ことば宇宙 universum verborum


大島渚 × ジル・ロッセリーニ

2013-01-19 | インタビュー

Signor Oshima, lei ha detto che ha iniziato a fare film per caso. Non andava al cinema da giovane?


No, at that time. I was grown up in wartime, so it was very difficult to see movies. But after war, we had nothing to amuse us. So movie is the only one thing to amuse us. So generally we young Japanese liked films very much, every films. But I had no special intention to get in a film world, to become a film director at all. I thought the film business was very far away to our ordinary life.


Cosa sognava di fare prima di diventare regista?


But when I was a student, I committed a student theater and student movement, so I know something about art and theater or literature. But at that time I didn't think this kind of art thing a lot to be a business of a man, man's life. I think this literature or theater or movie, this kind of things were too soft or too weak to do in my life.


Ad ogni modo lei ha iniziato a girare dei film. Anche prima che ci incontrassimo qui a Monteux. Dei suoi film emerge un aspetto, un aspetto molto evidente in tutte le sue opera: il suo interesse per la sensualitá. Da dove nasce la sua vision della sensualitá?


So I became…No. I entered film business because I didn't have any other job. I took the examination of the assistant director of Shochiku Ofuna Studio and I entered this studio. But as I told you before, I was not so interested in, not particularly interested in cinema, so I thought “Why I do cinema?” or “What is cinema to me?” I thought about it a lot. For example, some other directors like the cinema very much; they don't think about cinema or they don't think about the relation of cinema and them. On the contrary I thought a lot about cinema and the relation of cinema and me. So it added something very… too much explanation, no, no explanation but too much theory, or theoretical like that added these. So from the beginning of my director's career, I always feel, I have something different from ordinary cinema world. So in any way I wanted to make very peculiar film by my own.


Vedendo I suoi film e conoscendola di persona, mi chiedo perché abbia deciso di indagare la cultura occidentale, e la sua relazione con il Giappone. Forse perché ha vissuto durante la guerra?


Yes, in any way I think there is a very big misunderstanding existing in the occidental world to Japan. You think Japanese people are grown up purely as Japanese and after that we learn something from occidental culture. But it's not true. From the beginning of our grown up, for example, we hear song lullaby from European lullaby and also we read books of Grimm, or Aesop, like that. And at the beginning of primary school, we learn Shakespeare. We are all Japanese grown up with Japanese culture and also Western culture. So not peculiar to Western culture. So from the beginning we Japanese people are very interested in, are very strongly influenced by Western culture. But I have a special reason because when I was thirteen Japan defeated in the Second World War. So we were very keen why we were defeated by European, by American. So we wanted to learn very keenly European culture or American culture. And also we thought we're our faults of Japanese culture, which was defeated. We thought this is not only military defeat but also this is a cultural defeat. So we are very keen to learn European or American culture. And when I entered film business, I thought total Japanese cinema was very bad. The biggest reason is always Japanese movies describe people very passive way. The protagonist is always passive, passive from society. They are always not attacker, but always passive. And they always suffer by the war and federalism of Japan and poorness of Japan. These three things are very close to every protagonist in Japanese cinema. So the directors always weep or very sympathize with this passive people. And people want to cry about this. I don't like this passive way. I think human beings must be very independent himself, not to be slave of society in mentality. So I want to change this situation of Japanese cinema and also this situation of Japan. So of course before I entered the studio I saw a lot of European and American cinema I wanted to take good things from these European culture and European cinema.


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