YUKARI's End (70)

2017-03-15 20:47:28 | 日記

15/03/2017 (Wednesday, evening) I ate a reisin soup with shredded onion, chopped potatoes and gladed cheese and roal Milk tea. Cheese was not necessary, I thought. OK, tomorrow I will use the parmeggiano with tomatoe paste for some Italian dish.

  I found a strange delayed description on decorative Funeral cars in Japan. They have already died absolutely, however, the OMANKO Journalism said they were reducing now and at the same, in the edge of the total vanishment.

  Too too idiot like expression the writer did. For him, actuality is the same as the past. Always young type. They were old too much, however, they thought that "I looked beautiful like as 20 years old boy." Oh, Kitamura, again!!!

  I was astonished at his remark, in a party held in April, 2015, as I said before. French figures think that I were only 20 years old they said in front of us all. In public.

  He did the presentation, as a proof of his Alzheimer suffering, the day before the party. And this remark. Narcism combined wity idioticy. Adonys type, they were called. Taller than usual Japanese. Just it. Enough for him. Thus, shrinking is the decadance.

  Adnys should be tall, KAKISHIMA insisted. Thus, 12 Gods of Greeks were called in front of them. She wanted to play the role of Aphrodite. INOUE wanted to be Merculius. KITAMURA chose Adnys, however, he was not God, but only Testacles Pet itself!!!

  OHTA for Urcanus. Oh, NAGAO, he prefered Uranos. See his site on Blog.

  I heard on a strange plan of "memory transimitting system" almost 10 years ago from NAGAO. According to him, distinguished mimories of wise men should be kept in a big computer system and used for the future generation.

  I imaged a library or African old chieves with strong memories. Thus, the death of these VIP in memory should be great damage for human beings. Thus, he tried to construct the system of deposit of the brain or memories.

  I knew that he had a good memory. His talks were interesting, yes. However, I also knew that on abstracting abilitiy, mine is superior to his. Maybe, he was jealous at this point. However, at least, his jealousy was not so harmful. A kind of "Retired owner of the barracks for collective use in Edo era" type figure.

  Uranos was not included withing 12 gods. He was the god of older ages. More ancient we could say.

  And I got to know that he got hospitalized suddenly, according to his saying. I wanted to bring my kids to visit him, however, he disliked it. Why?

  He always said to me, "I don't want you to come to my funeral at all." And I don't want to do so, either. Visiting patient to yell is good. However, funeral????!!! Of course, not!!!! And Japanese funeral is expensive. Visitors should pay US$100 over for a funeral. Terrible. Like wedding ceremony! Only ceremony, not with heart type. If funeral, of course, I wouldn't go!!!!

  Dying message? Oh, you too? type? Miyuki refused the plan and prefered deposit of kindness. I hate to deposit one's brain for the strange objective and brain is the nuclare of the parsonality. Uniqueness. Each one for one brain. Oh, common use, they prefered. Thus 12 gods, they were thought by themselves. For every use. Sufficient for trifle things.

  Secret for Tokyo versity professors. And he revealed the fact in a slight joke. I responded. "Oh, it means Big Computer date or Memories chips?  

  And I said, "Oh, books! We already have. And talks. We do now. All of informations? Impossible and useless. Flexibility, management system. Costive and the result would be messy. Stupid!!!"

  The plan was a stupid joke, I thought. As a common people, not a serious theme. And KAKISHIMA's "immortality for Gods" remark. Idiot should be you, TERAO, faked KAKISHIMA earlier. She changed her name several times, confused her memory. She was the real Alzheimer and her brain had been rotten. Dying legacy for the faked Gods.

  Oh, thus, Norio HIGUCHI asked KAKISHIMA to go to check her ability to Mental health. And she faked the result. From Alzheimer positive to negative, according to AKASAKA Mental Clinic, run by some Tokyo Versity related.

  And total idiocracy at all. She was a bitch, I said to Alex and Alex agreed in his own way. "Oh, she can dance, she can sing! And Tokyo Versity professor! Oh!"

  Usual auntie does such a trifle thing. However, Tokyo Versity professor also can! Oh, he was astonished. And he didn't know what was her major. No crue during 2 days stay. Any academic conversation at all. Just, "I believe that...." type declaration only.

