ことば宇宙 universum verborum


R 01

2024-04-23 | おはなし

Our ladies. My name is Kelly Slimp. I'm a certified and licensed speech language pathologist, making these videos during the coronavirus outbreak so that parents can learn tips, strategies, and techniques from a speech therapist to work with their children at home while we're not able to provide direct services.


So today we are working on, you guessed it, the r sound. And this is in the initial position of words, meaning that it's the first letter in the word. So, in the word rabbitor in the word red, both of those R sounds are in the initial position of the word. That's the r sound that we are going to be working on today.

今日は、ご推察通り、 r の音を扱います。今回は語頭にある、つまり、単語の最初の文字の場合です。ですから、 rabbit red という単語では、どちらの r の音も語頭の位置にあります。それが今日扱う r の音です。

So, if you haven't noticed, I am wearing lipstick. I just put this on so that you could see my lips a little bit better. It would help them stand out against the rest of my face, since a lot of this is going to be you noticing your child's lips and tongue, which we're going to talk about right now.


So, a lot of times, the first thing that I notice, if a child's having difficulty producing the r sound, if it's sounding like wa, or if it's sounding like his tongue is falling down at the end, like oval, something like that, and that means that they have low tongue strength.

で、多くの場合まず気づくのは、お子さんが r の音の発音に苦労している場合、 wa のように聞こえるか、または舌が最後に下がっているように聞こえる場合、楕円とか、そんな場合、それはお子さんの舌の力が弱いということです。

So, one of the things that I'm going to recommend is that we improve your tongue strength. So the tongue is a muscle just like the rest of the muscles in your bodies. [As] your bicep requires, it requires working it out in order to gain strength and coordination. And so, I found some goldfish here, but really, you could do this with cheerios or anything else that your child likes. That's like a little treat for them.


So, what you want to do is take your cheerio or your goldfish and have your child place it at the roof of their mouth or you can put it in there for them. And they're just going to hold it up behind their teeth with their tongue. If I do it, then I'll have to eat it, and then we'll have to sit here while I chew the goldfish. So, I'm not actually going to do it. But what we want to do is time your child to see how long they're able to hold that Cheerio or that goldfish up. And we want them to be able to do it for at least 30 to 45 seconds to begin with before we're able to even work on the r sound, because it does take a lot of time, practice, and like I said, oral motor development, strength and coordination. The r is very difficult.

で、親御さんは、チーリオか金魚を取って、お子さんに口内の上に当てさせるか、親御さんが当ててあげます。私がそれを入れてあげることもできます。そして、お子さんが舌で歯の後ろに保持し続けます。私がすると、食べなきゃですし、そうすると金魚を噛んでる間、待ってなきゃです。なので、実演はしません。が、親御さんは、お子さんがそのチーリオか金魚を保持できる時間を計ります。そして、まず最低30~45秒できるようにして、そうすると、 r を扱えるようにもなります。なぜなら、たくさんの時間と練習、前にも言ったように、口を動かせるようになること、強さ、うまく調節できるようになる必要があります。 r はとても難しいのです。

I'm going to show you a couple of different ways to elicit it. And again, this is for older children, ages seven or older. So, I would say seven, seven and a half, eight. That's whenever we start to see typical developing children with typical developing articulation skills able to master that initial position r sound. So, if your child's six or five, I wouldn't worry about it. The r should develop just like the rest of their sounds. If you are concerned, ask me a question, I'll feel free to listen in or provide a tip for that.

