Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (66)

2017-05-20 17:30:52 | 日記

20/05/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) It's an early summer sunshine day. Beautiful Saturday.

 Miyuki got an infromation that in Shirakawa, all three central primary schools would hold a sports festival called UNDOU-KAI or 運動会 at the same time. The system changed, Miyuki got to know and started her investigation jobs.

  When she was a kid, Primary I held it on the first Saturday, Primary II, on the second, and Primary III on the third. It was maintained when her kids were in Shirakawa almost 5 years ago. Now, at the same day.

  Faked event, probably. Miyuki predicted and at first, she confirmed it on Primary III, beside her house. All families were in the courtyard already, at 9:30. And the plate showed that any non-related should not enter in the festival. Oh, declaration of Ikkyo event, Miyuki really thought, and passed beside, laughing, and singing, "You shall die!!" ♫🎶 as usual. Probably, some power holders called them to fake the number of population, as their habitual past. After the death of Shirakawa town, they couldn't recognize the loss, and oredered to them, who also can't recognize the fact of the end of the war. Shameful faked families' big event.

  Then, Miyuki went to Primary I, and found the fact again. All Ikkyo believers, yes. Faked families, yes. And they both, faked parents and kids, are the real Alzheimer patients, physically. The courtyard were prohibitted others to enter, as Primary III. And all of families were already there. No any related was walking outside the school. Thus, the town is quiet as usual. Pointed targets, they visited and did a faked job, as their profission.

  Thus, they use smart cars with GPS leading navigation system. They park the cars near, and sometimes, they pretended to be residents, using empty houses as they liked. Keys for it. The public authorities requiered IKKYO believers to have some keys near, and they could use them as they liked. This is the legal system of Japan. Any IKKYO believers could use any empty buildings for free, while others should pay the highest value for renting the builbings.

  YUKARI didn't understand the system, and she wanted to assist them all. Thus, she offered the bunch of the keys to the public office, and then, they scolded her, and she responded, "Oh, I didn't know it!"

  Again? Every year, near the sports festival, she lost the keys. And the IKKYO believers did their jobs. YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, thus, she is targetted as a duck. Inducing weakpoint in SATO family all. Every year, without exception, she made a mistake, and appologied with the same remarks. BLA-BLA-BLA is of course used. And she commits a lot of errors again and again.

  And Miyuki watched the game, from outside, through a metal net wall. They didn't move at any rhysmical music. Even AKB 48's famous hit, could not IKKYO believers' bodies at all. No dancing, we confirmed. They suffer from some physical disease, eather, Miyuki really felt. Senseless world they live, she was impressed.

  Kitarou kids would held a sports festival tonight, and they would dance in a mood, without saying. For quick type, dancing is too too natural, which they could not put up with type. Why any of them, IKKYO kids, could dance at all????

  She should go to Primary II, the evilest school in this omneous town. However, she should take a rest a bit, because, it was too too hot, and she promissed Chinkoro to treat him a bit. Chocorate icecream, probably! Thus, she should go to Beisia, the nearest supermarket from Primary I and II, both. In the middle, we could say.

  No walkers at all. And Miyuki took off some clothings, and only one piece dress she put on. Summer like semi-sleaves. Mini type. Oh, already summer came!!!

  And she remembered that when she was kids, in this season, her skin was burned completely. The third week of May, exactly. Thus, sports festival was held. From this day, kids all were black race, practically saying. Miyuki got fleckles because of it. Anyway, no sunshine cold May is worse than this fleckle making summer May.

  Now, Miyuki would prepare our festival dinner, specially for kids!!!

  She bought Chicori leaves, cream chease, and Bergian Beer. Chinkoro would smell it yes, however, he is now accepting not to drink even only a drop. He should keep his quick brain, anyway. And he is now learning pacience. To live better, sometimes it is required type. "Don't challenge  it, induced by ADACHI! It is you, who suffers from the nasty dranken symptom", and Chinkoro got upset, and claimed to his adorable Daddy, insisting his right to drink it. Miyuki said to him, yes, you have right, however, if you excercise it, you would suffer a lot. Before your choice, you should think of it. you are so quick, and I think that we can accept you to smell the flavour for your study." And Chinkoro understood. Volume, she thought of. he is now too too small, thus, he suffers a lot. When he gets bigger, it would be nice to drink. Now, only a bit causes a nasty feeling. Just a volume problem, not his immaturity, nor age at all!!!

