
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

史的イエスの言葉の信憑性を探る本・・・五つの福音書 ウィキペディア 機械翻訳 (3)

2014年09月25日 | 好きな歌

The scholars translation

The Seminar began by translating the gospels into modern American English, producing what they call the "Scholars Version," first published in The Complete Gospels.[21] This translation uses current colloquialisms and contemporary phrasing in an effort to provide a contemporary sense of the gospel authors' styles, if not their literal words. The goal was to let the reader hear the message as a first-century listener might have. The translators avoided other translations' archaic, literal translation of the text, or a superficial update of it. For example, they translate "woe to you" as "damn you".[22] The authors of The Complete Gospels argue that some other gospel translations have attempted to unify the language of the gospels, while they themselves have tried to preserve each author's distinct voice.[23]


セミナーは、福音書を現代アメリカ英語で、いわゆる学者バージョン」を最初の完全な福音翻訳することから始めました[21]この翻訳は、現代感覚を提供するため、現在の口語表現で現代的なフレージングを使用していますゴスペル著者のスタイルはそうでない場合、それらのリテラル言葉目標は、1世紀のリスナーが持っているかもしれないとして、読者がメッセージを聞いてみようとすることでした翻訳者は、他の翻訳のテキストの古風な文字通りの翻訳、またはその表面的なアップデートを避けた。たとえば、彼らは "あなたに災い」が「あなた畜生」と翻訳します。[22]完全な福音書著者は、彼ら自身が各作成者を維持しようとしているが、いくつかの他の福音の翻訳は福音書言語を統一しようと試みてきたと主張しているはっきりとした言葉で[23]


The first findings of the Jesus Seminar were published in 1993 as The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus.[4]

The Fellows used a voting system to evaluate the authenticity of about 500 statements and events. For certain high-profile passages the votes were embodied in beads, the color of which represented the degree of confidence that a saying or act was or was not authentic:

  • 1.Red beads – indicated the voter believed Jesus did say the passage quoted, or something very much like the passage. (3 Points)
  • 2.Pink beads – indicated the voter believed Jesus probably said something like the passage. (2 Points)
  • 3.Grey beads – indicated the voter believed Jesus did not say the passage, but it contains Jesus' ideas. (1 Point)
  • 4.Black beads – indicated the voter believed Jesus did not say the passage—it comes from later admirers or a different tradition. (0 Points)

A confidence value was determined from the voting using a weighted average of the points given for each bead; the text was color-coded from red to black (with the same significance as the bead colors) according to the outcome of the voting.[24]




1.赤ビーズ - 投票者がイエスは通路が引用されたと言ったと信じ示さまたは非常通路のようなもの 3ポイント)
2.ピンクビーズ - 投票者は、イエスは、おそらく通過のようなものを言ったと信じ示した 2ポイント)
3.グレービーズ - 投票者は、イエスが通路言わなかったと考えられて示されているが、それはイエスのアイデアが含まれています 1
4.ブラックビーズは - 投票者、イエスが通路、後で賛美者、または異なる伝統から来ていると言っていなかったと考えられて示されている 0ポイント)



Criteria for authenticity

The Jesus Seminar treats the gospels as fallible historical artifacts, containing both authentic and inauthentic material. The Seminar fellows used several criteria for determining whether a particular saying or story is authentic, including the criteria of multiple attestation and embarrassment. Among additional criteria used by the fellows are the following:.[4]

  • Orality: According to current estimates, the gospels weren't written until decades after Jesus' death. Parables, aphorisms, and stories were passed down orally (30 - 50 CE). The fellows judged whether a saying was a short, catchy pericope that could possibly survive intact from the speaker's death until decades later when it was first written down. If so, it's more likely to be authentic. For example, "turn the other cheek".
  • Irony: Based on several important narrative parables (such as the Parable of the Good Samaritan), the fellows decided that irony, reversal, and frustration of expectations were characteristic of Jesus' style. Does a pericope present opposites or impossibilities? If it does, it's more likely to be authentic. For example, "love your enemies".
  • Trust in God: A long discourse attested in three gospels has Jesus telling his listeners not to fret but to trust in the Father. Fellows looked for this theme in other sayings they deemed authentic. For example, "Ask – it'll be given to you".


口述:現在の推計によると、福音書は、イエスの死後何十年までは書かれていませんでした。 - 50 CE30)たとえ、格言、そして物語は、経口的に受け継がれた。フェローは諺はおそらくそれが最初に書き留めた後の数十年になるまで、話者の死から無傷で生き残ることができ、短い、キャッチーな引用章句であったかどうかを判定する。もしそうなら、それは本物である可能性が高いです。たとえば、「他の頬を回し」。
アイロニー:(そのような良きサマリア人のたとえのような)いくつかの重要な物語の寓話をもとに、仲間は皮肉、反転、期待のフラストレーションは、イエスのスタイルの特徴であったことを決めた。引用章句に存在する反対または不可能なことをしていますか?それがないなら、それは本物である可能性が高いです。たとえば、「あなたの敵を愛して "
神への信頼:3福音書で証明長い談話は、イエスが父に信頼するにすぎない心配することなく、彼のリスナーを語っています。フェローは、彼らが本物と認め、他のことわざにこのテーマを探した。たとえば、「質問 - それはあなたに与えられるでしょう」。


Criteria for inauthenticity

The seminar looked for several characteristics that, in their judgment, identified a saying as inauthentic, including self-reference, leadership issues, and apocalyptic themes.[4]

  • Self-reference: Does the text have Jesus referring to himself? For example, "I am the way, and I am the truth, and I am life" (John 14:1-14).
  • Framing Material: Are the verses used to introduce, explain, or frame other material, which might itself be authentic? For example, in Luke, the "red" parable of the good samaritan is framed by scenes about Jesus telling the parable, and the seminar deemed Jesus' framing words in these scenes to be "black".
  • Theological Agenda: Do the verses support an opinion or outlook that is unique to the gospel, possibly indicating redactor bias? For example, the prophecy of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-46) was voted black[clarification needed] because the fellows saw it as representing Matthew's agenda of speaking out against unworthy members of the Christian community.




Example: the beatitudes

The Jesus Seminar rated various beatitudes as red, pink, gray, and black.[4] Three beatitudes are judged to be "paradoxical" and are doubly attested. They are rated red (authentic) as they appear in Luke 6:20-21.[4]

  • Congratulations, you poor! God's domain belongs to you.[4]
  • Congratulations, you hungry! You will have a feast.[4]
  • Congratulations, you who weep now! You will laugh.[4]

The Seminar fellows decided the beatitude for those persecuted in Jesus' name might trace back to Jesus as a beatitude for those who suffer, but concluded that in its final form the saying represents concerns of the Christian community rather than Jesus' message. Thus it received a gray rating.[4]

Matthew's version of the three authentic beatitudes were rated pink. The author has spiritualized two of them, so that they now refer to the poor "in spirit" and to those who hunger "and thirst for justice." Matthew also includes beatitudes for the meek, the merciful, the pure of heart, and peace-makers. These beatitudes have no second attestation, lack irony, and received a black rating.[4]




