YUKARI's End (145)

2017-04-12 18:20:47 | 日記

12/04/2017 (Wednesday, afternoon) We came back from errand. I found a place to take tea at the corner of the nearest BENIMARU store. Tea server and Tables & chairs. Good to make a conversation. My mother found it, and informed it.

  On the way to BENIMARU, I encuntered with YUKARI coincidently at the big cross. At first, I thought that she were an old lady of 70 years old, and then, recognized that she is YUKARI.

  She was with agonized expression in her face face, and a pair of cleaning done in hir right hand. She washed the suits? Why?

  Anyway, she got out today. Good to know it. At least, she wants to change at some point.

  We found a hand of good devil's fish or octopus, at US$2. I would make pilaf tommorow morning. It would be the Galitian food, I wanted to eat so much.

  I ate there only octopus pizza, instead of it. All foods were made for two, not for only one travelor like me. thus, I had no choice. At least, Octopus food, I ate, I thought. In San Tiago de Compostela, Miyuki visited, and she looked at the lunch place.

 There was an ally filled with restaurants, however, all for two type. Miyuki was not so big eater, compared with western one, thus, had give up to eat the special Galitian  lunch, and entered into some normal restaurant, and found Pizza with octopus. And found, octopus sholud be used like as meat.

  Now, the price is getting down. Thus, Miyuki did her extravagant shopping today. US$4 for GYOUMU Super, and now, US$8.5 for BANIMARU. However, she thought, sometimes, we should get sattisfied with some new dish. Original type would better. Always experiment type. Thus, it would be difficult to run her own restaurant, they thought. No alternative only type, would good for her, they thought. "Today"s menu: only one. Aperitif, main dish, tea or coffee, and dessert." A kind of dark pan dish, famous in Japan. Miyuki only should know the menu. After her discovery in Supermarket, the menu should be decided. Before, no one could know what it would be. Miyuki should know some alergetic problem of the guest, and the rest, "If you want, you can eat", she serves with this spirit.

  Miyuki thought that the restaurant should be cozy, at least. Not messy, she thinks. Thus, some changes shoul be required.

  Miyuki was astonished at some little girls of some middle aged lady. 4 or 5 girls surrounded her. The daughters? Only 5 to 8 years old at appearance. Why they gazed me, Miyuki thought. Any adult didn't do that. Why they were so thrilled by me???

  Miyuki didn't know the fact, they they looked Miyuki like a skelton. Oh, however, today, I wore fatty clothings, because I felt cold when I was doing this errand.

  And they failed. They got afraid of her. Why? Miyuki is too too kind to know it. For them, leaness means some fatal disease. Oh, why? The kids were also lean.

  Oh, and today, I met a group of primary shcool pupils with 10 figures or so. A teacher like a fimale leaded them at their head. However, she walked back forehead. Like a teacher of Kindergardeners. They looked 5 to 7, also. With the newcomers' yellow hats. Why today?

  And at ASAHI high school, at first, I thought that the builings were all empty and not lighted at all. Then, suddenly, a long line of the pupils appeared from the gymnastic hall. Why suddenly?

  Miyuki remembered that Alex said that today is the measuring body shape day in his school. Nasty, Miyuki thought. Too too kinky. Just a peeping Tom like preference. Just obedient pupils should do it.

  Alex denied the pledge, and he was caught, and now in custody. In his house. OK, I had to say the fact to the family, he decided. And said to his Auntie, at first. "I quit the job of faking pupil of high school." and she said, "Goddamnit!" And she cried for her falure. She wanted Alex to be a good boy, however, he is now too too evil for her.

  And then, he tried to say to her grand mother. And she said, "You should rething what you did." And now in custody.

  Miyuki should know the fact. Kinky school, Miyuki thought. Thus, she is not in good to mood for him to go to the school. After buyng the bicycle, was her reluctance. We already had one. You betrayed our reliance. And Clare helped him.

  Anyway, he did well. At least, he survived. Today, they should learn what was obedience. The detention type measuring. Alex got upset the penis measuring. The government requires it!!! Oh, OMANKO government did so!!!