   Thus, she will try to dring the Bergian Beer again. She took it in Kyorin Campus, during a nasty boresome meeting with her stupid ex-mates. And she found that only 5% of alchool accelarated her brain function. This time, she wants to try it again. Adachi liked this idea of brain sports festival. She is adult yes, however, too too good to think of every things!!! I admire her Todai brain!!!!

   Miyuki found a game to name two sylables on each car, as we wrote before. And for her, とちぎ was not named yet one. Thus, someone wispered, "Oh, tsuki would be fine, because NASU has already its name, and Mountain combined with moon. " However, she refused. Not good impression word at all. Probably, Tochigui is OPPPABU BABABA's Mecca, and they produce icecream, thus, Milk, or CHICHI, we adopt!!!" Adachi laught at her quickness. Even I, could not think of it!!! CHICHI!!!!

  And for 仙台, or Sendai, TAN, or tougue, because of their famour beef tongue dishes. She already put SUKA on 春日部, or KASUKABE、and 春日部 and 仙台 would be a good pair, because they would be called SUKA-TAN!!!!, namely, Stupid! in Japanese.

  Shinagawa or 品川 is Ditch, or DOBU. And Miyuki found 栃木 numeber plates are written in two ways, in Chinese character and HIRAGANA or Japanese one. Double should not be allowed, of course!!! And they failed again and again. They faked yes, they declared. And continued to fake even today. No corrective at all type. Thus, they should vanish immediately.

   Today, the names of other prefectures were seen more often than usual. They changed, however, they commited several fatal mistakes, as usual, like YUKARI. Thus, they should be disposed all in one, in a body.

   At the same time, a pair making day, probably. Many same sex pairs were wondering as faked walkers, near Shin-Shirakawa station. Especially, broad use IKKYO kids type.

  Oh, please allow us to prepare the above dish and beer. We should continue to write, eating. Beer is for it!!! Now, summer comes, and wines are not reliable here in Shirakawa. Thus, foreign beer is her choice!!!

  Wait a minute!!!!

  Broad use kids have the same body shape of Miyuki. Kyorin pupils belongs to these type, yes. Many of them could use to fake from primary school pupil to versity one. Thus, they could earn more than others. Longer than as faked workers, comparatively. They can do triple play yes. It all depends, type. thus, they faked more, and had quicker brain rather than others. However, they are also IKKYO believers, and no choice for their future type, in a body yes.

  for Miyuki, some laughing story, however, for other Platinum Tribe, not so easy to understand their efemerous life. Too too crazy, they are, yes, however, so young they died, Kyou, 姜 cried several times until now. And Miyuki? She burst into tears, yes. however, not for crying, but for laughing!!! Laughing Game, would be produced for her own!!!

  Oh, you are it, against our expectation!, type experiences, Miyuki have passed already. Too too many times, thus, a kind of ordinal habitual scenes in her comical life. however, in the moment, she revealed the fact!!!! In the middle of dating, and in public, practically. And she called attention of other IKKYO believers, and was caught several times. They were just liars, when she was in Tokyo. however, after her harsh experiences in 2016 and in Shirakawa, they are revealed as Alzheimer patients also. And we should think of it again and again.

  They just faked because of their illiness, they started to insist. and Miyuki laught at it. They chose the way, and did it. This is their life. No excuse is needed. Only immediate execution should be applied type. They can't stop their wrongdoings by themselves. Thus, vanishment only works in this type.

  Even now, they continue to try to disturb our working. And they have no choice at all.

  Miyuki ate a chocolate bar called Gran Cacao, and liked it because of its cheaper price. Chinkoro adores it!!! Oh, good! Nut crash was included, and Miyuki really ate it, because she wanted to avoid dropping of it, because of heat. Chinkoro is quick type, and he chose the same yes. Not so slow for licking in this case, yes.

