Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (307)

2017-10-07 18:03:25 | 日記
07/10/2017, 18:17 afternoon

Miyuki came back from her fruits seeds searching trip, and did the minimum protection against coldness, namely, just tapped the blue sheets.

Miyuki found that the surfice of the earth, which were covered with KANUMA sands, turned to be cement concrete, and is impremeable. And under the KANUMA sand surfice, so many bigger pebbles and glass like objects are buried.

Probably, Mrs.ONOZAKI's house was burned and broken so roughly by the heavy duty vehicles, and then, bulldoser stomped and the KANUMA sands were put to make parking lots.

This is a kind of paied raid for the guy, who was attacked by some bosses. The bosses ordered the rough raid, and paid small amount of money for SHIBUKI company, and they did it in the most violent way. Thus, no weeds land in the south patches fenomenum happened.

Impremeable, thus, just only surfice was used. And the fertilizer was put in case of necessity on the side of satans. Salt also. Satans wanted to cultivate their own snag feeding field, we agreed. YUKARI's belief was so strong to be healthy after eating fass.

Thus, once a while, she took fass, as her medicine. No choice for her. She recognized her Alzheimer disease. DADA returning process, she is in now. Just fass, she is already, and the skin bag is recycble for so many satans.

Now, obedient BLA-BLA-BLA YUKARI again. Alex was obliged to cook in the kitchen. He wanted to cook alone, however, YUKARI wanted him to learn her way of cooking. Her dying message, thus, Alex was forced to do so.

No salt at all, she was ordered by Alex. "I will put it after cooking. Thus, don't touch the salt pot, Auntie!"

And YUKARI put it several times already. No choice for her at all. Up to the last resort, she used, and now, she was obliged to make her own food for herself.

Unusually slow, Alex felt deeply. Snag, she is now. And several times, she stack. She stopped moving, and just standing pose with her elbows on the waist. As if she were somebody in the family.

She is not creature, rather, machinery, with so few equipments. Calculator, she is not. Her calculation is always erroneous. Writing ability, she lost already. Just several times a day, she shits, and claims others yelling, "You are so smelly, stupid!" in the nasty voice.

Clare suffered a lot by YUKARI's accusation. However, YUKARI is fass. No use at all. Thus, the end of her world. Snag eater, she is now. Snag can eat snag?

Unusually slow, in English. French, it means. Oh, snails, Miyuki thought. Latin guys look slow, from the view point of Anglo-Saxions, probably. Cheerful noisy talkative guys, they are, generally speaking. Slow, when they are not liking the job. Rather quicker, for some special pursue for happiness. Desire is so strong inside them.

Anglo-Saxons are not quick, generally speaking. Exist rare exceptions, however, the same fenomenum in Japan was found in Neatherland. They are reluctant to live type, and not flexible. However, at that moment, in 2015 in August, it was not so degraded as Japan. Existed some normal guys, here and there, in Amsterdam.

Spooky empty buses are circulating in Shirakawa. No passengers, however, the drivers move the busses, in total non facial expression mode. Unnecessary energy loss, however, tax is applied for this useless activities.

In case of Amsterdam, pleasure boats, the counterparts were. However, the same impression. Spooky transparent passengers are getting off and on. No use, however, zompies like drivers drive them. Whole Alzheimer world, now in, probably.

Today, Miyuki found variety of "Old common guys would love them!" type fruits so much. Nostargic fruits. So rare to find in urbanized towns, and only in rural area, they are common to be sold type. Line up was:

Grenadens, AKEBI or Japanese KIWIs, walnuts.

Miyuki got cheerful for this unusual shopping. They costed yes, however, we need to keep their precious seeds as our future Empire's emperors=soldiers, and cultivate them in the suitable places in Shirakawa.

They came from near Shirakawa. Probably, some guys took for free from the mountains, and sold to JA markets, and JA put price tags, as they like. And they are not artificially beautiful. Rather, grotesque for Alzheimers, probably. Thus, they put the price, lower than their favorite smooth surfice type common fruits like Japanese pares or apples.

Thus, Miyuki took advantage of their way of putting price tag, and 2 packages of Granadens were bought at US$6 in total, 2 Japanese KIWIs called AKEBIs, US$4, in total, and a package of walnuts, as US$2.

And also, she found "Pop Corn seeds", at the cost of US$2 per small package, and bought it. Amusing, they are, however, in Japan, only already artificially cooked type were sold. Thus, next year, in spring, she will put them in the suitable corn firled. A patch whole for them, probably. Easy to take, and for kids, amusement park to learn the way of cultivation.

