play the role of double pretty big boy and girl lovers together. My decorations!!! She loved to pritend to be one of them. Oh, she was really nasty. Oh, that smelly type. She was not understand the smell of the onion. Different. More tasty. good for cooking. However, who I don't know.

 Miyuki would know that taste of onions is bulk work. PATARIRO! OK, she understands. Not a good job to eat all of the bodies. Just a bit a bit. Gradually. NISHIMO found the GENE marker on the syphilis like disease called young Alzheimer. And the result was stolen. Everytime, she claimed and her boss said, "Just your feeling. Not the real one. You should take a rest."

 Oh, the system. Marking someone's brain as their standard. And they did it now. And Miyuki was the test case. They did by their trapping method. Concealed inside the Ivory Tower. Too too high. Good for thrwal for suicide. Collective is more effective. You did well and know you understood that they did do so for the sake of your family. You dislike the system, of course.

Your finger prints were taken innecessarily and all of your photos. Good for humour. Even in the worst case, she smiled. I did so, because I wanted to be unique, I was wrongly and inconstitutionalily caught. I wanted to show that I am taken as a kind of amusing. Not for the crimes.

 Good choice. Who's who the best andacious in Marunouchi Department' prize. Only one female room, which is already used for someone. And you were the second one, so you should go to Tokyo Bay Detention. Oh, just like a toilet. There were three. On the 6th floor.

 Strange. She said that I would kill her at once. She should be every DDMs. Including male ones. Especially ISHIKAWA wanted to do so.

 He killed once. Only once means several or more among DDMs world. They didn't know figures. They are free from math. Alzheimer came from the darkest garaxy. Bell aliens. Dada is a variation. Cold. Too inhuman. They liked our skin bag, because of the size. They were made of NO2. Dry Ice type.

 And Alex got to notice that he saved Miyuki a lot. OK, in a certain point. However, you put me a lot of shames on me. You were ex-pet of your kinky Auntie. She gave her money to him and bought his interest.

 You two were bitches. Sold your body and mind to DDMs. You two. The police traced me and informed my residence to the hospital. Their job. Good to know it. Morally degraded squad in Hachioji. No any substance at all. Good to know it.

 Miyuki left there in August, 2016.And a ruin. Good. Tumbs, some. Just a plain green weed field. OK, you did your job. You wanted to do physical job too, under the sun shine, with cool music. Good for working. Good suggestion.

 Miyuki is too early in the ideas and too slow in actions. OK, we are brothers. Monky - APE line is constructed. A good to know that she thouhgt that she is a monky type. However, sometimes, sloth, OK. Her brain is used for the information base and to make an order to others. And they misunderstand as always. Always the most kinkiest and dullest interpretation for YUKARI like cheapish DDMs. Miyuki is too too right. She would be the suitable for DDMs. Because of Family and her similarity. And she was approved total DDM. Now. She mixed maternity and sexual attraction. Oh, insist type. Teffible and nasty bitch. Induce her own boys on the excuse of her maternity and appreciate their young sexual age for her own sake. Abusers. YUKARI did it and ended. Too too bad for others. Nasty smell. She was caught at these two days. She cooked so bad. Long time was taken and the enegy cost was great. The taste was too too bad. She was expensive, anyway.

 Alex is also expensive. Luxurious, she said, when she was young. Smiling. Alex liked to play with him, in a certain meaning. A past. Not actually. She confused old and new and now, the newest is the better. Even cheaper one, she prefers the new one. She did it, becaues she wanted. No excuse at all. Fates, they say. OK, you shall die. Your fate. And did a good job. Dirty good job. Only Alex was frighted and he failed. OK, you wanted to get US$50 from her and helped her to stay longer. Miserable. Your grand father suffered a lot.

 He wanted to run away from the situation. Just it. OK, I am responsible. Indifferent form his reference, KOUNAN is out of mind. Just a reference. Miyuki is always right. She was so strong to threaten him. Clare did her job. She called him to be died for YUKARI and he refused. Clare was right. He was so threatened and astonished of her wrongdoing. All of the old things were taken from the house and moved to the other place. She just wanted to do so. No explanation. DDMs always so. Good jobs. They notices YUKARI's kinky inclination to be addicted in something. Repetition. Wrongdoing. Vague smiling. Too much mistakes.