 She was instinctive type. She faked to be quick and always hurry up behaviour was taken as her faking.

  I wanted to talk my conception of my denial of sexual difference in public to her, however, she refused my theme and said, "Oh, I am too busy you know. I have to work for my two daughters. I have to hire sitters for her by my own espense. My husband doesn't contribute to domestic tasks at all. I work at the versity, I work in my house, both. Thus, I should go back home now as soon as possible."

  Thus, I said, "OK, you are a busy person. Then I will accompany you until the subway station. During the way, let's talk the same theme."

  and I did it, in the middle. Conversation stopped in the middle, because she reached the station. And I went back to the room of the versity alone. OK, I like walking. Good to know. Alex prefer the great scene of animals and plants. Especially weed flowers. He read my writing and liked my way of life. Better than HACHIOJI. Weeds and tiny flowers.

  YUKARI explained to my parents that my notes were too too risky to him, because I were an indulged boy like existance. Oh, she forgot my sex. Oh, she forgot that Marifana was prohibitted in Shirakawa. Oh, she forgot that HARUSAN tremendously got in rage to know that YUKARI is a Marifana user. Stealing is enough, and now, marifana. And she pretended that I used it for long time, faking the stove use and trash and ash in the bin in the office room. She forgot that I had not been in the office for long time, because I was working in Hachioji. Oh, now she remembered how to inhale the smoke and tried to do it again.Oh, she failed, because she forgot to lit the matches. Oh, she forgot to use the match box, "Please, please teach me how to use the match box. Please!!!" And she did the dirty job. Lit the fire in the gas barner. And the barner had burned and only she got wounded. And now, she could lit and started to smoke marifana. And she coughed. And she chose Cocain. Abilify again. Her medicine. Oh, she braised the medicine. And inhaled. And they also. Hermits also did that.

  Too much. I got to know how HARUSAN was too too cramzy today for me. Again, YUKARI said, that Miyuki taught me to inhale marifana, again. Always Miyuki was her cause of wrongdoing.

  and the last of her life. She did know it. Marifana is the symbol of decadance. And she wanted to be degraded mentally and morally. Oh, De' Quincy's diary, she wanted. Her life should be. She wanted to be wild and failed. And now, wild type again. Terrible smells in the office. And Miyuki kept silent. Miyuki should observe her end.

  Washing machine is her measure to conceal the black record on this field. Only inhaling would cure you, her religious leadier said to her. And the wedding ceremony. Accorind to her, she got married with some preferables as she likes. She wanted to be KAKISHIMA and now, she was KAKISHIMA. Miyuki's proper memory loss was caused by her spell. Until the day of my death, she should be Less than Zero in our DDMic world. Oh, OK. I am Less than zero, thus, for them, I don't exist. And I live only in the real world. Vertual reality for her like DDMs while reality for us all!!!!

  good! Alex approved your experiences with Adachi ! OK, he did it, and now, Alex's turn. OK,net stocking?

  Miyuki is too too nice for boys. You should like to know that all kinky boys adore to pay extra money to buy net stockings!!!Oh, give me your money!!!!

  Miyuki likes to play with them. Miyuki likes to joke. A kind of lip service. Thus, you should pay Alex. I would buy them, with some etra. You can buy them, at the cost of US$1. However, I want more that the value. Extra. Thus, you have chance to economise or pay for me. As you like. I like making an errand. In a sunny sunshine day, especially.

  He liked the bomber jacket also. Oh, buy by your own money! Big boy type, several ones should be good for you!!!

  Miyuki liked the way to say, ummmm...., when she started to analyse the fenomena. Too too strange here and there. And thus I smelled the marifana in HASEGAWA hospital. YUKARI was the exact user of Marifana. Probably, for being quicker in the case of her attacking of BLA-BLA-BLA.