Chinkoro likes to cultivate the corn, because he wanted to see the "popping out scene", yes. In the pan, they explode and pop out. Marvelous! And butter is so delicious to put. Melting butter with pop corns. Aunt Clara's favorite!!!

Exist caramel putting type. Alex likes this one, because Clare and Miyuki dislike. Safely, he can eat whole barrel.

In Japan, in cinema, Big Barrel of Pop Corns were sold US$5, per each. Thus, Miyuki was ogliced to buy only one flavored barrel. Thus, Clare and Miyuki chose "Salt with type", and Alex was obliged to eat this nasty salt put Pop Corns, because of Miyuki's poverty. He wanted to eat Big Barrel, and Clare also. However, Miyuki bought one barrel only for the three. Thrifty however, poor, thus, no choice. "If you want, you can buy by your cost. I provide the minimum, and in case of your luxury, you should pay." Thus, Alex prefered not paying for Carameled Pop Corns.

Thus, revenge. No Man's Land, thus, a small patch full of only Pop Corns. A gift from Cinema lovers!!!

Thus, Miyuki should found some small patch in Shirakawa. Miyuki found already Corn Fields, yes. However, Pop Corns, they are. Not common corns. Thus, needs to find specificly for Pop Corns.

They are tall. Thus, independent field is needed. And whole patch full. Miyuki has Green Thumbs for Corns yes. Thus, probably, sun shine brilliant river bank of YANTA River, near WAKABA kindergarden, which Alex and Clare frequented in.

Yangue Tribe like the idea! They can eat, of course! And Pop Corn Party would be held in the near future. As one like, they heat the pop corns, and put their own original spices. And contest would be held also. The Best Fashionable Pop Corn in this year, like competition.

In 2015, Miyuki heard from KOUYAMA and KUBO, her ex-pupils, that in Shibuya, pop corns were sold at the highest price, and KOUYAMA's neibouer bought a package of Pop Corns as gift and handed to his mother.

Pop corns were sold as if precious sweets in Japan!!! And according to OMANKO journalism, the shop was so popular in Tokyo. For her, Pop Corns are a kind of Common Memory Making special amusing toy like food, not a gift. And cheapish should be type one. However, at that moment, they were turned to be some kind of gift object like Christmas Present. Strange, Miyuki said to them.

Anything was so expensive for our team members. We were obliged to pay so much money unnecessarily as satans liked, by way of neuro marketing. Our desire to buy something was measured by satans, and they put the price tag, to frustrate our desire to buy the targetted goods. Thus, price down is now in common.

Miyuki is accustomed to say, "Oh, how expensive! We can't buy it! Only Alzheimer can buy it! Stupid price!"
And it worked. For us, cheapish is nice and good, while satans, expensive should be. Thus, No Man's Land again in Shirakawa.

Satanic technics were so common in the universe, and we didn't know the fact. Shaving or wifi using, they are. Insects use it, yes. Bird Protector was one of the abuse of this system.

And now, some parts are lost Bird Protectors, entirely. Thus, birdies are comming now in the places.

Miyuki also climed up a hill, in front of HANOKI-DAIRA, and beside KOUYOU-DAI hill, and on the top, she found that it was split part of RAKAN Mountain, and in the west side, oh, that temple, where she did special concert with Tumb stone singers. Orchestra like semi round tumbs, who are brass band leader TOMOCHI's concert hall.

Also today, she conducted "Song of Triumph" and "Song of Pleasure" as usual, and got shocked. The road to the HANOKI-DAIRA was not found at that moment, in May this year. From where, it popped out?

And the more strangely, one slope was connected to the road Route 294, and this slope was not found up to this time. And now, burnt snag smelt a bit. YUKARI is dying now. The end, finally. Good grief.

Miyuki tried to go forward toward north side, however, she found that she was arriving on the entrance of the hill, namely, the west side of the split RAKAN Mountain. A kind of spooky story of Old Japan called 怪談 or KAIDAN.

And when she got out of the strange hill, an old guy was doing picnic for only one, himself, lying on the arm chair, camping type, with some camping bench, with a big silver van, whose trank door was kept open.

Sleeping, he looked. However, probably, sticking he was.

And then, another old guy was working, with a iron bar in his hands. Thus, Miyuki quitted the idea to go forward toward the north, and turned to the south to run away from him.

Alzheimer exploses easily. Thus, Miyuki thought how to run in case of his attacking. Thus, she found two ways. One: Going down the slope toward HANOKI-DAIRA. Two: Passing the guard rail and going down the acute inclined slope toward the campus of vacant IKKYO complex. Both were possible, however, she adopted the former, in the most common way.