 This morning, HARUSAN was really astonished that she brought a nasty old paper for her as a newspapers. OK, she thouhgt. And got to know, YUKARI was really seriously illed, in morality and in mind, and in body. She was sold by someone and some kinky figures bought it and she stays here to agonize us, she thought. And now, she is free from the broken robot. She said, it's 28, Feburary. It means the last day of this month. She said because she worried about MIYUKI's departure. The earlier, the better, she knows. However, not yet. She really wants to move to other places. She wanted to know Miyuki is really in the process of moving. She replied with thanking words. Anyway, I would deal with the matter, however, thanking for your kindness to inform it. I am just forgetting the matter, actually.

 OK, you explained sincerely the situation. Not yet. However, pretending. OK, for us. Just a rumour that you are hired again at the kinky versities!!!!

 Oh, she was worried about it! YUKARI said so to her, "Oh, you know, no other versity outside in the world. Kyorin is the suitable one. "YUKARI was so wrong to know the upset of the others. Miyuki was good at math, and YUKARI did, "Nonsense! I am superior to her!"

 Always she said so. Like Kyorin staff. I am always superior to her.

 She is now her stopming job again. Only one exercise that she knows. She wants to do, because she likes to do. A good exercise for everyone and the smells. A nasty smell, here and there. She did always. Until she wants to watch TV. A good job for her. She did as she likes. Monky job, they call. And she likes it as she likes. She is the right to do so until her death. The good example of the remark. Akimi YOSHIDA wrote it. She thinks it is a divine job. OK, as she like. Her period renovated. A shameful task she did, as always. Peeping TOM was too nice to her. It was called monitoring as HACHIOJI liked.

 I want to do your monitoring job, the public servant said to Miyuki ans Miyuki got chilled. Explaining, "Oh, it's a kind of unconstitutionality!"

 Public servants, with a serious face. MORIKO did know the situation. Begining of the comedy version. Miyuki was so so frietened at the behaviours done by BELL aliens entirely. However, a bit of gag, yes. Too too strange. They were totally insensitive and out of tune. Just a theater like movement. They call it, "Only the machine, old type could do job" Yes, I know it. I pretended the 1970s type android. No hearing, no stopping.

 Too too crazy, she was called. However, she wrote her memorundum that I liked her as my own way. OK, you said so. But, we say, nusance, like as MISAGO.

 YUKARI was smiled childrish and coldly. Miyuki was frietened at her smiling. She said so as usual. Normal, I dare say. Harusan was terrified at the normality she does play.

 "You know, our versity graduates are BLA-BLA-BLA...", all the way, day and night. She attacked her in mind. She disliked her way of saying. She really wanted Alex to be a good boy, helpful strong boy. She thought that she failed to produce YUKARI because of lack of maternity, as YUKARI always talked on it. Maternity is their key frase. Alex is not good because of lack of maternity. Alex refused. She wanted to his play participation. Terrible exhibitionism. Miyuki knows it and was astonished at the strange behaviour. And kept silent.

 Miyuki was too too late to get to know that YUKARI was such a monstrous type. A machine to kill Miyuki's career, they called it. Miyuki is indifferent from her reputation. Kinky old bug. Not related at all to my mission. Just an episode maker. Nasty DDMic examples.

 Thus, YUKARI had died with her shames. Too shameful to know it. YUKARI the monster, we criate, DDMs said. A kind of inrtusion into the peaceful family. She was a nostargic type. Hotel California like spooky story. Memory was totally distroyed and her scenario was always gags. Gag makers, as always. She recognized it at that time and threw all away from her mind. Your dream should come true, and mine not. Why? Only who makes an effort can do. Just a precious understanding. Effort makes dream come true fenomenum.

 What is your dream? Miyuki was scolded by kinky old bug, narrow hearted ones. Accusing as if she were the representative of the situation. She did it, becaues she wanted to do so. YUKARI like, MISAGO like character. DDMic violent version. Anyway, we did our job.

 YUKARI has no limit. Period, also. Always as she likes. Not control by herself. And if she did, it would be the model. They should do as she likes. The model maker, she thought.

 OKOK, to others in public, perfect ruler inside of the family. She didn't know she was really forgetting everything. She thought that recently my mind worked happierly. Ummmm...She did it liked it. Maybe, because of her spring days.

  Parade was done, anyway. The most important scene, you dreamt. Oh, potatoes!!!!

 Small potatoes like JIZOU liked parade and turned at the point. Not nasty. A bit amusing. They liked faries of vegitables. A good and nasty feeling. A various means mass. In case, Miyuki felt like spots, nasty. However, they were different each. And comical movement. Almost crashed a bit. And returned fo the direction from witch they came.