  Smell was the proof. And the ash is also. Now, in the bin. And you should know that HARUsan was good to the ditective job. Miyuki's speaking was too too polite and logical. Thanks for understanding. And too too kind not to blame her. As you like, type. Thus, you won the reliance. OK. And now, YUKARI should vanish now again. Every time, she earned a bit and lost a bit. Her hight. Good to know. A sympathy was not so messy feeling. Brave and respectful attitude. Eating at the same type!!! Oh, astonishingly, for the first time!!! Adachi yelled a lot. too too crazy guy could do it!!! And you, MIYUKI did.

  OK, Miyuki likes to eat, and busy and can do together type. Latin and also every common people do so, in a certain meaning. Thus, DDMic remarks were astonishing me totally.

  The police man said to me, "You shouldn't do several things at the same time. One thing for one time. Thus, you can't work rightly at all." And I explained, "Working abroad is a rare for me. Thus, I need to do almost all of my jobs altogether in the same trip. I need to write pulural articles, should do my service to search the situation of actual legal system according to journalist's asking, I need to make a plan for the next jobs and so on. I don't understand that why you public servant didn't do such multipully accumulated jobs at the same type. Only one simple task is enough for you, public servant??? Tax was thrown by you at all!!!"

  and inhaling marifana is a kind of custom here and there. And I had not new this situation. In Amsterdam, Marifana is openly admitted. In Costa Rica, pratically yes. In Japan, not at all! Prohibitted. Thus, YUKARI was so interested in ASUKA's case?

  Prohibitted pleasure, they said. They were exclusively selected among the good girls of the good families. Ummm....Sato families???? Miyuki was right. Middle class family. Common in this region. Old, as common families. And now, inhaling exclusively for them. Oh, arstcrats?

  Miyuki was too too crucial on this time of the moment. Marifana smells sweet and cocain was not. Now, altogether type. A bit nasty. Mish-mash. And she liked it. and KAOS. YUKARI's inhaling was disliked by Clare and she scolded Miyuki because of her reluctant to scold her. Miyuki didn't know her habit. Clare should know it. Miyuki was a kind of prohibitted machine for us. Rare figure, Alex named. Too too ignorant in every meaning and got in doubt what they said. And believed Constitutional Law so genuinely. Stuuuuuuupid. Like an angel. Cute round face angel. Too too strange as their parent, however, we should think her as a stupid young boy. OK, you are not controled by others. Only Miyuki could do it, they rely on her. Adachi was in doubt. And now, he wants to be her Testacles Pet!!!! Oh, just a kind of friend. Cool guy with so small heart. And just a YUKARI like figure could break the planet, we learned. Only a bit of habitual idolness. Sometimes, people face the problem. However, too too idol. Different. And excuses and legitimatization. You have no right, and Miyuki would be admitted as her own prsonality????? Miyuki is right. Miyuki should know that personality changes each other world. They wanted more and changed more than necessity???? Only theatrical personality could be multiple. Only one personality for each individual. We can do costume plays, make up, perform, play the roles, why pulural personalities???? Confusing and evasion. Irresponsible and KAOS. We should resist against enhancing entorophy. We make an effort to put away the objects. Miyuki was right. Too too right. Why she didn't and she wanted to play the role of Miyuki, again. DDMis sobstory. Lack of effort type does the useless evasion.

  Merit, we need to find and take advantage of it. Use rightously. Yukari abused the system. and broke the society. Now her reality was revealed. A good to know. IZUMI-san did a nicest shadow work job for Miyuki's family. She felt good with Miyuki. Miyuki would do know that "Share the plates! We can enjoy more!!!" was too too shoking for her. An invitation for DDMic world, she said???? Share means divide the precious things and when someone says the remark, it meant that all of them could do it. Lie! Contextual approach, they lacks. They wrongdid. Just anyway the power holders like type idiocratic interpretation. And Kyo did the system. In her case, earlier to the graduation. Thus, writer, she turned. OK.

  Only job we could do. MAGNAM PLATINUM... Photo writer, Miyuki was said. And Miyuki was too too clever to compliment to Mr.OOTAKE, anyway type. Not good at anything. Just in the worst moment type. And he was revealed as Alzheimer.