  Thus, they failed. They thought that Miyuki would love to do it.????? Miyuki was surprised at their way of saying. "Your mother would like it" is their keyword. My mother dislikes it, I am sure. She is also kinky at a certain sense, however, not so kinky like you, Auntie.

  Miyuki got to know that she just wanted to know he were good at being a member of her society, DDMic one. And she tried to test him, and they failed.

  YUKARI wanted to measure all of his size, including it. However, Miyuki hated it. Not necessary. Private matter. Why they think that they could???

  And they failed. YUKARI would be their line, thus, he should be. A expectation, anyway. And he refused. Thus, they failed.

  YUKARI is recently so so kinky. too too harsh to anyone in our family. Nasty and arrogant. And too too harsh contradictions she did as always, incessantly. No time for excuse, and she continued her accusation.

  Today, her mother got retired from the role of monitor of her kinky behaviours. Alex doesn't do it any more. And now, Clare does the nasty job. She is a kind of monster. Nasty ugly messy type. And we should manage it. Thus, Clare ordered to washi her uniform and she did, as always. She went to the cleaning shop, and asked to do so, and she had to pay for it. She was surprised at the price, and she paid. And she required the money to her mother. She refused as always.

  Again, Auntie? You failed already. I asked to do so you, Auntie. Not for the cleaning shop. Thus uniform is washable, and if you were MIYUKI, you would not have done so at all. And they failed. YUKARI was too strong to change her mind. Miyuki would be the next target. She is now in rage. The cleaning shop dissapeared. With her precious money. Alex suggested to return the cleaning service to the shop, thus, she went and couldn't get any money at all. Service done, you should pay, the clerk said, coldly. Miyuki thinks that it is normal. And they required again the price. Oh, double Alzheimers, however, he is more slyer than YUKARI.

  Thus, she paid, and came back with the nasty facial expression.

  She is too too slow to recognize the fact, they said. Service done, and not legitimate one at all, was her opinion.

  However, this time, objective is just "Wash this uniform", thus, the service was done completely. Not the problem of legitimacy. She should pay for her failure. Or she should request the second money back to the shop.

  Again, Auntie? Miyuki thought. She did the second time, and never learned type, they categorized.

  Miyuki thought that some nasty expression was refrained from the others' sake. And they thought as always. As a mannor, Miyuki thought. Not an obligation. Just to be more confortable to coexist.

  Thus, they failed. She should say the harsh words as always, they thought. ??? In case of necessity, like in a battle with DDMs, yes, we should do so, generally speaking. However, among us, FAUNA & FLORA, sometimes, we should refrain from to say so.

  Sometimes, as a kind of familiar expression, I said some stimulating jokes to others, or FAUNA & FLORA, yes. However, not to be unkind to them. A kind of sympathy. Oh, even you, one of the cleverest spacies' boss, fail. I leared one lesson." type some, "Oh, you too? I am TOHOHO. Nice to meet you. We would be good friends each other!" type sympaty.

 Miyuki found a wisky bottle in a rice field, and thought that some bird took it to get their stress off. Oh, you boss, don't worry. It happens.

  Miyuki thought that there were two separated places in BENIMARU as some eating place. One for the bakery, and the other for taking a rest type. And today, she found that only one, the latter, and for confirming, took a cup of green tea. Only one paper cup was left, and took it, standing, leaning to the stoll, and monitoring the shop. "Oh, why we should pay such expensive money for the faked ones? We had to earn money for the foods, and they gained from us, just for their wrongdoing. They should vanish now. "

  Terrible foods monopoly they did. Shopkeepers combined with clients. Private casual worn watchmen, also. Terrible OMANKO shopkeeping play they were doing. and their spooky downward looking.

  For them, no money world, and for common people, we are obliged to pay our precious money, anyway.

  YUKARI did it, as her way. Shop manager like job, she faked, before. And she failed. She did the obedient contract, and forgot it. Anyway, you did it, Alex explained her. Thus, then came to catch her. She is rich, they said. She bought some foods for her. Any foods could not be taken to betrayers, was their pledge. And she is a kind of betrayers, at their standard. And she failed, with them.

  too many pledges she did, every time. I would pay, anyway. My sister is rich. We are not so different in mind. Thus, they failed.