And now, JA's idioticy is on the theater. Ta-la-la-la-laaan! ♫

 A package of English Bread's left over was sold at US$1. Cut and fried, and put the sugar type. It was cheapish home made dish, mainly made by the kids or busy parents as some kind of substitutes of sweets.

however, on the plastic package, the discription said, "Sugar Sticks. Ingredients: Flour, sugar, Fresh Butter, Fresh Cream, east, salt, soy beans oil."

Oh, fresh butter and fresh cream in type. Look so messy cheapish type, however, this left over would be delicious, if the discription were correct. anyway, I am hungry. It's good chance to test the quality. And the guy, who cooked the primitive kids snack was 我妻栄一 or Eiichi WAGATSUMA, of HIGASHI block.

His shop was 坂本屋総本店, General Site of SAKAMOTO-YA, its address: HIGASHI KAMANOKO, AZA-MITOMACHI 89, tel:0248-34-2014.

Oh, left over turned to be precious sweets in this rural village! unusual!

Thus, Miyuki bought it, and tried and found...Oh, this stick is made of the left over of the cheapish Engish bread, and this guy fried the left over with used oil, which had been used already for some fish fries like sermon milanesa. Fish smell, and no good ingredients were used for this food. How audaciously he decorated the cheap left over under the name of so good qualitied ingredients! Tremendously grotesque guy, this SAKAMOTO is!!!

Non reliable tag system, satans adopted. Thus, all lies, they wrote and spoke. Thus, only compliments were enough among satans.

Not good, yes, however, Miyuki as Banana MATSUO, made a conte based on her experience, using her old cham called MAKIKO.

MAKIKO, who came back home from her walking along with her pet dog called PAKU, and yelled to her mother.
"I am hungry. I want to have something sweet right now, mother. Any sweets are OK for me now!"

Mother responded:
"I am now cooking fish milanesa, you see. I am so busy also. And unfortunately, we have no stock of cookies now."

MAKIKO, yelled again. "Anything eatable is OK. Quick, I am dying of hunger, mother! You don't want to kill me, do you, mother?"

Mother replied:
"No, no, of course not! Thus...Wait three minutes, OK, Makiko? I will manage the situation!"

Thus, Makiko's mother, took a big package of left over of english bread, which was provided by YAMAZAKI bread shop at the corner of Big Cross for free, for Makiko's adrable pet PAKU, for free, and pulled one slice of it. Then, she cut it in one dose stripes, and fried them in the same oil, she had used for the fish milanesa soon before, and put suger on them, and handed them in a plate, saying:
"MAKIKO, here you are! Anyway, eatable. We should avoid the worst disaster, namely, your death of hunger. Thus, eat them all for the purpose!"

Thus, MAKIKO, smelling fish a bit, however, putting up with it, started to eat the substitute of the sweets. Anyway, eatable, and I could survive from the death of hunger. Thanks, mother!

Thus, just "eatable level" food is sold in Shirakawa, as the SAKAMOTOYA confectionary's delicious product.

Probably, in this rural village, exists really "preveledge only for intellectually challanged guys" or CHISHOU TOKKEN or 知障特権, and this shop is so near the two big hospitals called 厚生病院 or KOUSEI Hospital and 白河病院 or Shirakawa hospital, both have lots of chambers for mentally illed guys. Thus, these guys are hired in JA supermarket shop, as faked clerks, faked consumers, faked producers, faked farmers. Thus, their products are with all faked discriptions namely accumulated lies.

Shopkeepers play, this whole village is playing, at the support of Japanese Government. Tokyo Metropolitan office also. Miyuki was targetted to be killed, because they want to gain her succession. Miyuki doesn't want to succeed her property to her kids, thus, they believe that Miyuki would provide money to them after her death. Thus, Shirakawa, at first, and now, Tokyo, want to kill her again and again.

Miyuki registerd in Tokyo, thus, after Shriakawan post office clerks' massive death, Tokyonians came to substitute them, and now, rough riders are also dying!!!

All Alzheimers, they are. And Shirakawa is one of the model village of Alzheimer Autocracy or rather, in short, IDIOCRACY in local level.

Todai pimps offered the proposal as experiment. According to their so primitive understanding, any experiment would be allowed as pilot case of Alzheimer only society. Model case, Shirakawa would provide, they yelled, and Shirakawans agree on the matter. Thus double income society, they turned. From Japanese government, and from local government. And Alzheimer patients worked as normal clerks, farmers, consumers, workers, teachers, walkers, runners, riders, drivers, and so on.

However, we believe that already such a proposal was done only by satans' side, thus, all of the guys who agreed with such compromise would vanish immediately, and should pay indemnization for all of us!!!