  Robust, however, not so longer. And Miyuki liked to know who was Miyuki. I know. Idiot. Just it. But now, a bit idiot, and more clever than me before. Not so as common people, however, sufiicient for living as a human being. Minimum type is called liberalists. And Adachi liked it. Narcistic, in a certain meaning. When I should behave as an executor of Justice, I image myself as Mr.KIN, and pretend to be cool as much as I could. Coolness is keyword. A kind of faking, however, not a kind of evil one. For more developping way. For reformation. To be better!!!

  Funeral songs here and there. And their death was valueless. Miyuki didn't know what does secret funeral meant. Now, the same meaning as casual death. Thus??? Asahi shimbun's description on death caused by domestic accident.

  YUKARI lamented to be evil to others. Again. Repatedly. Like SAITO faked one. Moriko's husband. And he wanted to make a baby now???? After the refusal and artificial another SAITO's insemination??? Moriko liked the other. And he also! OK, you got one! Oh, I really need to have friends, more and more!!!!

  Miyuki should have lots. Miyuki searches anyway. Over the ocean! Pyrate!!! For hunting males!!! Where are my penis boys?!!! Respond me now!!!! Save my difficutly!!! I need friends!!!!

  Physical intercouse is my object. Not necessary, however, in the final possibility, it would be!!! I am TOHOHO! Adachi too!!!

  TOHOHO!!! Welcome!!! I am virgin, and you too?!!! type. Don't worry. We could manage the situation, amusing and discovering something interesting!!!

  All DAME-OYAJI army they were said. TOBE lost again. Another guy, she needs. Let's search the world! Man hunting! More difficult than Monster hunting!!!

  Miyuki was right. They changed the personalities. And they talk only on the phone. Where are there physical parts? Invitation to Alex? I have no money, sorry type. When you Alex come to my house? PenPen=Akasaka asked him. And his reply is the above. Miyuki got to know that liberalism worked. And now he is in a good mood to make his own nest. Chambers. Miyuki should arrange one, by herself. And you should big one warehouse like one. Sufficient to use type. Big, because I am a scholar and need to confirm lots of books and materials. Library like big one. And space to cook and sleep. Invitation room. Bath room of course. Guest rooms, if I could. Sufficient number of furnitures. I would look for them, asking, "Where are people?". Hunting. And ordial for them in a certain sense. People for our army, and DDMs for vanishing. Per each test is good to learn how to attend others, especially, "?" type. Miyuki is so so forgetful to write the letters????

 I tried to respond to others, as much as possible, and I couldn't. Sorry, I wanted to send again the photos of you. And I wanted to get along with all of you!!! Now peaceful and rightous world again. For 100 milions after the evil human beings' reigh, now animals world. Oh, nakid monkies, we are. And Desmond Moris liked your work! However, a lot of executions are your style. "However, ...However...However..." Yes, Tokyo versity style. HOWEVER, I need to explain the complexity on the writing and in oral expression. A bit confusing type, I am. OJI-OBA type, and being proud of being so and less prejudice should be fine world is ideal for us type. At first, not so good, however, after, good type????

  I thing at first, also good and at the second, differently tasty, and the 3rd, another taste, and with other members.

  Not monotomous!!! Amusing like a monky life!!! And boss monky type???? Cheerful kind and amusing "as you like" type boss as the emperor of the monky family kingdom. Miyuki likes to imagine that my cousin should be the empress of the monky world and we got to know each other and say, "Oh, you too! We are relatives!!!"

  Thus, probably, I didn't like monky stuffed animals. I like stuffed animals, balanced ones. Handsome only type. And I didn't like monky stuffed animals. I disliked human figure dolls also. I think that they should be real, not dolls like figures. In case of other animals, they are not so near at a glance, thus, I could hug them.

  I would be hugged by fur of other animals, however, by fur of apes??? Planet of earth's theater play with the exact skin of them? Not at all!!

  A strange film we did watch. A film to warn the trafic accident. In the middle of the film, an ape, or more human being in ape fur skin, were used as a experiment of the crashing shock. Abomidable scenes. Several times. Shocking.

  I didn't know that what was the spiece of the ape? Too too different from Gorrilas in the zoo. Rare big gorrilas. Why? How? Who are they?