  She asked the washing at the corner of BANIMARU, a service counter. They did, at their best. Normal washing. And she should pay a lot of money, for them. She should pay, and I am not a kid of responsible of the uniform holder. And they failed.

 She could persuade them, because of her BLA-BLA-BLA, however, she got tired of it. And she claimed at Clare. You should wash the wear when you needed. You abuse your right, as always.

  And Clare said, "We are too too endurable to you, Auntie. You are the abuser of the right. You have no right to live here. You should pay for us, all of the cost." And YUKARI got furious this week.

  Nasty two kids, Miyuki gave a birth, she thought. and she disliked Clare now. Too too arrogant, she is.

  Always. She hates someone, because of her failure. Kyorin staff like pattern. Miyuki did know the tendency. They replace their failure by the others' torture. DDMic common point.

  Now, they are totalitarians again. They should be maintained as an typical educational monitored material of IDIOCRACY, MAR insisted. And the glass building at Tokyo Versity is suitable, they recommended.

  The higher position accompanies the noble duty, is nobless oblige. Miyuki understood so. "We are benefitted to be able to learn in the best university of our country. Thus, a kind of benefitted one. Thus, we should help others if they ask us some help." They, Platinum Tribe thought. And they failed. They were the target of attacking. They should be killed as soon as possible, they idiot power holders shouted. Miyuki didn't know the declaration??? Not at all!!!

  Then, they failed, as usual. Outside is dangerous, they said to their kids, however, Miyuki prefers to walk arround. Better to make a good body shape, and for maitaning quick cautious mind. And they failed. She is walking alone. Why???

  An emperor like existance, YUKARI explained to the clerk.???? Some kinky figure for us all, she said. And she failed. Common ordinary one, always thinking of "To buy or not to be, it is the matter!" Shakespear would like her reading a book written by a famous brother and sister, British ones, for kids only. Strange mistakes were found in his text books, however, we should do as they wrote, is one opinion. On the other hand, "we think that they thought like this, thus, we want to transmit their interpretation like this, more modernized way" is there. And both, failed. Shakespear likes to earn money, at the same time, enjoying the play. Thus, sometimes, apple polishing jobs, he did. Some "King I, II, III..." type titles they had. No Robin Hood story at all!!!

  And Miyuki found that "Night Mare" should be the reason of the existance of the donky head in the "Mid Summer Dream". A pop music like title. She imagined some similar titles in her mind. Too too plain name, however, amusing slap stick comedy. Like Billy Wilder type.

  Sometimes, the proper name escapes from her mind. It I have more time, I could find, I am sure, however, I can't remember the name exactly for now" type forgetfulness. At the begining of Alzheimer disease, they threatened, as a subliminal wave. Then, she started to train her brain, with his ridiculous way. SHIRITORI, or Word Search game, she did alone. ADACHI liked her way of thinking. And she had a abandant vocabulary, and she loves to amuse them. Good training, anyway, to avoid the nasty sound like inner voice. Not mine, done by someone evil. Concsiousness, not at all. Some interference, it should be.

  Thus, they failed. Subliminal effect should be avoided, however, only reading of neuron system should be allowed, was their position. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki would be shocked at the fact, they thought. and Miyuki got a super-hiper-success in the world. Why the cities are so so less populous??? Death Valley, here and there. and ANIMALs and PLANTS suffered lots.

  Miyuki got to know that some special kind of weeds vanished completely. Tiny type. Rabby got to know it already. Rabby's favorite food, called "KAERIPPA" or Floggy Leaf. It was too too common weeds for us. Here and there, Floggy Leaf. Not nasty one. Amusing concavos on the face. Thus, the surfice of Throad, it made us image. Where are you???

  And some special type of weeds. Clover like KATABAMI also. Too too amusing type, with long spring seeds. And clovers are also few now. And DOKUDAMI or medicine leaf with bad taste. They were too too common before the big earth quake.

  And common turf like the most popular weeds are rare now. The most resisting type, we thought. Now in spring, however, the zone of FLORA is totally different now.

  IZUMI-san recognized it. Too too nasty to know the fact, however, the planet is shunk!!! Oh, it could be!! However, FAUNA & FLORA have sufficient place to live? Foods? Privacy? OK, then, for me, nothing at all! Good, or better!!!

