Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (226)

2017-08-28 08:27:51 | 日記
28/08/2017 (Monday, morning) Miyuki was forced to get up with rough sound of collecting trash produced by HARUMI at 6:30 in the morning. Collecting trash in this hour? How cruel! Miyuki got upset. however, Miyuki remembered yesterday's pledge to plant seeds at 6:00 oclock. Thus, she got up at this time, at 6:30, and with pyjama and fat jacket and old guy only cap, started her monitoring on the courtyard.

She checked the plants all, and almost all of them survived, or showed the sigh of survival. Then, she tried to sleep a bit more, and changed her mind, and decided to sow Salada Rockets or Ruccola and Mini-carrots. Team Carrots and Rockets. Shina?

To revenge against their wrongdoings. Miyuki, in the middle of the process, got to notice that her golden kiwi patch was totally stolen! Again? Who did it? And found that even her red raddish organized patch was stomped already. Some guy entered into this field, it means.

Before 7:00 oclock, so many strange scenes she found. Old KOJIMA male bitch came back in his 50cc scooter, called Mini-Cab. KOJIMA family are all monstors, probably. He is over 80s, and he and her wife are always the same, as Miyuki watched when she was versity student. Always same movement in their miniture field, and regarding to his mini-cab, for 20 years, he didn't used, and recently, again, he started to ride on it. Strange?

Their faces are North Korean type, yes. Probably they came from the country. Thus, flat Chinese moon cake type, with so thin eyes, with skin with the mark of chilblains in the face. Nasty, ugly face. However, longer than usual Shirakawans, their face was. Only one exception was KAORU, their daughter. She had a round face, however, skin texture and thin eyes were the same.

HIRAKUBO's skin was the same type. In SHIRAKAWA, it was not rare, while, in Tokyo, so rare to watch this type. TOUHOKU country girls and boys, their impression was for Miyuki.

Thus, when Miyuki suffered chilblains in her cheek, at the first year of her Shirakawa residence, she got ashamed! her face looked like so country girl type!!! Alex's flashed reddish skin is totally different. Oh, Irish heritage! Miyuki thought. Look like roses in the cheek. More cheerful impression. Winter roses, they are!!!

Then on the road between Shirakawa III primary school and the courtyard of Sato Family, popped out a short girl in Chuo junior high uniform, and a long gymnastic uniform wearing teacher faked middle aged guy. They appeared all together, however, he yelled to her, "Good morning!" and she ignored him, and went as if she didn't know him at all.

"Oh, they did it!" Miyuki recognized. And they pretend not to have done it! Too early to go to school. He faked to be a teacher of primary school, while she, junior high faked. Thus, too too strange.

In Japan, recently, so many news on teachers' buying girls and boys in junior high. Oh, it is the real case! She was so ignorant at his behavour. The same as SUTA-SUTA-san, IKKYO expert walker bitches in Tokyo.

Probably they live in Primary School. Thus, so early in the morning.

And another big news. from the begining, a white flat van was parking in the teacher only parking lots of Primary School, whose number is 77-75, and stayed up to 7:30, for more than 1 hour, with engine on. Idoling stop, so long. It stayed in the place, which is so easy to monitor Miyuki's agricultural job.

Miyuki recognized, thus, she informed on it, after its leaving to her father. He said nothing. OK, I said correctly.

Miyuki made a ditch to split the field to two patches. And she sowed seeds of Ruccola, in line, in the shape of L. Ruccola wall would be established. Any guys should not be sacrificed any more! Miyuki tried not to make a mistake. Nasty? Not at all! Easy job, just dig with a short scop. Why they needed so many tools???

Alzheimer exaggaration. MORI-MORI. No correct information, thus, they add their imagination, and get involved into their dream. TAGUCHI SAHO fanomenum, they yelled!!! Lies, in her side only. Self recognition, not at all! Terrible ego-centric world, and they themselves were trapped already. Dreaming prince knight on the white hourse.

Soon after the 77-75 white van vanished, HARUMI came from the courtyard between the main house and the office, and started her monitoring job on Miyuki. She remained in the same place, just pretending to cut the tiny space of flowers at the corner, most nearest to the parking lots of the van. Coincidence? Why, unnecessarily, she stays here? She looked like searching some guys on the road.

And she yelled in a big voice to some guy, "ITTERASSHAI", a compliment just for some so closest one. To whom? She is isolated here in the main house. No friend in Shirakawa, except her own younger sister YASUE. Thus, too too strange. She did say so in loud voice. Why? To illusion of Alex???

Alex himself went to high school with his grand father in the red car. Miyuki confirmed that his bicycle is located here outside, without cover, which is now inside the main house.

