
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

宝島(ウィキペディア) 英語・日本語対訳(機械翻訳5)

2014年10月13日 | 好きな歌

Time frame

Stevenson deliberately leaves the exact date of the novel obscure, Hawkins writing that he takes up his pen "in the year of grace 17—." Stevenson's map of Treasure Island includes the annotations Treasure Island Aug 1 1750 J.F. and Given by above J.F. to Mr W. Bones Maste of ye Walrus Savannah this twenty July 1754 W B. The first of these two dates is likely the date at which Flint left his treasure at the island; the second, just prior to Flint's death. Flint is reliably reported to have died at least three years before the events of the novel (the length of time that Ben Gunn was marooned). Other dates mentioned include 1745, the date Dr. Livesey served as a soldier at Fontenoy and also a date appearing in Billy Bones's log.


スティーブンソンは、意図的にホーキンス、彼は彼のペンを取ることを書面小説の正確な日付曖昧なままに"恵み17 - の年に"トレジャーアイランドスティーブンソンマップは、注釈宝島8月1750年1月JFを含み上記の式で与えJ。F.あなたがたセイウチサバンナミスター·W·ボーンズMasteこの201754年7月、W、Bは、これらの2つの日付の最初の可能性が高いフリントで彼の宝物を残した日付です直前フリントの死第二フリントを確実に、少なくとも三年小説ベン·ガン置き去りにされた時間の長さイベントの前に死亡したと報告されている記載されているその他の日付は1745年日付博士を含むリバシーフォントノア兵士を務め、また、ビリー·ボーンズのログに表示される日付。

Historical allusions  歴史的隠喩


Real pirates and piracies  リアル海賊やpiracies


  • The name "Israel Hands" was taken from that of a real pirate in Blackbeard's crew, whom Blackbeard maimed (by shooting him in the knee) simply to assure that his crew remained in terror of him. Allegedly Hands was taken ashore to be treated for his injury and was not at Blackbeard's last fight (the incident is depicted in Tim Powers' novel On Stranger Tides); this alone saved him from the gallows; supposedly he later became a beggar in England.


  • Silver refers to "three hundred and fifty thousand" pieces of eight at the "fishing up of the wrecked plate ships". This remark conflates two related events; first, the salvage of the treasure of the hurricane-wrecked 1715 Treasure Fleet off the coast of Florida, and second the seizure the following year of 350,000 salvaged pieces of eight (out of several million) by privateer Henry Jennings. This event is mentioned in the introduction to Johnson's General History of the Pyrates.

シルバーは "難破プレート船の釣りアップ"で835万指します。この発言は二つの関連イベントを融合しますまずフロリダ沖のハリケーン難破1715トレジャー艦隊財宝およびプライベーヘンリージェニングスによる数百万うち835万引き揚げ作品の第二の発作翌年サルベージこのイベントは、Pyratesジョンソンの一般的な歴史の紹介に記載されている

  • Silver refers to a ship's surgeon from Roberts' crew who amputated his leg and was later hanged at Cape Coast Castle, a British fortification on the Gold Coast of Africa. The records of the trial of Roberts' men list Peter Scudamore as the chief surgeon of Roberts' ship Royal Fortune. Scudamore was found guilty of willingly serving with Roberts' pirates and various related criminal acts, as well as attempting to lead a rebellion to escape once he had been apprehended. He was, as Silver relates, hanged, in 1722.

銀は彼の足切断し、後でケープコーストアフリカゴールドコーストで、英国の要塞絞首刑にされたロバーツの乗組員から船の外科医を指します。ロイヤルフォーチュンロバーツチーフ外科医としての男性のリストピーターScudamore'ロバーツ裁判の記録 Scudamoreは喜んでロバーツの海賊やさまざまな関連犯罪行為なるだけでなく、彼は逮捕されていた後、脱出する反乱をリードしようとする有罪判決を受け彼は1722年シルバーが関係としてだった絞首刑

  • Stevenson refers to the Viceroy of the Indies, a ship sailing from Goa, India (then a Portuguese colony), which was taken by Edward England off Malabar while John Silver was serving aboard England's ship the Cassandra. No such exploit of England's is known, nor any ship by the name of the Viceroy of the Indies. However, in April 1721 the captain of the Cassandra, John Taylor (originally England's second in command who had marooned him for being insufficiently ruthless), together with his pirate partner, Olivier Levasseur, captured the vessel Nostra Senhora do Cabo near Réunion island in the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese galleon was returning from Goa to Lisbon with the Conde da Ericeira, the recently retired Viceroy of Portuguese India, aboard. The viceroy had much of his treasure with him, making this capture one of the richest pirate hauls ever. This is likely the event that Stevenson referred to, though his (or Silver's) memory of the event seems to be slightly confused. The Cassandra is last heard of in 1723 at Portobelo, Panama, a place that also briefly figures in Treasure Island as "Portobello".


  • The preceding two references are inconsistent, as the Cassandra (and presumably Silver) was in the Indian Ocean during the time that Scudamore was surgeon on board the Royal Fortune, in the Gulf of Guinea.



Other allusions  その他の隠喩

Robert Louis Stevenson


  • 1702: The Admiral Benbow Inn where Jim and his mother live is named after the real life Admiral John Benbow (1653–1702).


1733: Captain Flint died in the town of Savannah, Georgia, founded in 1733.



  • 1747: Squire Trelawney and Long John Silver both mention "Admiral Hawke", i.e. Edward Hawke, 1st Baron Hawke (1705–81), promoted to Rear Admiral in 1747.



  • Treasure Island was in part inspired by R. M. Ballantyne's The Coral Island,[3] which Stevenson admired for its "better qualities."[4] Stevenson alludes to Ballantyne in the epigraph at the beginning of Treasure Island, “To the Hesitating Purchaser", "...If studious youth no longer crave, His ancient appetites forgot, Kingston, or Ballantyne the brave, Or Cooper of the wood and wave..."           

トレジャーアイランドスティーブンソンは、そのために賞賛した、RMバランタインのザ·コーラルアイランドに触発一部にあった「より良い品質。"スティーブンソンは「躊躇購入者に「トレジャーアイランドの先頭に碑文にバランタインを暗示、 勤勉若者はもはや懇願ない場合は...、彼の古代の食欲は...キングストン、またはバランタイン勇敢な、あるいは、木と波のクーパー、忘れてしまった」