  New foods supply system should be important. Milk dilivery system is also good. Miyuki remembered "moving trading system in Japan." Seasonal also. TORA-san would like the idea!!! Oh, Japan walking rally, our version!!!! Medicine venders from TOYAMA prefecture.

  Miyuki read a detective novel written by Yasuo UCHIDA, on the system. And was astonished that the writer affermed the selling privacy system, as a natural course. Too too bad to know it now, we thought. Miyuki was not clever at all!!! They thought. Miyuki was too too genuine to know it. Ignorant, she thought differently.

  However, Miyuki thought that the people in the world were more moral existance. Or, just IDIOCRACY, cruel type only world.

  Hobbs' situation, we call it. Worse than it, Miyuki thought. And THUSYCIDESISE mistery. THUSDAY Suicide? Tukidedus? Tokyo Eki desu? Tsukiji desu??? A riddle? Hobbs is famous for Leviathan, not TSUKIJI fish market. ???

  Megalomaniac idea they had. Now Miyuki could smell the grapefruit. Someone wants to eat her foods? Orange, a kind. Summer Orange, a kind of. AMANATSU, it is called. However, the smell was grapefruit. BINGO!!!

  And they failed. Always, someone wants to play with her smelling sense. Why???

  Some memory recovery jobs, they should do. However, why they stimulate my other neurons???

  They are not evil, they insisted. However, they did nasty jobs. They are DDMs???

  DDMs only world, we lived, already. IDIOCRACY, we should call it. And only 3 Platinum tribe didn't know the fact, and believed that the world were filled with good people.

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And believed that Justice should reign the universe. And believed the stories of heros. Thus, we came from other planets. Thanks a lot!!!! And we should do perfect job!!!

  Now, recognizably, the number of DDMs reduced. However, they are doing their evil job.

  Today, Miyuki watched "MATUKAZE-No-SATO" or The Rural area of Pine tree and wind. There are a complex of 10 buildings or so, which belong to Prefecture and to municipality.

  Almost anyone lives. Just several parked cars. Only three bicycles in the parking lot for the first building, nearest to the road route 289.

  Two ladies, in black, who looked like caming from funerals entered into the spooky area. And I could no see anyone there at all. In a vast courtyard, there were three chairs, all upside down, saying, "We are already dead here. As a matter of fact, no one came to live here."

  And a kids' park. Some playing equipments, and there is a house for ivy lily like plants called FUJI or Japanese downward pea.

  There are two kinds of Japanese peas. Downward, and upward. My family name SATO has the Chinese character, which represent the Japanese peas.

  And SATO in this case is only rural area, not signifies our name. Our name is pronounced like "Satow" like Earnest Satow.

  Confusing, however, no relation at all, with the evil complex.

  MATSUKAZE or Pine tree and wind came from Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA's favorite tea ceremonial room, Shou-Fuu-Tei.

  Why DDMs were not satisfied with the small house like the size of sufficient public toilet, near NANKO Shrine? Why they forced the major IMAI to construct the big restaurant house like 翠楽園, SUI-RAKU-EN, as their tea ceremonial house by our precious tax????

  For us, SUI-RAKU-EN sounds Chinese restaurant's name for Chinese noodles called RAAMEN and Chinese fried rice called CHAAHAN. Too too cheapish name, they chose.

  Probably, the green is their symbol colour. SUI is Chinese Tarcoise Stone like jewel, an greeny untransparent one. Jade, in English. Why Jade? Probably, at that time, the water was green, because of the dirty HEDORO!! Oh, HERDOID, again!!!!

  Ms.Responsibles, in Japanse stype, they should be. And Green eyes mean jealousy. And Green baby or Blue baby is fatus taken off to outside. They killed their babies, probably. Tea is green also. All green evil existance like Hedoroid. Tea Ceremony Tribe, is Shirakawa Hedoroid, we should call them.

  Hydroid, would be their personality. Hydro is water, and ID. ID like water, thrown to the water, thus, they commited suicide into the water, vanishing. Thus, there were lots of bars on the east side of the lake, inside.