Alzheimer patients are not flexible at all. Even today, Alzheimer casher clerk did a big mistake as usual toward us.

Miyuki was buying the fruits as above. The plastic package of walnuts was broken by the hands of the clerk in the casher. She dropped all of the walnuts on the table and on the floor. And she said to Miyuki, "I will change this broken one to another one. Thus, wait a minute. I will pick another one soon." And she left the casher, for several minutes, and came back in vain. This was the last package of walnuts.

Miyuki watched how she bahaved in this case. "Do you have a bag?" she didn't ask today. And then, she started to check the price of other products. In the middle, suddenly, she stopped cashing job, and started to put the walnuts into some small plastic bag. Then, she checked tha package of fried doughnuts, stick type, and a plastic package of pop corns.

She caused the delay of the casher, and Miyuki was obliged to wait for several minutes, however, she didn't apologize the delay at all. She broke the plastic package of the walnuts, and dropped almost half of all of them on the floor, and she just declared to exchange to another package, desicively, indifferent from Miyuki's intention.

Selfish, alzheimer patients are. They can't play the role of shopkeepers at all! Why we are obliged to put up with their so ego-centric choices? No claim society, they had established. And even now, after IDIOCARACY, why we are forced to buy foods from these arrogant Alzheimer ladies at each Supermarket?

Monopoly, even now, Shirakawa adopted. Foods are necessity, however, all Alzheimer satanic army occupie all of the positions of providers of them. Terrible confusions, they cause, however, we are obliged to put up their audacious arragance, and suffer lots phycologically and economically.

The worse was, the Alzheimer clerk of the casher at JA supermarket, soon after Miyuki's payment, started citicising Miyuki, who kept silent during her shopping, to inform to their boss with her colleague faked shopkeepers.

Information system is on behalf of Alzheimer patients, who play the role of shopkeepers, despite of their incapacity. They were taught that in case of their confusion they should inform to the police directly.

And Alzheimer patients are not flexible at all. If they encounter with unusual situation, they already start to get confused or namely in panic, and inform the targetted guy to the police. "I think that this guy is suspecious" is their killer frase, and Alzheimer patients like to behave as "good girls in the school", thus, they informed us all, as many as possible, as far as they could.

Thus, Miyuki was caught. Police power was one of the fountain of the real reign by idiot Alzheimer patients, namely, IDIOCRACY. Majority system, Alzheimer patients adopted, thus, if many of them agree that "This guy should be killed", they required to do so to the police.

In Japan, police power was divided from central concentrated power under MEIJI Constitution into prefactural power after WWII. The purpose was stopping concentration of physical power namely gun holdings. To avoid to establish the second army, in short.

however, each prefecture did as they like to exercise the police power. No standard at all. As idiots like, was their attitude during the period after World War II. Thus, total idiocracy. No guy could be against the gun holding power in prefectural level.

The worse is, in Shirakawa, gun shop was also run by Alzheimer shopkeepers. Thus, any guy could buy guns and buttets as they liked, and in fact, they did it. YOUJI was gun maniacs, in short. Thus, he killed the boys easily. Pederasty also he did. LIN was one of his tools to induce kids. Girls were targetted to be raped, yes, however, to kill, boys only. Both were the same sansation caused to this Jason, rural type.

Man Hanting, in rural version, in short. Not film, but reality. They were easily confused the film with the reality. Thus, horror movies were their source of planning the next real Man Hanting in Shirakawa.

No reason at all in their mind. Just impulse existed. YUKARI is an example. If she starts to get in panic, no guy can stop her behaviour at all. Always selfish conducts with "I think so" and she does as she likes.

Today, YUKARI passed so many hours in the kitchen. Alex treated her not to explose at all. And then, YUKARI's parents dealt with her for several hours. YUKARI was frustrated so much, because she couldn't lit the fire on the gas range. And YUKARI didn't like to ask others to tell the truth, that she couldn't do so. She just obliged them to do so, according to YUKARI's way. "My way is absolutely correct, however we can't lit the fire in the gas table. This gas range is broken. We should buy the new product." YUKARI exagarated, and continued to speak in hew own high pitch mode, and her parents got tired of hearing YUKARI's evasion.

HARUMI would forget the nasty experience after her taking a nap during night, completely. One day acuview type, in her case. And YUKARI's case, only few minutes, she can remember what she does before. Ultraman, she is now. Only 3 minutes, she works, and then, she forgets all.

Thus, after YUKARI's failure in the toilet, YUKARI denied what she had done, and accused others because of the failure. Exchange of wrongdoer and victim, in short. Replacement, it is called. Alzheimer disease in this level needs hospitalization to avoid nasty result in others' side.

