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秘境冒険小説「二人の女王」・・ Wikipedia 機械翻訳(2)

2014年02月20日 | 好きな歌

 二人の女王 Allan Quatermain




Chronological sequence of Haggard's Quatermain stories

Dates of events in Allan Quatermain's life are shown on the left; dates of publication in book form are shown on the right.

Allan Quatermain (centre) follows his men carrying a large quantity of ivory, in Maiwa's Revenge: or, The War of the Little Hand (1888) - drawing by Thure de Thulstrup

1817: Birth of Allan Quatermain

  • 1835–1838: Marie (1912)
  • 1842–1843: "Allan's Wife", title story in the collection Allan's Wife (1887)
  • 1854–1856: Child of Storm (1913)
  • 1858: "A Tale of Three Lions", included in the collection Allan's Wife (1887)
  • 1859: Maiwa's Revenge: or, The War of the Little Hand (1888)
  • 1868: "Hunter Quatermain's Story", included in the collection Allan's Wife (1887)
  • 1869: "Long Odds", included in the collection Allan's Wife (1887)
  • 1870: Allan and the Holy Flower (1915)
  • 1871: Heu-heu: or, The Monster (1924)
  • 1872: She and Allan (1920)
  • 1873: The Treasure of the Lake (1926)
  • 1874: The Ivory Child (1916)
  • 1879: Finished (1917)
  • 1879: "Magepa the Buck", included in the collection Smith and the Pharaohs (1920)
  • 1880: King Solomon's Mines (1885)
  • 1882: The Ancient Allan (1920)
  • 1883: Allan and the Ice-gods (1927)
  • 1884–1885: Allan Quatermain (1887)

c. 18 June 1885: Death of Allan Quatermain

Use of Quatermain in other works

The Allan Quatermain character has been expanded greatly by modern writers; this use is possibly due to Haggard's works passing into the public domain, much like Sherlock Holmes.


Quatermain in the works of Farmer, Power and Castelli

Quatermain was placed by the science fiction writer Philip José Farmer as a member of the Wold Newton family. In the anthology Myths for the Modern Age: Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, contributor Brad Mengel noted speculation that Quatermain had had a daughter who married a relation of Sherlock Holmes, and that Indiana Jones's father was the product of this relationship.


QuatermainWold Newtonから家族の一員としてのSF作家フィリップ·ホセ·ファーマーによって置かれた。現代の時代のアンソロジーの神話フィリップホセファーマーWold Newtonから宇宙寄稿ブラッドメンゲルQuatermainシャーロック·ホームズの関係を結婚しを持っていたという憶測を指摘し、そのインディアナ·ジョーンズの父親は、この関係の産物だった

In his unpublished story, "The Judex Codex", the writer Dennis E. Power says that Quatermain had a daughter by Ayesha; this reconciles Quatermain's family tree with the Allan Quatermain comic book series created by Alfredo Castelli.

(Castelli later moved the characters into the Martin Mystère series; Power's theories allowed Mystère and Allan Quatermain II to be identical first cousins without compromising any of the extant continuities).



In the Haggard canon, Harry Quatermain is an only child.
After the younger Quatermain's death, his father laments that he is an old man "without a chick or child to comfort me."
But, the expansion of Allan Quatermain's lineage by Castelli, Mengel, and Power, and of his longevity by Alan Moore, as noted below, were studiously researched.


Rick Lai noted in his essay, "The Mystery of Harry Quatermain and Other Conundrums", several discrepancies throughout the Haggard series regarding Quatermain's wives. Lai suggested that Allan's son Harry was born far too early to be the young man who died before the opening of Allan Quatermain. Using Haggard's time line, he suggests that Harry, son of Allan and Stella Quatermain, fathered a son, also named Harry, whom Allan Quatermain raised as his own.


Though Philip José Farmer did add Quatermain to his Wold Newton family, he did not write any theories regarding Allan's offspring. Farmer authorized Mengel's essay, and he has encouraged the above-mentioned authors who have borrowed and played with his work.