 A good and nasty jobs to do so. Executors were so. Not so amusing, like MIYUKI's version. Nasty scenes, in front of us. Flat world, without human beings. Nasty vacant scenes with a lot of contradictional activities. HARUSAN felt the same now. Why Shirakawa was so less populous, she thought. Why they follow me? Alex did it already. Figures have no memory and no recognition ability. Just imitate the movement. Miyuki felt it. Strange "transitting character" like a fluid of mind.

 ARAKAWA refered it. And IZUMI-san also. Like someone watches our works. Strange. Too too bad. She came to confirm sometine. Terrible. She did it again. She wants to search his desk. Why? She wants to say nothing. Just, "I would like to confirm" as if she were the owner of the desk.

 She was too too evil to do so. She, again. What she is searching here? She doesn't belong here. Why? The last tentative of hers to search someone. Misago like, "Where is it?"

 She wants to pretend to think of something. No brain. Just pretend to have a brain. My father is good at math??? Biology, hes, and Clare likes it also. Animal lovers. Miyuki is different. Animal players!!! Miyuki did know that kids like her because they can play with her. She likes to do so. A game. And instruction for me. They are good to do so.

 Amusing era. She is always in the era type. And doing another. And both are not contradictional. She was so good at math is not important. Is she pragmatic? That is. OK, knowledge varies. And skill does. Only one expression has been done by DDMs.

 Compliments. Just it. Faking moviment. ABE sold the county to the galaxy and they bought it. And debts, remained. Forgetfulness both. They forgot what they did. Childish and they were the believers of some strange religion called illogicality.

 Thus, ABE was DDM itself. The last power holder in the country level??? Mr.Slump???

  He participated in the joke. Miyuki would believe the abrupt change of performance of him? Presentator turned to be a absolutist.???

  Yelzin came here, now, sometime. And said, I am handsome, as always. He is a big pig!!!

  Oh, we got to know that the dark galaxy was too too bad to live for us all. Illogical. Just some "feeling together" type preference exist. The worst of all! We have any sympathy to the sobstories. Just a laughing job.

 Miyuki was so clever that they only fit in the coldest place. And the summer was so so short and winter delayed. Their preference. Always, "I prefer..." Like TAKEDA said. DDMis family did all wrongdoing, including gag like spooky serious sex change surgery.

 They did because it was amusing.Need to know that after the meeting, they did so. How long them are? Miyuki was astonished at the term "projected things" and got to know that they were aliens. Just like DADAs and BELLs. The ugliest bitches type. Why TSUGIRAYA production knows the appearance? Miyuki was so clever to construct the system.

 Evenness, they call. They start, thus we could do it now. You did wrongdoing, and now we should recover it. We are in favour of Justice.

 Justice need to be due process of law. Miyuki is always strange and the tolerance means the level of freedom. Thus, who scolds me should have the same level morality, at least. Don't forget your wrongdoing. You are not free from your wrongdoin. Thus, Miyuki and her colleagues did the same job. Trapping. Not intentional. She is a real victim. A strange wimpy spy like activity they did, everyone feels it.

 And the more yells. YUKARI was so insensitive to feel her own death. Now, just imitating others attitude mode. Easiest job, she prefer. Any needless performance. Significant not at all. Repetition that she watched before. And it represents what she did before.

 She stole various things as she like, because she liked to be his own kid. She wanted to be a good firl. On the job, she did. Miyuki was called "廃嫡" when she was in the jobless period. OK, accept it. I am not related with wrongdoing and don't want to be a successor of the property. I would earn my money for my life. Just it. I am against the succession system. OK, you can do it.

 MIYUKI was indifferent from the importance of his rage. Rage for what??? Miyuki was always to cool at the point. Single parent is presumably better??? For me, yes, For kids, with a lot of love and affection, not so bad. Only mother and father virsion was the worst. Various is good for the kids. Kindness and responsiblity. The latter, I owe, and the former, many can provide them, please!!!

 Miyuki was so wise at this point. However, jobless like appearance was not so bad for them. They feel sympathy to yell them, "A lean tiny girl like boy like something have the same feeling like drunky OYAJI!" Marvelous!!! You did a job and cried for her satisfaction at this point. She would continue to do the job and pledge the revenge. Against DDMic values.

 Vanish!!!! Like NO2! NO1! NO! NO! NO! DDMs were too too bad and nasty. Ugly too much.

