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映画「聖書の埋められた秘密」ウィキペディア 機械翻訳

2016年06月12日 | 語学

The Bible's Buried Secrets

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The Bible's Buried Secrets


The Bible's Buried Secrets
Created by Providence Pictures
Narrated by Liev Schreiber
Country of origin  United States
Running time 112 minutes
Original network PBS
Original release November 18, 2008
External links
The BBC has also produced a short series of same name covering similar themes presented by Francesca Stavrakopoulou.

"The Bible's Buried Secrets" is the title of a NOVA program that stirred controversy even before its first airing on PBS, on November 18, 2008.According to the program's official website: "The film presents the latest archeological scholarship from the Holy Land to explore the beginnings of modern religion and the origins of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament. This archeological detective story tackles some of the biggest questions in biblical studies: Where did the ancient Israelites come from? Who wrote the Bible, when, and why? How did the worship of one God—the foundation of modern Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—emerge?"







The producers surveyed the evidence and take positions that are mainstream among archaeologists and historians, although they continue to raise objections among both Christians who believe in the bible as either literal or historical truth and minimalists who assert that the Bible has no historical validation.


The program airs archaeologists' assertions that:


On the Origins of Israel



On the development of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh


  • The Bible's first books have been traced back to multiple authors writing over a span of centuries. (See Documentary hypothesis.)
  • The early books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Samuel and Kings, reached almost their present form during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century BCE.


On the development of monotheism in Israel


  • The Israelite religion was not exclusively monotheistic from the beginning as suggested in the Hebrew Bible, rather, the archaeological evidence indicates that, before the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE, the early Israelites were polytheistic and worshipped the local god Yahweh alongside his "wife," a fertility goddess named Asherah.
  • The emergence of monotheism and the belief in the universality of Yahweh was a response to the tragic experience of the Babylonian exile of the Israelites in the 6th century BCE. According to Dever, "It's out of this that comes the reflection that polytheism was our [the Israelites'] downfall."





  • アダムとイブノアの洪水エイブラハムの物語を実証する考古学的な証拠が、ありません。
  • エジプトからイスラエル人の大規模な脱出を支持する証拠がありません、しかし、何人かは小さなグループがエジプトから逃げたと現在思っています;しかし、彼らはイスラエル人でありませんでした、しかし、むしろ、カナン人はあくせく働きます。カナンへの彼らの旅行に関して、彼らはミデアンを通過します、そこで、彼らはShasuの神(Yhw)の物語の影響を受けます。
  • カナン(ヘブライ語の聖書の約束の地と呼ばれる)のランドは、ヨシュア記で定める征服によって引き継がれませんでした – むしろ、イスラエル人は実際に、高地に移住して、自分自身で新しいアイデンティティをつくったカナン人であったかもしれません。聖書にはヨシュアが征服したとある31のサイトのうち、少数しか戦争のいかなる合図も示しませんでした。「ヨシュアは、ジェリコのバトルと本当に戦いませんでした」と、ウィリアムG.デバーは言いました。
  • 王のブックで与えられるイスラエル人界の若干のイベントは、歴史として多少正確です。
  • 聖書の最初の本は、世紀にわたって書いている複数の著者までさかのぼりました。(文書の仮説を見てください。)
  • 聖書(創世記、出エジプト記、レビ記、数、申命記、ヨシュア、サミュエルと王)の初期の本は、6世紀BCEのバビロニアの亡命の間、ほとんど彼らの現在のフォームに達しました。

Reviews and reception


The Biblical Archaeology Review wrote: "The producers have done a magnificent job summarizing over a century of biblical archaeology and biblical scholarship in two hours. The film strikes a balance between the old-fashioned biblical archaeology approach, which tried to prove the Bible’s historicity, and the extreme skepticism of some minimalists, for whom the Bible contains little factual history."


According to Rabbi Wesley Gardenswartz: "Conservative Judaism is fully accepting of the type of scholarship featured in this documentary."


Reverend Kenneth Himes says: "For some, the ideas presented may seem novel or surprising, but this is material that is being discussed in the theology courses found at many Catholic universities."


The conservative American Family Association has issued an online petition urging Congress to cut off federal funding for PBS.[6] "PBS is knowingly choosing to insult and attack Christianity by airing a program that declares the Bible ‘isn't true and a bunch of stories that never happened,’" signers of the petition are encouraged to declare to members of Congress.


Apologetics Press, a publishing organization affiliated with the Churches of Christ, has written a response to this program that is summarised with the concluding paragraph: "... if Christians are to change their minds about the historicity of the events recorded in the Hebrew Bible, a better case, supported by adequate evidence, would have to be made than the one presented in The Bible’s Buried Secrets."