フィリップ·ホセ·ファーマーは彼Wold Newtonから家族にQuatermainを追加でしたが彼はアラン子孫に関するすべての理論を書いていないファーマーメンゲルのエッセイを承認し、彼は借りたし、彼の仕事を果たしている、上記の著者を奨励してきた

Quatermain in the works of Moore and Miller

The character was used by writer Alan Moore and artist Kevin O'Neill in their series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, adapted to film in 2003, based on the premise that he faked his death to enjoy a quiet retirement.


In 2005, the first true full literary continuation of Allan Quatermain (as opposed to both graphic novels and various insertions into alternate universes) was published by Wildside Press and is titled The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life; Or, The Adventure of the Rose of Fire by Thos. Kent Miller. In 2011, this novel was significantly expanded with the revised title Allan Quatermain at the Crucible of Life. Both novels add chapters to the lives of both Quatermain and Sherlock Holmes. They are constructed as a Quatermain memoir and African adventure, in the manner that Haggard told all the Quatermain tales. Miller is also the author of Sherlock Holmes on the Roof of the World; Or, The Adventure of the Wayfaring God, a pastiche of H. Rider Haggard's She.

2005年には二人の女王などの代替宇宙グラフィック小説様々な挿入の両方ではなく)の最初の真のフル文学継続はワイルドサイドPressから出版され、生命のるつぼ探偵題している、あるいは、ローズ冒険thosの火のケントミラー 2011年にこの小説はかなり生命のるつぼ改訂タイトル二人の女王拡大された。どちらの小説Quatermainシャーロック·ホームズの両方生活にチャプターを追加します。彼らはハガードすべてQuatermain物語語っている方法でQuatermain回顧録アフリカの冒険のように構成されています。また旅行中の神の冒険H.パスティーシュミラーはまた、世界屋根の上のシャーロック·ホームズの著者であるライダーハガード彼女

Film and television incarnations

The character of Allan Quatermain has been portrayed in film and television by Richard Chamberlain, John Colicos, Sean Connery, Cedric Hardwicke, and Patrick Swayze.

Stewart Granger also played Quatermain in the 1950 Hollywood film adaptation of King Solomon's Mines, which was directed by Compton Bennett.

None of the above works portray Haggard's Quatermain accurately in age, appearance, or character. Some even give his name erroneously as "Quartermain."

Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold is a film released in 1987 which is freely adapted from the plot of Haggard's 1887 novel.
He was also featured in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, released in 2003, where he served as the team leader and a mentor and father-figure to American Secret Service agent Tom Sawyer, and the 2008 direct-to-DVD Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls. In 2010, it was announced that Sam Worthington would portray the character in an upcoming sci-fi adaptation of King Solomon's Mines.




"二人の女王ロストシティは、自由ハガード1887小説のプロットから構成されている1987年にリリースされフィルムです。彼はまた、彼がチームリーダーとアメリカのシークレットサービスエージェントトム·ソーヤーの指導者父親姿を務め、2003年にリリースされ臨時紳士リーグで紹介され、2008年への直接DVD二人の女王、テンプル頭蓋骨 2010年に、それはサム·ワーシントンは、ソロモン王の鉱山の今後のSF適応内の文字を描くことが発表された


The real-life adventures of Frederick Courtney Selous, the famous British big game hunter and explorer of Colonial Africa, inspired Haggard to create the Allan Quatermain character.

Haggard was also heavily influenced by other larger-than-life adventurers he later met in Africa, most notably the American Scout Frederick Russell Burnham, by South Africa's vast mineral wealth, and by the ruin of ancient lost civilizations being uncovered in Africa, such as Great Zimbabwe.

The similarities between Haggard's close friend Burnham and his Quatermain character are striking: both small and wiry Victorian adventurers in colonial Africa, both sought and discovered ancient treasures and civilizations, both battled large wild animals and native peoples, both were renowned for their ability to track, even at night, and both men had similar nicknames: Quatermain, "Watcher-by-Night"; Burnham, "He-who-sees-in-the-dark".



ハガード親友バーナムと彼Quatermain文字の間に類似点が印象的である:植民地アフリカの小さな針金両方ビクトリア朝の冒険両方求め、発見した古代の宝物と文明両方が大型の野生動物や先住民と戦い両方を追跡する能力のために有名だった夜間でも、両方の男性は同じようなニックネームを持っていたQuatermain"ウォッチャー·バイ·ナイト";バーナム"彼は誰が見ている - ·イン·ザ·ダーク"

The beliefs and views of the fictional Quatermain are those of Haggard himself, and beliefs that were common among the 19th-century European colonists.