 The design was made by some DDMic related, maybe. And the same wanted Miyuki had seen. The DADA, and in NISHI-SUGAMO, an old kinky man was searching a young lady without teeth. The advertizing paper like, "Wanted" paper. She felt like immdiately some kind of insest like nasty sexual job related case. The mouth. Not tragedy, but some strange sexual appeal. Nasty, messy life could be seen from the wanted paper.

 She vanished several weeks ago. Please search her for me. She is just like and the ugly girl's face photo. The character...She has no teeth in front. Miyuki felt that she were a robot for doing the job?

 Too too strange. Front teeth lacking girl was searched by her old kinky boyfriend. Father, we felt also. She did the job for the father. She vanished. Maybe killed and he forgot to having killed her. It was Miyuki's interpretation of the feeling.

 Just the same. Nasty, but not sobstory. Match-Pump type. They did wrongdoing. Terrible. And one left and continue to live as usual, "I am the father of this girl, I hit her and she broke her front teeth. And It was too good for both, because they disturbed her specialite. Good for both. I need her help. Now, I need her service. Please search her, for the sake of me, this poor father."

 Miyuki was thought like that. Only some minute jobs and felt nasty. Spooky, she felt.

 Today's YUKARI's theater ends. She is now brainloss as usual. She says the same repetition as always. HARUSAN yawns and she continues. This girl like old bitches did good job today. She shawed her insensitive feeling all to her mother. "If you die, I would buy a house and would like to live with Alex forever. Alex is good for my boyfriend. She is ideal. A present from Gods, I believe....Any excuse no more. She speaks as she likes. "Sorry, I am so slow, however," age has passed. She is in the brainless. She was always so and is so. Oh, the nasty companion, she has. Only she could put up with her, "If I do wrongdoing..."

  A mistery write or so, HARUSAN would like to think so. However, now Alex did inform her YUKARI's wrongdoing.

 "New is good" thus, YUKARI, you are too too old to be a doll or pet. HARUSAN prefers Alex as her companion. OK, Alex, you know. Paid companion or biscuit eater, he is called. A good at a certain point. However, lots of buiscuit, maybe. You should pay by your work, Alex. Don't treat your adorable grand mother, using, "Oh, HARUSAN, your food is so nice!" type.

 Miyuki knows his technics. And Miyuki is superior to him, at this point. Anyway, doctoral degree holder, she is!!!

 Common people with degree. Not so bad. Not only her, but also others. However, by DDMic values, they failed. A rumour done by Akio SATO was fake? Not at all. She was all right???

 A tragedy. She, as a June bride, in a honeymoon trip, encountered with the TSUNAMI in Puquit island. A disaster. And her dissapearance suffered a lot his father, YAMADA, a doctoral grade holder, at the same era of Akio SATO. They are both juniors of Prof. Hiroyuki NODA, professor of French law system. NODA insisted the necessity of establishing a special course for Latin American Lega Studies.

 However, no one wanted to be the scholar. Because there is no position at all.

  Oh, I didn't know the system at all. Anyway, enter and get the degree! After that, you would gain some money by it.

 Miyuki was too too right to think so and YAMADA did so. And KITAMURA explained him as a loser. "He is now a farmer. He stopped studying. He quitted the chance to be a scholar. A loser, he is."

 Miyuki felt strange. Why he could say it in front of me. The same type. He forced me to quit the job. Why???

 And when I asked to the everydays life of Akio SATO, he said that he was now busy to edite the job with YAMADA. Because his only daughter was taken by the ocean in case of Puquet Tsunami case and he was now absent minded.

 And I got a dictionary. Only YAMADA's name was one. Akio SATO prefered concealing backward to yell YAMADA, I thought. Only one writted book is appreciated in the world of acadeic society, because it weighs as his own performance.

 Yes, he did alone, with assistant of other persons. Dictionary editating job. And he was absent minded. Too tough for him. And he wanted to appeal to someone, that I am yet a scholar!!!!

 He was concealed because he was loved by NODA??? Both. OK. And, NODA wanted to create new type of system of firing goddamnit successor called KITAMURA. He did wrongdoing. For the first time, as his job. And hired him as an assistent. And SAITO was much better than him. And he was in love with his elder librarian girlfriend.

 However, it was another story. He disliked he? No? Why?

 Because I read her letter to you, NODA. KITAMURA ordered me to put them in order and I did it. At first, a bit tough. However, after I invented a system, it was much easier. And for the classification, I need to read your letters, as my job.