We all expected that YUKARI commited the suicide. However, she can't do it now. She should be killed, immediately. And she doesn't want to see the doctor at all in the hospital. "I am totally fine. Miyuki should be target of hospitalization. I am right, as always." Oh, YUKARI remembers that Miyuki was diagnosed "mentally illed" eve now!

Such kind of knowledge prolongs inside YUKARI. Miyuki's failures only. Not hers. And replacement. Miyuki should be targetted to be killed, as usual. YUKARI likes to talk on her grotesque sadistic sister called MIYUKI, and always MIYUKI was wrongdoer against so sensitive YUKARI. Victimatization, it is called.

This symptom was so obvious in case of Mari KAWAMURA. All of her failures had reasons of others' side. Even on the matter of her own judgement, KAWAMURA put the result of the failure on others' shoulders.

"Why you didn't choose any of pupils as your new members of your class? No students entered into your seminar. So many candidates were there, waiting for the result, and your reply was "No one was qualified". Why you did it?", Miyuki asked KAWAMURA directly, when she met KAWAMURA in the lunch room in the campus of Hachioji, at Kyorin Versity.

Her reply was, "Oh, not my failure. I wanted to adopt some suitable guys. However, my actual pupils said no to do so, thus, their failure, not mine!"

She was a teacher, who had a power to choose the pupils, and now she deligated the power on the shoulders of the actual members of her class, and the result and the responsibility should be owen by the actual pupils, she thought. She deligated it, thus, she should owe the responsibility on the failure, was adults' conception, at least, as professional. However, she couldn't. How childish, and selfish, Miyuki got surprised at that moment.

In every failure, KAWAMURA evased. In case of no performance of scholary job, KAWAMURA evased like that:

"I was a colaborated translator of some work written by a foreign professor. It was a team work. My mate is a practical lawyer, who doesn't know academism at all. Thus, her translation was so contrary to the intention of the original work. Thus, I tried to persuade her to correct according to my academic advice, however, she refused. I got so exhausted to persuade her. Thus, I quitted the translation project, because of her stonehead attitude. Not my failure. I made a best effort on the project, however, she was so selfish and not colaborative at all. I suffered so much on this fallen project. I lost so much time bacause of it, BLA-BLA-BLA..."

KAWAMURA's evasion was so long, thus, Miyuki started to avoid to meet her, bacause all evasion, her talk was.

Mari KIMURA was her FEMI-LES friend, and they were so similar. Mutual assistance friends, in short. Thus, no other guys can enter into their mutual assitance system, or rather, keeping secret of doing nothing in business.

Thus, gradually they turned not to appear in the campus of Kyorin versity. KAWAMURA's state change was so obvious for others, thus, she was accused even among all satanic staff.

Totalitarians are irresponsible, was the result of political studies. Not only Japanese case, but also foreign countries' cases. They evased, and their BLA-BLA-BLA was so long. Totalitarians turned to be idiots easily. PErfect machines only could keep to be totalitarians, and all of totalitarians were revealed as Alzheimer idiots.

Machinery, in short. MECA-Gozillas, they were. MESU-BUTA, in short. Thus, vehicles were methaphored as ladies.

Minako HONDA was lean slender singer, and she died so young. AIDs, her disease was said. Masako NATSUME like bold head, she suffered. For Miyuki, she was cute, healthy type. Thus, oh, she was illed? Just lean, Miyuki thought, however, she was categorized as being illed.

She was famous of showind belly between separated clothings. Good belly, Miyuki thought. And now? Miyuki liked her insect type vertical lined muscled belly so much. For lean type, it is so easy to gain the muscle lines. My glory, Miyuki feels so much, yes.

For stout type, it is difficult. However, in this case, inner muscle weighs. YUKARI taught the belly puniching to Alex, in case of being attacked by suspicious guys. For Miyuki, "Oh, kick P, strongly!" is the correct answer. Belly punching is not fatal. For attackers, just fatal attacking would be fine.

Their preach is always selfish. Anyway, I want to sleep, and YUKARI is so eager to listen to her preach. Lock the door! Push away her from your territory!!!

We tried to put another key on the back house, however, no key effected. KANNUKI strategy, how about? Just put heavy strong thing in front of the door to avoid her entrance during your sleeping time.

Oh, good idea. Easier than another key system. Thus, Clare can sleep tonight. KANNUKI strategy, yes!