  And she confirmed that this hot summer day, they didn't want to change their wears on outside. IKKYO believers use the same wears during a day all. They can't put off any clothings even in the abrupt change of the weather!!!

  For them, always the weather is the same as usual. And others ordered them to put some for their performance. Thus, they should put on them during a day. 10-17, probably. "Nine to Ten", was a name of film, Jane Fonda participated in it as an flamboyant office secretary, however, after she recognized that she were abused by her boss, she turned to be a soldier, anyway, and the three protagonists won, against the bosses sexual abusing attitudes.

  In Japan, the begining is the same, yes, however, the result is the contrary. They would have chosen the obedience to the bosses, even after the recognition, if they were in Japan.

  Japanese film has no story, Miyuki really thought deeply. Just a combination of illogical scenes. No explanation at all type anti-thinking job's result at all.

  And now, she visited Shirakawa II. Only one school had no plate of "Non related can't enter here." Thus, she entered. The situation of the scenes was the equal as the other two. No figure at first in the area, and when Miyuki approached, they started to appear. Oh, IKKYO magis again. And they were taking a lunch anyway. And Miyuki found that the faked fathers had the appearance of skewed organized crime group member's like faces. And she remembered the same scenes in Hachioji. In Primary III in Hachioji type, they are!, Miyuki recognized it now. Oh, everywhere, they did it, to fake the population. Too too many resemblances between Hachioji III and Shirakawa II.

  She watched that the toilets were filled with IKKYO faked families, and many of them ate their lunch in a gymnastic hall, and some selective families could use other special places to take a lunch yes. And then, she proceeded her walking to the bottom. And she found some emply classrooms with totally dried up pot floweres. It means that these rooms are not used usually. Only several times a year, they are open for faking jobs. And she went further. And found that some marks of wrongdoings. Ditch's tap should be used for concealing the dead body. And the two bars carry car was used for faking the stopping guard rail for chased pulils. At first, Miyuki thought that it were two horizontal bars to show the dead end of the narrow ally. She, however, continued to walk till the end, and found that it was just two handled carry cart. The teachers put it to stop the kids followed by the evil wrondgoers. Only someone who knew the place well could pass it type structure, Miyuki recognized. The same of KAKEGANE-ZUKURI.

  And she moved the cart, and passed there as usual. She was really sorry for the diceased kids, thus, she whisled her favorite song of Ravel, "Pavane for the diseaced princess". She did whistle it until she reached to the kindergarden beside the school. She repeated it many times. Beautiful sad melody, it has. however, any faked kids and their parents got to recognized her music at all. They can't hear it, at all, Miyuki really got to know it.

 Probably, they were put some IC memory like chip in their brain, in a metaphoric way of saying. Thus, they could imitate some jobs, especially in Miyuki's kids' school days. And they are indifferent from others' disaster at all. Rather, their disaster is their pleasure, probably.

 Miyuki failed a lot, however, she survived anyway. Why? Because she didn't pass her limit at all. and she found a limit today. Who prays the rival's disaster is already IKKYO believer, yes.

  Unfair competence it wants, it means. We are not perfect, and sometimes get jealous easily. however, we are live in a harmony, making some compromise on their own failure called jealousy.

  however, if someone thinks of kill others because of their jealousy, and allows them to be killed, the game is over completely. Any activity to assist it would be accepted by Gods of Justice.

  "I want to kill you!!!", sometimes, we say yes. However, even in the shape of taking advantage of it, it should not be allowed by any human being. Concealing is this type of assistence yes.

  for IKKYO believers, "I am free from any suspition, because I am not related on the crime at all!",like attitude. however, they continue to participate in the concealing the facts. This is IKKYO Alzheimer disease.

 Morally degraded, and couldn't learn at all from their failures. They don't want to know them, because they are too too indifferent from others' wrongdoings, and these wrongdoers are their bosses. They are under the control of the bosses, and their bosses are evil, yes, however, they themselves are doing their own jobs, as the bosses ordered.

  They have no judging ability at all. Thus, they should not participate in any wrongdoings, yes. And they participated in them, according to their own will. Thus, they should be punished hashly.