  They increaced the number. Why? Miyuki got in wonder. Like NYORO-NYORO in Mooming. Or, Moonie Sisters, with disposable panties, thus, they put the pinkish panty off to the main street. They changed the panties, before the mega suicide. Thus, old Alzheimer ladies, with KIMONO style.

  And Miyuki went to the end of the block. And found a sign saying, "House of Henry, Home bakery". She got in wonder. Home bacary? Clare does it. However, as a advertizement, strange.

  The same name, Miyuki saw at the corner of each supermarket. BENIMARU, in YOKOMACHI, and WASHIO, in YUUKI. Miyuki investigated the shop, and found that the house was dead already, and no bread, except some 6 pieaces, each. Just on a small table, the breads were. A corner of 3.3㎡ only. And some residue of weats, in packing. Like a rice shop, Miyuki thought.

  These tiny corner is not possible to bake a bread for any commercial facilities. Then, who made the job, under the name of this "House of Henry"????

  Miyuki took several photographs on the place. And then, she proceeded. And found, some families reside here in the bottom of the block, are doing the evil exploration job, even now.

  They think that they were the legitimate property holders, who could explore the mountains beside their house. Terrible misunderstanding they commited. Only Alzheimer patients could do type false understanding. Some figures in this area, and continued their evil works.

  The process of exploration is always equal. First, road construction. Then, agricultural field. Then residence. Then, exploration of mountain. All illegal anti fundamental right activities, they are commiting now. Stop it, DDMs, you are too too ugly! VANISH! Miyuki wispered.

  And MIYUKI found that route 289 cut NANKO mauntains and allowed these evil existance to explore the area. After the failure as residence, they sometimes make tumbs. Now, Tumbs are here and there. SANBONMATSU area in now in the boom of IKKYO like faked Christian tumbs.

  And they wanted to construct more tumbs. They already established stories on the slope of the mountains. Oh, after the road, at first, cemetery construction, oh yes!!!

  Thus, they killed many citizens for evasion. Big earth quake was an excuse for them. No one should be saved, was the municipality's policy. Thus, they killed some suitable target at that time.

  Miyuki was also the target. Anyway, her position was higher than ours, was their excuse. DDMs, they were. For them, she was a kind of kinky parents of their promissive boy and girl, a pair, twin like pretty half blooded kids in the local town. Some attraction for them.

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They could do it, as they liked, and Miyuki didn't know it at all. Always they failed. Alex and Clare got accustomed to such a nasty joke like vanishing. Always they failed, and they survived. they took caution, however, they failed. And they thought, Miyuki would be fine to know it, however, she would not believe their power.

  And Miyuki is the same type. And their grand parents also. Oh, some genetical ones. Miyuki said vanishing to Alex, and he didn't deny the fenomenum. too too nasty to say so. Why? Miyuki loves it!!!

  For her, amusement. for them, also. however, they couldn't say so to her. Because, she is too too scientific. Yes, scientific, thus, she believes, we say to them.

  Miyuki believed some kind of goodness of people. Thus, she said that my religion is not pre-made type. My own belief. I believe in goodness of people, anyway, thus, I am not atheous at all!!! I am reliable as a human being.

  And even Christians relied on her. She failed sometimes, however, at least, she tried to be honest, and she made all effort to be kind to others. They thought that it is the way, and she is not different from us all, they thought.

  Kinky nasty rumours on Miyuki. She was a kind of prostitute???? Miyuki was in doubt to believe so. She did sell her spirit???? She is an erotical type??? TOHOHO tribe!!!! Virgin!!!! Why they say so????

  Miyuki is too too honest to say so. Why we suffer such kind of rumours???? Any experience at all!!! I would like to make love with someone, however, unfortunately, even now, virgin!!!! Why they say so???? No experience at alll!!!!

  Miyuki is struggling to be not virgin, however, they thought that she were not virgin at all?????

  Making love with someone is not enough to virgin lost.????? I has not experienced to make love with others at all!!!!! With anyone!!!! Even making love, nonono never in my whole life!!!

  Miyuki is upset at hearing these rumors. Of course!!! Contemptious. DDMs always make some rumours. Dishonour, they commeted. Big damage for us. Reliance, especially suffered a lot.