These include conventional Victorian ideas concerning the superiority of the white race; an admiration for "warrior races," such as the Zulu; a disdain for natives corrupted by white influences; and a general contempt for Afrikaners (Boers).

But in other ways Haggard's views were advanced for his times.

The first chapter of King Solomon's Mines contains an express denunciation of the use of the pejorative term "nigger."
Quatermain frequently encounters natives who are more brave and wise than Europeans, and even women (black and white) who are smarter and emotionally stronger than men (though not necessarily as good; cf. the title character of "She").

Through the Quatermain novels and his other works, Haggard also expresses his own mysticism and interest in non-Christian concepts, particularly karma and reincarnation, though he expresses these concepts in such a way as to be compatible with the Christian faith.


などズールーとして "戦士レース"憧れ;;影響によって破損原住民のための軽蔑、そしてAfrikanersボーア人のための一般的な軽蔑これらは、従来のビクトリア朝の白色人種の優越性に関する考え方を含む。


ソロモン王の鉱山の最初の章では、軽蔑的な用語の使用の明示的非難が含まれ、 "黒人
" Quatermain頻繁にヨーロッパ人よりも勇敢で賢明であり、さらにはスマートであり、男性よりも感情的に強い女性と白)原住民に遭遇必ずしも良好ではないけど



H. Rider Haggard's Quatermain, adventure hero of King Solomon's Mines and sequel Allan Quatermain, was a template for the American film character Indiana Jones, featured in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


The route to King Solomon's Mines described by Haggard in the novel of the same name was also referenced in the movie The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines; specifically, the reference to Sheba's Breasts and Three Witches Mountain, which are geographical features mentioned by Quatermain in the novel.

In the Graham Greene novel The Heart of the Matter (1948), the main character Scobie remembers Allan Quatermain as his childhood hero.



Books written by H. Rider Haggard


  1. King Solomon's Mines (1885)
  2. Allan Quatermain (1887)
  3. Allan's Wife & Other Tales(1887)
    1. "Allan's Wife"
    2. "Hunter Quatermain's Story"
    3. "A Tale of Three Lions"
    4. "Long Odds"
  4. Maiwa's Revenge: or, The War of the Little Hand (1888)
  5. Marie (1912)
  6. Child of Storm (1913)
  7. The Holy Flower (1915) (first serialised in the Windsor Magazine December 1913-November 1914)
  8. The Ivory Child (1916)
  9. Finished (1917)
  10. The Ancient Allan (1920)
  11. She and Allan (1920)
  12. Heu-heu: or, The Monster (1924)
  13. The Treasure of the Lake (1926)
  14. Allan and the Ice-gods (1927)
  15. Hunter Quatermain's Story: The Uncollected Adventures of Allan Quatermain(collection, 2003)
    1. "Hunter Quatermain's Story" (first published in In a Good Cause, 1885)
    2. "Long Odds" (first published in Macmillan's Magazine February 1886)
    3. "A Tale of Three Lions" (first serialized in Atalanta, October–December 1887)
    4. "Magepa the Buck" (first published in Pears' Annual, 1912)

Books written by Alan Moore

  1. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume I ("Allan and the Sundered Veil")
  2. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II ("The New Traveller's Almanac")
  3. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
  4. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century

Books written by Thos. Kent Miller

  1. "The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life; Or, The Adventure of the Rose of Fire" 2005
  2. "Allan Quatermain at the Crucible of Life" 2011

In popular culture

  • The character Gus Brannhard adopts a Fuzzy and names him Allan Quatermain in H. Beam Piper's novel Fuzzies and Other People ISBN 0-441-26176-0
  • The short story "Her and Allan" by Simon Bucher-Jones in the anthology, Wildthyme in Purple, recounts Quatermain's meeting with the time traveller, Iris Wildthyme - or, as she is known in the story, Her.
  • The upcoming video game "Deadfall Adventures" will explore the adventures of James Lee Quartermain, the great-grandson of Allan, in the 1930s.

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