  For them, even after recognition of wrongdoings, they are inclined to think, "I am free from any accusation, because I am not so promissive. The bosses whould be accused yes, however, I am just a worker under his order."

  Thus, almost all of Japanese failed and should vanish immediately. For them, too too usual, however, for us all, life or death like important decision.

  for Platinum Tribe, yes. However, for others, too too difficult to understand the system. And Miyuki should know the result. Oh, YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, confirmed type. Yes, then????

  Miyuki proved it, and they got to know it well. And they wanted to reveal that Miyuki is free from the suspect of YUKARI's seriel killer???? For YUKARI, Miyuki did wrong, and she suffered a lot from Miyuki's wrongdoings. Subjectively, yes, probably. And YUKARI couldn't prove it objectively. As always. She can't be objective at all, since she was an infant. Too too subjective existance, and she didn't want to get out from her subjective only world at all.

  After Miyuki's search at Shirakawa II, she went toward Shin-Shirakawa Station. She passed the way of SANKIN or Three Gold, the site, the business office, and related facilities. And found that in SENDAI, there is a company called SENKIN, in the same field. Oh, they changed easily their names. Replaceble names, yes, in case of being investigated.

  And several kids public parks, especially for infants type, Miyuki found, and played a bit, and stayed, meditating a lot. Why all of the parks are located near the apartments for single physical workers? And beside exactly the parking lots? Who wanted to bring their kids to these evil parks?

  Pederasty's Company, SANKIN is. And they collected intimate wears of kids. Trash for their faked parents, and thus SANKIN got popular in Shirakawa.

  Miyuki's mother explained erroneously to Miyuki, and Miyuki was indifferent from their development. And they faked their names again and again. Now in YAOYA-CHO block, they use the name, Western Company, instead of SANKIN.

  Always, they faked even their names, and the careers' yes. For them, no importance at all. Anyway, they wanted to be rich type. Any excuse at all type wrongdoers, they are. And they targetted the beautiful girls in the town. Thus, they got confused.

  Miyuki didn't know their system at all. Age, indifferent, however, over 50!!!! Too too nasty for them all!!!

  Girl like old bitch, Miyuki was called. Todai graduate? Probably it would be a lie. Nowadays, it happens often. Doctoral degree holder she is. What does it mean? Anyway, she is a professor of law!!!

  Any of them believed at all. However, it is the fact. We tried to explain it to them all. however, anyone couldn't believe it.

  Young mother type?, they got interested at first, yes. And their reply was, "Not at all. She gave a birth to me when she was almost 40 years old." Thus, they got nervous. Pederasty should be attracted by middle aged professor????

  Laughing game!!!! Contradictional situation they were in!!!! Too too nasty to know that by their calculation, she is only 7 to 10...Her legs!!! Her legs say so...We assure!!

  For her, laughing story, yes. However, for others, slender type beutiful legs' kids, fatal, yes. Thus, Miyuki wispered for them all. Why me? I am new to here!! I don't want to do it!! I want to live anyway!!!

  They resisted, and the evil wrongdoers killed them all. To conceale their wrongdoings. They should vanish immediately. However, someone should write the facts yes.

  And Miyuki found a lot of inducing traps near the skewed place. Why several non-river bridges were found here? They have guard rails, and the tunnels, too too low to pass. Only small kids want to search the dark inside type. And road of only 10 meters. Unnecessary tunnel put type. Why they bented the guard rails? Probably to make their bigger vehicles pass through.

  Too too kinkiest scenes were in front of her. Primary School II provided the victims of their kinkiest erotic illusional wrondgoings. foreigners were targetted here, and they, wrongdoers had no public resisters or were erased them all. Thus, they could do it as they liked, without accused, nor investigated at all.

  Ministry of Land and Transportation wanted to conceal the fact, because the staff also did it. The best shaped kids were contributed to them as gifts. Thus, Shin-Shirakawa station was near SANKIN. Providers of the victims of their skewed dream's realization. 腹上死 or FUKUJOUSHI or Death on the Belly, was their last desire.