できるようにするための別の方法をいくつか紹介します。もう一度言いますが、これは7歳以上のお子さん向けです。つまり、7歳、7歳半、8歳です。典型的な発音ができる典型的な発達を遂げたお子さんは、語頭の r の音をマスターできるようになります。ので、お子さんが6歳か5歳なら、心配する必要はありません。 r の音は他の音と同じ様に発達します。ご心配であれば、ご質問ください。いくらでもお答えします。

So, here's what we want to do whenever we're eliciting that r sound. And a lot of times it's difficult. So, if you have a mirror, I would get a mirror for your little one. Or you could practice in the bathroom. You could do this three times a day. So maybe every time your child brushes their teeth or every time you give them a snack, we practice our r first. And the first way that you can do this is the lips need to be really open and out. So, the way that I usually do this is say nice big pretty smile. Now say ee. And ee gives our tongue a nice lateral position to start in. And I want you to notice my neck here is flexing because my lips are pulled out. So, whenever I say ee, you can see right here that my neck is flexing. And that tells me that the face that my lips are pulling on the sides of my tongue and that the tongue is flattened. And that's what we need in order to get the tip of the tongue up and back, which is what we were practicing with holding our goldfish or our cheerio up. So, again, we want, a lot of times my kids will do this ee and I say open your mouth. And if they have trouble, first I'll say, ah, ee. You do. You do ah, ee. And the ah helps them open their mouth a little bit more than if they're saying ee like this with their mouth closed. So, we want the mouth open and stretched out like an ee sound. And again, you can see my neck is flexing. Your little one's neck will flex as well. We want the tongue tip lifted up and back. And so, then we'll go, ee, er. And I'm just making a slight adjustment. Now that my tongue is flat, I'm just pulling my tongue tip up and in the back of my mouth, er just like that. So, I say, ah ee er. And again, just picking my tongue tip up. So, for rabbit, you'll see my mouth is wide open and my neck is flexed and my lips are outward. What we don't want is your lips falling forward. So, like this, your child might say, ah oh rabbit. So, I say don't let your lips fall off. Pull them back up. Pull them back up. And so again, watch my lips. We want them to be open and out rabbit the whole time. It's a lot of motor coordination going on here, which is why it's important that the tongue is strong in order to hold the tongue tip up and back in the position that it needs to be. So again, so we go ee er, lifting the tongue up. ee er rabbit. I can say the whole thing with my mouth open. So, this is just a little tip. If you're going to work on this at home, if the child's able to see their lips falling forward in the mirror, that would help them. And so, if you're modeling it for them, they'll be able to see a visual of you doing it, them doing it, their lips falling forward, and yours not. And then they'll be able to make an adjustment from there.

では、 r を出すときにすることを説明します。多くの場合、難しいです。ので、鏡があれば、お子さんにもってきてあげてください。それか、お風呂でも練習できます。1日3回行うと良いでしょう。例えば、お子さんが歯を磨くたび、おやつを食べるたび、まず r の練習をします。まず、唇を大きく外に開きます。私がよく『素敵な満面の笑顔を』と言います。そして ee と言います。 ee と言うと舌が両脇に広がったいい開始位置をとれます。首のここが収縮しているのに注目してください。唇が外側に引っ張られているからです。 ee と言うと、首のここが収縮しています。これで、唇が舌の両側まで引っ張られ、舌が平らになっていることがわかります。で、これができてから、舌先を上げて後ろに引きます。これは私たちが金魚やチーリオを持ち上げているときに練習していたことです。もう一度言いますが、お子さんに何回もこの ee をしてもらって、口を開けてっていてください。お子さんがうまくできなければ、最初に ah ee と言います。やってください。 ah ee と言います。 ah というと、 ee と言うとこう口が閉じるので、もっと口が開きます。なので、口を開いて、 ee と外側に伸ばします。もう一度、私の首が収縮しているのを見てください。お子さんの首も同じように収縮します。舌先を上げて後ろに引きます。それから、 ee er と言います。私はわずかに調整しています。舌が平らになっているので、ちょっと舌先を上げて、引き込んで er 、こんな感じです。なので ah ee er と言います。再度、舌先をちょっと上げて。 rabbit の場合、口は大きく開いて、首は収縮して、唇が外側に向かっています。唇を突き出さないでください。で、お子さんはこんな風に ah oh rabbit と言ったりします。で、私は『唇をすぼめないで、後ろに引いて』と言います。もう一度私の唇を見てください。常に口を開いて唇を外に出して rabbit です。ここでは多くの運動協調が必要で、それが舌が強くなければならない理由です。舌先を上に持ち上げ、後ろに保持する位置に戻すためです。再度、だから私たちは ee er 、舌を上げて。 ee er rabbit 。口を開いたままで全部言えます。だから、これはちょっとしたヒントです。家でこれを練習するなら、お子さんが鏡で自分の唇が突き出ているのを見れば、それが役立ちます。で、お子さんにやって見せるなら、お子さんはお母さんがしているのと自分がしているのを見て、自分の唇が突き出ていてお母さんは出ていないのを見れます。そこで修正ができます。

