ことば宇宙 universum verborum


ジャスティン・トルドー 4月18日の挨拶

2020-04-25 | スピーチ

We’re all here today, but it is the weekend and usually a Saturday morning in April means getting outside to enjoy the sunshine, having a friend over for coffee or just taking the kids to the park. But these aren’t normal times. We’re living through an unprecedented public health emergency and we need to keep responding accordingly.


So even as the weather gets nicer and even in the weeks to come, as we start seeing hopeful news, we can’t let up because if we do, we could lose the progress that we’ve made. Later today, you may see some new ads with people you know, like Hayley Wickenheiser, Chris Hadfield and Dr. Tam. And they’ll remind you to stay home and save lives. That’s how we keep each other safe.


So stay at home. Limit your trips to the grocery store to less than once a week. If you do go out, keep two meters distance from each other. And as you do your part, know that we’re here to support you.


Justin Trudeau


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