ことば宇宙 universum verborum


タルコフスキー 芸術・孤独・人生

2013-03-24 | インタビュー

The pressure Rublev is subject to is not an exception. An artist never works under ideal conditions. If they existed, his work wouldn't exist, for the artist doesn't live in a vacuum. Some sort of pressure must exist: the artist exist because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as a man wouldn't look for harmony but would simply live in it. Art is born out of an ill designed world. This is the issue in "Rublev": the serch for harmonic relationships amone men, between art and life, between time and history. That's my film is all about.

Another important theme is man's experience. In this film my message is that it's impossible to pass on experience to others or learn from others. We must live our own experience, we cannot inherit it. People often say: use your fathers' experience! Too easy: each of us must get its own. But once we've got it, we no longer have time to use it. And the new generations rightly refuse to listen to it: they want to live it, but then they also die. This is the law of life, its real meaning: We cannot impose our experience on other people or force them to feel suggested emotions. Only through personal experience we understand life. Rublev, the monk, lived a complex life: He studied with master Rodonevsky at the Holy Trinity, but he lived at variance with his teaching. He got to see the world through his master's eyes only at the end of his life that he lived his own way.



Andrey, what is art?


Before defining art or any concept--we must answer a far broader question: what's the meaning of man's life on Earth? Maybe we are here to enhance ourselves spiritually. If our life tends to this spiritual enrichment, then art is a means to get there. This, of course, in accrodance with my definition of life. Art should help man in this process. Some say that art helps man to kwow the world. I don't believe in this possibility of knowing, I am almost an agnostic. Knwoledge distracts us from our main purpose in life. The more we know, the less we know; getting deeper our horizon becomes narrower. Art enriches man's own spiritual capabilities and he can then rise above himself to use what we call "free will"


What would you like to tell young people?


Learn to live solitude, to be more alone with yourselves. The problem with young people is their carrying out noisy and aggressive actions not to feel lonely. And this is a sad thing. The individual must leran to be on his own as a child for this doesn't mean to be alone: it means not to be bored with oneself, which is a very dangerous sympton... almost a disease.

Hey, beauty, come here! How beautiful.. Fabulous animal! How nice is the sound of a horse passing by...



Andrei Tarkovsky: A Poet in the Cinema (1983)

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