 I read various letters and sometimes cries. Especially IENAGA's letters. And on her letter, she was a serious and clever girl. Appearance, I didn't know. However, she was clean, I felt. Nun like person. Not dirty trapping bitch. She wrote it after his death. And not sobstory. Clean and she would be an excellent bride for him, I thouht. Only 10 years or so difference. A tiny. What's wrong???

 SAITO thought like that and it did work. At least they were happy at your work.

 I did it because I needed to do so as my mission. Time consuming, at first, However, not so bad. I could know the life of scholars, witch were unknown to me, because I am surrounded by a lot of vulgar type. And some was new information for me.

 And I got to know that the academic world was not to free from prejudice and conventionalism. Much more DDMic, now I could say.

 For example, his female student of graduate school was liked by her colleague because she was one of the rare girl among the faculty. They got along with and after that he trashed away. Now he wanted to have a more conventional normal wife for him.

 She claimed to him, and asked him to introduce some better boyfriend for her.

 And got one. Better then the ex.

 She has a sister adopted by her parents. She wanted to have succession eargerly and she wanted to sue her. She asked some lawer to deal with the suit.

 She was civil law majored and why she wanted to hire a specialist for it???

  She said that her sister was too too evil to require her succession, illegitimately. Too cruel to her.

  She is a domestic type and came to the graduate school, as a kind of good wife's training course, I felt and got a position.

  IENAGA's letters were respectful. He is a famous historian but he was forced to propose the law suit, tremendously long boresome work.

  He was so serious to his study and explained one point by one point, with polite and rational and understandable espressions.

  I was crying, because, law suits is disturbing his career as an expert of history. Such a promissive historian was stolen his time for the facking cases. Too too sorry for him. I would never get involved in the law suits!!! I would be a good and brilliant scholar! So I prohibitted me to propose some law suits.

 I wiped the tead drops and running nose and returned to continue the work.

 Finally I ended the mission and returned the boxes into the room where they had been. The new buildings lunch room type's anex chamber. I needed to use the keys. And I asked to borrow me the keys to the female clerks.

 They were so cold for me and said, "You have no right to use the room at all. You are only a member of graduate school and we rent the room only for the professors."

 I explained them, "Prof.KITAMURA asked me to put the documents in order, witch were in the room. I use it not for me, but for the sake of him. You should borrow me your key. I need to use it."

 They, with the nasty expression total, handed me the key anyway.

  ??? I did my job, and they wanted to disturbe me. They looked to think that I used the room as my own use.

  This type of isunderstanding happened several times in the graduate course.

  I borrowed a wheeled cart for moving. This is my second borrowing. For the first time, I made a mistake.I thought that it was useless and only I were the user, so I borrowed it for a week or so and finally, I returned and criticised by the clerks.

  The second time, I borrowed and returned immediately, becauese I didn't want to be scolded any more. However, they said ironically, "While you are using, we can't use, you know".

  OKOK, they looked to scold me. The best thing is runnaway from the situation. Always runnaway mode, Miyuki did.

 Probably, I was one of the desliked persons by the clerks in the faculty. I felt the same when I was at Kyorin University.

 I was unwelcome person No.1, in the Metropolitan area of Tokyo. Why I? Mayve, instintively they dislike us. Common people were the enemy for them. The natural born killers type, they call. Illogical and flamboyant feeling rule the dark galaxy, and common people requre logical and rational explanation even for DDMs. The weakpoint of DDMs. DDMs live in the country of disorder called caos. Just instinct and impulse define their conducts. For them, Alzheimer symptom is natural. Why you common people do mind such a trifle?

  DDMs invided the country called Japan, and killed common people as they like. The number increased at 1990s. There was a children's book, "My grand father is an alien" is the confession of a boy, his dearest father was taken by an alien or, in usual saying, suffered from Alzheimer disease.

 Forgetful figures here and there in Shirakawa. They get leaner and leaner, everyday. They lost appetite. They forget to eat sometimes. Eat not eatable things like fass. Drink their own shit. Even famaus artists band YUZU and comic writer Momoko SAKURA drank their own shit, believing that it were good for health and confessed the fact in public. Grotesque remarks here and there.

 Body touch is also allowed among them. They like to communicate always. Just a play of mouth. Afeter the symptom, came the period of silence, in a certain moment. Just in a some good feeling, they speak something long in this stage.

 After the calm period, they forget the value oriented conducts. Thus, they threw valuable things. DANSHARI age, they passed. They wanted to sell anything, at a low cost. Thus, the miserable scenes in Tokyo. Prefabric only dangerous brilliant buildings are there.