  Miyuki is so nasty to DDMs. They dislike her instinctively. They looked so so spooky. thus, she got to know that not now. Always many DDMs came to Shirakawa. And they vanish.

  Today, relatively many DDMs were in GYOMU Super, a kind of supermarket. Why? Wndnesday is also holiday, in Shirakawa. Various commercial facilities show the plates on their entrance. Always holidays, is the exact expressions, not only weekends, and on Wednesdays, and on Premium Fridays.

  No industry at all. All DDMs are reluctant to work. Just a several kilograms of bag is too too nasty to bring for them, Miyuki presumed from YUKARI's accusation. Yogult counts only 500g. Why it is heavy??? And the voice. Hich pitch threatning voice, like Mitsubishi property related or Shizuru MISAGO, in her tensed symptom.

  They are totall forgetful. And they forgot what they did. And they start to commit the same type errors. Never stopping stories, they want!!!! VANISH!!! DDMs!!!!

  Today, they wanted to show younger generation to Miyuki, and Miyuki thought that they were really too too old for us. A kind of old figures in young newly made skin bags. Too slow, and they are likely to want to be indulged to the superiors.

  Nasty, the bosses thought. however, DDMic bosses allowed their nasty wrongdoings, if they show some Lolita like expressions.

  Nasty, Miyuki thought. and found that she changed her face. Under the nose, she had some strange wrinkle. Some strange sign. She did it, they said. Why she did, they didn't know it. Some animal like figure, they wanted, and she should do it. Thus, downward looking, she did.

  Miyuki wanted to know her face, with her gaze. thus, Miyuki didn't know her plastic surgery. however, she did it. Why? The didn't know. Probably, to be uglier, Clare said.

  YUKARI is already just a skin bag. however, they didn't know that she did it. and they didn't know it. And Miyuki is the first one to recognize it. first quick view was enough for her recognition.

  YUKARI didn't want to do it, however, her teacher responsible recomended to do so. And he said, "If you do so, I would love you!" Thus, she would be loved by them.

  a quick surgery, they call it. And YUKARI did. Now, she regrets as always. Why she did, anyone knows. She wanted to change, anyway.

  Miyuki didn't know the system. and she did. She showed her obedience to her superior. Anyway, her superior, she thought.

  Miyuki is too too good to cook her fish dishes. and you should know her limit as strange figure. Too nasty to know that YUKARI is a broken robot???? Not at all. She was already DDM confirmed at that time, thus, nothing at all. and after the recognition of her Alzheimer, rather, I understand the reasons of her kinky violent cruel behaviours.

  She sold her spirit, already, Just I thought that she were a human being. My usual errors, like on Kyorin staff. Nasty idol workers, however, we believed that they were human beings. And we failed. And learned a lot. And then, YUKARI was discovered like an IKKYOTO. KYO wispered me. At first, I thought that it were a kind of metaphor.

  However, thinking of this situation, she is a participant of Glory Church.

  She was a habitual wrongdoer, and only Miyuki didn't know it. And she commited errors again and again.

  Why she prefers such a kinky hair style? Like a KINTARO, a nasty astonishing big fat hair, recently she keeps.

  A kind of resistance, Alex presumed. And he failed. She was ordered to do so for the sake of her secret. Oh, a doll!!! Baby doll!!! In a glass box. Present from our grand mother Ume san!!! She wants to be like that????

  Miyuki got surprised at the resemblance of the hair style. Just a wild not cambed hair, she thought. However failed. Intentionally, she did so. According to her mother. Just like this hair, she said. And she did. And they hated her strange ugly hair. Only her boss liked it. Oh, a doll, she turned to be. And violent doll???

  Now, quick news, related on the matter.  See the article:

  This is why I dreamt the vanishing DDM except their feet. Smart car producer turned to be gorem walker producer.

  Its name is TOYOTA. Now, Alzheimer patients can walk, all controled by the bosses. Errand, also. Just faking errand only.

  Nasty. Skin bags would be used after their death as creature faking. A kind of variation of smart car, in the mode of two legs robot type. anyway, they can move type proof, it wants to do now.

  Already 900 figures use the equipment. Oh, you, YUKARI??