Miyuki did know so well at this point. Not maniac, however, to avoid nasty result, we should behave well, as much as possible. Just a strong bar is already OK. However, watch out! YUKARI in rage is a kind of MAD DOG, and in this condition, she would kill others. No laughing story at all.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (306)

2017-10-07 06:44:02 | 日記
07/10/2017 Rainy, 6:44 Morning

Miyuki got up at 6:00, and opened almost all of the windows for the wind to pass through the office room. She prefers cleaning the air inside the office room. No dust, as much as possible, is Miyuki's stance. Thus, even on the rainy day, she opened them all.

Now, Miyuki received the ridiculous invitation e-mail from one of the stupidest members of Todai pimps called Kouhei FUNATO. Look at his low intellectuality again here!:








He forgot to describe his position. After Miyuki's harshest attacking on his position change from assistant to associate professor, he is afraid of mantioning to it. Probably, now, after one month of assosiate professor's experience, he would have turned to be regular professor, presumably. Thus, as his modesty, he didn't mention to it.

So many rediculous points here and there. One of the most fatal descriptions is...He can't recognize the order of time!!! The past is the future, vice versa. Thus, Feburary of 2018 is earlier than December of 2017.

For them, no year world, actual Japan is. Thus, data means only day and month. Thus, the second month is previous than the twelfth month. Oh, at least, he could calculate up to one deuce!!! One Deuce Dog...Frandause? Fula-Dance? Fura-Fila?

For him, more than one deuce are too too many, and out of his capacity of brain. Thus, 30 > 29, in his mind. Todai hires this stupidest crazy guy as their regular member...his major is Administrative Law.

The name of the first presentator recalls Miyuki, her ex-mate of the first common office of her graduate pupils' days, and his major was American Politics, not law at all. He changed his major completely???

He came from NAGOYA, and Miyuki's impression on him is common coutry boy. His appearance was plain. Not attractive, at the same time, not attacker, at that time, at least. Miyuki class, in short.

Similar name. Thus, only Miyuki remembers his family name, and this guy is kin or unknown guy of him, as possibility. However, not so common family name. Miyuki did know the same family name's scholar of EDO literature, especially Old Vulgar tales and RAKUGO. RAKUGO came from accumulated vulgar laughing jokes, he insisted. Miyuki read so many short books editated by this Prof. OKITSU, and liked so much their culture.

Feudal, the people lived, however, she felt sympathy with their laughing jokes and their back ground situation. Not so much different from ours. Common, thus universal laughing stories.

Spontaneous jokes, they are. Not established ones, however, knowing the context of each episode, oh, the same mentality we have!, is her impression.

Shijaku KATSURA wanted to be Universal Studio of RAKUGO's president. And now, he turned to be. The members are...He and Miyuki, only. Oh, Miyuki is vice president...OK, accepted already!

Vice president means "in case of the president' lack, as substitute, this guy would work for." thus, not position's name. Some task, in case of necessity, this guy would owe. Thus, always "Regular President, and its possible substitute vice one." Not independent position, in case of election. Thus, dark horse.

In case of necessity, thus, generally speaking, not so distinctive. However, if the "In case of emergent lack of the regular president" happens, this unknown guy would have super power. No one knows, turns to be the most important guy in the universe...Oh, Miyuki and her team mates!!! Ignolandia only world, we live in now.

Successive "in case of emergent lack of the top of the unit" happening fenomenum, thus, only one planet left and so many aliens ran away from their original planets and dimensions, thus, Evacuation, in the universal level, of Refegees of distant spaces, our earth is now...

Shirakawa turned to be DADA aliens' world!!! Miyuki got deeply impressed at the discriptions of WIKI-pedia on DADA aliens!!! Their abilities are just the same, Miyuki has experienced in Tokyo and in Shirakawa!!

Look at this!!!:

Especially, their skills are all Miyuki got to know through her harshest experiences. And English version is machnery, or Electric Ants, themselves! Why this TSUBURAYA production of ULTRA series did know well our situation in detail?

The reason was they are all DADA aliens at that time. Their story, they wrote, and it was adopted as playwright of the TV program. Short, they all thought, however, not, it turned to be so long. Degradation happened among them. Thus, so so dirty and nasty. And now, only bottom part interest world, they develop in Japan.

Now, Miyuki tried her SOBAGAKI challenge again, and gained a suitable success. Just "Don't boil, heat up with duck meat" is the correct answer in case of usage of micro-oven. And non ball type, just powder put on the rest of grease of the duck is also good usage of SOBA back wheat powder.

African heritage. And at the same time, easy to clean, after eating greasy food. No wiping by used paper is necessary in this case. Wiping paper is substituted by the powder, eatable for Miyuki's side.