  We claimed of the shoking scene again and again after watching the scene. Not necessary. Why they should be used? And why they could be used? Creatures, anyway. Unknown one. Why they??? A kind of torture? Prisoners? Why?

  The police produced the film. They showed the film for the pupils to show how to avoid the traffic accidents. And Mentally illed were used for the role??? William Wilson? Kinky, not at all. The killing scene of the rare figure. For me he looked like Yeite or so. Not usual Gorrillas. Too too human like creatures with the skin of gorillas.

  Big boys? Why? Miyuki felt strange. And they debated on the matter. Too too cruel. We didn't see it. They forced us to see the film.

  Cruel scenes for kids for lynch. Abusing type. You would be killed like that, if you do the wrongdoing like that??? The police has already rotten at 1970s???

  Prisoners' use was prohibitted thus, they were killed and used their spirit??? Zombi abusers??? Again? In this case, ignorant  Big Foot type.

  Oh, Clare!!! Big foot was his name. Big hand and big foot. Oh, thus, you two!!!

  Thus, they looked like apes. Clare was so so similar at her back when she was in kindergarden. Clare passed harsh hussing because of Miyuki's confession of "She has 26cm foot!"

  Gee, cool! Miyuki said. However, an old kinky old boy burst into coughing. Why? A snyper? Like a gag scene!

  YUKARI would know that she was caught pratically and wanted to kill Miyuki by his gun. YUKARI imagined that her father should have a gun for protect us. And the search. Miyuki thought that he was searching some money or stamps. And didn't find and gave up. The gesture, again and again, as if she were he. Too too difficult for us, common people, however, DDMic Alzheimer patients are likely to repeat the searching mode. Once they were watch some impressive scene, she started to move by impulse. And Bla-Bla-Bla again in HARUsan's chamber. Repeating. Rough movement sometimes, when she inhaled marifana, and slow another time.

  Dashing to conceal some precious things. Marfana causes nasty smell, they believe, and Cocaine is her preference. Oh, cocaine habitua user, she is. injection type. Oh, the alchool smell for it.

  Clare should be her target. However, she escaped from the moment. And then, Miyuki. She wanted to kill some of her family anyway, because her religeous leader ordered. In some period, she said. and now, again.Habitual assasine in our house, and no police situation.

  She should be abandoned and at least should be retired from our house. Good to know it. The house in the mountain slope was ideal for her. And with her similer cousins, ideal for her. And they accepted her coming. Now her departure. Slope and sunshine. It was keyword for her. Like KATAKURA house. Isolated place, however, several other houses near.

  The isolated situation was her own preference. Each one each as it like. They can cool together. And they were in the moving moment. And now, good to know. Her kind auntie gifted the house for her. Oh, good. Cheapish one. And her taste. Castle like appearance and individual rooms. Sunny sunshie rooms. Ideal for her. After a lot of struggle, she got to realize her dream house. Good. Win-win!!!

  And she did know that her wrongdoing effected her life at all. Miyuki looked the teeth of her cousins. Marifana effects the teeth. Oh, thus, MISHIZAWA had bad teeth. I thought that was caused by syphilis. Marifana! Sweet taste for that. Thus, as substitute, HARUSAN bought a lot of sugers. I thought for preserving fruits and sweets making. And I began to use several packages of sugars.

  repeated sugar packages buying was also done by her??? Miyuki thought that they were bought by HARUSAN for her culinary plan. Didn't??? Harusan thought like that because she paid for her, difining the price and asking her to buy for her.

  If YUKARI said yes, she started to buy several times in a day. Many times in once. Why? She couldn't explain the situation and said, "I would like to buy for you, because you asked me. Miyuki did so, because she is so mentally ill."

  Thus, Miyuki was caught, they explained. ??? Diabetes, HARUSAN was wondering. And she admitted that she used Marifana again. Alzheimer patient uses Marifana for her health problem. IZUMI-san would like the theme. Chemical changes. She would observe the change. Abrupt change was observed by her. However, rabit dashing what? Just for imitating Alex? Or, she assisted to my rabit to escape? Good for rabit, as a wandering, however, not for Miyuki. He came back twice. He came back ...Rabit, you were killed? On 31, January, in 1973 or 1974. My rabit died. In the snowy day. I cried and cried. Only after one night stay, rabit was cold and dead. He was beautifl and I was so sad. I draw his body in a sketch book and named "Died rabit." Why? She poisend him? In winter? Miyuki couldn't believe. Rabit was clever to sense the poisonous food. He was the real nice guy type. I though that he died because of the dishounor. YUKARI wanted to be an idol??? Not at all . Ugly girl, already.

