
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

対訳「仕置き波止場・・・海賊の末路」 ウイキペデイア 機械翻訳(2)

2014年11月27日 | 好きな歌


Rocque's map of 1746 showing location of Execution Dock Stairs at Wapping, London
John Rocque's 24-sheet map

 Some sources state there is a large E on the Thames side of the building at Swan Warf (80 Wapping High Street?) that indicates where Execution Dock once stood.[4][5] Another source states it was approximately where the small Underground station now stands, about two-thirds of the way along Wapping High Street going east.[6][7]
 若干の関係者は、大きなEが白鳥座でWarfを造ることのテムズ川側にあると述べます(80 Wapping大通り?)、かつてstood.[4][5] Anotherが供給するExecution Dockがそれがほぼ、Wapping High Street現行east.[6][7]に沿った方法の3分の2について、小さな地下駅が現在立っているところであったとどこで述べるかについて示します

 地図の右下のWAPPINGの下にExecution Dock Stairs(処刑ドックの階段)があります。

Execution Dock

実行ドックの用地 - site of execution dock


 Paying the price for murder and piracy on the high seas.

 Under the English legal system the Admiralty Court dealt with all crimes committed on the high seas. For at least 500 years Execution Dock was where its capital sentences were carried out. So that it was within the court's jurisdiction, the gallows were located at below the high-water mark on the River Thames in London.

 It also served as a visible reminder to passing ship's crews, for the bodies were left for three days, visible or immersed as the tide rose and fell. Some were then transferred and placed in an iron cage and hung in chains at Bugsby's Hole at Blackwall.

 One of the most famous pirates, Captain Kidd, was hung at Execution Dock, while other pirates included some of Blackbeard's crew.

 In later centuries, the bodies where not left, but would be taken down and taken away for dissection by surgeons.

 The last execution took place in 1830. George John Davis and William Watts became the last men to executed for piracy in Britain.

 The exact location of the gallows is disputed, but some sources state that it was opposite the former warehouse shown in the picture above. 





The site of Execution Dock in Wapping
The site of Execution Dock in Wapping where Captain Kidd was executed in 1701

 ロンドン - Wikipedia

テムズ川 - Wikipedia


ドックランズ - Wikipedia

 ドックランズ(London Docklands)は、イギリスロンドン東部、テムズ川沿岸にあるウォーターフロント再開発地域の名称。サザーク区タワーハムレッツ区ニューアム区にまたがる。現在は、主に商業住居が混在した地域として再開発されている。



ワッピング | ロンドンナビ


ロンドン東部のテムズ川沿いには、いまでも古い倉庫やドックが残されています。このエリアは、産業革命以後に使われた貿易用の倉庫が立ち並んでいますが、これが1980年代以降にレストランやバー、高級住宅にリノベーションされました。 2つの金融街、シティーとカナリー・ワーフの間にあることから、多くの銀行マンが住んでいます。また、最寄り駅のワッピング駅と川の対岸・ローザハイト駅を結ぶトンネルはテムズ川をくぐる歩行者用に19世紀に造られたものです。



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』



Wapping High Street ワッピング 大通り

 If your idea of a typical high street includes busy shops, prowling traffic wardens and pedestrians edging along crowded pavements, then don't come to Wapping High Street.

This is, however, one of Britain's most remarkable highways. Back in the 17th century, Wapping was a small riverside hamlet where Charles I came stag hunting. Two taverns clung to the edge of the Thames and both remain there. The Prospect of Whitby was once called the Devil's Tavern, and the Town of Ramsgate was formerly the Red Cow, in honour of a popular barmaid's flame-coloured hair.
しかし、これは英国の最も注目に値するハイウェイの1本です。17世紀に、ワッピングは、チャールズ1世が狩りをして新株の募集に応じに来た小さな川沿いの村落でした。2つの居酒屋はテムズ川の端にしがみつきました、そして両方ともそこに残ります。ウイットビーのProspectはかつてDevilのTavernと呼ばれていました、そして、人気のホステスの炎色の髪を記念して、ラムズゲート・タウンは以前Red Cowでした。

It was the opening of the London Docks in 1805 that transformed the village of Wapping. Bordering the river, the high street was taken over by warehouses and wharfs. Many of the new dockers were Irish, and St Patrick's Roman Catholic church still stands near by.

Here, too, came hordes of off-duty sailors eager to let rip. Wapping High Street once had no fewer than 140 ale houses, as well as numerous houses of ill-repute, offering a good time for sixpence. The area thrived.

Then came the Second World War. Realising the strategic importance of the area to the war effort, German bombs rained fire on Wapping. But it survived - which was just one reason why Queen Elizabeth (now the Queen Mother) saw fit to pay tribute to the spirit of the East End.

What the Nazis failed to do, however - shut down London Docks - was accomplished in 1969. The closure dealt a death blow to a once vibrant area. The sailors had to go elsewhere for their entertainment.
しかし ― ロンドンドックの下で閉じられる ― ナチスがすることができなかったことは、1969年に達成されました。閉鎖は、一回力強い地域に致命的打撃を与えました。水夫は、彼らのエンターテイメントのためにどこかほかに行かなければなりませんでした。

In the Seventies, Wapping High Street was a ghost road. Today, after the redevelopment of Docklands, fitful attempts are being made to bring it back to the land of the living.
70年代には、ワッピング大通りは、幽霊道でした。今日、ドックランズ の再開発の後、断続的な試みは、それを現世に戻させられています。

A stroll down Wapping High Street now offers a variety of odd contrasts. Some of the warehouses have been turned into smart apartments (locals also boast that Wapping now has more artists than Chelsea). The Thames River Police still have their headquarters here and the underground station remains. On either side of the high street, however, derelict land awaits redevelopment, while several council blocks tell of a Wapping that is immune, or indifferent, to "gentrification".

Wapping High Street lacks its former vigour and bustle, but at least it does not have a Safeway or WH Smith.

Andrew John Davies
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