Thus, Easy, quick, delicious, efficient, in case of usage of milled backwheat. After the grease gets colder, put a bit more powder, and lick it. In Miyuki's side's case, tongue is also used for tools to clean up the dish, yes. It all depaneds on each tribe.

In front of others, Miyuki refrains from use this super technic, however, alone, she does so. More easy and, for groumet, thrifty type, ideal as their style. Cheap, also. Baking powder usage should be minumum, because it is also a kind of chemical products. Small amount is OK, while, more than nesecity would be avoidable.

Thus, skin of fruits also effects. And some combination of unusual foods. Sometimes, marriage effect could be gained with this easy experiments.

Pears are waiting for Miyuki's arrival. Westernized, in so many style. And Margarita Marilla, is her complete name. Anne of Green Gables???

Auntie Marilla. Claims so much on Anne, an adopted daughter, and she and her brother were Anne's parents substitute. For human work force, Anne was adopted, however, she was a family member, not a slave.

In Miyuki's house, Miyuki is dwarf in the back of YUKARI...YUKARI criticises Miyuki, and put all of her failure on the back of Miyuki with dirty name, however, the result of Miyuki's secret job is considered as YUKARI's working. And Miyuki found a precarious golden rule. Go in this line. Dwarf Miyuki. Shadow working only inside the office. The result effects. Miyuki doesn't want to be praised by her service, because she does so at the exchange of allowance of her precarious stay in the office.

Thus, YUKARI thinks that YUKARI herself does the service perfectly, and she calls her "Super Domestic type" in public, and Miyuki, as shadow worker, just do the minimum service for common use corners of the office. Cleaness effects. Miyuki does the job as her duty. Thus, "secrecy" is included in this service, probably. Thus, "Super Power holder YUKARI, who can't work, however, the office is always clean on behalf of YUKARI's super skills" conception or illusion would be fine to tame the Alzheimer ladies.

however, these ladies accuse Miyuki as wrongdoer on the failure which they did by themselves. Miyuki is free from their lies, in this case. Contemption should belong to them both, not to Miyuki's side. They themselves should manage the situation. Miyuki doesn't work as their care giver at all!

Thus compromise. No use of kitchen, yes. However, no reward for cooking job. OK. And the ingredients? All provided by some suitable guys OK? it all depends. Good products only. Sometimes satans provide, yes, however, the result effects. And no claim because of the usage. Or, just trapping for Miyuki's side. Disaster, again.

Thus, no kitchen system continues. Anything smelly there. No one wants to use it now. Salty, filled with stains, anti-hygine. Only after at least quickest cleaning, it would be used by us. Terrible situation, here and there, and they think that it is normal, subjectively. They are plural existance, thus, they are so strong at this point. "We are right, as always" in their side. Shirakawans, in short.

Thus, up to their loss of power, in fact, we should refrain from the kitchen.

Toilet would be reformed later. Now, only wiping the floor is sufficient. No stain situation should be kept. Miyuki's disposal of the used paper after cleaning was criticised by YUKARI so harshly. YUKARI recognizes it as "Some guy left them, without flashing. Stupid, forgetful guy, called Miyuki, probably." Thus, no choice for her at all. Using her dwarf is also criticised. She is so so selfish. No usage at all. Fass, in short. No thanks to others at all, just claim for the guys, who gave a chance to YUKARI.

Strange suicide bomber, YUKARI was. Always she accused some guy, who tried to help her. Even after her asking of help and their supporting, YUKARI criticised them to cause nasty feeling for YUKARI's side. Kyorin Versity staff, in short, the both are. Unsatisfied with others' working, even with the others' sake they gained a lot, they accused the others, in the harshest tone.

HARUMI and YUKARI are the team. LSD users, they are. And non working class, and like tea or coffee and chatting in the chamber. DADA-Merdic life's example in Japan.

Fat lips holders they are. And Miyuki, Clare are also. Black heritage, probably. however, all blacks are DDMs???

Exist DDMic blacks and non DDMs. Thus, indifferent from racial heritage, they are revealed DDMs.

Probably, DADA aliens, lips like body parts are ass, and their real lips are located in the bottom. Thus, kitchen towal is used for toilet, exactly. Napkin is used for their eating, thus, from ass, they eat rice.

Snags were their favorite food, and they got combined. Thus, in the ass, so many eggs of dirty worms. 蟯虫 or Gyou-chuu, they have, probably.

Thus, they need special treatment in the hospital, and they would love the life in the hospital. A kind of ideal life, they would spend there, like DDMs in HASEGAW hospital.