  Rabit was untouched and clean like his white fur. I said "sorry, sorry, sorry for not treating you well in the end. Sorry, sorry, I thought that you were healthy. I thought that only one night abrupt trip tortured you at all. Soryy.

  At the period, In Japan, there was a big change, It was called "Reversed course" by Souichi OOYAKE. Rumour inclinated society? By way of some wave shaking? Impulse? Controled Maternity? OYAJI should be killed type society started?

  Individualist, no no no society ploject, probably. Thus, to warn the danger, my rabit, real cool guy type was sacrified???

  The most strong impulse he suffered and was forced to killed. He was sensitive at the wave. A canaria. Most vulnerable animal  they called rabit. However, he was different. He was a lonly wolf type. Appearance betrayes. Oh, he came to me??? Oh, so I turned to be the most lonely wolf type in the CHUUOO school?

  And sacrifice. They tortured. During my absence, they tortured my rabit.

  They tried again, when my kids were infants. We had rabbits also. For a short moment, however, precious time for us all. However, some kids came and tried to open the cage. Almost they could. However, they ran away. Kids faked evil existance wanted to kill our precious friends on behalf of the small mount of money? Personality changes, already? For torturing my kids feeling? YUKARI invited them? Paying her own money, stolen by my kids???

  Too too messy evil existance. She didn't like any living creature. She disliked nature. She didn't want any insects, plants, mountain natures at all. Even agricultural products were the aim of the attacking. Mashing is the pose of bashing them.

  Animal Army's paid a lots of sacrifice on behalf of DDMs. Nature is a representation of KOSMOS for us, thus, DDMs liked artificial flowers.

  KAKISHIMA said that she was moving to spread the movement for giving flowers to the females by the males. Garden flowers. She prefered artificial flowers rather than living garden flowers. Humanoid, they wanted to be. Perfect brain and beauty as they liked. Thus, a lot of skin bags were needed for the job. Thus, "Silence of Sheep" like Jack the Ripper story.

  Gorem Project for replacing human beings with humanoids. A perfect state, they objected. Only humanoids could live type world. And they changed personality, and forced Miyuki to change it also. Miyuki was freightened the declaration of the old kinky bug called Yoshihiko KOGA, whose nick name was Dirty Worm Penis, "We know better on your personality rather than you." And "You should change your body. It would be better for you."

  They were so so artificial things lovers. KIKAIDAA, writtened by Shotaro USHINOMORI,was one of YUKARI's favorite ANIME. KIKAIDAA was a humanoid. She wanted to be one of them, and failed. Too too idiot, suffering from Alzheimer disease. YUKARI wrote to Miyuki, who needed for you, was not Alex or Clare, only I!!!! Terrible. Hated but she wanted my money. Thus, recently Alex and Clare were disliked and her foods got deteriorated. Only instant ramen? good. I could manage the situation. Miyuki was so helpful for us. Culinary experience!!!

  Miyuki said to others, that "My daughter is good at cooking" and it caused a DDMic envy. YUKARI is only one to attack her cooking habit. Miyuki is not such a type. Clare said and understood. Always YUKARI said, "I am good at everything. Always I don't have is only time." ???? Miyuki thought that she was plenty of time, however, according to her, she was lacking of time, anyway.

  All excuses life and now in the grand finale.

  DDMic family produce DDMic kids, however, even common peoples family produced one, the estremely kinky type.

  Miyuki was so so sorry for her rabit death. too too shock for her. And wanted to know the reason. He was beautiful and healthy. Why he died? Some evil existance here and there, only she didn't know it. Animal torturing is the begining of assasin, YUKARI said before. And she her own way. Unintentional faked and intention included. Ooops, I did it, unconsciously.