Now, the brown fine type bicycle with Business School's registered number. His and YUKARI's bicycles were exchanged each other?

YUKARI came to the office, and sneezed 6 times. Oh, wooden wall, you saved me again! They are senseless, thus, just being concealed from their sight would save Miyuki. Cibyula faking works for Alzheimer patients. For them, appearance works, while non appearance means non existance. thus, participation to the meeting is necessity for Kyorin Staff!!!

Concealing is a kind of protection. And non moving is another. Last week, Miyuki experienced it with JP delivery guy. Miyuki was searching her precious Murcott seed, which was dropped by her in front of a Big Trash Plastic unintentionally. Ooops! I dropped two seeds of Murcot! , Miyuki got in panic, and started to search them both. One was found, however, another, where? She was sitting to look for him.

Suddenly JP guy came, and he put some mails into the mail box in front of the door, without recognizing Miyuki's existance. Oh, he is also Alzheimer!, Miyuki confirmed.

and then, he visited KOJIMA family's house, and yelled to them, "this morning, only these one. I will come again in the afternoon. See you!" in his cheerful voice.

Oh, he can speak Japanese! And for satans, so long complements he can do! Satanic world, yes!!!

And probably, mutual monitoring service, neighbour satans offered to HARUMI and YUKARI. Thus, they chase Miyuki so eargerly. In every place, Miyuki is monitored, and scolded, actually. HARUMIs, they yelled. The system is able to deligate to others, thus, they check Miyuki only. for several monthes, Alex passed the same harsh time. Now, Miyuki's turn. Alex likes Miyuki's cleaning up business. ADACHInDerella works. Not Miyuki. She is more Business only cool tough guy. Harsher than the two Alzheimer ladies, however, they got combined, thus, OK for him. the result weighs. The most important part is the result. Effort is also necessary, however, effort for certain object. Without object, satans can establish idiocratic world. Crazy, just it! Stupid idiots, Shirakawans are!!!

Tokyo is best place for them two! They should go right now! Why not yet? They are all OK mood, here and there.

And in the washing room, where this morning YUKARI did her separation clothing jobs into so many nets and put them all in the washing mashine, Miyuki smelled so strong shit smell. Smelly! And remembered that YUKARI did night shitting on the bed, up to her 5th grader in primary school. Strange kid! Too smelly! Every morning, HARUMI dried up her bed clothings, even in winter. Dirty YUKARI, already. She was so reluctant to go to bed, and prefered sleeping, in shit ocean. Strange priority from the begining. She is such a kinkiest existance.

Alzheimer input type. Miyuki recognizes the abrupt reduction of her memory, in each stage. yes, even now, she can do her own BLA-BLA-BLA, however, no reason at all. Just Bla-Bla-Bla...

Almost two months earlier, HARUMI said to her, "Your talk is so difficult to understand." in the kitchen, when they were in the morning meeting. Everyday changes their mood, and now, shitting stage. 4th grade is like that. They should go abroad to pursue for their white prince on the horse back per each!

Thus, sitting pose, only. HARUMI liked standing obeience pose, up to several month ago. Now, sitting pose. The stage changed at that moment, also. Skimming eyes, she does. Monitoring others only. Why just for cutting so few leaves, he took more than 30 minutes? Too too strange for Miyuki and Clare, however, for them, we are doing necessity! Oh, basic needs, they are doing in this pose!!!

Thus, Miyuki the soldier, would like to her job, to detect the Shirakawa area, alone. Any system change? Just confirmation? Every trip, she recognizes some degraded messy situation of Shirakawa. System change, always toward downward. Muck smelling grade, next...Vomitting!!!

In Tokyo, fass fertilizer smelled, even in the center of it. MARUNOUCHI area, mainly. Exist? Exist!!! Miyuki was so shocked, and now, Oh, the same happened in Shirakawa. Miyuki smelled the dirty smell of fass near ex-My Town building. The counterpart of MARUNOUCHI. Thus, we are near the end. So long long fighting against satans. We all clean up, and start new are, in the good mood.

Miyuki regrets the big loss of KIWI kids. Green and Gold, she wanted, and the shoots came. Two months' expectation, and momental dissapointed. Satans attacked like that. So rare to suffer icecle shower in Shirakawa. however, she encountered with it, several times. The worst was when she was the third grader of high school. In 1980, abruptly, heavy big pebbles like icecles dropped, and the roofs of veranda caught holes. Even now, the marks exist. And also, a big one broke the glass window, and the piece of big glass put directly into the TATAMI mat of Miyuki's big chamber, which now Alex uses. The mark of letter "I" was left, and Alex took the photo. So heavy icecles, they were!!!