  Clare got upset to know that the teacher responsible wanted to make contact with the bosses of IKKYO believers. They are so degraded morally. Thus, she wispered to ADACHI, and he wispered, "Oh, recommend your mother, instead of you, for a trial." and Clare did so, and BINGO!!!! Better than she, Miyuki played the role. For them, anyway, Miyuki is safe as usual. And for them? Nasty. Why she accepted such a kinkiest offer? She should be at least high school girl, Clare got upset, after she asked her to do so. OK, I will do it. Playing in the kids' park. Alone, and sitting on a bench, thinking something. And she found some site to watch inside the skirt type. For her, OK, I am not so cautious on it. Just a happening. and I like to play with these equipments.

  And she really thought that IKKYO kids didn't know how to play. Why they are talking on video game in the public park? Too too amusing place. Any school pupils would love to play with type. For them, doing some ordered jobs was enough to do. Faked kids' life is totally controled by their monitors.

  And for Miyuki, IKKYO kids were LESS THAN ZERO. And for them, MIYUKI is some kind of amusing pet????

  Anyway, she does know how to play with the equipments. Strange interest they got to have. And when she approaches, someone wispers, "Oh, here she comes! She is a man eater!!!" ♫🎶 Hall & Oats.

  Warned fugure No.1 for them all, both kids and parents. Oh, she ate it! Ate whole of the pieces of Golden Kiwi! Oh, I want to eat too. "Mother, I want it!", an infant cried to her faked mother, and the latter reponded, "No, kid, it is just a Golden Kiwi. You can't eat it!"

  Miyuki just tried her bravity yes. A kind of competition. And she ate all in the case. Someone wispered. "Do you want to win the game? Then, eat it all!" And Miyuki won!!!

  She liked to be praised, yes. And gained a lot of medals, yes. And why she is so poor????

  In Japan, she is forced to be poor, because she is a human being. Here in Japan, richness is only for wrongdoers, incluging KICCHIKU and IKKYO believers. The latter earned more than Miyuki, yes.

  Miyuki couldn't believe that earth digging job brought more than twice of her salary in FUKUSHIMA prefecture. Some inducing advertisement for me to force me to be a physical worker???

  Construction field, yes. I want to get more muscled shaped up upper body, yes. Thus, it was a choice, however, radiated earth digging?, not at all!!! I should protect my health at first!!!

  And she got to know that in Shirakawa, almost all of faked residents, including efemerous stayers, are Alzheimer patients entirely. And their lives were already experienced by her exact family life. No cooking is preferable for them all, and eating in collective as they liked was their manner. They prefered micro-oven oriented semi- or all prepared foods, yes. And GYOMU Super is for it. And Miyuki was so audacious to ask to a client, "What is it?" on a bottan on the casher table.

  The metal faked plastic, probably, it was, in the shape of botton. and she remembered the scene of MARUNOUCHI-HOTEL nearest to the Tokyo Central Station. She asked the same question to North Korean Kim Jon-Nam, and he replied, "Oh, emargency bottan, it is!" to her.

  Coincidently, she encountered with a lot of renoum figures in many places. She met ABE, yes, when she was in HACHIOJI. At least, she recognize that ABE was talking his own BLA-BLA-BLA outside, and she continued to dance in a KARAOKE house.

  "Oh, this location? Probably, he could see me. More exactly, my back and legs through the window. Thus, I want to do pooh on him directly!!!" And she never watched him at all, and Alex continued to sing his favorite ANIME songs as usual, while Miyuki was dancing enthusiastically. For her, sweatning is so important. Until to sweat, is the sign of her mission completed, in metaphorical meanings. If she feels the sweat, "Oh, I did it, anyway. Thus, the rest, I will put on the others' hand."

  And they really regret her decision to be a human being. For them, DDMs, any other choice would be OK type question. However, for Miyuki, the other sould be worse than human beings, she presumed. And they was trapped by Miyuki, unintentionally.

  God, they wanted to be. And for Miyuki, as she wrote before, "Alzheimer patient" it means. Human beings could not turn to be gods, of course!, for us all. However, they didn't think so.

  Audacious, and beyond the limit. Why they are so arrogant?, Miyuki got in doubt. And Alzheimer disease was for it. Vanishing process. Fauna & Flora decided to do so. It should be. And now, the result.