One more tip for working on r sounds is we want to pair it, the initial r sound, with a vowel and then a sound that is made like a consonant that's made in the back of the throat as well. To begin with, to make it easier, so, for example, the word rag, g is also made in the back of the mouth. So your tongue doesn't have to go up, open up for a, and then come to the top if I say rat, and my tongue is doing three different things there. So, in order to make it easy to have minimal tongue movement throughout, we want to pair it with g's and k's for words in the final position. So, initial r and then the word ending in g and k. So, here's a couple of examples: rag, rack, rock, wreck, rook. All of those are ending in g or k. And I usually just can google “mommy speech therapy, g and k”, and then you can pick out a couple, or "mommy speech therapy, r" and then just pick out words that, again, end in those g's and k's to make it a little bit easier when you're working on r with your child.

r 練習のもう1つのヒントは、語頭の r を母音とそれから同じように喉の奥で作られる子音のような音と一緒に発音することです。まず簡単なのは、例えば、 rag で、 g は口の奥で作られます。そうすると、 rat と言うときのように、舌を上げて、 a のために口を開いて、さらに舌を持ち上げる必要がありません。舌は3つの別の動きをします。なので、舌の動きを最小限にするために、最後が g k の単語と組み合わせます。 r が語頭で g k が語尾の単語です。例を挙げると、 rag rack rock wreck rook です。これらはすべて g k で終わっています。通常、"mommy speech therapy, g and k"でググると、いくつかの単語が見つかりますし、"mommy speech therapy, r"とググれば、再びそれらの g k で終わる単語を選ぶことができ、お子さんと r を練習する際に少し楽になります。

And remember, this isn't a super fun thing to do. So, either you have to be super fun, or a lot of times, offer your kiddo a treat. If they try three times, I would say that was okay. Good try. Good try. We'll get it next time. We don't want to say good job if they're not doing it correctly. Because then they think that they're doing it correctly, and then they don't understand why we're making corrections. So again, we want to use positive enforcement, but not saying like that they're doing it correctly if they're actually still making an incorrect sound. And the r does take time, so don't give up. Work on that tongue strength maybe three times a day for ten-minute increments, maybe five, depending on how old your child is. And then really reward them. Like give them a lollipop or give them something an extra 5 minutes on TV or whatever it is that works for your family. So those are just some tips and tricks for working on initial r and words. Thanks for watching.

で、覚えておいてほしいのは、これはチョー楽しいことではありません。ので、あなたがチョー楽しい存在になるか、多くの場合、お子さんにご褒美をあげなければなりません。3回やったら言ってあげましょう、いいよ、頑張ったね、頑張ったね。次うまくいくよ。できなかったときは、よくできたとは言いません。そうしないと、できていると思い込んでしまい、なぜやり直しさせられているか理解できなくなるからです。ですので、再度言いますが、できとときは褒めますが、間違った音を出しているなら、できてるとは言いません。 r は習得に時間がかかるので、あきらめないでないでください。舌の筋トレを1日3回、10分ずつ、または5分間、10分間、年齢に応じて取り組んでください。そして、本当に褒めてあげてましょう。キャンディをあげたり、テレビの時間を5分間増やしたり、ご家庭にとってうまくいくものをあげてください。今日は語頭の r と単語を練習するためのちょっとしたヒントとコツでした。ご視聴ありがとうございました。

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