Pebbles shower, it was called. Inside, the big cores were found in some region. Artificial icecles, already, at that age. And many agricultural plastic houses caught the disaster. OMANKO journalism informed on the newspaper and on TV. Big news, yes. And the disaster was covered?

Some farmers got indemnization, yes. however, in private house's case, no indemnizaion, they informed on TV. Thus, the result. They changed the weather, on behalf of their own jealousy. OMANKO journalism helped them all. Satanic attacking, they did. Entrepreneurs were killed like that. Fruits kingdom should be. Why "Flower World"???

And Miyuki got surprised that inside the plastic vinil houses, only so easy and quick type flowers only. Who visits to see these plain flowers? No one. How ENDOU family established such unnecessarily messy dirty vast place called Flower World? Why they are so prevalent?

In MIYUKI's youth, they were totally unknown family. However, in Alex's school days, ENDOU family was already rich tribe. And the reality is....Just messy indulged feeble-minded only IKKYO family, they are!!! Confecitionary's sweets are amature class, Property management has no legal knowledge at all, and no garden producion skill at all. All of their business is the lowest category in the world. Even only cheapish Miyuki's abilities are all superior in every area. ENDOU atacked Miyuki, because of it. So messy, however, she is alone and attacable, and better than us all, in every field. No chance for ENDOU family at all!

1001, Miyuki calls them. They love this number plate. Thus, in NAKAMACHI, Miyuki found their parking lots and the house. Without name, however, near JP main site in Shirakawa, a big pinkish faked blick house, western style faked cheapish prefablic modernized one, Miyuki presumed that this is ENDOU's main residence. BINGO!!!

And back of Beisia, also 1001 number white van, which chased Miyuki, after her testing job in ENDOU confectionary and threatening by ANEGO style middle aged bitch, was located. On the NAKAMACHI parking lots, under the different name, silver gray 1001 vehicle, Miyuki found. And also, in front of the pinkish house, black 1001 car parks usually.

In the confectionary shop along Route 298, Miyuki found a monumental pyramid glass top roof on the building. the same one Miyuki watched in Roppongui Mid Town's top of the commercial use. Probably 24th floor. From the floor, only residencial use, and outsiders were prohibitted to use the special elevator in the residencial floors up to almost 40th.

On the 24th, there is a space to change elevators from commercial zone to residencial zone. And some tiny exhibitional monument. This monument is the same of the glass top of the roof of ENDOU family.

MIYUKI's image was just, "Oh, mummy case! Probably their religious leader would have been located here, however, some change or big mistake happened, thus, all empty!"

Pyramid Eye, it was called. Oh Free Mason? Free de SON-suru? ただほど高いものはない, or "For Free system costs the most" in Japanese proverb.

Thus, they provided sample sweets for free, and for guys, who didn't buy it, just killing job!!! Oh, how costive!!!

Serial killers, they are!! Jasons, in short. YUKARI is the same type. And she likes one of ENDOU family???

MIYUKI is indifferent from other's love romance at all. Private matter. Not interesting at all!

TAGUSHI identified Miyuki as other's romance chacer. She didn't know who she is in reality. Just she thought that Miyuki would treat her as princess.

Now, when YUKARI was washing, and HARUMI abruptly entered into the washing room, and made so Alzheimer convrsation. HARUMI praised "How clean this washing room is! You did it, din't it? How marvelous! It would be a so tiresome work, isn't it?" in a loud voice. And YUKARI agreed. Oh, this is their technic. They did know that MIYUKI cleaned all. However, according to them, YUKARI did this cleaning up job all. Their technic. Why now? YUKARI can't respond. I like clean room, is her response.

MIYUKI did know well on it. Todai related, Kyorin staff. All did it, already. Such a level, they both are in.

And HARUMI started to accuse. "I put a tiny thing here. Only 2cm's object. Do you know it?" and YUKARI replied, with her upset voice, "I don't know at all. Not my fault!" Oh, now denial. And HARUMI continued, "Probably some guy abandoned it! Who is it? Can you presume it?" And YUKARI's reply is "I have no idea at all!" and HARUMI, "Probably this guy did it."

All accusation for our side, while all praise for their side. Satanic technic. MIYUKI is not so nasty. Only office. Why YUKARI can prove her "Cleaning up business"? If she is admiror of cleaness, their kitchen would be cleaned up at first. Why here in the office. MIYUKI keeps silent, thus, they took advantage of the result of her work.

see you on our blog soon. Now, some guy came to search Miyuki's objects!!! It's time to run away!!!
