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コロナ期のアジア人差別2 The rise of anti-Asian racism during COVID-19

2020-06-21 | ニュース

To help guide us through some things to combat this I’m joined by Professor Carol Liao. She teaches law at UBC with focus on business law, ethics and corporate governance. She’s a second generation Taiwanese Canadian. Professor Liao, thanks for joining us. You know we like to believe in Canada that were enlightened and tolerant and that racist acts are isolated. What is your sense of how pervasive anti-Asian racism is in Canada?


You know, well, there’s a false sense of Canadian exceptionalism that forgets our very racist history. But we need to be honest about colonialism, the Chinese head tax and exclusion act, Japanese internment, ongoing anti-black and anti-indigenous violence and over incarceration. You know, we desperately want to see our past is disconnected from our present like we reach some sort of self-determined island and we don’t like to acknowledge systemic racism. Right, it’s much easier for people to be disgusted with hate crimes. You know, of course, we’re against that. And to compartmentalize acts of violence it's isolated events until they finally come to a head like they are in the US. But it’s much harder for us to admit our own racist tendencies both conscious and unconscious. You know I’ve lost counts of the number of people that have told me that they are colorblind or don’t see race. There’s a lot of defensiveness and it’s just not something I found people are generally open to talking about here even though there is prevalent casual and systematic racism that exists.


So when it comes to this pandemic in COVID-19, how does it compare to anti-Asian racism that was linked to SARS 18 years ago. Is it worse now?


Well, you know, I don’t have to even look back to SARS to be reminded of anti-Asian sentiment. You know, in the past few years as Vancouver’s housing prices have skyrocketed. You know, there’s been a lot of collateral racism. I’d be having coffee with a group and overhear someone saying they don’t want to sell to Asian person. And I’m right there. You know and I had a man shout of a racial slur in my open car window as he drove by and my three young children were behind me and heard it all and that was pre-pandemic. So you know this anti-Asian sentiment, none of it is surprising to me. You know, it was all predictable with some politicians practically inviting it and you know given the protracted period of COVID where the end seems so far away and with the widespread suffering of so many people and this convenience of misdirected blame on not just Asian but any Asian looking person. Yes it is worse.

まあ、反アジア系への感情を思い出すのに、SARS を振り返る必要はありません。数年前、バンクーバーの住宅価格が急騰しましたよね。たくさんの付随する人種差別があります。私は或るグループとコーヒーを飲んでいて、誰かがアジア人には売りたくないと言ってるのが聞こえてきます。私がそこにいるのにです。実際、男が車で擦れ違いざまに私のオープンカーの窓に人種差別的中傷を叫び、私の3人の子供も私の後ろに乗っていて、全部聞きました。それはパンデミック以前のことでした。ですので、この反アジア系感情は、私には全く驚きではありません。何人かの政治家が実際にそれを引き起こそうとしているのも予想できましたし、終息ははるか先のよう思えます。新型コロナウイルスの期間が長引くのを考えると、とても多くの人々の広範囲の苦しむのも、アジア系にだけでなくアジア系に見える人にも誤った責任を押しつけられる都合のよさがありますから。はい、もっとひどくなっています。

There’s overt racism we know and there’s unconscious bias. You do training sessions to help companies overcome unconscious bias. Can you explain in simple terms, what that is?


I’m sure a simple example is how we hear someone with an English accent and think they sound smart. Yet research has shown any other accent we judge more harshly. You know empirical studies also show time and again how women and people of color have to work harder to establish competence in the workplace and prove it over and over again. So you know the increased anti-Asian racism. It should reminds Asian Canadians that we’ve often benefited from a system that’s rooted in anti-blackness and how much the model minority position. It’s only used to bolster the status quo until it’s taken away and you know in Vancouver in particular I hear people claim there can’t be that much anti-black racism here given how many black people they perceive are in Vancouver you know. And I’d like to ask what is the right number for people to recognize racism. You know I’ve also heard so many people expressing surprise that there is anti-Asian racism, given how many Asian people there are. It seems we’re either too few to matter or too many to matter. So what’s the right number before we’re willing to recognize these things?


What are the obligations? Do you think of business leaders and politicians not to enable racism not to be complicit in it?


You know representation matters. Take a look at the makeup of your leadership. The numbers are abysmal in the corporate sector. Less than six percent of board seats are comprised of people of color and less than 1% are held by indigenous peoples. You know, the organizations should commit to anti-racist biased training and it cannot be one-off either. There must be education and deliberate ongoing interventions from both an individual and organizational level. You know they should amplify marginalized voices. They should have whistle, whistleblower protections and non retribution policies demonstrable inclusion practices. Each organization of course has their own issues but there needs to be some on the power dynamics within each institution.


Do you think this pandemic could be a teachable moment about racism or could it make more pervasive?


You know it’s behold on all of us to recognize that we where we’re situated in all of this. We can’t have public ambivalence. You know, my heart’s been just broken many times watching the uptick in overt racism caused by very live issues in this city. And we need to think about what we can do long term to address the systematic racism within our communities and hopefully now with everything that’s happening we can spend less time discussing whether racism is real and exits within our institutions and focus more on what can be done about it. You know the change is the result of concerted, persistent and ongoing efforts of many individuals and I collectively move us towards change. And you know time doesn’t change things. Deliberate actions do and we’re living in history right now. So it’s time for us to step up and listen to those seeking change.


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