Thus, they both agreed to go to see the hospital, in the end. 蟯虫、probably, we persuaded. Thus, concealed in the hospital, avoiding the nasty transmission to others. Toilet is private. Thus, they gained two chambers, and No Man's Land, they can use so spacy halls also. Bathing can be used for 24 hours full. Day Care only, up to now, however, from Today, stayers are welcomed. Thus, they agreed.

So long long series, this article called Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash turned to be. Over 300 turns, and Miyuki's team didn't imagine it at all!!! Long long jumps were included. Moon Tombows, also. Thus, DADA aliens, go back to your planet!!!!

DADAism is an art movement, which represented "illogical situation", thus, DADAist, Miyuki was yelled by MADOKA, in her positive meaning. DADAkko, in short. When she wants, she can't give up to require it up to gain it. Too too persistant, Miyuki was at her pursue for happiness, especially, on objects. "I want to have it!", and even it were so strange for others, she wanted, up to the end.

According to Miyuki's side, MADOKA is also. Just the aim was different. For her expendeture on "Only Leggs Diet" in AOYMA esthetic facility was totally ridiculous for Miyuki's team, however, any of them criticised MADOKA at all. Her choice, and MADOKA worked for it, spending her precious time to gain sufficient money to do so. Totally within her limit, we all thought. Just, "If I were you, MADOKA, I would prefer dinning outside especially in the superb restaurants, with the same value, US$3 thousand, at that moment." was our common opinion. However, any one of them, including Miyuki, didn't say so to her, because she deserved to choose like that. Her usage. Private matter. And "Oh, I have a strange friend, a kind of diet maniac up to this level..." like episode provider she was. Not unhealthy, the treatment was. Just "Anti-scientific" however, any guy has right to attempt the ridiculous diet, within the limit. Thus, a kind of learning process for her, and we just enjoyed her report on this so so precious attempt.

MADOKA is also extremest, yes, however, she looks so normal, and her appearance conceals her real extremesm. Mieko also. Their common point is fashon sense. Too too conservative. Not distinctive, and they think that their way of wearing is so nice for them both. Thus, self confidance and no criticism given by enemy's side. Their choice. Probably, Clare is this line, on the matter of fashion.

For Miyuki, anti-fashionable, they three are, however, they like to be so. Inclination. Different from Miyuki's kinky orientation. Thus, radicalists, Miyuki's team members are.

However...just wearing like Uncle or rather old rural male is radical in Shirakawa????

OOKAWA thought like that. Male should wear like male, while female, female. Toilet sigh put life, his inclination is.

Sexually neutral toilet is in common in the family. however, in public, always Male and Female, separated. Roles are decided already even with Bitch Constitutional superficial "sexual Equality" discriptions. Based on the line, social benefitt sytem was established up to now. And Government didn't want to change the base at all, rather, wanted to continue this harmful attacking called "DDMs, as traditional culture" polity.

Thus, the end. Tea Ceremony Tribe were all DDMs, namely, DADA aliens. Wearing KOMONO type, existed. And no KIMONO culture at all. Old village without any KIMONO knowledge is just nightmare.

Miyuki can make up KIMONO for others, yes. For herself, it would take so many minutes, however, probably, one hour would be sufficient for her own preparation. just maintain the standing pose and put it tightly, is Miyuki's advice for guys who attempt to make up KIMONO.

With assistance with others, KIMONO can be worn easily, yes. However, a bit a bit, from inside to outside, each piece with sufficient number of fine ties, would work, completely. Thus, KIMONO adviser, Miyuki accepted. Yes.

The material works in this field. Silk is the best. Brilliant, and gorgeous! However, cotton, linen, also works. In case of summer, Linen KIMONO is rather valuable than silk one. Well pasted to keep no wrincle situation. 洗い張り or Washing and drying on the wooden board, was common in any town and village, including Shirakawa, in Japan.

Akiko NAKAMURA's father's shop provided this service. Miyuki presumed that the tradition of KIMONO wearing is rare actually, and need some sufficient space for the big board. Thus, profession existed, Miyuki thought.

Japanese KIMONO corners are so wide in the department stores in Japan. It means that no other shops who can pay the rent for the department stores any more. Namely, the department stores were too much bigger than necessity. unnecessarily vast, and the tenant shops were not able to gain the harvest at all. Thus, Red Digit industry, Department store running business was, already.

And One Windowless Big Box type was liked by DDMs, because they were concealing their facial ugliness from the outside. Mirrorless society, DADA aliens lived. Thus, the mirrors were broken easily, in HACHIOJI, and taken in SHIRAKAWA.

Beauty was hated by them both. Thus, in the middle of floureshing, floweres and twiggs were cut, in short. Shirakawans psychology was represented in this behaviour.